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Ann Coulter: The Coulter Veto

newtboy says...

I understand the feeling, but sadly, ignoring the vitriolic bile people like her spout only allows them to go unchallenged, which they convince their naive followers is proof they're 100% correct, so correct even their haters can't contradict them....and it works.

I've always liked that Bill puts her, and other far right wingers, on his show to show his audience exactly the nonsense they're peddling so they can be well prepared to obliterate idiots that repeat it in public.

And yes, she has always failed to hide her schadenfreude at the misfortunes of the less fortunate and clearly derives pleasure from their pain.

Drachen_Jager said:

Nobody should give this terrible human being air.
There are a lot of liars and underhanded dealers among the Republican party and their supporters, but most of them seem to lie, cheat, and steal for financial benefit or power. I've always had the feeling that she does it simply because she enjoys hurting other people and causing disruption.

White House revokes CNN reporters press pass

newtboy says...

What "facts"? Your opinion? That's just, like, your opinion, man.
Edit: Facts that Trump said aren't facts? That's the best indicator today that they are factual.
I'll take the dozens of convictions and guilty pleas based on those facts as proof enough they are true and well vetted. People don't agree to years in prison based on nonsense that's been proven false....especially not people with money like these people have.

As the exalted leaders #1 choice for (mis)information that becomes policy and platform for the right, and part of the right wing triad ministry of truth, you simply can't leave Jones out of any media discussion, particularly one where someone paints the BBC as having an (anti?)American political bias, and not just a bias for reality.

Yes, it's all fine and dandy. Any investigation of an investigation by the subject being investigated (or their proxies) is patently ridiculous and a clear political ploy to satiate your need for corroboration of what you want to believe, fact based or not. They knew they couldn't write the investigation's findings, nor could they accept the truth being made public, the only option left is to discredit the investigation, something they've been trying since before it began. I find it incredibly sad that so many are so thoroughly indoctrinated that you buy that obvious, self serving ploy to discredit the entire FBI and intelligence community in favor of a consummate narcissist and convicted fraud's self serving and baseless stated opinion about himself.
I guess you believe mob bosses who claimed they were framed and are just legitimate businessmen too, tapes and other evidence of them planning crimes and committing them are nothing in the face of their denials, right?

Yes...yes he did say that about central American immigrants....are you just parsing the fact that he didn't specifically say EACH AND EVERY ONE IS A RAPIST, while not acknowledging what he did say...."They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people."? Strictly read, he's saying they're all rapists, but some are good people anyway....just like some Neo Nazis are good people in his opinion. You're attempts at rectifying oldthink (rewriting history) only work with people who have no memories. I watched him say it and I can remember yesterday without big brother telling me what to remember.

I can't dive into your paranoia to decipher what you're feeling. If you can't hear "accosted" and gather they likely arrested her aggressively and instead read that as some hidden agenda to.....well, you didn't articulate what the motive would be...., perhaps reading comprehension isn't a strong suit.

ac·cost. /əˈkôst,əˈkäst/ verb
past tense: accosted; past participle: accosted
approach and address (someone) boldly or aggressively.

I disagree with your characterizations. Considering the constant vitriolic, dangerous, demonizing, now blatant terroristic threats from Trump directed at all non right wing propaganda outlets that won't spread his propaganda and stroke his ego, amplified through his right wing minitrue and interpreted by his base that he's trained to hear his dog whistling, and in the face of the same, they display a mature, composed, restrained, unbiased, and inhumanly patient character, including the three you listed.
Yes, they are mature and reasonable adults under constant attack from a serial con man/cult leader and constant threats against their lives, not one Fox host, Jones host, or OAN host is 1/4 as mature, honest, or unbiased as the worst you can mention from CNN.....and no, CNN is not my preferred news source, but they are infinitely better than anything the evil trinity of right wing propaganda produces, including the totally dishonest smear campaign against all news organizations that you are part of now, willingly or not.

