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Israeli Cyberattack Explodes Pagers Across Lebanon

newtboy says...

It is a very safe assumption, I’ll apologize to umption if it turns out to be wrong.

“From all appearances”?
That’s a big assumption, and doesn’t match what I’ve seen, at least some were sold to the public including children….and all were detonated in public which means the collateral victims are 100% random. Even if they were first sold only to Hezbollah, another assumption, many definitely made it into the secondary resale market, which was 100% guaranteed from the start.
How many random bombs mailed/sold around the country by another country are OK? 10? 100? 1000? There may have been tens of thousands of devices spread around the country.

I do not acknowledge this was targeted or selective, the methodology makes that impossible and the mere suggestion ridiculous. “Those in close proximity” to the randomly distributed bombs exploded in public, or in buildings that burned from the devices, or accidents with victims that were driving, etc…. are random innocent victims even if you assume (with no basis or rationality) that the devises were miraculously only in Hezbollah hands and decide that targeting them for terroristic bombings is somehow acceptable.

Israel has a long history of ignoring the massive collateral damage of tens of thousands of innocent victims, mainly children, they intentionally cause by targeting their “enemies” when they can do the most collateral damage consistently, despite having the technology and capacity to do surgical attacks with minimal risk, and are this genocidally barbarous when defending themselves from mostly rock throwing children and fireworks and an occasional gunshot on a damage/death scale <1% what Israel returns.

This act again makes the Israeli government a terrorist government, this was a massive terrorist bombing, no matter what the objective, and likely another war crime. We should in no way be supporting or defending a terrorist nation that is under legitimate criminal accusations of war crimes from international courts. It’s not difficult.

bcglorf said:

Alot of assumptions there though...

First that it even was Israel. Which seems a reasonable assumption though.

My big difference with you though is around being untargeted. From all appearances the affected devices appear to have been almost entirely in the hands of Hezbollah members. That makes the better assumption that Israel(or whomever is responsible) actually was able to distribute the devices directly to Hezbollah itself for internal distribution.

Say what you will about the attack, but 'untargeted' seems a poor descriptor. Heck, even carefully planned out sniper operations on the same number of enemy operatives would likely have a higher collateral casualty count. At least acknowledge this attack, for everything else that it is, was highly selective of Hezbollah members and those within an extremely close proximity of them.

Israeli Soldiers Use Food Aid As Trap To Murder Palestinians

newtboy says...

Because Israel has started their full scale invasion of the last standing city in Gaza where they directed innocent civilians to go, the U.S. has finally suspended bomb shipments to Israel so at least we won’t be continuing knowingly sending the weapons used in this genocide, but make no mistake they have enough American made bombs to murder every innocent Palestinian already, especially since they rounded them up into one big killing box they are now attacking.

The world should be against Israel just like it was against Nazi Germany, the acts are a near mirror. It’s hopeful that The Hague is considering an arrest warrant for Netanyahu for war crimes, but disgusting some maga representatives sent a threatening letter to The Hague threatening the “judges” and their families if they dare to indict Netanyahu on the obvious charges of targeting civilians and using civilian starvation as a tool of the military.

I suggest sending the aid procured for Israel to Gaza to rebuild…send Israel a card saying a tree has been planted in Gaza in their name.

Israel-Hamas War: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

newtboy says...


Keep in mind Israel has insisted until now that they had absolutely no evidence of the plans to attack beforehand which was CLEARLY a BLATANT lie.
It’s sounding like Netanyahu’s administration wanted this war as a pretext to genocide and allowed the attack intentionally.
Their war crimes, indiscriminate, intentional, even targeted bombing of civilians, including official refugee camps, the destruction of 2/3 of hospitals, the complete leveling of the cities and infrastructure of the entire region, the forceful direction to evacuate to what immediately became the next bombing target, and the direct murder of over well over 11000 non combatant women and children so far go a long way towards proving this.

Reminder, Gaza has a massive completely untapped natural gas reserve just offshore discovered 20 years ago that Israel would love to annex and exploit, and could if Gaza was empty.

Ukraine defeat, Gaza slaughter: Where is the outrage?

newtboy says...

