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NATO supplied ammunition facility attacked

Harzzach says...

Actually, this probably wasnt an ammo dump at all. According to UA this was a facility to store old S-300 rocket boosters.

And in regards to the ammo supply ... BOTH sides suffers from lack of conventional artillery ammo. The russians are not able to produce enough and Ukraine never had the amounts Russia had from the days of the USSR. But ... the ukranian ammo problem will be solved soon because the west is ramping up its own production, the russians still cant produce enough or receive the amount needed from North Korea.

Biden & The Border: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver

Phooz says...


So since you can't solve the problem instantly and wholly you should do nothing at all? People use that all the time but I have never gotten it. Better to try than to do nothing at all.

Yes help foreign countries directly in their country but also allow immigration if it is a possibility for people.

The end of the video calls out suffering and forgotten veterans in the USA. Yes help our veterans, but guess what majority doesn't vote or do anything to help veterans? The US Government particularly Right Wing members of government.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

You have no clue how economies work. That’s obvious to everyone.
Every professional economist will tell you clearly, the attempted blackmail using the debt ceiling as a hostage has already cost hundreds of millions or more in lost revenue/investment, and will cost TRILLIONS if our credit rating is lowered significantly, which it will be soon.
How much of that spending was Republican spending (and unprecedented economic losses) from 2019-20?
How much did they/you care in 2017-20? ZERO…that’s how much.

The economy was doing great under Biden until over leveraged banks started failing. It’s still doing well, but could falter. The bank failures are 100% due to thoughtless deregulation by maggots.

“What the Republicans passed is fair even if Democrats dont like it.”
You don’t even know the topic now? “Whatever the maggots passed”…like trillions handed back to billionaires then claiming poverty, claiming millions to feed children bankrupted us, not TRILLIONS TO BILLIONAIRES. (Or do you mean the MAGA brainless budget proposal guaranteed to create a depression, massive unemployment, and doubling or tripling the homeless while bankrupting the nation?). You are such a silly little boy.

What they should have done is repeal the Trump handouts, reinstate reasonable corporate rates (with minimum tax rates so no company and no one making $75k pays zero), that would erase any need to raise the debt, but to your ilk that’s a non starter because those poor billionaires need that money for buying and destroying companies like Twitter.

ROTFLMFAHS!! First, Bush left two wars off those books, then crashed the economy into depression. Obama pulled it out and left the economy healthy and growing. Trump in 4 years, starting with a healthy economy and balanced budget spent as much in 4 years as Obama in 8, raising the spending levels like an rocket and lowered the income of the government by trillions, made gdp a NEGATIVE number, unemployment skyrocketing like never before in history, (and don’t forget over 1 MILLION DEAD Americans and what, 10 million disabled?)

Government has both an income and spending problem…wasting $40 billion on a fence that has INCREASED immigration rates (but refusing to increase border control spending to hire more agents)…wasting $10 billion on a border stunt by Texas that didn’t catch a single smuggler but caused shortages and gridlocks at the border and ports for weeks. Outraged at the idea of staffing the IRS enough to enforce tax laws despite it being guaranteed to make billions in recovered taxes that otherwise go unpaid. Causing billions to be spent protecting government workers and buildings from terrorist maggots and their mobs and death threats and bombs, molotovs, guns, nooses, etc.

Social security isn’t a general fund item, dummy. Cutting it doesn’t put money in the coffer, it merely lowers how much workers pay into their accounts and takes some from those who already paid in.

Bank failures are due to deregulation that allowed over investment without cash reserves so when interest rates went above zero, which was guaranteed to happen sometime, they were guaranteed to lose their shirts. Regulations were put in place to make that 100% illegal after 08, and were removed in 18 guaranteeing a repeat.

Inflation caused by 1/3 of every dollar being created out of thin air under Trump while our GDP tanked. Both caused inflation.

Yeah, sure…Trump caused the crisis, failed to properly address it exacerbating it by a factor of 10, finally started to a hundred days late and billions of dollars short. Biden turned a negative Trump gdp around to positive, fixed the unprecedented high unemployment under Trump, and got Covid under control…but it’s Biden that broke the camel’s back with his 10% contribution, not Trump’s 90%….in fact we should get Trump back and get the ball rolling downhill again. 🤦‍♂️

Blaming both sides (which you are attempting) doesn’t solve the problem. Solving the problem solved the problem, and Biden has solved many problems Trump left behind and solves more every day while Trump gets another indictment for criminally personally benefiting from mismanagement, fraud, thefts, sale of state secrets, covering for murders, vote fraud FOR HIM, etc.

Trying to blame Dark Brandon for the horrific mess Trump left does not solve the problem, it attempts to distract from it with nonsense.

bobknight33 said:

MEGA has nothing to do with it.

The economy is like it is because of too much spending too quickly. Look at the increase over last 4 years.

What the Republicans passed is fair even if Democrats dont like it.

What they should have done is pass 1.5 Trillion increase with the only exception is that both sides cut programs 5% across the board, set budget to last years tax receipts.