That's what the ministry of truth does. They get you to repeat their lies until you believe them enough to be the enemy of anyone still believing fact and reality. It clearly worked.

Btw, still waiting on the names of CNN reporters who have gone on the campaign to stump for the left, like Fox hosts did on the right. You insanely claim CNN is more biased than Fox, you should be able to name at least 4 off hand then.

Briguy1960 said:

You can label it whatever makes you sleep better but choosing to ignore facts that don't fit your agenda is silly at best.
Not sure why you keep bringing up Alex Jones...
Do you share Trumps love for him?
The investigation itself has been investigated and don't tell me it is all fine and dandy how they did it or the people involved with it.
Also Trump never called all the folks in the caravans rapists.
You should know that if you actually read what he said and not the way your treasured media bends it.
Just today a topless woman jumped over a security fence to protest Trump in France and CNN reported she was "accosted" by security officials.
I tried to watch the BBC for a while a couple of days ago and can't recall what upset me other than the way they seemed to frame everything
in this weird way.
Bending the facts of stories to fit something.
I have no idea what they would want to be pushing on people.
Do you?
It simply felt like I was being brainwashed to see everything their way.
Not a good feeling but I can't recall the story or stories now they were covering.
I too hope they get rid of Trump as I'm tired of a draft dodger talking about heroes and for many of the same reasons you don't like him.
I just wish the media was more mature about it.
Don Lemmon
Jim Accosta
Chris Cuomo
None of the above are mature.

White House revokes CNN reporters press pass

newtboy says...

Ok, I, and almost all non right wingers disagree. CNN and Faux are no where near the same level. CNN may have some bias against the man who actively encouraged right wing terrorists to attack them as enemies of America and continues to do so....that's perfectly reasonable and professional.
What they don't do is make up stories out of thin air like Faux, edit video to create false impressions that are diametrically opposed to reality, hire mostly frauds who have been caught falsifying reports, repeat obvious lies because their preferred candidate/politician said them, or go on the campaign trail with candidates not to report, but to speak on their behalf. Your conflation of the two is either disingenuous, outrageously ignorant, or insane, you choose.

I watch more than enough Faux to know what they are, pure propaganda. You can deny it all you like, that only makes you look ignorant or dishonest. I'm certain I watch more Faux than you watch CNN, yet you've made similar (but less honest) claims about them, you must not watch it enough to know of what of you speak, you just take a convicted frauds word that they're liars as gospel and never investigate it seems.

You don't know me, sir, or you wouldn't make such a spurious claim. I gather information from multiple opposing sources. How could I debunk the lies from Faux and OAN if I don't watch them spout those lies?

Then how about what Trump himself did?...turnabout is fair play, so in this instance two wrongs might make things more right, at least more balanced. The left playing fairly, honorably, and attempting to avoid even the appearance of impropriety got us Trump, who has no such qualms. I hope Democrats don't sit on their high horse and complain that Trump doesn't play fair while he destroys our democracy and's well past time to start tossing the steaming shit back at them.

Trump raped his pre-teen daughters on film and bragged about it, that's why he won't show us their long form medical and financial records.....that's far truer than his birther claims.
Also, his kids are all illegals, born to non citizens as anchor babies, (all his baby mommas are immigrants/invaders) when he tries to remove birthright citizenship they should be deported immediately. ;-)

No, none of those people are good at reporting news, not one can separate their rabid hyper biased opinions from fact, although Smith is doing better lately......but slightly better than god awful isn't good.
Fox is a joke, period. They don't have reporters, they have hosts. They're an opinion/entertainment/propaganda network, not a news network. It's really sad that you watch them but don't understand that basic fact, and you defend them as offering good reporting while also admitting they aren't even news...WTF, man?

The thing there is the news media is not being unprofessional, Trump is, but you're listening to him as if he wasn't an impudent infant and believing the nonsense that reporting on his constant vitriolic foibles is unprofessional. It's simply not.