Disgraced Faux Judge “Spank me hard Daddy” Napolitano, Bobby? He’s the best you can do?
Wow, you’re really scraping the barrel.
A reminder….

What nonsense. Wishful thinking propaganda by America hating, democracy hating, Biden hating idiots and criminals. Good job bob.

EDIT- The outrage is out there, friendo. The UN is calling out war crimes. Many western nations are too. Many Americans are too. I have for decades.

Recently reports and evidence have proven Israel knew Hamas was planning the attack over a year before it happened, they apparently had the entire 40 page plan in hand, and was getting their own intelligence saying they were implementing the exact plan they knew about in the weeks and months leading up to the attack, the exact plan they implemented on Oct 7. Netanyahu’s administration decided to take no action at all, seemingly allowing the attack as a pretext to a war they wanted.

Friendly reminder, most Palestinians are pure Semites, direct descendants of ancient civilizations that spoke the Semitic language like Babylonians, Phoenicians, Cannanites, Assyrians, Akkadians, Arabs, and Hebrews… most Jewish Israelis are not even partly Semitic they are Europeans…so technically supporting Israel against Palestine is anti-Semitic, not the other way around like the official narrative claims.

Israel-Hamas War: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

newtboy says...

There’s lots of reporting on Hamas saying they want to eradicate Israel (without the ability to even do damage 99.9% of the time, certainly not eradication), but very little reporting of the Israeli government saying the exact same thing about Palestine while actively doing so using US supplied advanced weaponry at bombing rates never before seen, and dropping them on civilian populations.

There’s little mention that Palestinians die at around 20 times the rate Israelis die despite having less than 20% the population of Israel (and extreme high death rates mean 50% of Palestinians are children).

Gaza is an open air prison where inmates serve life for the crime of being Arabs in their native land. Electricity flows a maximum of 3 hours a day in good times, food is scarce, and under 10% have access to clean water. There are no jobs, and there’s a very good chance your family will die together at home from indiscriminate bombing.

They have nothing to lose because Israel has taken everything from them over 70 years of ever expanding violent military occupation including their humanity.

The Israeli military spokesman said this campaign is intentionally not targeted, and is designed to do maximum damage to Palestine not to target Hamas. That’s another war crime.

Why in the fuck are we supporting and supplying clear undeniable, even proud war criminals!? That should make congress and Biden war criminals themselves. Send them all to The Hague to defend their actions if they think their actions are defensible.

If we use Israel’s metrics, that makes all Americans war criminals prime for righteous retaliation by the law abiding world. Not a good plan.

Edit: Side note- Israel has apparently made no move at all to negotiate hostage releases. In fact, they claim the hostages are held in the very tunnels they are bombing, so they are in fact targeting the hostages. Don’t let them get away with the lie that they are invading and raising the city to save them. They refused to consider pausing bombing for two days in exchange for their release, pretending Hamas might be miraculously completely resupplied and reinforced if they did.

Palestinian UN Ambassador At UN

newtboy says...

“ It’s your insistence that Jewish people, and the existence of Israel, have always fundamentally been invaders that I was objecting to as it is so intensely at odds with factual history.”
No…it is at odds with your position and is not what I said.
It is factual history that fighting age European Jews came armed and forcibly displaced the natives after being offered sanctuary for their most needy. It is not factual that I claimed it was ever thus. That is clearly not what I said, I said for 10+- years they were getting along as refugees, then started coming in HUGE numbers illegally and taking over.

Those are facts.

I also mentioned a native Jewish population that were not refugees or invaders. Some of them supported the invading Zionists, some didn’t. I’ve never heard of one who opposed them.

“ You gave a brief nod on not being a scholar of Palestinian history, but then proceed to just count all Jewish refugees as good as Zionist aggressors from day 1(or close enough), and the local Arab population as nothing but pure, kind caring victims of these invaders.”

Not even close to true, I said many stood behind the Zionists when they started coming en masse, and didn’t say but seemingly few to none of the native Jews opposed them. I also was clear that at the beginning the refugees acted like refugees, not invaders….I mistakenly gave them more time being grateful than you say they were, according to you Palestinians position is they began the invasion in the 20’s….and theirs is the opinion I care about. I never claimed ALL Arabs were welcoming, but the “nation” as a whole (despite being not self ruling at the time) welcomed a huge number of refugees considering their own population. Way more than elsewhere.

