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there is a new party in town called the justice democrats

enoch says...

i guess i am in a way.
i have seen bob break away from his ideologues to promote his own i know he is capable of defying the monolithic demagogue machinery.

i mean,just the other day he posted a video from secular talk,which is a liberal talk show and is a founding member of justice democrats.

now the video he posted was most likely to promote his own criticism that democrats are greedy little big money addicts,which is not an inaccurate accusation,but i found it odd that he posted a video from a founding member of justice democrats and yet down voted a video---promoting justice democrats.

i want to know how he is reconciling this obvious disparity.

newtboy said:

Clearly the latter. Why even ask? Are you just trying to see if he even realises it?

there is a new party in town called the justice democrats

enoch says...

you literally just repeated things that i,and pretty much everyone on the sift already know.

and has NOTHING to do with what i was asking.

i stated,quite clearly,that on a philosophical and political level,you would disagree with the justice democrats.there is no confusion here,and no reason for you to have gone down the line the things you disagree with.

the question i asked is how is the justice democrats breaking away from the dominant corporate democrats any different from the tea party breaking away from the mainstream republicans?

hint:there is no difference.

i may disagree with the tea party on many political issues,but i admired and respected their integrity to challenge the monolithic political domination of the republican party.even though i may disagree with them start their own branch WITHIN the republican party.

which is exactly what the justice democrats are doing.

the main reason why i asked is because you down-voted THIS video promoting the justice democrats,and yet had posted a video by kyle,from secular talk and who is a founding member of the justice democrats.criticizing the corporate democrats for their addiction to big campaign donors.

so i appreciate that you took the time to check out their platform,but are we really surprised that you disagree with the majority of what they are trying to accomplish?

of course not,which is why my question was not "do you agree with the justice democrats?"

because you down-voting this video,promoting justice democrats,and then posting a video FROM the justice democrats is a tad confusing.

i was really just asking you to clarify.

do you respect and admire a grass roots movement within the democratic party that seeks to challenge the status quo? even though you may disagree politically?

or are you SO partisan that anything that has "democrat" in the label is automatically to be admonished,criticized and ultimately ridiculed?

bonus question:were you aware the video you posted was from a founding member of justice democrats?

i guess i am just trying to understand,because the downvote along with you posting a video from the very people you just downvoted is philosophically inconsistent.

90s Anti-Drug Ad Gets A Redo - Your Brain On Drug Policy

90s Anti-Drug Ad Gets A Redo - Your Brain On Drug Policy

ChaosEngine says...

Heroin is not the problem.


cloudballoon said:

Never saw the original, thanks eric3579 for the link. It's good that she did the redo for a different purpose. But please don't negate the original message though. Heroin is still bad.

90s Anti-Drug Ad Gets A Redo - Your Brain On Drug Policy

If we treated cancer patients the way we treat addicts

Syntaxed says...

How ridiculous. There is no excuse for widespread drug addiction in society. To insinuate that it is not society's responsibility to maintain a drug free culture, that it is somehow natural to procure an addiction to drugs in preposterous.

There is a very viable excuse for cancer, that is, it is a naturally occurring affliction. It is preventable in some cases, mitigable in others, but overall, it is unavoidable for those who develop it.

This video is an insult to anyone of reasonable intelligence, it is an insult to those inflicted with cancer, and is an injustice to those in society battling drug abuse epidemics in major cities across the globe.

If we treated cancer patients the way we treat addicts

transmorpher says...

This was obviously made by someone that's never worked with drug addicts, and has a idealistic view on the issue.

Normally when you aren't familiar with a certain demographic it's easy to judge and be dismissive of their issues. But once you get to know them and their struggles, you become more sympathetic, and you start seeing them as individuals. You find you have quite a lot in-common, and your prejudices are dropped.

Well for drug addicts (and alcoholics to an extent), it's the complete opposite.

If we treated cancer patients the way we treat addicts

Jinx says...

It tricky innit.

I do think addiction is disease, but I think it must be exhausting to love somebody with an addiction, so I do feel this video comes across as a bit callous.

ChaosEngine said:


To be fair, addicts do bear some responsibility for their disease (although you could make the same argument for some cancer sufferers, e.g. smokers).

But even if they got the disease in a moment of vulnerability, that's still no reason to treat them the way we do.

If we treated cancer patients the way we treat addicts

ChaosEngine says...


To be fair, addicts do bear some responsibility for their disease (although you could make the same argument for some cancer sufferers, e.g. smokers).

But even if they got the disease in a moment of vulnerability, that's still no reason to treat them the way we do.

Everything We Think We Know About Addiction Is Wrong

If we treated cancer patients the way we treat addicts

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