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bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Fox producer Abby Grossberg has just filed two lawsuits, one for hostile work environment/sexual discrimination and one alleging Fox lawyers encouraged her to commit perjury under oath in her deposition for the Dominion case….and now they’ve got Smartmatic too.
Not good when, before the trials start, the defendant’s witnesses say they committed perjury at the direction of the defendant and the entire defense is based on perjury, but that’s exactly where Fox is today. Enjoy!

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

You should meet yourself.

You don’t post those anymore (you used to until I beat you up over ridiculous lies and suppositions about Biden with proven facts about Trump, once again proving the accusation is an admission) because there’s absolutely zero evidence of any such thing, but tons and tons of payoffs, multiple unreported hidden secret foreign Trump “bribe me here” accounts including but not limited to unreported accounts in Azerbaijan, Brazil, Canada, China, Dominican Republic, Georgia, Grenada, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, Mexico, Panama, Philippines, Puerto Rico, Qatar, South Korea, Saint Martin, Saint Vincent, Turkey, United Arab Emirates and United Kingdom, actual trades and offers to trade personal payments/favors to Trump/fam for stolen top secret classified documents PROVEN against Trump, and multiple actual trials against him for criminal abuses of office, absolutely nothing against Biden besides ridiculous whining liars, like you.

I would say you should stop looking stupid, but you are what you are…with you it’s not a “look”.

Everything I posted is fact, court filings and actual reporting of what those involved said (with no opinion added).
Remember, you recently posted gleefully about the one Democrat ACCUSED of having child porn…no conviction there…why jump the gun? Why can’t you ever wait until news is “real”….or is the definition of “real” or the “rule” different for you than everyone else…or can you dish it out but are way too thin skinned to take it? *ding ding ding ding

Tell me what isn’t legit. I double dog dare you….can’t call you a tool, tools are useful. You are a fool, and a willing one.

I know you wish I would stop rubbing your party’s constant, unbelievable, history making criminality in your face daily…but more is prosecuted and more are convicted daily, more top Republicans are convicted in $60 million bribery schemes, more go on the run from the law daily, more terrorist Maggots are fleeing to Belarus and Russia to avoid extradition daily. Certainly you want to know what your team is up to/dragging you into.

bobknight33 said:

You are the most gullible person I know.

Biden /China/ Ukraine payoffs are more legit story. I dont post those because nothing has yet to come of those.

Quit looking stupid and just wait for reality to catch up to the fake news --- IE post when news is real.

Till then just stop begin a blind tool.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Oof. The Access Hollywood tape and his other victims CAN testify in Trump’s sexual assault case. He’s going to lose.

He’s also filed his defense in the Stormy Daniels case….he’s just going to deny it happened and claim he paid her for absolutely no reason (unlike many other public accusers that he didn’t pay). He’s also going to blame his lawyers, claiming he had nothing to do with the payoffs despite the undeniable proof he did and exactly how they tried to hide it.

He, and his parking lot lawyer, don’t seem to even understand the charges….that he lied about the payments and filed campaign finance documents where he lied about them under oath, making it a felony. They have offered no defense for that…the actual charges.

He’s going to lose the $250 million case in NY too, and he doesn’t have it.

Diaper Don is going to prison (unless he flees to Belarus like so many other maggots). Your sad little cult is rapidly becoming a jail house cult. Ultra Maga extremists can’t decide which crazy conspiracy theory to believe, and are starting to see how nuts the rest of you are. The infighting is delicious. The tears are so yummy. It couldn’t happen to a more deserving crowd.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

I’m confused….what does that have to do with the traitor Ashley Babbitt?

I engage with stupid because no one else will talk to you, pumpkin. 😉
You have no point, you can’t answer any questions or stay on topic for one paragraph, and you don’t know anything besides what OAN and Glen Beck tells you…and you’re too embarrassed of it’s stupidity to repeat it.

I pointed out that your idiotic charge from your misread of the Twitter files, that Biden and Twitter censored the right, is actually true when it comes to Trump, who was president and abused that power to actually censor his enemies, political and personal, but impossible from Biden because he had no power to abuse, and because all Twitter removed was content that violated their TOS.

I never once in my life said Democrats are innocents, except when compared to Republicans. Nice made up red herring and attempted subject change, your only trick since you can’t answer any questions.