Edit: Britain, who facilitated this invasion, only took in 80000 European Jews in the decade before and during the war, and they were only given transit visas to stay temporarily until they found other accommodations. All of England took in fewer Jewish refugees in all pre war history than Palestine did….England took in 80000, most on temporary visas, Palestine took in 60000 permanently in 1935 alone, and 130000 in 33-36.
Pre-immigration Palestine had about 700000 people. In 1944 European Jews ignored the 1500 visa limit per year and came by the hundred of thousands per year after already completely overwhelming the native population.
Palestine was forcibly invaded by a foreign population exponentially bigger than the native population while Britain kept them too weak to oppose it physically.
That’s an invasion…not on day 1. 🤦‍♂️

“ without being able to writeoff Israel as invaders from day 1, nuance enters the calculus and suddenly the conflict is flooded with shades of grey ”

Again, I said day 3, not day 1, and went on to say that meant 10 years later. Get off your high horse and READ buddy.

I guess I’ll stop here. If you aren’t going to read what I wrote and insist on arguing red herrings you made up yourself, you can do that alone.

Nothing you’ve said changes or excuses the fact that masses of armed violent invaders came to take the land from the natives by force and were successful. The exact date this happened is not only y highly subjective, it’s completely besides the point.
Nothing you’ve said changes or excuses the inhuman treatment they’ve subjected the innocent native civilian population to for 70 years…but you’ve tried.
Nothing you’ve said changes or excuses the intentional targeting of trapped civilians by the military….serious war crimes Israel commits daily.
Nothing you’ve said even hints that you consider Palestinians worthy of consideration themselves, possibly not even human status, definitely not peaceful existence.


Palestinian UN Ambassador At UN

newtboy says...

Agreed, the details are many, but trying to see what will happen in the future is simple, it’s the same thing that’s been happening in the past. Israel will continue to illegally expand into territory they agreed belongs to Palestinians, will continue to militarily support and defend the murderous settlers that murder Palestinian families and steal their land constantly with no repercussion at all, and will use any resistance to that violent expansion as an excuse to abuse and further control and murder the remaining citizens while blaming them for their plight.
That’s exactly what’s happening today.
The areas hit by Hamas were all Palestinian land stolen by settlers with full military support, not in Israel but in what was recently Palestine. The expansionist invasion continues, it’s never stopped, and some people don’t understand why the remaining civilians imprisoned in the ghetto by Israel, often with no food, water, or medicine, might revolt and throw stones, but you totally understand why the invaders should get to flatten entire populated cities if one of theirs gets hurt.

The population of Israel is 15 times Gaza, but the casualties of this 70 year conflict are statistically all Palestinians. Just this latest conflict has seen under 1400 Israeli casualties and over 15000 Palestinian civilians…nearly 5000 YOUNG children. THE NORM IS MUCH WORSE, normally this retaliation would come after fireworks hurt 4 settlers almost killing one and damaging their stolen house.

There’s something Americans can do. Vote for a president that will cut all military aid to countries that commit war crimes regularly. Simple, but not easy.

Israeli military is only so strong because we support them. Without American weapons and support, Israel would be a long distant memory of a short lived immigrant invasion.

Yes, Hamas has rhetorically been as genocidal as Israel (also totally genocidal)…but they have zero ability to follow through, while Israel is actively committing genocide today with the most advanced weaponry on the planet we supply, and for the last 70 years. If Israel directly eliminated Palestine as they have stated they will, they would start another war with every neighbor, this time likely without support. Otherwise they would have followed through 40+ years ago. This newest “occupation” may be the last. There will be no rebuilding under occupation, and there are few habitable structures left in Gaza. It’s a small town of 750000 people flattened, under total embargo, and under a shoot on sight order from their oppressors.

Yes, Israel is fighting its neighbors….100% because of their treatment of Palestinians and blatant intent to ignore any borders in their expansion. Combined with Iran their neighbors aren’t 1/2 the military power Israel is thanks 100% to America supplying advanced weapons and defense platforms for decades at our expense.

