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Karate Kid OST - You're the Best Around

Football (soccer) in a nutshell

Jon Stewart on Gun Control

RedSky says...



I don't accept that the US is a more violent country by nature, therefore to me approaching it by cutting down all violence as you say is not plausible.

People can wax lyrically about a gun and violence obsessed culture but as far as I'm concerned the pervasiveness of Western society means you can say that about just about any country nowadays.

Socio-economic conditions determine the rate of murder and all indicators show that despite the US having a high per capita income rate, it has a drastically above average murder rate.

The only logical conclusion I see is that the easy availability of guns empowers the ratio of violent people with a tool designed to liquefy people's insides resulting in this.


I agree that the media focus on mass shootings ignores the wider issue. It is true however that mass shootings are certainly more common in the US that in equally highly developed countries so that mere fact is still newsworthy. The significantly higher murder rate of the US to any other developed country should be the issue but nobody seems to ever talk about it from the snippets I see.

You mention China. Mass murder sprees certainly can happen in any country regardless of gun regulation. Nothing will stop the occasional delusion but resourceful individual from improvising but it stands to reason that looking at the wider trend, despite China being drastically less developed it's murder rate per capita is 20% of the US.

choggie (Member Profile)

chingalera says...

I, chingalera, being of sound mind and tighter than a Mennonite contemplating Hindu dowry, have decided to use my old dilapidated moniker as a blog. I can ramble here just as well as showcasing a slot in exchange for beer money and a gem harder to find is that much more brilliant in proper light, yadda, yadda.

I suppose when I make an entry here there will be some new-and-improved way for me to get the word out about everything fit to scan and wonder why you wasted valuable time otherwise-

OS, this is my first New Year's Blog Entry, through a back door and sure to wax creaking like my joints 'n knuckles.

Anonymous Responds To Sandy Hook School Shooting

chingalera says...

Anyone waxing idyllic about a world where you wake up tomorrow with new LAWS designed to keep whack-jobs, dumb-asses, or remorseless criminals whose M-O involves creating terror away from guns, fast-forward to about the 9:00 mark and open up your fucking ears maybe??!

The answer may be found after a, "head-extracted-from-your-own-lack-of-knowledge", realization.

Obama about Guns & Commonsense, 5 days after Sandy Hook

chingalera says...

Sounds harmless enough and he used some language that reflects my sentiments regarding society and how broken it is and efforts to adjust cultural mores.

That said I am confident that some comments on this subject here will continue to wax manically and emotionally bereft of critical common sense, and the most eloquent verbiage used to argue will still sound like automotomacious lackeys groomed for predictable, subservient responses to government mandates which subjugate responsible and humanitarian free-will.

These dysfunctional responses to society's cultural and spiritual demise from a broken governmental machine which neither represents my own sensibilities or is capable of making laws which do nothing more than to systematically turn us all into obedient husks??!.... I don't care what becomes of the laws concerning guns anymore in the U.S. As a citizen I will continue to own whatever firearm I chose to regardless of what list it's on and if I ever need the tools they will be there.

Laws providing ways for responsible people to have guns, not prohibitions. SANE
Prohibit imbeciles and the un-hinged from being a threat by limiting their access,.
More laws designed to make ME a fucking criminal. Fucking insane.

Prison State Evolution, read some fucking history for christfucking sakes!

Man of Steel - Trailer 2

Stephen Colbert Wax On & Wax Off at Madame Tussauds Pt. 1

Nurse who fell for Kate Middleton prank is dead

Nurse who fell for Kate Middleton prank is dead

chingalera says...

In Yogi's defense (and yeah, he does tend to wax a bit pissed-off in a wake of seemingly reasonable responses to certain issues) I have a question for ye who would offer similar reactionary quips in the face of alternative notions to current events of dubious import: Does confidence and self-assertion simply scream, "troll" to certain children wet-nursed on internet?

If a differing opinion voiced colorfully and with confidence irks some so into simply shutting down processes and creating convenient boxes, categories and labels, well....I suppose I need to move under a fucking bridge and start exacting tolls from passers-by and, NONE SHALL PASS UNTIL WE ALLLL GET OUR COINS!

Fuck the Royals, and Fuck Britain with her nose up their asses for continuing to live the illusion-It's 2012 people, start placing the blame with the cunts that made the world a ticking IED- They're the mega-ultra-stupid rich, bitch!
What's worse, is they turned all of you into tiny little micro-versions of themselves...the real joke is, we're the joke.

Do It With a Rock Star - Amanda Palmer

adam freeland-we want your soul-the new video

Couple Uses Carwash to Clean Her Ass and Her Crapped Shorts

How it's made : Oysters

How it's made : Oysters

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