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Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter

Les Cowboys Fringants "Gars d'la compagnie"

calvados says...

(English translation follows)

Depuis le début du siècle
Des gars courageux ont coupé le bois du Québec
Partaient à l'automne, passaient l'hiver dans des camps
Revn'aient voir leurs femmes quand arrivait le printemps.......
Les Américains flairant la bonne affaire
Sont v'nus faire la piasse dans l'bout de Trois-Rivières
Ça va nous faire d'la job pour les Canadiens-Francais
B'tissez vos usines pis nous on vous donne la forêt!

Pendant des années y'ont coupé comme des défoncés
La demande est trop grande pour s'qu'la forêt peut donner
Mais cé pas ben grave
Y'ont des chums au gouvernement
Fa'qu'y sont r'montés au nord
Continuer la coupe à blanc...

Les Amérindiens ceux qui chassent de père en fils
Ont voulu leur parler
Y s'sont fait dire rentrez chez vous
C'est pas avec vous autres qu'on va faire des b'n'fices
Pour nous un caribou c'est ben plus beau sur un trente sous

Et le gars d'la compagnie rit dans sa barbe
C'est qui le con qui a dit que l'argent poussait pas dins arbres ?


Since the turn of last century
Brave lads have been logging the forests of Quebec
Leaving in the fall, spending winter in the camps
Returning to their wives when the spring would come again
The Americans could smell a lot of cash
Came to make a buck at the town of Trois-Rivières
It'd mean jobs for us, the French-Canadians
Build your factories and we'll give you the whole forest

Year after year they cut down trees like men possessed
Asking too much more than the forest could provide
But it was no big deal
They had friends in government
So they headed further north
And kept up their clearcutting

The aboriginals, who were hunters, man and boy
Tried to have a say
But were told to take a hike
It's not from your kind that we're going to make our profits
For us, your caribou looks better minted on a coin

And the company man is laughing to himself
Who's the fool who said that money doesn't grow on trees?

Meet Melissa Mikkelsen (Blog Entry by danbutton)

I Take The Vow - Do You?

dotdude (Member Profile)

blankfist says...

That's for sure. That's one of my biggest pet peeves.

In reply to this comment by dotdude:
Too many folks throw around the word "artist."

In reply to this comment by blankfist:
Haha. Of course! People take their VO work very seriously.

In reply to this comment by dotdude:
This guys bio description on Twitter amused me:

"Professional movie trailer and promo voice-over artist"

Do folks really use that title?

blankfist (Member Profile)

dotdude (Member Profile)

Wii Fit Parody

Planet Earth (Blog Entry by jwray)

Space Knight Has No Inner Monologue

13439 says...

I am finding these comments amusing! I truly hope this sift goes to the top so there will be more.

Oh no! The upvote frequency is declining! I must use my special weapon!



There was no effect! I must proclaim the command louder!


Best Satellite-Something Commercial Ever

christmas according to the bible

thinker247 says...

Jews worshipped the God of the Old Testament for thousands of years before Jesus arrived on the scene, and you expect them to just obey the words of some hippie carpenter from Nazareth? Give me a break. God commanded strict adherence to his laws, killing people who didn't obey, and you actually think the same God would come to earth in human form and try to change everything from dogmatism to philosophical worship? You have got to be kidding me!

And the words "the truth shall set you free" were spoken by Jesus, but that doesn't mean he coined the phrase. I'm quite sure the ancient Greeks knew that "the unexamined life is not worth living." Which is the same phrase, but in a deeper context.

>> ^Morganth:
Everything in the Old Testament distinguished as either clean or unclean was supposed to remind the Israelite people that they were to be a nation set apart, an example to all the others around them that as the people of God they weren't to conform to the practices of neighbors in how they worshiped their God, or in how they interacted with others. Even if neighboring nations think it's okay to burn children, sell wives, and cut themselves in worship, the Israelites weren't supposed to. Through the law, they were supposed to see God's character and what He cared about and begin to take action on what He cared about (namely: holy worship, living, and the sanctity of all human life). Instead, they just saw a list of requirements for their ticket to heaven, effectively creating what we know as legalism. God wanted their hearts, not lip-service.

And as for the Latin logo at the end (veritas vos liberabit meaning "the truth shall set you free"), that phrase was also coined by Jesus (John 8:32). You know, when he said "If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."

christmas according to the bible

Morganth says...

Oh, I do love Bible verses taken out of context! I'm sure all the educated people here on the sift dutifully checked their facts instead of just blindly believing what someone told them because it went in line with what they wanted to hear! Because then you would have known that the referred verse actually says "You must not worship the LORD your God in their way, because in worshiping their gods, they do all kinds of detestable things the LORD hates. They even burn their sons and daughters in the fire as sacrifices to their gods."

Canaanite "worship" with sex orgies and human sacrifice was religiously false, morally corrupt, physically brutal and socially destructive and God wanted the worship of him to be in line with His character. God wanted a union between their morality and their religion.

The Mark 7 verse is again, out of context. In the passage Pharisees are chewing out Jesus because the disciples were eating without ceremonially washing their hands (making them unclean) and Jesus chastises the Pharisees for still not getting it - he replies that, "Nothing outside a man can make him 'unclean' by going into him. Rather, it is what comes out of a man that makes him 'unclean."

Everything in the Old Testament distinguished as either clean or unclean was supposed to remind the Israelite people that they were to be a nation set apart, an example to all the others around them that as the people of God they weren't to conform to the practices of neighbors in how they worshiped their God, or in how they interacted with others. Even if neighboring nations think it's okay to burn children, sell wives, and cut themselves in worship, the Israelites weren't supposed to. Through the law, they were supposed to see God's character and what He cared about and begin to take action on what He cared about (namely: holy worship, living, and the sanctity of all human life). Instead, they just saw a list of requirements for their ticket to heaven, effectively creating what we know as legalism. God wanted their hearts, not lip-service.

And as for the Latin logo at the end (veritas vos liberabit meaning "the truth shall set you free"), that phrase was also coined by Jesus (John 8:32). You know, when he said "If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."

Is this the most disturbing anti smoking ad you've seen?

charliem says...

>> ^FishBulb:
Look at the kid. Do you think he is acting? There are plenty of reasons to quit smoking but because some a-hole left a kid in a crowd isn't one of them.

Totally missed the message.
Listen to the VO guy at the end....pretty big tip.

JC Denton is a dick (0:19)

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