Why aren’t you upset one bit over ACTUAL GOVERNMENT CENSORSHIP but you pretend you are outraged at non-censorship by non government agencies following their own clear terms of service? I know you’re too cowardly and hypocritical to answer, and won’t because you can’t. Every accusation is an admission, your child abuse accusations against one Democrat is an admission of the child abuse accusations against dozens and dozens of high ranking Republicans, thanks for admitting you know they’re all guilty.

Yes, if Wojahn is guilty of what he’s charged with, he should be locked up for life and good riddance. He should not get to judge shop for a friendly judge that’s in his debt like some have. I just heard about these charges. Again, nice red herring subject change. Too bad you’re too infantile to answer any questions yourself, you might learn something.

Same goes for Trump, Jim Jordan, Matt Gaetz, and a dozen other top Republican politicians accused of sexual misconduct with minors. Note I don’t jump to defend him like Republicans do their monsters, and he resigned instead of fighting tooth and nail for years, putting himself above his office. Lots of Democrats are bad, second only to the impossibly horrific average Republican.

Congratulations, you finally have one example of child abuse accusations to point to when someone brings up one of the dozens and dozens of child molesters on the right. Remember, Epstein is one of yours, and Trump’s best friend for a decade AFTER his conviction for mass child molesting.

bobknight33 said:

Why oh why do you even bother engage in stupid.

Go stab a pumpkin and let that inner rage go.

I know I know Democrats are 1000% sinless - other wise you you mention it. But you don't because in you delusion world Democrats are perfect. \

Here is one of those perfect Democrats.

Wojahn faced 56 total counts relating to child pornography. 40 of those counts relate to the possession of child exploitative material. The remaining 16 counts are related to the distribution of those materials.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

New reports indicate more ACTUAL censorship by the disgraced ex president, this time calls from the White House to Disney execs demanding they severely reprimand or fire Kimmel for telling Trump jokes.
In 2017 he had his fcc commissioner Oje Pie directly threaten to investigate Colbert over Trump jokes he made on his show.

Since you pretended to be concerned over your misinterpretation of the Twitter files, you MUST be outraged at ACTUAL government censorship, right? Why not?

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

More Russia Russia Russia convictions. Just guessing but I think we are into the high 40’s of Trump officials convicted for collusion, the first conviction was Flynn as Trump took office.…seems like the number of Russian nationals that donated massive amounts to Trump’s campaign are likely triple digits....your nothing burger

A Republican strategist was sentenced Friday to 18 months in prison for his role in helping funnel illegal foreign campaign contributions from a Russian national into former President Trump's 2016 campaign, per the Department of Justice.

Jessie Benton, a former senior aide to Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.), orchestrated a scheme to conceal the illegal foreign donation with another GOP political advisor.

Benton, 45, was convicted in November of conspiring to solicit and cause an illegal campaign contribution by a foreign national, effecting a conduit contribution, and causing false records to be filed with the Federal Election Commission, per the DOJ.
Benton arranged for the Russian national to attend a political campaign fundraising event and take a photo with Trump, federal prosecutors said.

The Russian national wired $100,000 to Benton's political consulting firm to make an illegal foreign contribution. But Benton allegedly pocketed $75,000 and gave $25,000 to the campaign, falsely identifying himself as the donor.
The campaign unknowingly filed reports with the FEC that inaccurately reported Benton as the source of the funds instead of the Russian national, per the Justice Department.

ALSO…Trump is also under investigation by Jack Smith for the biggest campaign finance fraud in history, possibly the biggest money laundering scheme in U.S. history, $800 million laundered through his lackey’s (and his own) fake LLCs created for the sole purpose of taking in money from Trump’s campaign. these companies provided nothing for the money besides kickbacks to Trump. They suckered you again…took your money, pocketed it, and laughed their asses off at how dumb you cultists are. It was obvious…his campaign never paid their bills but was constantly begging for ever more cash.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Ruh-roe! Seems Jack Smith filed a motion to dissolve attorney client privilege for Trump’s lawyers based on the crime/fraud exception.
Since his lawyers swore under oath there were no more classified documents in Trump’s possession before literally thousands of classified documents were found being hidden in multiple places with multiple warrants, swore a thorough search had been done when they knew it had not, they ARE all complicit in the crimes, so no privilege exists. They will be forced to testify and will lose their law licenses and may still see prison.