Trump is the leader of the nation, not CNN, not his advisors, not Hannity. He is not being led to the right, he's dragging centrists far right or attacking them if they refuse to go along.
How about maybe he tries to lead towards civility and professionalism instead of impetuously attack any detractors like a spoiled brat, blaming them for his own actions?

Briguy1960 said:

I do place CNN and Fox in the same category.
That is how low CNN has sunk and how much better Fox has become in my experiences watching what amounts to garbage reporting on a whole.
Trump did this today blah blah blah but yes he still lusts after his daughter.
He is actually saying she is just a really hot looking young woman as he works in that business but lets go there anyway.
Fox is not pure propaganda.
You don't watch it enough to see the right people to know of what of you speak.
I don't simply watch what appeals to me or justifies my point of view which too many people like you are doing with the rise of the internet.
Relying on late night comedy shows who never show Fox News or Trump saying anything good is useless too.
Shep Smith, Bret Baier and Chris Wallace are pretty decent at giving you the news.
Yes Fox is a joke at times and seems to be in Trumps pocket but there is good reporting on there and some good reporters.
You just have to skip the garbage like Hannity a lot of the time and the judge jeannie idiot all of the time.
Laura Ingram seems to be there just to act the asshole.
Tucker can be good sometimes looking at the current insane trends.
I watch several sources everyday to get an overall view on how things get reported and it is eye opening.
I never liked what the Republicans and Fox did to Obama but 2 wrongs don't make a right and after all Fox News is just entertainment right?
CNN has been around how long?
It was once very respected.
You don't seem to be grasping my point.
I don't like most of how Trump does things.
Even when he is doing something good he ruins it sometimes by the way he words it.
I think he is being led by people and could have been a lot more palpable to the left but they have pulled the strings and yanked him back most everytime.
The birther thing showed how low class he will always be despite his money and gross looking home with all the ugly so called appointments.
I am saying he is playing the media and it is suffering as a result and the media by acting unprofessionally is playing along.

Historically Bizarre US Open 2018 Highlights

newtboy says...

He gave her a point penalty for something it seems every other coach in the tournament had done without receiving so much as a warning, coaching from the stands, then gave her a full game penalty for being upset about it with less vitriol than others (men) who did not get penalized at all by the same judge for the same thing, telling him he will never judge another match they play.
Together that looks pretty biased against her.

vil said:

What did he do wrong?

'I can think of nothing more American': Beto O’Rourke

newtboy says...

That's just, like, your opinion, man. ;-)

Anyone sharing the opinion that they are protesting the flag, anthem, or America got that idea directly (or by proxy) from Trump who spouted that vitriolic lie from day one, and they were all duped by him. Sorry, that's simply fact.

I've seen plenty of interviews with active military who said the right to protest is a large part of what they serve to protect.

You should maybe talk to veterans instead of standing on what you believe they think (with no evidence). They take a knee for flag draped fallen comrades themselves, as a sign of respect.
I cannot understand anyone who's taught proper flag etiquette disagreeing with other people following proper flag etiquette.

It's far more disrespectful to wear the flag as clothing, but I would bet 1/4 of those complaining have worn the flag as underwear, wiping their shit soiled asses on and pissing on it directly, but they think kneeling is disrespectful? Come on, you must admit that's moronic.

Honorable knowledgeable veterans don't think that....they know better.

Yes, if you ignore all your training, written flag rules/etiquette, common sense, national identity, and the clear, unambiguous words describing the intents of the protesters in favor of politically motivated divisive rabble rousing from consummate liars, that's definitely unreasonable...yes.

bcglorf said:

Then IMO your deeply disrespecting the opinions of a lot of veterans. Just because Trump happens to hold a strong opinion doesn't automatically negate it. Neither does anyone sharing that opinion automatically become duped by him or some kind of protege.