From Bush 42 with 12 Trillion to today 32 Trillion in about a Decade.
Government does not have a $ problem they have a spending problem.
Government steals enough $ from Americans.

Yes military and social security needs to be cut as well.. Both side need to do and not blame each other. Just get the job done.

Bank failures are due the interest rate hikes. These hikes are put in place to drive down inflation. Inflation is caused ( mostly) by dumping more $ into the supply as noted above.

Trump might have started it but Biden's $ increase
is the straw that broke the camels back.

Blaming both sides doe not solve the problem. Solving the problem solves the problem.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

bobknight33 says...

MEGA has nothing to do with it.

The economy is like it is because of too much spending too quickly. Look at the increase over last 4 years.

What the Republicans passed is fair even if Democrats dont like it.

What they should have done is pass 1.5 Trillion increase with the only exception is that both sides cut programs 5% across the board, set budget to last years tax receipts.

From Bush 42 with 12 Trillion to today 32 Trillion in about a Decade.
Government does not have a $ problem they have a spending problem.
Government steals enough $ from Americans.

Yes military and social security needs to be cut as well.. Both side need to do and not blame each other. Just get the job done.

Bank failures are due the interest rate hikes. These hikes are put in place to drive down inflation. Inflation is caused ( mostly) by dumping more $ into the supply as noted above.

Trump might have started it but Biden's $ increase is the straw that broke the camels back.

Blaming both sides doe not solve the problem. Solving the problem solves the problem.

newtboy said:

I realize the economy is slumping and likely to crash…because MAGA is playing blackmail chicken with the (mostly Republican spending) debt. Their austerity plan is economy destroying too, and puts millions more homeless on the streets and jobless.
It’s also responsible for the bank failures thanks to 2018 MAGA banking deregulation because apparently the right cannot remember how their deregulation of banks caused the global deep recession/depression in 08.

Yes, this MAGA shitshow continues to hurt America intentionally.

Watch Elon Musk's Rocket Explode After Launch

newtboy says...

IF they really learned enough to justify the enormous cost, good for them and it is a “success”. That remains to be seen, I think even they won’t know until their next shot. If it has 6 motor failures, that’s advancement, but enough?

It’s not a great sign that near 1/4 of the motors failed in 4 minutes…that’s a whole lot of failures to figure out. It’s unlikely one thing caused them to fail, and they need to solve every single issue before they can put people on board. I hope they got enough data. I do want this to work.

This is a different mindset/methodology to designing a vehicle for getting to space, one we aren’t used to. Edit: Rapid Advancement through intentional failure. It will be interesting to see how this gamble pays off. Great risk can bring great rewards…or great failures.

I would say to Hatfield, yes, many airplanes failed their first test flights…but none were 1/10 as expensive or complicated as this rocket. Failures here are many orders of magnitude more expensive, so really NEED to produce major advancements quickly to be a viable method for designing rockets. The Wright bros only lost some cloth and wood when they failed.

eric3579 said:

Shit fails all the time when testing. Particularly when things have never been tried before. Chris Hatfield seems to think it was an 'enormously successful' first flight.

C-note (Member Profile)

Black High School Student Pair Solve IMPOSSIBLE Ancient Math

noims says...

Not necessarily. It could be impossible, but they haven't solved it.

BSR said:

So you would agree with me that it was NOT impossible as stated in the title

C-note (Member Profile)

Has Woke Culture Has Gone Too Far

newtboy says...

Dishonest drivel by ridiculous ignorami who talk like snobby arrogant 12 year olds with a chip on their shoulders.

Really….he claims indoor plumbing is a major climate change driver, or a symbol of “wokeness”? Wtf is he talking about? More proof that he’s simply rambling nonsense to a crowd or braying morons in suits applauding every insult of the left, not making any valid points.

If enough people press that button to do everything to save their child at all costs without a thought to consequences, every child in the next generation has 5 times the likelihood of not surviving his first year, button or no, and the next 10 times the death rate, and the next 25times….and if everyone pushes that button, it guarantees a near 100% infant death rate this century. There are many ways to improve infant mortality rates without adding to greenhouse emissions….the best being STOP HAVING CHILDREN YOU CANNOT SUPPORT or FEED.

Undeveloped India is going to largely dissolve before they advance technologically. Over 2/3 of the water in that region comes from glaciers….glaciers in many cases expected to be gone completely by 2030. That’s almost 2 billion people suddenly with no water source. There is no technological way to replace that amount of water, never mind the money and energy. Therefore the India and China emission issues he claims are upcoming will likely largely solve themselves as they will be the spearhead of the first major wave of our extinction.

BTW, the comatose (the un-woke) admitted they actually want to ban women in red states from traveling legally because they could get in a car and drive/move to a state where abortion is legal….and they know their HUGELY unpopular plan to make an anti abortion federal law (funny it’s no longer a states rights thing) is a non starter.
So much for freedom.
They also are moving to ban contraception, sodomy, homosexuality, literally any sex that doesn’t lead to unwanted children except heterosexual sex with pre-pubescent girls….they’re in favor of THAT, and have written multiple bills attempting to legalizing it.