Invading occupying military forces have no right to complain they are threatened…that’s like saying we should hand squatters AR-15s and grenades because they keep being threatened by the home owners and the neighborhood, and the squatters have every right to shoot neighbors in their own yards if they seem threatening, but the neighbors and home owners have no rights whatsoever, not even the right to leave home because that threatens the squatters. Not even the right of self defense when the squatters invite their family over to take the neighbor’s homes.
I prefer shooting squatters and dumping the bodies in the sewer where they belong. Zionists are all squatters….well armed squatters.

The squatters do not have the right to murder the neighbors who signed the petition to remove the violent squatters. The squatters are always the wrong party no matter what. Period. End on line.

Because Israel intends to act unilaterally and violently to ensure their defense and continued expansion, always at the expense of their neighbors, they should be abandoned by the rest of the world. Murderous expansionist invading occupying racist armies get zero sympathy, and there’s no such thing as an Israeli civilian, they do not exist, only those yet to be military, andtive military, and those in reserve…conversely there’s no such thing as a Palestinian soldier in Gaza…does not exist.

Militaries that attack civilian populations are war criminals…every time. Yes, that includes America in Afghanistan, but bears noting the Afghans protected Alkaida (sp?), the Palestinian government and most civilians do not support Hamas.
I do not want to be supporting foreign war crimes with my tax dollars.

bcglorf said:

Tragically it's all more complicated than anyone can really state, right? I mean, if you had a 30 book(10k pages a book) series solely on the conditions in the region of Palestine between 1930 and today you'd still have so much material to cut, you could limit all 30 books to only 1 sides POV.

The closest I see to shortcutting things, is trying view what is likely to happen in the future, and from that maybe what one might try and do.

The trouble being there's so little one can do. The reality is that Israeli military strength compared to Palestine is completely and entirely one sided, and thus Israel can and will do whatever it wishes to militarily. It's all their choice, period. In fairness to Israel, you have to note that Hamas as stated in their own charter, given that same power would've already cleansed the entirety of Israel and have created their own single state 'final' solution.

It's also not actually about Palestine vs. Israel, which should be obvious given the fact of Israel's military dominance. Israel IS really facing existentially threats of it's own, just not directly from Palestine, and instead from ALL of it's neighbours. That state of constantly requiring Israel to be capable of winning an existential war since it's inception has kept things in a perpetual state of near-war, and more often proxy-war with the Palestiniances as the pawns of alternately Iran, Syria, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and others depending which time and region we choose to look at.

Predictively, that gives us that Isreal can not, under any circumstances, accept conditions to exist where any party(in particular Iran as the main backer) views the "Al Aqsa Flood operation" as a success. That means Israel will do whatever they deem necessary to ensure that happens and Iran in particular views that operation as a mistake. Nothing the UN or any of the rest of us say or do can change that.

Palestinian UN Ambassador At UN

newtboy says...

A reasoned and relatively factual position. Congratulations, but….
In my and many expert’s opinions the deadly indiscriminate pressure is exactly what pushes desperate and grieving innocent civilian Palestinians into Hamas’s arms. You would create two terrorists for every one caught with the inhumane treatment of the civilian population…and commit a serious war crime in the process.

Israel should abandon all expansionist settlements from the last 30 years and free the Palestinian citizens from the oppressive genocidal apartheid they’ve forced on the population for decades. That would end the conflict tomorrow, instead Israel has telegraphed its intent to take over Gaza militarily and occupy it again…and America stands by their side, but not all Americans.

If America had spent 10% of what we spend supplying Israel with weapons they use on civilians instead on building infrastructure, schools, hospitals, roads in Gaza, the Palestinians would not rightly see us as racist enemies, and might have the resources and inclination to oust Hamas. But we don’t.

Palestine gets no aid. You can’t withhold something that never existed. The reason Hamas gets any support is they do supply Gaza with food and medicine while Israel and America just embargo entire populations because a terrorist group lives in the country. Think if the world did the same, bombing cities flat and starving America because the Boogaloo Boys live in America.