There are veterans working hard to make ends meet watching guys being paid millions of dollars to play football refusing to stand for the national anthem. I don't accept that every single veteran either accepts the gesture entirely, or is a racist Trump duped evil human being. I believe there are veterans that view standing for the anthem as a sign of respect for the country and fallen comrades, and I can understand many of those people disagreeing with the gesture and wishing they'd make their protest in another way than what is to the veterans, disrespect for their country and veterans. It doesn't make them 'right' but it hardly makes them unreasonable either, no?

Shep Smith Shuts Down Sean Hannity's Lies And Propaganda

entr0py says...

I wonder if Fox News keeps Shep around just so they can say to the press, politicians and regulators "See, we're a responsible news organization, not some delusional propaganda outlet." While serving up conspiracy theories and vitriol most of the day.

He exists to deflect criticism from Hannity, not to oppose him.

Of Course I'm Trying To Indoctrinate You In My Beliefs

oblio70 says...

He, and other vitriols like him, have no critical logic ability. He keeps confusing “push” for “allow”, with absolutely no base of fact.

How about “mind your own fucking business, twat!”.

Is the Trump presidency a religious cult?

newtboy says...

Evangelical Christians are consistently one of the most hypocritical, least consistent religious groups around. They seek to spread the love of Jesus with anger, hatred, vitriol, and violence.
They've put the embodiment of the 7 deadly sins and immorality up on a pedestal and worship him because he promised them wealth and power.
They will become a violent terrorist group when he's we will have to deal with like Daesh.

Fear isn't the mind killer....religion is.

"All white people are racist"

Imagoamin says...

Didn't call for censorship. I just find little benefit in singling out an individual with a very tiny platform for saying something dumb. The idea that her being singled out online to be inundated with death threats and vitriol for her and her family (her and her family were doxxed over this) seems to far outweigh the benefit of "stopping this woman going around the country"... seeing as how she's one woman with basically no following and little influence. I doubt she's done many of these talks at all or will do more. (Looked it up. This talk was the only one she'd given all year. Only one on a different subject the year before. Both locally in her area.)

Spreading videos like this after someone has already been doxxed and threatened only seem to help compound the injury. And it's not ideological to me. Justine Sacco said something stupid online and got a crazy amount of blowback and lost her job for it- I don't agree with that either.

If you want to call out what you view as racism, going after the little guys for saying something a little off isn't the way. Go after people with influence. Hell, a police chief in Oklahoma was just caught running a white supremacist website and record label. That guy has direct impact on the rest of people's lives and even if they get to keep their lives in some situations.

Ashleigh is an unemployed recent college grad. The most influence she has are the 15 or 20 people who were all adults that signed up for this particular seminar. I imagine they either agreed with or are old enough to make up their own mind on what was said.

dannym3141 said:

So if you could just let us know what types of racism and hate-speech we should look the other way over, we can begin recreating the third reich immediately...

I don't want anyone dox'd or harassed, and i especially don't want her racism to result in more racism directed at her because that will confirm her bigoted world view. But I can't wrap my head around someone defending a racist hate-speech from a *left wing point of view.* Historically, anti-racism, anti-facism, etc. was always led by the left - this is their genre!

I don't understand what her age has got to do with it other than excuse making, and i also don't understand why the sift shouldn't be allowed to post videos that are used by websites/groups we ideologically oppose. In that case, we need to take down the videos about cops killing unarmed black teenagers, because far-right websites use those videos in different contexts too. And we better show understanding and take down videos of those "random young people" from Charlottesville marching as nazis.

I know i'm being a bit sarcastic here, but seriously..... do not - DO NOT - censor videos showcasing racism according to the skin colour of the offender. That is possibly the exact worst thing you could do to help the far right cause. We are right to speak up and hopefully stop this woman going off round the country radicalising more people to her way of thinking.

