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Tales of Mere Existence "Good Looking"

MikesHL13 (Member Profile)

"My Darling?" Tales Of Mere Existence

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'Tales, mere, existence, darling' to 'Tales og mere existence, my darling, levni yilmaz' - edited by kronosposeidon

ObsidianStorm (Member Profile)

Tales of Mere Existence - 'What would penis do?'

Tales of Mere Existence - 'What would penis do?'

Tales of Mere Existence: Youth and Aging

heathen says...

>> ^mxxcon:
watching this clip and thinking about the future and past made me a depressed 30 year old

I was already a depressed 31 year old before watching it, now I'm looking forward to when I'm 41 and can hook up with 22 year old girls who are old souls.

Tales of Mere Existence: Youth and Aging

Tales of Mere Existence: Youth and Aging

boblobblaw says...

>> ^notarobot:
I still love the style of flash animation he uses!

Doesn't really look like flash to me ... looks more like some sort of tracing paper with him drawing the scenes with perhaps a soft graphite pencil from behind the paper. You can sort of see the vague blurry outlines of his fingers and drawing hand moving around behind the paper. Some cursory searching confirms my suspicion:

[fyi] via

I actually completely lifted the technique really from an obscure old arthouse movie called The Mystery of Picasso where the filmmaker [Clouzot] spent a few days with Picasso in his studio. Picasso painted on transluscent canvases and [Clouzot] shot him from the other side, shot the canvases from the other side. I sort of took that and just added narration to it.

I do agree with you that his style is awesome though : )

Tales Of Mere Existence "A Position Of Power"

Thylanny! Another Gold 100 Member... (British Talk Post)

Day in the Life of a Procrastinator

I Guess You'll Do

Tales Of Mere Existence "Boyfriends I have Been"

Thylan Gets The GOLD! Yeah baby! (British Talk Post)

jonny says...

nicely done thylan - lots of appreciation for the vids, and even more for the sensible and reasoned comments.

Check out some of Thylan's great, but under-appreciated vids:

yeah, I like the ToME vids a lot.

If that's not your thing, check out his Owl playlist:

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