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File-sharing debate between Metallica & Public Enemy members

Don't Fuck With Ari Gold

Dunbar's Number Theory of Social Cohesion

Trancecoach says...

needs more research to support the argument. But there's definitely a tipping point at which social cohesion breaks down. I recall reading that small teams maximize their productivity at around 11 individuals, after which productivity plateaus and begins to drop off.

Largest illegal black market of guns in pakistan

gluonium gone? (Sift Talk Post)

Thylan says...

@MINK as this is clearly a discussion about VS and the leadership there of, and with dag in particular atm, it's not vain to think that a comment about leadership (even one that is generalized) is aimed at him. If it isnt, its your place to clarify that, as you now have.

On the specific of it being a failing of VS if a quality video submitter leaves, I disagree. I disagree because the diversity of humanity/people/human nature means that there can be all kinds of reasons why someone like that may feel the need to leave, infact, too many for VS or any community to be 100% insulated against.

Now, it may be, that the specific case of a quality sifter leaving might illustrate an issue about which VS could do something, and thus perhaps prevent or diminish the chance of another quality sifter feeling the need to leave for that reason in the future. But I don't believe it will be possible in all such cases. Moving off of theory to this specific, im far from sure of the exact reasons of gluonium going. I know possible reasons have been suggest in this thread, but i wont put other peoples words into his/her mouth by assuming that they are 100% accurate.

Not knowing that, i dont see that there is anything concrete to discuss around. A possible, "rock the boat style" this smells bad to me, and might indicate something wrong we could fix, IS reasonable, but if we cant pin down what the problem was, it wont advance anything. (discussing Why VS might get to concrete points of value and lead to interesting discussions, but thats a different issue).

Anyway, taping a leap, and assuming that the tipping point/final straw, for deciding to leave, was a sequence of several comments in a row by different sifters with which he/she disagreed, can NOT be legislated against/planed against. If that was the reason, VS is not responsible and cannot BE responsible, for guarding against it occurring in the future. People disagree a lot on the sift. Thats healthy. But seeing several people disagree with your viewpoints in a row and have that be the final straw to leave, well, that may be human nature but tis not VS's place to pick up the dummy from the floor and putt it back in the pram, or to slap people's wrists for expressing a personal opinion on a controversial matter, or saying that if your view gets expresed, you cant chime in in agreement until another person has disagreed, so as to maintain a balance in the force.

Anyway, this was interesting, so i'll butt back out.

Village in Argentina Stars in New Guinness Rube Goldberg Ad

Showing submission dates. (Sift Talk Post)

Village in Argentina Stars in New Guinness Rube Goldberg Ad

Guinness - Domino Ad

Who's Reading What? (Books Talk Post)

smibbo says...

I also am a nut for anything by Ann Rule (True Crime/legal/true detective), Harlan Ellison (speculative fiction) and Chuck Palahniuk

last non-fiction book was "Blink" (sequel to The Tipping Point) - awesome fun read

Ralph Nader: "Things Are a Lot Worse than We Thought!"

rougy says...

Things are a lot worse than we thought.

The rightwing in America has gone out of their fucking minds.

They're all about morality and freedom and Jesus.

But, gawd they love their torture, their war, their dead civilians, their one-sided radio, their television sponsored by the very corporations who are making a mint off these illegal wars.

Take this to heart: Nader is right.

We're either past the tipping point, or everybody is so wigged-out with paranoia that America has become a political no-man's land.

Please Inspect Baggage Before Entering Train (Sift Talk Post)

mlx says...

One point of the no self-linking rule, to me, is to prevent the Sift from being used as a tipping point for global web popularity for a particular video or website by someone not really interested in our community. The rule provides transparency for the Sift, it gives us credibility as arbiters of quality videos online. Without it there'd be nothing but lap dance videos on the front page.

Fedquip set up a youtube group to solve some of the issues you use in your defense, and there have been several times that other Sifters have hosted a clip for me on their youtube account to save a dead vid. So there are ways to keep your vids here, but it's done within the shared community. I'm fairly sure that VS 3.0 will alter some of this policy, perhaps saving a dead video by uploading a local copy could be addressed. I see you have a good eye (and perhaps a short fuse), but hope you can understand this and want to be civil and work within our system as it is now.

Horizon - A War On Science (BBC Documentary, 49mins)

aaronfr says...

dsjunkid- I don't think it's being smug, but rather, honest. Being myself an American, I am terribly shamed by the statistics that you present. Of course, I'm not summed up in any of those statistics which may explain why I have felt the need to leave my home country and only return on an intermittent basis. I am extremely fearful that the United States will devour itself in a fit of anti-intellectualism, bravado, and egotism. In fact, I think in many ways that we've already reached the tipping point and I don't want to be there when the s*** hits the fan.

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