You can say that nazis marching in the street and getting violent are inherently more problematic than what is shown in this video and i agree. But the reason we have violent nazis in the streets is because we compromised and allowed acolytes for hatred like Milo to make his own hate-speeches in the name of 'respecting all viewpoints' and led by impotent neoliberal centrists who didn't want to piss off a demographic by morally challenging their views.

coolhund (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

I'm sorry you feel that way, but i think you're being overly sensitive.
Most videos posted aren't political (1/10 seems about average now), but admittedly a higher percentage are while our political fiasco is a danger to us all...that's perfectly reasonable, news that impacts us all sifts.

Very few posts are anywhere near as biased as you claim, and a large percentage that are that bad are actually far right, thanks to Bob posting the craziest right wing stuff. Look closer.

News that contradicts the right is not fake news unless it's actually fake, and fake stories are quickly fact checked and called out, on both sides of the aisle.

People are usually voted down because they have no point, only anger, vitriol, and/or easily disproved contradictions and misdirections, rarely if ever because they made a rational, civil point.

Want more non political some! Make the world you want to live in. Don't just whine about what is, make it.

coolhund said:

Loved this site once. Finding the best recent videos here without much effort was its definition.
People actually did a good job posting them here and often times I visited VideoSift to watch videos while eating dinner. Great memories.

Nowadays most videos posted here are political videos. Not objectively making fun or criticizing both sides, no. Only leftist videos with literal fake news content that have no value at all for making the world a better place. Before I found at least 7-10 videos a day that I enjoyed watching. Now? Not even one. NOT EVEN ONE! WTF happened to you?

You just see these political videos with just childish and retarded attacks, thinking if some pathetic and unfunny celebrity tells it, it is somehow more credible. This site has become a propaganda outlet for these extremist people, and if you dare speak up against it, you get voted down into oblivion and personally attacked (not your points you made).
To put it in a triggering word: Sad!
Good riddance.

Rex Murphy | Free speech on campus

Imagoamin says...

I never claimed to or would say I speak for all of any group. Congrats on assuming.

I fail to see how fighting against equal protection for trans people under hate crime laws isn't transphobic. And his flimsy defense of "it will force me to call someone something i dont want to" isn't true of the bill in the slightest if you read the thing and mostly a smoke screen for his distaste for trans acceptance. The place where Peterson works adopted almost identical protection for trans individuals in 2014. But he hasn't noticed or been effected... because it doesn't do what he thinks.

And your analogy is stupid and reductive. Someone being upset they can't call people "faggot" anymore because of PC nonsense doesn't put you on the same level of marginalized groups fighting for basic rights anymore than his refusal to accept that trans people get to self identify / get equal protection puts him anywhere close to the trans and gay people fighting at Stonewall for the right to exist.

Regardless of all of that, I wasn't talking to you and I was offering someone who seemed genuinely interested in the other side some view of that side. I'm not interested in the vitriol from some rando on the internet who has made being "anti-sjw/anti-feminist" an identity.

Asmo said:

1. You don't speak for all trans/POC/gays etc, so you can only describe your personal experience. There are a number of documented trans people who agree with Peterson and don't want the state strong arming people in to mouthing the words...

2. Peterson does not promote transphobia, he resists being forced to speak certain words. They are not synonymous. If the fuckwits yelling their heads off spent the time to listen, they'd understand that.

3. Peterson was fine with the idiots at the event chucking a trantrum because it showed them up to be the intolerant idiots, not him. He was calm and reasonable, and if they had listened to him then put questions to him, they may have advanced whatever cause they claim to represent. Instead they came across as a pack of morons. /shrug

4. You talk about drawing lines around things, lines that should not be crossed, but without people daring to propose going outside those lines, gay rights would not be a thing... You see? It takes a brave person to step outside the lines and propose something that may be offensive to some. Same with women rights, transgender folk etc.

5. You have the right to be offended. You do not have the right to not be offended.

6. Mobs strongarming people in to silence has far more to do with Nazi ideology than resisting being forced to speak certain words. It's okay to punch Nazi's right?? \= )

The failure of the media, explained

newtboy says...

