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newtboy (Member Profile)

siftbot says...

Congratulations! Your video, Geyser Explodes In Yellowstone National Park, has reached the #1 spot in the current Top 15 New Videos listing. This is a very difficult thing to accomplish but you managed to pull it off. For your contribution you have been awarded 2 Power Points.

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newtboy (Member Profile)

How The Dinosaurs Actually Died

newtboy says...

“Witnesses”? 😂 I have some questions for them.

There’s actually more evidence the asteroid wasn’t the major dinosaur killer…the KT boundary layer, created by the asteroid dust and charcoal from global fires is NOT full of dinosaur bones. If one event killed 75% of species and 95% of all biomass, that geological layer would be absolutely full of fossils, but it’s not…it’s nearly empty, but the layers preceding it show a steady decline in animal populations long before the final death blow.

Yellowstone, the American super volcano, is overdue for a similarly disastrous eruption.
Our grasp of volcanology is far too tenuous to claim we would have a million years of warning before a similar major eruption. We might get no warning at all. Surprise eruptions aren’t abnormal even with all our monitoring…and the strength of eruptions is almost always a surprise.

The acidification of the ocean that preceded the other climate-caused extinction events is occurring today. Once diatoms and plankton can no longer create their exoskeletons the ocean food web dissolves, then the land food web dissolves, then clouds of hydrogen gas start erupting from the deep ocean when bacteria consume the billions of tons of dead ocean life, further poisoning the oceans and atmosphere. Yes, that will likely take hundreds or even thousands of years to play out, but the food webs are already falling apart from other pressures before the plankton even fails. Interesting unprecedented times are ahead.

The Death Couloir - Mont Blanc

StukaFox says...

No, I'm all in favor of Morons--

However, I'm not in favor of the amazing people in SAR putting their lives on the line to recover the smears lefts on rocks that used to be these people. Living in WA, we have a lot of "really wants to kill you" wilderness here, including North Cascades Nat'l Park and Olympic Nat'l Park. Every single year, someone's predated body needs to be pulled out of the middle of one of these places by either a helo crew or the poor bastards who have to hike a bazillion miles to pack out what's left of Chuckles.

The number of SAR people who've died here is sobering. Every single one of them could have just walked away, but they went into danger's way to save people too stupid to save themselves. Sometimes their reward is to be spit on, like the ranger at Yellowstone who was berated by the father of a kid who dived into a hot spring after his dog (by "kid", I mean adult kid, not Timmy). The father wanted his kid's body recovered, no matter what. The ranger had to explain that the kid completely dissolved about five minutes after he fell in. The father then refused to speak to the ranger any further.

This shit doesn't happen in a vacuum. Someone's going to have to look at these human bird droppings and see that shit in their sleep for the rest of their lives.

newtboy said:

No problem whatsoever with waivers. Are you worried that too many brain dead slugs will Darwin themselves? Why? Do you foresee some future shortage of morons?

What Happens If Yellowstone Blows Up Tomorrow?

newtboy says...

Crap. I wanted to like this video.
Unfortunately this starts with bad information and gets worse...claiming Yellowstone is the largest super volcano....but Yellowstone's biggest eruption was 2,800 km3 almost 9000000 years ago.... Toba in Sumatra erupted 13,200 km3 only 75000 years ago. The most recent Yellowstone eruption was around 640000 years ago and only 1000km3.
Even Taupo ejected 1170km3 in that last super eruption, far more than Yellowstone's most recent.

Where did they get the idea that an ash cloud would spread in every direction evenly?! It's just wrong. The ash cloud would be blown East by upper atmospheric winds...eventually circling the globe but not expanding to the West very far....just like previous eruptions did.

They mention America going abroad to get food in such an event, then go on to mention global dimming, temperature drops, and sulfur contamination damaging crops...but don't put the two together. In such an event, no country on earth could feed it's own population, much less have a surplus to sell to the worst hit area, America. In 1815, the year without a summer caused world wide famine, epidemics, and a halt to shipping because winter ice packs remained through the summer in many places, and crop failures and epidemics continued for years afterwards. That eruption was only 160–213km3 and there were under 1 billion people to feed on the planet.
A large Yellowstone eruption would be 4-10 times that size, with effects being worse and lasting longer, and there are around 8 times as many mouths to feed.
The largest eruption we know of was nearly 100 times the size of Tambora in 1815....and wasn't Yellowstone.