22 Problems Solved in 2022

newtboy says...

I see….they have a much different definition of “solved” than I do.
I think that word indicates the completion of a solution to a problem.
They mean simply beginning to address the problem, sometimes just agreeing there IS a problem.
Don’t get me wrong, all these are *quality steps in the right direction, but very few were actually solutions by any stretch.

For instance….#18 is a local concern.
This is far from the first time Klamath River dam removal has been scheduled for “next summer” only to be delayed time and time again. This has stretched out for so long that a few species of salmon the removal was supposed to save are no longer detected in the river. Multiple drought years and heat waves paired with mismanagement and neglect have spawned multiple full river toxic algae blooms making the water poisonous even for swimming, lots of dead dogs, lots of dead and sick wildlife, millions of dead fish.
It wouldn’t surprise anyone if new challenges to removal are started based on that alone, further delaying removal until all strains are gone.
20 years ago the Klamath was a world class salmon river, today it’s often closed to fishing even for native tribes that subsistence fish to survive.
I hardly consider another new projected project START date for the multi year 4 stage removal project to be “problem solved”. After that part is finished, massive river long restoration STARTS. If that can be successful at all, it takes decades and mountains of cash.

Sorry to be a Debby Downer.

22 Problems Solved in 2022

eric3579 says...

1) 1:48 NASA nails asteroid

2) 3:03 US joins Kigali amendment

3) 4:05 purportedly extinct species make comeback

4) 5:11 malaria vaccine progresses through trials

5) 6:33 lyme disease vaccine nearing market return

6) 8:04 US soccer teams strike monumental deal

7) 8:58 free lunches programs expand

8 ) 10:04 Europe standardizing charging ports

9) 11:02 US ev tipping point hit this year

10) 12:13 plan created for plugging orphan wells

11) 13:28 Canada pilots prescriptions for outdoors time

12) 14:18 military suicides see decline

13) 15:26 HIV vaccines progressing through trials

14) 16:18 art museums solve funding issue

15) 17:08 battery swap technology spreading

16) 18:22 ethereum achieves major efficiency gain

17) 19:42 MLB figures out authentication

18) 20:54 Klamath river set for return

19) 22:03 Intel launches deepfake detector

20) 22:47 solution for removing pfa's found

21) 24:16 US States ban slavery

22) 25:42 nuclear fusion breakthrough

Roommates Discover Disturbing Dog Ritual

What To Do When Someone Parks in the Access Aisle

newtboy says...

Missed opportunity.
The proper solution is to pretend it’s not there and extend your ramp through the offending car, then crawl through into your own. Problem solved!

Republican Socialists

luxintenebris says...

for answers, might look at causes and things that haven't worked. possibility of realizing what ISN'T the leading cause -

- and addressing those that DO and the answers reveal themselves more readily.

altering the subject a bit, OPEC is working on throwing a wrench into the works. i'd suggest not letting them alter our course by re-electing the group that has no desire/experience/answers in solving anything. *

kinda like...if the boat is sinking locate the ones helping to bail and those who aren't - and toss the R̶e̶p̶u̶b̶l̶i̶c̶a̶n̶s̶ slackers overboard and keep the actual help.

rather have folks that try, than all those that cry, cry, cry.

*sans deals w/the devil, war mongering, or weathering the rich while damning the poor = last forty years

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Catherine Leavy, hard core Trumpist, arrested after she called in a bomb threat to Boston Children’s hospital based on the lie that young children were having hysterectomies as part of sex reassignment and were being mutilated intentionally under the assumption that every child born is trans….all nonsense bullshit spouted by right wing talking heads like Carlson…forcing the rapid evacuation of critically ill children. Over a dozen distinct threats against this hospital based on idiotic stupidity your ilk are all too happy to believe without a second thought.

More terrorism, destruction, and death threats against children by the right….the same people who are trying to make it legal to marry 9 year old girls then have sex with them.

Edit: I’m going to guess that you support DeSantis trafficking illegals at insane costs, $12 million of taxpayer money to ship 50 deep into the US as a political stunt/advertisement….how many could have been caught and deported with $12 million? Proof it’s all politics, not about solving the problem at all. Also proof of the unChristian, uncaring, thoughtlessness of the right now, this was an evil ploy to use children as political pawns by attempting to dump them, at night, in residential areas with no social services in the hopes that, out of desperation, one would commit some crime….backfired big time, liberals stood up and took care of these people the right had lied to and abused.
Odd, I thought the right said it dislikes human trafficking, but clearly that’s a lie since you applaud it. Now both the Senator and Governor of Florida are caught red handed child trafficking. Lock them up? Wrong is wrong….child trafficking is wrong….come on friendo, call it wrong AND DENOUNCE THE PERPS, permanently, not for 3 days.

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