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What does MS Paint sound like?

Stingray says...

Info from YT submitter:

Just made a really weird and awesome discovery.

If you import an EXE file into an audio program as audio data, you hear all kinds of cool stuff. The most awesome by far for me was MS Paint.

It's probably one of the coolest things I've ever heard form something like this. All I did to the audio was master it slightly to make it sound less harsh to the ears, as well as remove a long section of noise.

This is the Windows 7 x64 edition of mspaint.exe. I used Adobe Audition to import and edit the audio, but one could jsut as easily use Audacity's "import Raw Data" feature. I imported this as 8-bit, 22050hz stereo audio. I faded in the beginning, as well as removing a long section of noise part of the way through.

Charlie Sheen Says He's 'Not Bipolar but 'Bi-Winning'

Homeless man with 'golden radio voice' gets his chance

INSANELY fast PCI express solid state hard drive.

Simply THE most realistic CGI I've EVER seen!

westy says...

>> ^Engels:

So, assuming its real (why not), why would someone spend the resources to render fruit and rocks. It just seems a rather odd and frankly, boring choice.

because to get these sorts of shots with a camera requires , meticulousness set up and loads of time doing things repeatedly to get the end result. If you are an animator or have moderate industry exsperance with doing comercail 3d work this sort of thing is probably faster to do in CG than with a camera. it depends on your skill set and equipment to hand as to which approach you would take.

stuff like the water effects and fluid physics are easer to do with software (if you have a very specific desired result) and there are many plug ins that will do a good job of this.

People are over hyping the technicality of modaling and texturing and rendering these objects , its really not that hard to model texture and animate this stuff (if you work in 3d day to day) the key things the guy has got spot on are lighting , composition and editing.

If you are intrestead in general CG stuff check out
also check out 3ds max , XSI , blender , cinima 4d and Adobe After Effects CS5.

Virus ad banners (Viral Talk Post)

Virus ad banners (Viral Talk Post)

I just bought a HTC Legend - any tips? (Geek Talk Post)

bleedmegood says...

apps: aldiko (book reader)
barcode scanner (in addition to google goggles)
buzz feed
camera 360(nifty fx)
groove shark
flixster movies(reviews and such)
Adobe PDF viewer
Reddit is Fun
Shazam (music search)
Thinking Space (Mind Mapper) (streaming shows)
Zedge (ringtones and wallpapers)

Edit: If you're running froyo (ver 2.2),don't use an task killer...they use up more battery life then they save and just create a giant
cluster fuck....

<><> (Blog Entry by blankfist)

Farhad2000 says...

HTML5 can do what Flash did about 10 years ago. The standard is catching up but the implementation is all over as each browser is falling over each other to implement shit faster.

Adobe already demonstrated a Flash to HTML5 smart paste functionality in DW5.

How Obama became our second Muslim President...

<><> (Blog Entry by blankfist)

blankfist says...

@kronosposeidon, only time will tell whether html5 will replace Flash. The plus for html5 is it's open source which allows for a huge amount of people to contribute to the development of the actual platform, unlike Adobe. However Flash has been around for a long time and continues to innovate. It's hard to say at the moment.

@dag, au contrair, mon ami. You don't have to pay a penny to download FlashDevelop or Eclipse and add the Flex SDK. That's about as open source as it gets. And Flash introduced a new XML based .XFL file, which is a folder structure with assets and text documents. You may need Flash CS5 to compile it still; that I don't know. But, it appears to allow for open source editing of the files.

One thing no one has mentioned is how integrated the Adobe products are, so you can go between things like After Effects and Flash. You can import layered PSDs to each. You can't do any of that with html 5. I think most people who don't use Flash see it only as a web platform, but it's always been more.

@budzos, I agree with you. You shouldn't feel obligated to give an autograph to anyone. However, this was the grand opening of the Apple Store on 5th Avenue, which implies that Jobs is there for PR. Whether signing autographs for fans is healthy for PR or not is up to debate.

<><> (Blog Entry by blankfist)

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

What part of "magic and revolutionary" don't you understand Blankfist?

Steve Jobs is by all accounts a real asshole. I still like the products. Not because it's cool, trendy or makes me feel superior. I like it because it works best for me. I agree with @kronosposeidon that HTML5 and other open technologies will eventually supplant the stopgap that is Flash.

Google is pushing it themselves with their recent in browser game project for Chrome. They give faint praise to Adobe and talk about Flash collaboration, but I don't think there is love in the heart of the Google hacker for proprietary Flash. I do realize that the compiled .SWF format is kind of open- but the .FLA most definitely is not - am I right? I know there are some 3rd party tools that can compile SWF like Swift3D, but Adobe has a stranglehold on a "complete" authoring tool for Flash- and intends to keep it. Open indeed.

And just because I'm feeling cantankerous - I'll let Trip Hawkins put some icing on this cake - in a post aimed at professional developers who would actually like to make some money off their creations.

Ubuntu Netbook Advert

ForgedReality says...

>> ^shogunkai:

I dunno, I prefer it over Windows. Maybe it's because I love to tinker, but I haven't had any real problems with it at all (nothing I haven't caused...). It's changed a lot lately, and there is much more support for it now then there used to be. Ubuntu also has a great community.
>> ^ForgedReality:
Beautifully done, but it's a shame that Ubuntu, or any flavor of Linux for that matter, just don't work quite as well as shown here. It's a tinkerer's OS, because it requires a lot of tinkering just to get it running smoothly. And even then, there's no guarantees.
Plus there's not a lot that can be done with it since it doesn't really have the vendor support of Windows. Sure, you can watch movies, listen to music, check your email, and browse the internet, but how much real FUN can you have with it? At least when applications aren't crashing or giving nondescript error messages.
Don't get me wrong, Ubuntu Linux is one of the most powerful operating systems around. It's just not ready for mainstream.

I, too, love to tinker. As an operating system, I prefer it over anything else. I used it for years. However, until it reaches the level of Windows as far as vendor support goes (and I'm not talking about opensource stuff), then it can never really replace it for me. When I used it, I had to keep my system as dual-boot, because I would often require Windows.

As a designer, not being able to use Adobe applications such as Illustrator, Photoshop, Flash, etc. is a huge downside. Also, as a gamer, well, you're extremely limited on that front as well.

In any other arena, Linux is very, very powerful. It just lacks a lot of usability that I require. Fill those needs, and it would easily become my sole operating system.

How to Deal with the Police (part 1 of 4)

longde says...

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John Wathen: Gulf Oil Spill Leaves Horror in Its Wake

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