Also, Trump’s incompetent fraud architect of the capitol, who is not an architect and has zero experience in conserving historic buildings or restoration, was finally fired for massive abuse of power, extreme incompetence, ethics violations, and extreme misconduct including but not limited to his office leasing 3 luxury cars for his family and repeatedly impersonating a Capitol police officer. Every Trump appointee is a criminal fraud with no experience in the job they were installed in. The shallow state.

As a side note, DeSantis was caught hiding his order to ban firearms from his own events and insisting the venues ban firearms without his public involvement or statements so he could pretend it wasn’t on his order and not under his control, but it was. Another case of “do as I say, not as I do” from righties.

Bonus- The Trump Building is about to go into default, Trump’s biggest asset, and is severely underwater and losing more tenants while expenses rise. He can’t get ANY new loans because he’s cash poor and is about to lose $250 million in just one of many court cases, and is about to lose this one time $400 million building.

Second bonus- the Smartmatic 2.7 billion lawsuit against Fox progressed again, with the judge ruling Fox did slander/libel Smartmatic with malice, having knowledge that what they reported was false.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Lol. Yeah, that’s me. Mr establishment.

Working for the cia!? Hardly. Page had been approved several years earlier as an “operational contact” for the CIA, a term for people who provide information to the agency that they gather but are not paid or tasked with carrying out assignments. Basically a confidential informant….what crime were they letting slide to compel that one wonders. Still, that should not have been hidden when applying for a warrant extension, a 3rd and 4th warrant whose fruits were never used and voluntarily sequestered btw, the first two were deemed legal proper warrants.

The Steel dossier was compiled for Republicans during the primary. Most of the charges it levied or suggested have been proven, but not all. All know this but some people need to cling onto this lie, fools like you that need everything to be a convoluted conspiracy because then it’s ok that you don’t understand what’s happening.

Muller has said clearly he found obstruction by Trump and Barr lied and covered it up. At least 8 Trump officials were found guilty of crimes Mueller uncovered among others, I believe 36, since you don’t seem to know that any crimes were found, here’s some…
(List from 2020)
Former Trump 2016 campaign chairman Paul Manafort: Sentenced to 7.5 years in prison this March for bank and tax fraud and crimes related to his work as a political consultant in Ukraine.
Trump's former personal attorney Michael Cohen: Received a three-year prison sentence in Dec. 2018 for tax evasion, bank fraud, lying to Congress and campaign finance violations.
Former Trump campaign adviser George Papadopoulos: Convicted of lying to investigators about about Russian contacts. He served 12 days in prison and in October, filed to run for former Rep. Katie Hill's California seat.
Richard Pinedo: The California man was sentenced to six months in prison in Oct. 2018 for selling bank account numbers to Russians who engaged in election interference. He has no known connection to Trump.
Dutch attorney Alex van der Zwaan: Pleaded guilty to lying to federal investigators about his work for law firm Skadden, Arps, Meagher, & Flom LLP and Affiliates in 2012. He was sentenced to 30 days in prison and a $20,000 fine.
Ex-Trump campaign deputy chairman Rick Gates: Pleaded guilty in Feb. 2018 to conspiracy and lying to the FBI. After cooperating extensively in multiple investigations, Gates was sentenced in December to 45 days in jail, three years of probation and 300 hours of community service.
Roger Stone: Sentenced to 40 months in prison for crimes that include obstruction of justice, lying to Congress and witness tampering. A federal jury convicted Stone last year after he lied to Congress about his efforts to learn more about when WikiLeaks would publish damaging emails about Hillary Clinton during the 2016 presidential election.
Awaiting sentencing:

Former national security adviser Michael Flynn: The retired three-star general pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI in Dec. 2017.

ROTFLMAHS!!! WHAT!?! Are you having a stroke?

bobknight33 said:

Man still schilling for the deep state.

Page had been wrongly accused and was, in fact, working for the CIA, not the Russians.

The Steele dossier was 100% fabricated. All know this but some people need to cling onto this lie, Fools like you.

Muller spent 40 Million and found nothing but low hanging fruit. Again a Big fat ZERO .

