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AeroMechanical (Member Profile)

Dolbs says...
AeroMechanical said:

Well, the truck is a truly terrible idea (*under* the truck might be the best of bad alternatives). Perhaps we need to go down the "there ought to be a law" route and mandate that the owners of trailer communities provide a tornado shelters. They can't be that expensive to build.... a hole in the ground, some cinderblocks, some steel I-beams.

Here's a question for the experts. If, for some reason, you're stuck in your truck. Are you better off with the windows rolled down, partially down? Fully up?

My very superficial understanding leads me to suspect that if the windows are closed, you're risking the pressure differential exploding them. On the other hand, they will protect you from a lot of flying debris (to an extent) if they are closed. Maybe partially closed?

I guess when it's all said and done, it's EIA. If you live in a tornado prone part of the world, and you live in a trailer park, you should probably have some sort of plan worked out in advance regarding the best course of action.

Beautiful Tornado Bears Down On A Trailer Park

AeroMechanical says...

To be fair, I can't really decide what I'd do in that situation. Assuming the tornado was just suddenly upon them with no warning, there aren't a lot of options. Staying in the trailer is a bad idea. In the truck or under the truck aren't great ideas. They did appear to make an attempt to drive away, which may have been the best bet, but then they stopped... there would be a lot of danger of hitting panicking pedestrians, but at least you have more options than just sitting in an immobile truck.

I suppose, if I were living there for any length of time, and nobody was going to build a tornado shelter, what I'd do is buy a very sturdy steel drum and secure it to the ground with with some big, long steel bolts and then fashion a solid latch for the top that could be opened from both the inside and the outside (not forgetting the breathing holes, of course). Perhaps pile some sand bags around it for good measure.

What about just digging a trench, five or so feet deep... maybe with a sturdy well secured roof of some time? Being underground, I suppose flooding might be a concern.

Meh, I dunno. I guess when it comes down to it, even in tornado alley, the odds of actually getting hit by a tornado are still pretty small. And, if you are actually *directly* hit by a tornado there probably isn't a whole lot that will save you except maybe a main battle tank or a concrete bunker.

FlowersInHisHair said:

These guys are pretty stupid, but I'm glad they are.

Beautiful Tornado Bears Down On A Trailer Park

AeroMechanical says...

Well, the truck is a truly terrible idea (*under* the truck might be the best of bad alternatives). Perhaps we need to go down the "there ought to be a law" route and mandate that the owners of trailer communities provide a tornado shelters. They can't be that expensive to build.... a hole in the ground, some cinderblocks, some steel I-beams.

Here's a question for the experts. If, for some reason, you're stuck in your truck. Are you better off with the windows rolled down, partially down? Fully up?

My very superficial understanding leads me to suspect that if the windows are closed, you're risking the pressure differential exploding them. On the other hand, they will protect you from a lot of flying debris (to an extent) if they are closed. Maybe partially closed?

I guess when it's all said and done, it's EIA. If you live in a tornado prone part of the world, and you live in a trailer park, you should probably have some sort of plan worked out in advance regarding the best course of action.

Beautiful Tornado Bears Down On A Trailer Park

Beautiful Tornado Bears Down On A Trailer Park

Beautiful Tornado Bears Down On A Trailer Park

Security Camera Footage of Tupelo, Mississippi Tornado 2014

Unsung_Hero says...

Did you notice the switch from Kansas to the Land of Oz there between 3:07 & 3:08 ?

Also... Did anyone else pick a place on the playground that they would ride out the storm as well? Yeah, part of the roof found me. Tornado: 1 - Me: 0

Zawash (Member Profile)

Security Camera Footage of Tupelo, Mississippi Tornado 2014

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: GOP Ad

shagen454 says...

You must live in tornado alley and had the kitchen floor collapse on your head too often.

bobknight33 said:

Democrats are the party of NO
No Nuclear power
No coal,
No fracking,
No oil,
No gasoline.
No cars,
No getting ahead,
No profits,
No equality
No capitalism
No Free markets
No critical thought
No Jobs

This is not the party of "Move Forward" but the party of the dark age.
And by looking at this video we will be heading back to the dark age soon

Tumbleweed Tornado of FIRE!

Rebecca Vitsmun, The Oklahoma Atheist, Tells Her Story

sanderbos says...

(disclaimer: atheist)

The whole video makes me sad:
- That CNN did this drive-by-outing, putting this woman's life in more turmoil than literally (correct use for once) a tornado ever could. Yeah, she says she is happy it happened but still.
- That she speaks of coming outing as atheist without seemingly any irony.
- Also: That despite her involvement with these secular organizations and doug stanhope's tip, her descriptions show that when it comes to helping other people religious groups have got it together and us non-believers are mostly just talk :-(

Fried potato on a stick

entr0py says...

These are often sold at state fairs and carnivals, and called tornado potatos. There much of the appeal comes from watching it being made, so you wouldn't really want to cut out that part.

rebuilder said:

Very cool, but it seems like the process needs to be rather more automated if you're going to sell these in quantity.

Still, someone actually made a machine for this...

It's raining rocks in Sicily

chingalera says...

Holy Shit, stonado. WTF exploding balls of rocky ice? CGIce balls, TVs gettin' SO fuckin' stupid! Dint they just have some tornado drop sharks and alligators on towns?
Tornadoes are stand-alone insanity like volcanoes, but I'd rather live at the foot of a volcano than in tornado alley. Better victory gardens and more lead-time to GTFO.

PlayhousePals said:

Wow, timely ... I just watched "Stonados" on the SyFy channel

Man Films Tornado Coming Directly at his House

SFOGuy says...

Grew up at the edge of the belt.
Never stopped being respectful and fearful of tornadoes...
Always knew where the nearest basement and bathroom (strong walls and pipes) was.

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