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Bilderberg Member "Double-Speaks" to Protestors

Trancecoach says...

Blaming me for the destruction of the planet or whatever else seems... looney, at best.

"I've never met one that wasn't, and I know hundreds of scientists."

Send me (privately) the names and numbers of these hundreds of climate scientists and I'll conduct a survey. Or perhaps you should spend your days debating every single person online... Y'know.. for fun.

The authors of this article (both of them meteorology professors) have better climate science credentials than you do. One even served within the climate group that shared the Nobel prize with Al Gore for climate change advocacy.

(you may have to search for it online if this link does not let you read the full article)

If you really care about climate change, these are the folks you should be debating.. Not me... And not random people on videosift.

Good luck!

"Messrs. McNider and Christy are professors of atmospheric science at the University of Alabama in Huntsville and fellows of the American Meteorological Society. Mr. Christy was a member of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change that shared the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize with former Vice President Al Gore. Mr. Christy was a member of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change that shared the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize with Vice President Al Gore."

Raise up to a higher level

newtboy said:


Pray for Our Survival!

chingalera says...

Oh the humanity and improvisational drama, the raw talent afforded the meek and weary, and those surrounded by peeps less fortunate who must suffer the mundane attributes of the lesser endowed.
We praise these, the tireless and talented harbingers of happiness in small doses who keep any sane, and all afforded sleep.
God bless Mississippi and Arkansas, Alabama and the Carolinias.

109 yd Return on Missed Field Goal Attempt - Auburn to Win

newtboy jokingly says...

An answered prayer...for Auburn, and a rejected prayer for Alabama. Why does it seem no one ever realizes it goes both ways every time?
I sure wish I had the PR that 'God' has. I'd be the most popular president ever without ever working for it just by doing whatever I want, with all failures interpreted as misunderstood successes!

DIY Forge

chingalera says...

Soooo.....why make a tiny forge for a table-top when you could go the short distance further and build a more efficient and safer example?
I trust home-project enthusiasts with this how-to video like I trust an Alabama neighbor with deep-frying a turkey in the driveway next door.

Reporter crushed at football practice

How to (Properly) Eat Sushi

chingalera says...

Writing a novel on a Macbook at a coffee haus sipping a chai mocha?? Duuuuude, that has hipster written all over it!.....A hipster in geek's clothing who eats his sushi like someone form a trailer park in Alabama!!

Is California Becoming A Police State?

chingalera says...

I know my enemies and my friends and allies. I also have become quite deft at disengaging a potentially hind-brained copper from his predictable, robotic license.

My general rule of thumb is polite, courteous, etc.-Keep the robot's heart-rate down, make them feel in control, cooperate.

Sometimes this does not work, especially the further out of the city you travel, constables and sheriffs necks tend to be redder...This is Texas, you must remember and while the pigs of Tennessee, Arkansas, Alabama, Georgia, Carolinas (deep south) are much worse, you still have to factor in asshole-redneck-douchebag.

In the event I get no quarter from a cop who's simply human garbage, I let rip with my assessment, this after I already know I'm going to jail. Every time this has happened incidentally, was for unpaid parking tickets, and once for possession of an oz. of weed, which the prick searched my vehicle about 30 mins. for before he found it....A total piece of shit, this assessed after an attempt at a conversation with the asshole-The cunt risked my life with his driving as well, breaking all speed limits to get me downtown to county, probably because I would not stop verbally assaulting him from the backseat...He deserved all I had and more, the buzz-killing prick who was "JUST DOING HIS JOB."

Here's to all the people who scream "TROLL" whenever someone leaves one remark on a post without returning for a "discussion" (perhaps that's all that one felt needed said to make a simple point?)

@shatterdose "Who typically freaks out? People that are guilty or crazy"-That sounds like a willing herd animal using broad generalizations in favor of a police state.

@arekin-Agreed-I am not implying that I would have handled this scenario any differently-

@bmacs27-All relevant and valid observations-Our distrust, fear and derision of cops in the U.S. comes from conditioning-The so-called, "war on drugs" has been the bane of law enforcement since prohibition, that and CORRUPTION from top to bottom-

@moopysnooze THANK YOU!!?? How much more WILL the cattle take, eh??

arekin said:

And you don't think that this creates more harm than good. If you live with an adversarial relationship with your local police then you have to expect them to treat you in the same fashion. This "authority corrupts" attitude will only lead to it doing so. In my work I deal with people daily. The people who start giving me shit right away are going to get no favors from me. They are going to get the bare minimum of me doing my job and are probably going to be less happy with the experience. The people who are polite and nice get every effort I have to help them. And I don't know what hell hole of a town you live in, but most cops are just trying to get to the end of the day, just like everyone else. I would love to see a case by case scenario where you can provide evidence of a personal experience where a cop abused authority for personal gain. I'd wager that your experience of corrupt cops lies more in the realm of "he turned on his lights to run a red light" and nothing of actual abuses (no running red lights with your lights on is not an abuse of authority).

