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TPM: Speechless

California Supreme Court Overturns Same-Sex Marriage Ban

jwray says...

>> ^choggie:
The ninth circuit is NOT an example of the process at work for anything more than agenda, bias, power and influence.....follow the $$$, hunny-Look at their track record-At face value, a lot of what they, lawyers for the ACLU, hell, The United Nations(oxymoronic) do, looks great. One has to look at the inception, evolution, and effects of what they actually accomplish, to see that the sandwich, with fresh, whole grain bread and veggies hangin' out to make you approach it, eyes-agape and mouth-watering....contains a shitburger served cold under all the dressing...
Code Pink,, perhaps in their ranks, some well-meaning and no doubt thoughtful souls in their ranks, but agian, these folks tend not to understand the true mechanisms of what shaped their agendas, their virulent distaste for universal truths and ideals...nor could most of them work a shovel, change a tire, grow their own food or wipe their own asses without a choice between plys, scents, embossing and colors.
But hey man, Howard the Duck and Lord Whorfin, FTW, we all helped to make this world what it has become, a big chessboard on which a few influential, toxic, and un-human people play-
Now to the homosexuals-"Do what thou wilt, shall be the whole of the law."-Crowley

Mind backing up any of your accusations with references?

California Supreme Court Overturns Same-Sex Marriage Ban

choggie says...

The ninth circuit is NOT an example of the process at work for anything more than agenda, bias, power and influence.....follow the $$$, hunny-Look at their track record-At face value, a lot of what they, lawyers for the ACLU, hell, The United Nations(oxymoronic) do, looks great. One has to look at the inception, evolution, and effects of what they actually accomplish, to see that the sandwich, with fresh, whole grain bread and veggies hangin' out to make you approach it, eyes-agape and mouth-watering....contains a shitburger served cold under all the dressing...
Code Pink,, perhaps in their ranks, some well-meaning and no doubt thoughtful souls in their ranks, but agian, these folks tend not to understand the true mechanisms of what shaped their agendas, their virulent distaste for universal truths and ideals...nor could most of them work a shovel, change a tire, grow their own food or wipe their own asses without a choice between plys, scents, embossing and colors.

But hey man, Howard the Duck and Lord Whorfin, FTW, we all helped to make this world what it has become, a big chessboard on which a few influential, toxic, and un-human people play-

Now to the homosexuals-"Do what thou wilt, shall be the whole of the law."-Crowley

Campaign contributions - here's what I don't get. (Politics Talk Post)

drattus says...

Wish I'd caught this thread when it started, it's a subject I'm interested in.

dgandhi touched on the biggest problem with the "corporations are persons" line, that's about half of the problem. The other half is a Supreme Court decision called Buckley v. Valeo, 424 U.S. 1 (1976), better known as money equals speech though many argue with that interpretation.

A bit of info on what we're dealing with can be found at the following two links. The first is the text of Joel Gora, professor of law at Brooklyn law school, in a presentation to the Committee on Rules and Administration in 2000. He offers some insight into how the law is applied though I don't agree with him in every case that it's being applied properly.

Second is Ira Glasser of the ACLU presenting arguments for the same committee on the same issue with some other perspectives on what it all means.

In short it's a mess and open to a lot of interpretation, a decent part of the problem I think stems from the Buckley v. Valeo decision itself and we'll need to revisit that at the highest level, Supreme Court again or Federal law which clarifies the existing decision, before anything can be settled let alone will be. Reform has been tried and as often as not ruled to be unconstitutional due to that decision. Where it's not unconstitutional it seems ineffective instead.

I Have Only Five Words For You

Obama's Pastor: "God Damn America!"

dmaze says...

You want to talk about controversial pastor talk? Try these on for size:

"If you're not a born-again Christian, you're a failure as a human being."

"AIDS is not just God's punishment for homosexuals; it is God's punishment for the society that tolerates homosexuals."

"The idea that religion and politics don't mix was invented by the Devil to keep Christians from running their own country."

"Good Christians, like slaves and soldiers, ask no questions."

"The Jews are returning to their land of unbelief. They are spiritually blind and desperately in need of their Messiah and Savior."

