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All Six Star Wars Movies

Yoda's famous speech from The Empire Strikes Back

Stephen Colbert schools James Franco on Tolkien knowledge

Michel Parbot Empire Strikes Back lost documentary excerpts

NicoleBee says...

This is amazing. It's so nice to listen to these people talk seriously about the work without gushing grotesquely all over themselves as obnoxiously as the extras material on the first trilogy dvds

The audio can use some cleanup, but I'll take it

"And if thy right hand offend thee, Bruce Campbell."

chingalera says...

鼅 Even though Sam has since gone the way of the upside-down kiss, this will always be his epic thrill-ride of a trilogy of grind-house-style photography and content-Three cheers to the tracked-rolling-cam rig shot, I piss my pants every time!

Man of Steel - Trailer 2

L0cky says...

Don't forget The Prestige!

Also, Inception was great.

I think he's done a great job with Batman; a lot better than anyone else has. It got away from him a little, but it will take a lot to better The Dark Knight in any future Batman movies.

All being said though, he could have just made The Dark Knight instead of a trilogy; but that's business.

Deano said:

I really liked his Insomnia remake where he had nice performances from Pacino and Williams and Memento was amazing.

Are Star Trek and Star Wars Mutually Exclusive? (Geek Talk Post)

kulpims says...

the first star wars trilogy is epic. the last one not so. in fact it sucked big time and almost ruined my impression of star wars universe.
with star trek it was different -- the next generation was awesome while the other star trek spin-off tv series were not even close. and all the star trek movies more or less sucked
still, if if I had to decide on a threat of pain, I'd say star wars win

there's only one real trilogy, after all

Honest Dark Knight Rises Trailer

ChaosEngine says...

I unashamedly loved this movie. I was vaguely aware of plot holes, but I really didn't give a fuck as I was simply enjoying myself too much.

Contrast that with Prometheus. I went expecting a good movie and after the frickin *opening scene* I was worried. By the halfway point, the sheer stupidity of the characters and the story had me rooting for everyone to die (and there wasn't even a central memorable villian to get behind!)

There were only a few things in Nolans Batman trilogy I didn't like: the over the top voice, and the fight scenes. (Batman is supposed to be one of the greatest martial artists in the world, and we didn't get one decent fight)

Honest Dark Knight Rises Trailer

Deano says...

A pity then that there are absolutely no memorable characters of note.
This was in no way a character-driven movie. If it was you'd focus on one or two people and the story would be simplified. This was all about the plot which asks the characters to flit around doing stupid things.

I still don't get how the Nolan who gave us Memento ended up producing these awful, bland, poorly constructed action movies.

I used to laugh at Schumacher and Burton but their more fantastical imaginings of Batman work better. This is a man dressed as a bat with a stupid voice. To try to frame this "realistically" in a film doesn't work. And particularly not when you constantly take the liberties shown in this video. And the second film with that laughable cell phone tracking tech just underlined how lazy and poor these films were.

I'll say the first half of Batman Begins was good but then veered sharply away from the comics which inspired it. In fact the main problem with the trilogy is that ripping off Frank Miller and trying to mesh that with a more Hollywood style sensibility just didn't work.

EvilDeathBee said:

Wasn't going to upvote until the Red Letter Media guys appeared. The constant nit-pickery of DKR gets on my tits. It's a character driven movie! None of the "plot holes" ever got in the way of enjoying it for me

Honest Dark Knight Rises Trailer

Yogi says...

I'll field this. Dark Knight rises came on the tails of the two best comic book movies for one of the best comic book characters ever made. Batman Begins was amazing when you compare it to Batman movies of old and then Dark Knight was probably the greatest action movie ever made, it was incredible.

The bar was raised super high, and people had a problem with the last movie. I think it honestly wasn't tight enough...Dark Knight is tight as a drum, Rises simply isn't. It meanders, it's just unbelievable at times, it doesn't handle some of it's new characters well at all. Although there's moments in that movie that are great, I feel it's second half really failed.

What I can see is there was simply too much they wanted to guess what cut it into two movies. One is Dark Knight Falls and then Dark Knight Rises. I would've loved it, hell Hobbit is suddenly 3 movies so don't tell me Nolan couldn't make this stuff into two, it would've ROCKED.


The ending wasn't handled well either but the argument to change it is weird too. Some people say Alfred should see Batman and Catwoman and just smile, and we never see them. To me if Nolan did that it would've been hacky and exactly the same as the ending to Inception.

As a whole, this trilogy is better than the original Star Wars Trilogy, based on story and characters alone. It's MUCH better you don't know anything if you disagree. Also just like Return of the Jedi is a disappointment (More Ewoks MUST DIE!) so is Rises, yet I'll still watch it.

Sarzy said:

I'm really not sure what it is about this movie that inspires such pedantic nitpickery. Any big blockbuster can be nitpicked to death if you really want to. There are just as many plot holes in The Avengers, and everyone treated that like it was the second coming of Jesus.

Disney A.N.T. Farm meets R2D2 and C3PO

jcf79 says...

Riiiight, ruining your childhood, like George Lucas didn't already do that with the prequels... Or the infamous Holiday Special... I really don't see why anyone cares by this point what is done with the Star Wars franchise (which is exactly what it has been even before the prequels, a franchise, a way to get your money for products of sometimes dubious quality) I really liked the original trilogy, but I'm also pretty content to just ignore everything else or at the very least shrug my shoulders and say "meh, whatever"

Extra Slave Princess Leia Footage

spoco2 says...

>> ^Fusionaut:

You mean like Lucas did for the last trilogy? I can only imagine Disney doing a better job!>> ^RFlagg:
Just hope the House of Mouse doesn't mess up the next 3 movies...

Hopefully they'll be awesome and we can just pretend it's a series of six movies starting at Episode 4. Pretend 1, 2 and 3 never existed.

Extra Slave Princess Leia Footage

Disney buy Lucasfilm for $4.05bn. Star Wars Ep. 7 in 2015.

probie says...

After buying countless, differing versions of the original trilogy over the years, surviving the prequels, and seeing what a mess the entire franchise has become, Star Wars has long since been dead to me. After Indy 4, Lucas deserves to have his arms torn off by the proverbial Wookie.

I'm just glad he didn't have any hand in the Back to the Future movies.

White Boy Drops Sick Beat

poolcleaner says...

^ Quboid:
I completely agree. Come on Google! Get with the now.

^ ypsilon:
Opinion noted and there's really no way for me to refute it, as the opinion is held by many and it's pretty safe to say that it is the standard. But my opinion is that the design decisions of the past create false senses of what does and does not feel "right", and that it is not apparent until many years later when a group of people break that standard and do something different in mass, intentionally or unintentionally. In time, as people accept the change and the old guard dies off (or is assimilated), it becomes a standard in its own right.

Consider what was acceptable fashion 100 years ago versus today; what was acceptable in art, architecture, music, and culinary arts in the Western hemisphere. Think of how web design standards and video games have changed. Or our sexual zeitgeist, for that matter.

I dunno, I'd be down for a triangle view or a circular view if there were technology readily available for the masses to create with.

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