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2009 Presidential Inauguration Liveblog (Politics Talk Post)

Farhad2000 says...

>> ^kulpims:
ah, fuck it. all this... it means nothing to me. words he spoke out, I've heard it all before, from the mouths of fallen heroes in a country that is no more. economic and social decline, hyperinflation, elitism, corruption, nationalism, patriotism, war, ...empty rhetoric; dictionaries exhausted of words to describe the depths of emotions that ran through them... all bullshit, as it turned out.

I agree. But realistically what could he have said?

Americans love over congratulating themselves, some kind of net psychological tick that needs to always preserve American naivete about their situation and posture in the world.

I loved how they mentioned the peaceful transition of power, as if in other nations there is no peaceful transitions of power.

Rhetoric to the masses to give them a inkling of hope. Almost everything he mentioned will take close to a year and to 2 years to actually formulate as a credible effect. Yet people expect things to resolve now, even Obama's advisers are trying to minimize the expectations. But you know you can't. Look for loads of videos and blogs whining about Change not being that.

I hope the political involvement and participation generated over the last 8 years doesn't seep away with Obama's presidency. Because it is one thing to believe a candidates promises and another to make sure he follows them through. Obama has a unprecedented support politically and domestically, he can do alot, but he has to have the balls to actually do it.

I don't know if he will. I hope he will but hope is not actual policy.

2009 Presidential Inauguration Liveblog (Politics Talk Post)

kulpims says...

ah, fuck it. all this... it means nothing to me. words he spoke out, I've heard it all before, from the mouths of fallen heroes in a country that is no more. economic and social decline, hyperinflation, elitism, corruption, nationalism, patriotism, war, ...empty rhetoric; dictionaries exhausted of words to describe the depths of emotions that ran through them... all bullshit, as it turned out. lesson I got from it all was: you can always trust a politician to be exactly that. to have expectations beyond this simple fact, is just fucking with your own head. i don't feel elated by this show of last throes of The American Dream™. the most accurate short description of what I felt watching this is a kind of sorrow for what has happened to the american ideals, to the image the whole world (me included) was masturbating to for the past decades. i love you all, my american friends, but you're mostly blind to what is happening right now. i recommend a quick beer+jagermeister therapy at your favourite watering hole - nothing makes you see reality in higher definition than a bad hangover

Knock Knock

Random Observations pertaining to 9/11 by Malcolm Gladwell

peggedbea says...

>> ^rougy:

When western powers start leaving the Middle East alone, the Middle East will have less reason to "terrorize" the West.
Almost all of the so-called terrorists in Iraq aren't out to destroy America, they are out to remove the American occupation from their homeland.
We must try to imagine our roles reversed. Imagine your city or town controlled by Iraqi soldiers who suspected you of murder and neither understood, nor really cared to understand, your language or culture.

but terrorism/jihad has been a tool long before we invaded iraq. infact iraqis were not really players in the terror game until we invaded. so yes, in the case of the insurgents in iraq, its certainly a "get the fuck out of our country you american pig". but outside of that and long before that its been a tool to exploit the poor to do the bidding of the fanatical. and its worldwide. like an al queda cell attacked a small fishing village in the phillipines (that my friends wife and baby live in) and decapitated 4 people about 2 months ago. ... and speaking of propaganda machines.. why dont we hear about this in the us?

but you are right, we need to get of their country, rethink our position on israel, denounce the war on terror as an excuse for abuse after extensive abuse, and focus our efforts towards a war on poverty... or maybe not a war... maybe a... "poverty conflict" or... "military social agenda"? .. ah fuck it.. wed just screw it up anyway.

TF2: Xbox360 (Videogames Talk Post)

How To Do The YES Dance

Cute Kitten almost falls asleep! (omg soooo cute)

MINK (Member Profile)

qruel says...

or for showing your displeasure with polls :-)

In reply to this comment by MINK:
comment voting is only good for flagging karaidl's comments.

every other effect is negative.

and karaidl was funny and findable long before comment voting was introduced anyway.

JAPR, ah fuck i can't be bothered typing. i'll just downvote.
*flame @ JAPR etc. you are a poopy pants.

Least helpful/ Most hated comments. (Sift Talk Post)

MINK says...

comment voting is only good for flagging karaidl's comments.

every other effect is negative.

and karaidl was funny and findable long before comment voting was introduced anyway.

JAPR, ah fuck i can't be bothered typing. i'll just downvote.
*flame @ JAPR etc. you are a poopy pants.

Catholic High School Girls in Trouble

leeweek says...

now that i got THAT out of my system...... ah fuck it...
ah.... yes, adult humor from ... before i was born.... scary.

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