"I really believe that the pagans, and the abortionists, and the feminists, and the gays and the lesbians who are actively trying to make that an alternative lifestyle, the ACLU, People For the American Way, all of them who have tried to secularize America. I point the finger in their face and say 'you helped [9/11] happen.'"

Jerry Falwell spewed all this ridiculous bullshit for years. McCain had spoken out against Falwell but reconciled when it was to his political advantage. So now which do you think is the more blameworthy candidate?

Christianity and Atheism in the United States (Religion Talk Post)

Did this Drama Queen Deserve to be Tasered? (6:34 min)

MarineGunrock says...

Wow, Justinianrex. Wow. 1) Tasers do NOT hurt that bad. Yeah, it fucking hurts. It fucking hurts until they stop firing. Then the pain is IMMEDIATELY gone. You'd rather have (possibly) broken bones or be sore for the nest two weeks? Whatever, dude. 2)Don't talk about pain until you've been sprayed with O.C. or some shit that actually has lasting pain. Ever felt like your face was on fire for two and a half hours? Yeah, didn't think so.

That being said, He had every right to tase her. Yes, non-compliance does equal dangerous. For all he knows, there is a knife or gun in the car.
And she's a bitch. He tased her once and she screamed for an hour. The pain is gone as soon as the taser shuts off. Tasers are not violent, sammax unless they are used with malice. They are a compliance tool.

The simple fact of the matter is that no matter what tools police have, people will always bitch about them, even if the use is totally justified. I don't think the ACLU will be happy until the police start dealing with criminals by dumping a box of kittens in the car or throwing teddy bears at them.

Lucky: the answer is yes.

Can´t tase this! - Remix

MarineGunrock says...

^Whoa whoa whoa! Easy now!
1) It's not brutal. Getting hit with a night stick is brutal.
2) He did commit a crime. He was asked to leave and openly refused. He then proceeded to cause a ruckus, which in the legal land is also known as "disturbing the peace."
3) After disturbing said peace, he refused to submit to arrest. Even the ACLU tells people that when they are being arrested, even if they think it's bullshit, to comply.
4) After refusing to comply, he was told that he was going to be tased.
5) He still refused to comply, so he got tased.

Would you rather the cops beat him into submission, or tase him?

So yes, those people were supposed to stand by and do nothing. Trying to stop the officers would have been obstruction of justice.
Since when is breaking the law oppression?
I'm just glad that you think it's fucked up for an officer to do his job, but it's cool to have a mob assault and possibly kill police officers.

Cop gone wild- Lying and making threats just part of his job

bamdrew says...

"We all recognize the need for effective law enforcement, but we should also understand our own rights and responsibilities -- especially in our relationships with the police. Everyone, including minors, has the right to courteous and respectful police treatment.

If your rights are violated, don't try to deal with the situation at the scene. You can discuss the matter with an attorney afterwards, or file a complaint with the Internal Affairs or Civilian Complaint Board. "


a nice 'Know Your Rights' link, shared in the related digg comments.

Why so many people dislike the police

Scary dramatization of ordering pizza in the future

UCLA Professor vs Preacher

grspec says...

Nicely done, I have seen the light, and because of your outstanding and provocative logic, I'm going to become a card-carrying liberal and join the ACLU.

p.s. Profs deal with confrontation all the time, some just deal with it better than others. If you ever make it to college, you'll see this in action.

So instead of debating you just result to name calling and insults? Typical for someone who really has no firm ground from which to speak from.

UCLA Professor vs Preacher

BillOreilly says...

"And BO, your really need to get a grip on reality, they are not the reason the country is going down the toilet, you can thank your pal president bush for that."

Nicely done, I have seen the light, and because of your outstanding and provocative logic, I'm going to become a card-carrying liberal and join the ACLU.

p.s. Profs deal with confrontation all the time, some just deal with it better than others. If you ever make it to college, you'll see this in action.

CNN panel discussion slandering atheists!

jwray says...

Their panelists are all idiots, all christian or jewish zealots, and all bigots.
An ACLU lawyer would have been a great choice for one position on the panel.
They don't even mention the fact that the pledge and the currency didn't contain the word God until McCarthyism of the 1950s. I wrote a research paper about McCarthyism. It's the closest this country has ever come to the brink of fascism.

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