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MeTube 2: August sings Carmina Burana

Why Being Honest about Ghostbusters is Important

artician says...

I couldn't watch this. Stop wasting my bandwidth with your stupid exposition, youtubers! No one cares about your fucking intros and style!
Viva la información!

ViVA (Member Profile)

siftbot says...

ViVA has been blacklisted as a bottom-dwelling spammer by chicchorea. This account has been ban-hammered and all its comments redacted.

ViVA sings Adele's HELLO

siftbot says...

ViVA has been seconded for banination by kulpims. This account will now be disabled. If you would like to appeal this banination, ViVA, you may contact the administrators.

ViVA sings Adele's HELLO

siftbot says...

ViVA has been nominated for banination by eric3579. This may be due to abuse or violations of the posting guidelines. If this nomination is seconded, the account will be permanently disabled.

You have no right to remain silent in Henrico County.

Mordhaus says...

So I guess people like Rosa Parks were also tools? Perhaps Alice Paul was a tool for standing up for the rights of women to vote? I suppose Mahatma Gandhi was a tool for resisting British oppression and rule?

This is what you cannot seem to grasp, although I will try in the most basic method to explain it to you. Rights = GOOD, Oppression = BAD. Now, what does this mean? It means you have rights that are expected to be yours in a civilized society.

For instance, lets say you were Hispanic and in Arizona. Due to the fact that the Supreme Court allowed portions of SB1070, the 'paper's, please' law to remain in effect, you can be forced as a Hispanic to provide clear proof that you are a citizen in any situation as long as the officer has a reason to suspect that you might be an illegal immigrant.

The reasonable suspicion is entirely at the discretion of the officer, an individual who is not in any way psychic or specifically trained to spot 'illegal immigrants'. So let's say you are wearing a shirt that says Viva La Raza, just a saying that means you are proud of your race. If I was an officer, I could claim that you wearing a shirt with Spanish on it and being Hispanic could mean that you are illegally here. Ludicrous, I know, but I could claim it and get away with it the way the law is worded. I could stop you in the middle of the sidewalk, force you to submit to an ID request, and question you at the bare minimum. I could say a bulge in your pocket looked like drug paraphernalia and that you smelled of drugs, leading to a body search.

Now let me ask you, even if you were perfectly innocent, had no drugs, were not illegal, and were minding your own business, would this not piss you off? Assuming it didn't that one time, would you get pissed off when it happened over and over?

Look, I'm Caucasian and a male, and even I know that stuff like this is horseshit. At a certain point, if you don't stand up or support the ones who do, then when they come for you there won't be anyone left to help.

If you can't get the point and still feel the way you say, I feel sorry for you. Thankfully others do and even though you think they are tools, they will take the fall so you can continue to live your delusions.

Daldain said:

There is no argument, the guy filming is a tool. There is no hero or public service announcement anywhere to be seen.

ChaosEngine (Member Profile)

bareboards2 says...

Hey thanks.

Women have had the same problem with their own "liberation" movement -- there are so many definitions and agendas and interests, it is impossible to be monolithic.

Hang tight to what you need to accomplish for yourself, find some like-minded souls, and slog away at it for 100 years or so.

We'll none of us actually get there -- we are flawed human beings who get in our own way, much less getting into other people's way.

But we can try.

Viva la/le revolution!

ChaosEngine said:

I agree with pretty much everything else you've said. The problem is that any kind of mens "liberation" movement has been hijacked by the idiotic "mens rights" groups. It's not that there isn't some inequality against men that needs to be addressed (specifically around things like child custody), but more often these groups have confused not getting their way 100% of the time with being oppressed.

Regarding assault (sexual or otherwise), I think the overwhelming point there is that we should view from a gender blind perspective. It's feels ridiculous to even have to say this, but assault is bad, mmm'kay? The gender of those involved is irrelevant.

But there are some fairly deeply ingrained societal attitudes that will have to change. Picture the following scenarios:

Bob says something misogynistic to Alice. She slaps him.

Dave the evil kidnapper is finally caught and sent to jail. Someone makes a remark about not dropping the soap.

Both of those are stock standard fictional comedy tropes. The first is that when a man gets hit by a woman, he deserves it. The second is that male prison rape is implicitly funny, because the guy in prison deserves it. Can you imagine the outcry if a writer reversed those roles?

Castro for Stroh's Beer

Truck drifting into a garage

El Bean Bowl

Australia Vs America - Elections DOWN-UNDERcision 2013

Boob Busters-Breast Implants Explode During Airline Flight

"Bound by Honor" aka "Blood in, Blood out" (1993)

Julian Assange's Speech from Ecuador Embassy 8/19/2012

Yesterday I Finally Broached My 9YO Sons Asperger's With Him

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