Again take you head out of you ass and wipe that shit off you face. You are a fool on the sift.

you a Mr 100% my shit is facts--- No Nope Nada Zip.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

bobknight33 says...

Wow Thats all you got out of the twitter files?

Please take you head out of you ass, wipe that shot off your face and look around.

Such a narrow minded pinhead.

newtboy said:

Lol. Twitter hearings show how president Trump abused his power and tried to force Twitter to censor people who disagreed with him or called him a name….like Chrissy Teigen who called him a “punk ass bitch”.
Yes, Trump made specific requests to censor people who said things he thought were mean. Odd that was missing from the “Twitter files”, right? Actual direct censorship by the president…no, that wouldn’t interest anyone, but a private citizen requesting revenge porn be removed….THAT’S UNMERICA!
So much for the “Twitter’s unfair” claims….every accusation is an admission. Want to make some more.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Lol. Twitter hearings show how president Trump abused his power and tried to force Twitter to censor people who disagreed with him or called him a name….like Chrissy Teigen who called him a “punk ass bitch”.
Yes, Trump made specific requests to censor people who said things he thought were mean. Odd that was missing from the “Twitter files”, right? Actual direct censorship by the president…no, that wouldn’t interest anyone, but a private citizen requesting revenge porn be removed….THAT’S UNMERICA!
So much for the “Twitter’s unfair” claims….every accusation is an admission. Want to make some more.

A Fatal Night in Kenosha: The Rittenhouse Shootings

newtboy says...

Wrongful death lawsuits filed.
Rittenhouse, trying to run out the statute of limitations, hid from process servers until he was caught at his sister’s house and served. He then challenged the lawsuit claiming he was illegally served, challenge tossed.
Little Kyle may have escaped justice for his planned politically motivated shooting spree, but he likely won’t escape all liability.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Republican election commissioner in the state of New York Jason Schofield pleaded guilty to a two year massive fraud scheme. The same day the election board voted 16 to two to give him another four year term.

They knew that he was facing a massive criminal investigation and criminal charges, and yet they still voted to give him another four year term hours after he filed his intent to plead guilty. That is how corrupt Republicans are.

So here's what the scheme was according to the filings, over the span of two years they internally gathered up a bunch of absentee ballots for people that did not request absentee ballots, filled them out themselves and turned them all in.

Shefield is not the only Republican that has already gone down for this scheme. Another woman who also served with the election commission has also been charged.

There's two more Republicans that are also under investigation. They have not been charged yet, but charges will likely be coming against them.

Yet another massive Republican voter fraud scheme. The fact that anyone is still in the party belies any false claims they care about election integrity, because for 7 years every fraud, and there are thousands now, were Republican frauds, including dozens of campaigns and officials perpetrating massive schemes involving thousands or more votes.

Another case of every accusation being an admission of guilt. Another case of massive Republican corruption at the top on unheard of scales. More proof that the cheating anti democracy criminal lying anti-Americans are all in the Republican Party.

Edit: today’s bonus, turns out the IRS head that protected Trump from the legally required yearly audits of all presidents and refused his legal obligation to turn them over to the house ways and means committee when they officially requested them, Charles Redig, was a major investor in Trump properties who made $200k+- per year off his Trump investments while protecting Trump and his companies from ANY IRS scrutiny. Of course, now that Cons have control of the house, investigating private citizens like Hunter Biden and Hillary Clinton is far more important than investigating the blatant crimes and abuses of power of their current candidate for President.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Why not, if you had gotten away with it for decades by “buying politicians” ?

The truth here is his taxes prove his shady dealings by what’s missing…like a $15 million “gift” from China he didn’t report (among others). Also by devaluations property he over valued for loans. That’s bank fraud.
He thought he kept the foreign bribes off his taxes, like the $15 million handout from China he didn’t pay taxes on anywhere. The problem is fewer and fewer people are willing to take the hit for him, and it’s all coming home to roost.
Remember, he immediately installed his people in the treasury and IRS, people who bent and broke long standing rules and laws to HIDE his taxes from everyone including congress while not doing the required audits he falsely claimed were ongoing.

There’s so much there there that multiple officers in his businesses pleaded guilty to multiple frauds on his behalf. If you think he was close to honest with his taxes, you’re blatantly lying to yourself now.

I attempt to sway people to be pro-fact. That just happens to always mean anti-trump because he is anti-fact.