Most pundits were actually mostly right about the election, which they said was extremely close after the FBI claimed to have new evidence implicating Clinton in the last weeks, a ploy I called in March 2016 when Sanders was cheated out of a fair nomination process.
Clinton won the election cleanly, to my surprise, she just lost the electoral college.
What I think they missed was the vitriol of the right and the ease with which Trump manipulated them, riled them up, told them 1/2 truths in rapid fire ways so even when lie one was exposed, he was already on to lie #27, paired with uncontradicted insanity like 'I know the military better than the generals, and only I can protect the nation' braggadocio.

Also, a bit funny that he thinks the pundits from the left should be fired for getting their prediction of a close, interfered with, unprecedented election 'wrong', but not the pundits from the right that got every prediction of doom and destruction, collapse of civilization, and other complete bat shit insane claims and predictions that they made during the last administration wrong...nope, they should be the presidents closest advisors.

I grew up in the Westboro Baptist Church.

newtboy says...

I can respect a person while not respecting their beliefs, unlike most religious people. It's pretty sad that you seem to not understand that possibility.

The next post was a juxtaposition with 'Christians are required to proselytize', pointing out that even Christians don't respect their own beliefs. This is not vitriolic, it's factual. Christianity requires Jihad, but Christians don't follow those parts today. If you can ignore one part, why not ignore it all, since it's clear you're picking and choosing, so can't believe the bible is the undeniable word of God or every word would be followed, not just the parts they like today.

Again, reminding him what his beliefs actually are is in no way being the worst at respecting others beliefs...Christians are required to murder those with different beliefs. You are claiming that pointing that out is worse than the murders themselves.

Atheists don't murder infidels, therefore can't possibly be the worst at disrespecting beliefs.

bcglorf said:


Hate to single you out, but your missing most of poolcleaner's points by focusing exclusively on one. And your even doubling down on 'proving' the sentence you object to.

You first object by saying:
Atheists give theists much more respect than theists give us.

But then one sentence later:
Theists beliefs deserve no respect, neither do beliefs in Santa, Krampus, fairies, Lord Zenu, Ookie (my brother's imaginary friend), or any other belief in fantasy. You don't respect an inability to recognize reality.

And then your next post leads with:
Don't most of you know that Christians are required to murder you if you don't worship properly, or try to leave Christianity?

It is EXACTLY your extremely vitriolic responses that poolcleaner was no doubt referencing in saying Atheists are often the worst for disrespecting the beliefs of others.

Read over the balance of comments above, particularly including Shinyblurry's unapologeticly evangelical one, and tell me which group's representative in this thread is showing the most contempt and disrespect for the beliefs of the 'other'?

I grew up in the Westboro Baptist Church.

bcglorf says...

I guess adding or building on my above post. If you justify contempt and vitriol against beliefs in a deity, likening it to Krampus, because in essence your view is the correct one that's dangerous. It is in point of fact EXACTLY what the Westboro Baptists tell themselves, most of ISIS too for that matter.

I grew up in the Westboro Baptist Church.

bcglorf says...


Hate to single you out, but your missing most of poolcleaner's points by focusing exclusively on one. And your even doubling down on 'proving' the sentence you object to.

You first object by saying:
Atheists give theists much more respect than theists give us.

But then one sentence later:
Theists beliefs deserve no respect, neither do beliefs in Santa, Krampus, fairies, Lord Zenu, Ookie (my brother's imaginary friend), or any other belief in fantasy. You don't respect an inability to recognize reality.

And then your next post leads with:
Don't most of you know that Christians are required to murder you if you don't worship properly, or try to leave Christianity?

It is EXACTLY your extremely vitriolic responses that poolcleaner was no doubt referencing in saying Atheists are often the worst for disrespecting the beliefs of others.

Read over the balance of comments above, particularly including Shinyblurry's unapologeticly evangelical one, and tell me which group's representative in this thread is showing the most contempt and disrespect for the beliefs of the 'other'?

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