Most Offensive Jokes Ever. Ever. EVER

Barseps says...

Somebody has actually given that particular sex act a name dude, it's called an "Alabama Hotpocket".

Nope, no idea where it came from

kymbos said:

That first joke by Carr has been floating around for years. I wonder if it's his, or if he just lifts jokes sometimes.

Someone made their Dad really happy for X-Mas

CheshireSmile says...

i don't know why, but this video makes me extremely happy. just seeing how happy it makes him, and knowing his son went through the trouble of getting him those tickets. makes me feel all christmas-happy.

that being said, these men are obviously from alabama, and i will be rooting for notre dame.

Someone made their Dad really happy for X-Mas

Bill O'Reilly is Stupid

MonkeySpank says...

It's horrible how those people @ MIT, Harvard, Yale, Stanford, Apple, Google, Ebay, Microsoft, Facebook, etc. just want things! Those worthless democrats keeping the economy alive are nothing but bloodsucking welfare recipients... If only they'd follow the lead of the republican states like Alabama, and Mississippi, we'd be in a better shape!

Terry Fator on Letterman

Poll of Republicans in Mississippi and Alabama -- TYT

Locque says...

>> ^quantumushroom:

They tried, and had every right to do so. But Lincoln and Friends, right or wrong, waged war to stop them. Now, of course, we have a gigantic, out-of-control federal leviathan, just like the South a-feared. Enjoy!
As for the rest of it, different beliefs for everyone, my friends. It would be nice for the left if the Kenyawaiian had NO ties to islam, but even though these snippets in this video lack context, why do they exist at all?
Obama is likely a closet atheist, but who knows?
Californian idiots keep voting in socialists over and over again even as their economy atrophies and illegal immigration runs rampant. There are actual numbers to demonstrate this, but they conflict with the leftist "belief system".
Intolerance is a staple of the left as much as the right. Same concept, different targets.

>> ^Locque:
If the South wants to secede, I think they should be allowed to do so.

I think equating Chuck Norris and friends' cries for secession in the modern era to the situation in the civil war is kinda silly. It would be like blaming the modern day church for the crusades.

Also, you seem to realise claims that he's a muslim are completely fucking stupid, but you are extremely consistent in refusing the acknowledge the wrongs of the right (I've been reading your posts for years dude, old hat)

I think it's fallacious to accuse the left of being as intolerant as the right. There is an unbelievable history among the left of idiocy, hypocrisy, failure, and all that other good stuff, but racism and bigotry are absolutely the territory of the right. Fascistic political correctness and a refusal to acknowledge existing problems are more the political left's tools of the trade.

On the whole though, i feel chuffed. Does being on the receiving end of one of QM's posts mean I've arrived? WILL VIDEOSIFT NOTICE ME NOW?

Poll of Republicans in Mississippi and Alabama -- TYT

quantumushroom says...

They tried, and had every right to do so. But Lincoln and Friends, right or wrong, waged war to stop them. Now, of course, we have a gigantic, out-of-control federal leviathan, just like the South a-feared. Enjoy!

As for the rest of it, different beliefs for everyone, my friends. It would be nice for the left if the Kenyawaiian had NO ties to islam, but even though these snippets in this video lack context, why do they exist at all?

Obama is likely a closet atheist, but who knows?

Californian idiots keep voting in socialists over and over again even as their economy atrophies and illegal immigration runs rampant. There are actual numbers to demonstrate this, but they conflict with the leftist "belief system".

Intolerance is a staple of the left as much as the right. Same concept, different targets.

>> ^Locque:

If the South wants to secede, I think they should be allowed to do so.

jubuttib (Member Profile)

alien_concept says...

In reply to this comment by jubuttib:
Nah, I try to stay away from submitting stuff, I might get competitive and the last thing I need nowadays is more time spent on youtube. =)
In reply to this comment by alien_concept: You should submit it then : I've seen him live, he's definitely my favourite, he has this presence you just can't explain unless you're in the same room. He is just incredibly intelligent, you come away feeling like you've really learnt something.
In reply to this comment by jubuttib:
>> ^alien_concept:

>> ^Payback:
>> ^Fletch:
Never even heard of this guy until someone posted a vid of him last week. He's funny.

An Alabama Negro in Queen Fry's Court

I don't know what you mean but he's from Georgia

He meant to say "Albany Negro".

Anyway, just watched that whole show, and by the time he got to the Sex and the City 2 stuff he was in my top 3 favorite stand ups. The final bit about his father though pushed him straight to number one.

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