Hamas is not Palestine, they’re the warlord gang that took over from the intentionally weakened Palestinian parliament and the only group supporting Palestinian civilians (while also using them as shields and cannon fodder).

Hamas fucked around, but Israel is making innocent Palestinian civilians “find out”. That’s a serious war crime that should put every Israeli soldier in prison, and get Netanyahu executed.

bobknight33 said:

Hamas took over the Gaza Strip after a brief civil war back in 2006 / 2007 . Before that Fatah was a major Palestinian political party that began in 1965 as the Palestinian National Liberation Movement. Fatah wanted to negotiate back to the 67 boundaries.

Hamas – Does not recognize Israel, but accepts a Palestinian state on 1967 borders
Fatah – Recognizes Israel, wants to build a state on 1967 borders

Israel should stop advancing and leave it to the Palestine to find and and capture Hamas.
To pressure this no aid to Palestine. Their desperation will weed out Hamas.

Debunking the Palestine Lie

newtboy says...

Entirely one sided misleading propaganda.

It completely ignores and glosses over the millions of armed Jewish invaders that took over what’s now the ever expanding Israel, outnumbering the less well armed and unsupported Palestinians, quickly creating an apartheid state with inhuman treatment of the now minority native population displaced by European Jews that had no intention of sharing the land they had stolen from the native inhabitants with England’s and America’s blessing, nor of keeping to the borders they agreed to.

So much history was intentionally deleted or completely misrepresented here it’s more misinformation than informative.
The Palestinian people were subjugated by the Turks, then the British, and now by the genocidal Zionists.

The argument here is like if you imagine America has essentially no military at all having just won independence from Britain in 1948, and the French demanded 1/2 of Louisiana as it was originally a French nation and they suffered greatly in the war, including of course New Orleans, and Canada offered them 25% which they agree to, America said “hell no, why should we hand over our land to foreign invaders?”, and now America is blamed for France’s brutal invasion and unending dehumanization of and inhuman war crimes against and brutal subjugation and imprisonment of the people of the entire Louisiana territory that France now claims, with sights on more expansion.


Karma Hits Russia Hard

newtboy says...

If the US had used directed weather as a weapon in Iraq, or breached levies to flood cities it would have been proper to laugh at the ironic disaster in New Orleans. Remember, the support for attacking the wrong country to retaliate for 9/11 was incredibly high (yes, thinly predicated on what are now known to be blatant lies…we didn’t care), we were not a nation of innocents…(I personally supported attacking Saidi Arabia and doing limited but overwhelming “police actions” in Afghanistan to completely destroy the actual perpetrators, then rebuild any collateral damage better and make friends, and never bought the rationale for invading Iraq beyond “they tried to kill my daddy”- GB…but who listens to me?)

I felt it was karma specifically balancing the universe for the Ukrainian dam they blew up in a terrorist action just over 2 months ago, not the continuing invasion of Ukraine that’s been ongoing and expanding continuously since 2014 when Ukrainian Crimea was invaded and “annexed” by Russia, a move seemingly universally applauded in Russia.

I think there’s delicious schadenfreude in the very religious country that continues to support repeated violent genocidal expansionism against peaceful neighbors thinly predicated on blatant lies (but that support is waning slightly as the war and truth comes home), the aggressor nation that among numerous war crimes intentionally destroyed a major dam to sew chaos destruction and death as they retreated from portions of Ukraine and set forest fires for the same reason having to deal with forest fires and dam failures as “acts of god”, not even from military retaliation.

I do feel a bit bad for the individuals and families if reports of 12 dead are true (it’s Russian news, so likely untrue), but that number is dwarfed by those intentionally killed in their names by the dam destruction in Ukraine.

Agreed on the narration…it was the only coverage I found at the time….well, there was this but even I found it in bad taste…

noims said:

I didn't laugh or celebrate when Katrina hit New Orleans the year after the US invaded Iraq. I won't celebrate a dam bursting in far east Russia the year after they invade Ukraine.

I don't think the people of Ussuriysk deserved wildfires any more than the people of California.

It's not karma. If you want you can call it bad luck, or mankind suffering due to our own effect on the planet.