Those FBI troll taht were on Twitter? I see you’ve bought more delusional lies without looking at facts…if I decipher the pigeon correctly. I assume you’re referencing the exaggeration about the “Twitter files” that claim some such nonsense despite the report saying nothing of the sort….but you wouldn’t read it, you might learn something (don’t worry, it’s highly unlikely based on your past).

More projection, more baseless accusations that are in reality blatant admissions. You’ve lost all credibility to the point where it’s more than reasonable to reply to any accusation with gratitude for the admission of your own guilt. It’s obvious who is the fool, who is the troll, and who offers verifiable fact with references as arguments, I have zero fear that even a few agree with you (that aren’t your sock puppets).

bobknight33 said:

If I were to do shady illegal deals I would not want it on my Taxes.

So Again no there here.
Net are you 1 of those FBI troll taht were on Twitter ? You sure do you best to sway people. to be Anti Trump.

OR are you just a fooled troll?

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Turns out most Trump businesses report earnings exactly the same amount as their tax exempt expenses to the penny….so paid zero corporate taxes. Somehow the irs under Trump didn’t see a thing odd about that.
This includes, among dozens of companies he claimed made exactly what they spent, the llc that owns his trumpforceone plane, the plane he charged the secret service exorbitantly to ride, millions of dollars in charges, it claimed $7382 in expenses and zero income….so claimed a business loss (and certainly asked for a refund) and zero income despite billing the government for millions.
Funny, Melania also has “business expenses” that exactly match her modeling income to the penny. Filing jointly with the worlds worst tax cheat is going to bite her….and you better believe she’ll cut a deal.
I know the sources you believe will not be covering this news.

Every bit of information we get about Trump indicates worse criminality than his worst enemies ever predicted on every single front. Friday is going to be…wild.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

I love how you proved me right again by just going silent when, for the 7396th time I proved my statements correct and proved yours to be lies with direct unadulterated, non biased information direct from the source, in this case the courts, the DA’s filings, and the publicly available portions of transcripts of the MAGA terrorist’s confession.
You have never once returned that favor in all the years you’ve been here. Not once….because you can’t prove lies with facts. You come up with stupidity like “it was Pelosi’s gay lover, he’s not MAGA” because you don’t care a bit about truth, honesty, civility, facts, or honor, you just need to be the biggest rancid uncleaned douche bag possible at all times in every situation. How’s that working out for you? ROTFLMFAHS!!!

Treasonous Trump’s traitorous lawyer Stefan Passantino being prosecuted for, as a Trump White House lawyer, instructing administration employees to lie to the Jan 6 committee about nearly everything.
The lawyer informed them to claim they don’t recall when they absolutely did recall information, saying “they don’t know if you know, so it’s fine.”
Ba-da-dum dum dum….another one bites the dust.
He was fired for intimidating his “clients” who were testifying against Trump on behalf of Trump. He’s also charged with making lucrative employment offers to witnesses if they testified right, offers that were all withdrawn when they testified honestly.

He also took private privileged attorney client information and told opposing council (Trump’s other lawyers) in direct contradiction of his client’s stated wishes AND THE LAW.

Every move by Trump’s team is a crime, every statement a lie, every accusation an admission. You sure picked one hell of a losing team….you all must have gotten real tired of winning, because you really stopped doing it long ago.

More Making Attorneys Get Attorneys. The real MAGA….because MAGA is a criminal terrorist enterprise….and you’re part of it.

Bonus, Trump’s DOJ hid the reports on the privately built sections of border fence because they showed complete failure to follow any environmental laws and horrific construction techniques so bad portions were falling down before the assessment could be done. He had the reports hidden in order to give the “construction company” (fraud) a $1.7 billion contract to “build” more. All of what they built is so sub par it may need another $2-3 billion to remove it as trash before it falls into the Rio Grande and becomes a major river hazard and environmental disaster.
Just another in the never ending stream of grift and theft from Trump….this one alone cost well over $2 billion. Go on, whine about how much the Jan 6 committee cost and beg for Hunter to be investigated. Such a mindless braying moron you are.

Can’t wait for those taxes…I bet you any amount Trump’s worth exponentially less than he claims. Trump had the IRS break the law and not audit him, in direct contradiction of his claims and the law.

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