Edit: let's not forget the disruption to airlines for possibly years and interference with satellite signals like we've never experienced....and what does that sulphur do to an already acidic ocean?

I want to know his sources, because they don't jibe with historical records.

Trump Rushes Back to Fox After Disastrous Axios Interview

newtboy says...

I like that the first try was "Yo-Semite" and the second was "Yo-Semen-ite" conflating his two favorite activities...being racist and raw dogging porn stars while his wife is pregnant. It sure sounded like he thinks Old Faithful is in Yosemite. Who else thinks he believes it's Jellystone instead of Yellowstone national park?

Enthusiasm gap?! WTF is that? He knows that no matter how enthusiastic they might be, they can only vote once...right? Probably not, I bet at least once before the election we will see him suggesting it's ok for his supporters to try to vote twice, especially when he finds out it's not illegal for him to suggest, just immoral and anti-American, neither of which is a problem for him.

Come on @bobknight33, don't you want to shout about how Biden has dementia? Don't you want to call calling Trump out for not having the ability to speak, remember names, and understand graphs fake news followed by a clip of Biden flubbing some words?

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

siftbot says...

Congratulations! Your video, Bison Stampede Yellowstone, has reached the #1 spot in the current Top 15 New Videos listing. This is a very difficult thing to accomplish but you managed to pull it off. For your contribution you have been awarded 2 Power Points.

This achievement has earned you your "Golden One" Level 451 Badge!

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

Man taunts bison in Yellowstone National Park

brycewi19 (Member Profile)

mintbbb (Member Profile)

Cliven Bundy Shares Some Peculiar Views

Yogi says...

Apparently you can't read. They sent Armed Men, after trying to get him to pay several times and after he threatened them with his guns. Maybe you missed that but when Bundy says he and his wife have guns and they're going to "do what needs to be done" they're not talking about Gardening.

Bundy no matter that he's a racist has acted improperly. He is Stealing food for his cattle, even Glen Beck has people paying him Grazing fees for his land. Also the fact that he hasn't paid taxes in 20 years.

He hasn't paid taxes yet still benefits from the government, most specifically there would be NOTHING in Nevada if it wasn't for Big Government Projects like say the Freeway system or The Hoover Fucking Dam.

These Militias certainly aren't in the right, hell they planned to put women and children in front of them so the government would shoot them first. Mighty brave, I think Al Queada uses the same tactic. They're not crazy, maybe a little off, but they're certainly not right about this.

The government isn't assfucking people by protecting land and charging for grazing. It's perfectly reasonable, otherwise you can be the first asshole to start dumping oil all over Yellowstone National Park.

chingalera said:

Marching in lock-step to your demise, child. Your comments on this matter read like a dutiful slave to your own oblivion.

One of the things no one has even cared to mention about this event is that the federal government, enforcing a civil affair (non-payment of grazing fees) sent armed swat teams to enforce the matter. The citizens of the United States who chose to show up in support of Bundy (a dumb-ass for the shit he's said of late, that the media has completely used to distract the putties with racism being an opportunistic side-issue in this entire debacle), who did so with guns as well-were within their rights to do so, breaking no laws. For this, they are called all manner of names and labeled as agitants, crazies,etc., by people without a clue as to how they are being ass-fucked.

The media, an arm of the state's machine, focuses upon this and continually pumps their brand of newsspeak, loaded language (like newtboy here repeats and foments to his own audience of parrots), and in doing so guides the story in a direction that further ignores facts while blatantly promoting the further erosion of individual rights under the constitution in favor of bigger, stronger, more restrictive government.

We are going to see more and more of this in the coming decade, as well as more people who favor the cozy protection of government control over individual responsibilities and accountability.

JustSaying (Member Profile)

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How Wolves Changed Yellowstone National Park

TheFreak jokingly says...

Still, the wolves need to be removed from Yellowstone. Don't forget the monetary impact to ranchers surrounding the park. The financial aspirations of humans need to be put above nature.

Something like, less than 1% of livestock in 3 states surrounding the park has been killed by wolves. Think about the ranchers. They're people and deserve to live free of the negative impact of nature. Just because you live in the domain of wolves and the wild, doesn't mean you should feel the impact of it. Unless it's the humans doing the hunting of course...I mean, that's what living free in the wilderness is all about.

Bear Steals an Entire Dumpster

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