Plus, I would have thought an AI wrote that script except I think it would have done a better job. Am I missing context when it comes to 'the flood'? Badly written, badly voiced, but not quite enough for me to downvote.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...


Donald Trump’s former press secretary Stephanie Grisham has admitted under oath and in interviews to witnessing Trump unlawfully showing people without clearance highly classified top secret documents on multiple occasions.

Ruh-roe. Another “never Trumper” I suppose…another RINO? Odd how many never Trumper worthless crazy people Trump appointed, isn’t it? 😂

Oof…. Stephen Miller, one of Donald Trump’s top immigration advisers, allegedly advocated using U.S. predator drones in 2018 to blow up migrant boats full of unarmed civilians suggesting they were not protected under the U.S. Constitution because they were in international waters, so could be killed by the military legally, according to an upcoming book by former Trump Department of Homeland Security appointee Miles Taylor, and had to be repeatedly informed that the plan violated international law and was a war crime. Not proof it happened, but 100% believable.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

ROTFLMFAHS!! You guys need to stop, I can’t get anything done if I spend all day laughing until my sides split.

Green tried to blame Biden for the fentanyl flood by trotting out a pair of dead teens whose deaths she blamed on Biden….they knew for a fact they had died in the early summer of 2020 from fentanyl brought in on Trump’s watch. When asked about the intentional misrepresentation to the American people her official response was “Do you think they give a f**k about your bullsh*t fact checking?”

Bohbert tried to blame Biden for federal workers abusing work from home to take vacations while getting paid, citing statistics from 2020 when Trump’s administration was incapable of formulating a plan/policy to avoid that…apparently unaware who was president in 2020 or that the administration and policies had changed since then.

Gaetz tried to blame Biden for supplying weapons to a paramilitary force Russia accused of war crimes, citing a Chinese propaganda publication, “the global times”…the reply was “I don’t take Beijing propaganda at face value.” which Gaetz had to admit was a much more intelligent position than his.

Banana Republicans tried hard to show Biden had forced Twitter to censor right wing political speech, but only proved that Trump repeatedly abused the power of the federal government to force multiple private companies to censor private citizens for upsetting him while Biden’s camp only requested they remove nude revenge porn against a private citizen that clearly and blatantly violated their TOS (and some laws).

Oof! The “L”s are coming fast and hard. Pretty sad when you start and run the investigations and just keep proving how guilty you are and how squeaky clean your opponent is by comparison. You must be so proud. I guess you all got tired of winning.

Bonus- Having learned nothing from the banking crash of ‘08 caused by Banana Republican bank deregulation, and despite all the warnings from economists and the CBO report that the plan would likely lead to another round of enormous bank failures, Banana Republicans again deregulated banks in 2018 which has now led to another round of bank failures that taxpayers will likely end up paying trillions for again in the end. Thanks Trump.
Now Fox and Republicans who caused this failure are actively working hard to turn one bank failure into a depression by telling their viewers to start a run on the banks, all banks, because they believe they can pin the results on Biden.
Also, google Larry Householder and Matt Borges

BSR (Member Profile)

Guy in VR Chat Talks About Their PTSD

newtboy says...

Agreed, that’s why I said “if you intentionally murdered…”.

I would even go farther and say IMO the near the same applies if you knowingly kill non-combatant women and children even if it’s while defending yourself and they aren’t your intended target… you should still feel bad about it and feel obligated to make it your lifetime mission to ensure their sacrifice benefits their families/village/country not just you.

Collateral damage is a fact of war, but IMO intentional collateral damage is a war crime. That would include intentional gross negligence, not making any effort to avoid it, randomly firing at civilians, indiscriminate bombing of civilian areas, etc. even if they’re being used as human shields.

Not saying that’s the case here, but it often is.

spawnflagger said:

Can't judge without knowing more details, but I'll give him benefit of the doubt and assume the women and children were unintended casualties or bystanders, perhaps from long range attack or grenades thrown blindly. "military precision" is a dumb phrase because there have been so many civilian casualties (estimates > 500k in Iraq)

George W. oopsie regarding Ukraine.. Iraq invasion

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