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inflatablevagina (Member Profile)

Eric Clapton plays Layla Unplugged

inflatablevagina (Member Profile)

laura (Member Profile)

smooman (Member Profile)

Zifnab (Member Profile)

Virus / Malware creators need to die (Blog Entry by burdturgler)

burdturgler says...

It was at torrentreactor. I suggest not visiting .. lol.
I don't use torrents or any p2p (not saying I don't ever pirate, but I use altbinz and astraweb for that sort of thing). Anyway, I forget what the hell I was even searching google for, I've been following the goings on with the pirate bay situation and I guess I saw a link that looked interesting at torrentreactor and bang! Firefox crashed to desktop without even an error. 70ish smtp ports opened. Svchost crashed. Unplugged the modem. Rest is history.

JiggaJonson gets Gold 100, Is Too Cool For School (Philosophy Talk Post)

Cracked LCD Screen Prank

Spinal Tap: How to piss off Airport Security

poolcleaner says...

>> ^Memorare:
Years ago i went thru an airport detector with a roach clip made from a 30.06 rifle shell - you could unplug the bullet from the brass, use the brass as a holder, then when done pop them back together and it looked like a rifle shell again.
I demonstrated it to the guy and gal manning the detector, explaining that it was a perfectly safe "cigarette holder", the guy realized what it was and started laughing, the girl didn't get it, but they let me keep it anyway.
Yeah, today i'd probably be in Guantanamo.

Fuck you, I already called Guantanamo and they said you can't run away from your past. They've spoken with the airport personnel where you revealed your marijuana paraphernalia, interviewed the girl who "didn't get it" -- well, you know what? She did get it, and she was more than willing to spill the beans. It's time, buddy. It's time to do your time.

Spinal Tap: How to piss off Airport Security

Memorare says...

Years ago i went thru an airport detector with a roach clip made from a 30.06 rifle shell - you could unplug the bullet from the brass, use the brass as a holder, then when done pop them back together and it looked like a rifle shell again.

I demonstrated it to the guy and gal manning the detector, explaining that it was a perfectly safe "cigarette holder", the guy realized what it was and started laughing, the girl didn't get it, but they let me keep it anyway.

Yeah, today i'd probably be in Guantanamo.

The Cranberries - No Need To Argue

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'dolores o riordan, live, no need to argue, mtv unplugged, 90s' to 'dolores o riordan, irish, live, no need to argue, mtv unplugged, 90s' - edited by calvados

Contender For 'Meanest Dad Award'

Friesian says...

>> ^Lodurr
>> Did anyone here get pranked like this in their youth?

I didn't get pranked by anything like this, but I remember I spent a while insisting I be shown the PC was turned off and unplugged before I would go to bed. For some reason the ending to a Ghostbusters game on my dad's old C64 (the part with the Marshmallow Man parading in front of a building) completely creeped me out.

Depending on the image shown it could have a bit of an after effect, I guess, but I'm with the others who think that nothing like this would result in any serious mental scarring. Worst case is she won't go near the PC for a month or so...

I mean, it didn't do me any lasting harm and I was petrified of that damned C64 for at least a couple of weeks. *looks over shoulder to make sure the Marshmallow Man isn't creeping up on me*

Tree Power

how to do the cell phone popcorn hoax

burdturgler says...

Like I said here ... it is very dangerous (as in lethal / deadly) to touch anything inside your microwave (even if it's unplugged) if you do not know what you're doing. The high voltage capacitor still has the capacity to kill you if it's not discharged even if the microwave isn't plugged in.

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