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Television Credits | David Mitchell's Soapbox

moodonia says...

I've had a number of endings of various shows ruined by the announcer talking over the conclusion. So one is watching a whodunnit and dont get to hear whodunnit.

>> ^steroidg:

Credits? One of the commercial channels in Australia used to half the viewing area of Futurama 15 seconds before the show actually finished and talk over the entire ending.

DerHasisttot (Member Profile)

Television Credits | David Mitchell's Soapbox

DerHasisttot (Member Profile)

Raigen (Member Profile)

Lann (Member Profile)

Raigen (Member Profile)

Friends | David Mitchell's Soapbox

sucker punch-samurai scene-zach snyder is an artist (HD)

ChaosEngine says...

>> ^Sagemind:

Give in to your inner 14-year-old!
You're sounding like an old man trying to justify away your inhibitions.:P
Movies like this are a 14-year old fantacy. It's a delve into all that is comic book cool. Super power invincibility, Cyberpunk, Steam Punk, Mech-Warriors, Martial Arts, Sci-Fi, Ancient Wisdom, Fighting for your life, Frailty, Wisdom, Sensuality, Sacrifice, Cute girls, Fantasy, Thoughts within thoughts and so much more. Like the ogre said, "The onion has layers!"
"Let's have hot chicks! with guns! fighting samurai! with more guns! and dragons!" - YES, Lets!
If you go into this movie, leave behind your common-sense brain and take with you, your fourteen-year-old brain. If you expect reality, you're watching the wrong movie!
>> ^ChaosEngine:
while there's no doubting Snyders technical skill, he really has no original ideas at all. This movie played like it was written by a 14 year old boy. Let's have hot chicks! with guns! fighting samurai! with more guns! and dragons!
Honestly, I went into it expecting mindless fun, so my standards weren't high. But not only was it boring, it was downright creepy, like watching an old man hit on a teenage girl.
edit: actually while I'm on this soapbox.... the costumes on the lead actress were borderline paedophilia. And she was rubbish.

The merits of hot chicks (babydolls creepiness aside) fighting dragons, steampunk nazis, etc are lost on me. Which was why it was so surprising that the whole thing was boring at best and lurid at worst.

Even watching the action sequences, you're aware that what you're actually watching is a fantasy within a fantasy. At one layer removed you are watching women forced into sex slavery and "reality" is not much better.

If you wanted to make a straight up action movie, with awesome set-pieces and a ridiculous plot, go for it. But what plot there was made the whole thing feel seedy.

I tried, believe me. I went with a bunch of mates. We had beer and ribs beforehand. And we still came out genuinely wondering if Snyder was that stupid.

Or maybe not...

and here is really the only excuse I can give this. Maybe it's meant to be creepy and weird. There's a infinitesimal chance that there is actually a meta-narrative, that the whole thing is a work of subversive genius; a commentary on how comfortable we are with fetishizing things that are in many ways genuinely wrong.

But somehow, I doubt it.

sucker punch-samurai scene-zach snyder is an artist (HD)

Sagemind says...

Give in to your inner 14-year-old!
You're sounding like an old man trying to justify away your inhibitions.:P

Movies like this are a 14-year old fantacy. It's a delve into all that is comic book cool. Super power invincibility, Cyberpunk, Steam Punk, Mech-Warriors, Martial Arts, Sci-Fi, Ancient Wisdom, Fighting for your life, Frailty, Wisdom, Sensuality, Sacrifice, Cute girls, Fantasy, Thoughts within thoughts and so much more. Like the ogre said, "The onion has layers!"

"Let's have hot chicks! with guns! fighting samurai! with more guns! and dragons!" - YES, Lets!

If you go into this movie, leave behind your common-sense brain and take with you, your fourteen-year-old brain. If you expect reality, you're watching the wrong movie!

>> ^ChaosEngine:

while there's no doubting Snyders technical skill, he really has no original ideas at all. This movie played like it was written by a 14 year old boy. Let's have hot chicks! with guns! fighting samurai! with more guns! and dragons!
Honestly, I went into it expecting mindless fun, so my standards weren't high. But not only was it boring, it was downright creepy, like watching an old man hit on a teenage girl.
edit: actually while I'm on this soapbox.... the costumes on the lead actress were borderline paedophilia. And she was rubbish.

sucker punch-samurai scene-zach snyder is an artist (HD)

ChaosEngine says...

while there's no doubting Snyders technical skill, he really has no original ideas at all. This movie played like it was written by a 14 year old boy. Let's have hot chicks! with guns! fighting samurai! with more guns! and dragons!

Honestly, I went into it expecting mindless fun, so my standards weren't high. But not only was it boring, it was downright creepy, like watching an old man hit on a teenage girl.

edit: actually while I'm on this soapbox.... the costumes on the lead actress were borderline paedophilia. And she was rubbish.

Is the youtube not working ? (Worldaffairs Talk Post)

Sarzy says...

>> ^Sagemind:

Great to see you've got it working. (or did you?)
I don't think I'll EVER install Chrome. I can't stand that Google uses my information on a constant basis. I find it an invasion of privacy. Without going into a rant, by switching to Chrome, you are basically inviting them into your computer and closing your eyes while they install a camera, poke in all the cupboards and rifle through your drawers.
I also understand they do this without me using chrome but Chrome just means I approve - and I don't.
Steps down off soapbox

Yep. I switched to gmail recently -- the other day I was mentioning to a friend in an email how much I hated writing the LSAT. Suddenly I was seeing ads for LSAT courses on several websites. Creepy/invasive.

Is the youtube not working ? (Worldaffairs Talk Post)

BoneRemake says...

>> ^Sagemind:

Great to see you've got it working. (or did you?)
I don't think I'll EVER install Chrome. I can't stand that Google uses my information on a constant basis. I find it an invasion of privacy. Without going into a rant, by switching to Chrome, you are basically inviting them into your computer and closing your eyes while they install a camera, poke in all the cupboards and rifle through your drawers.
I also understand they do this without me using chrome but Chrome just means I approve - and I don't.
Steps down off soapbox

Only reason I go it working is because I allowed them to molest my internet activity and installed chrome. My sisters computer has the same problem, she can not go to anything youtube related, just a black screen and nothing loads. Its bullshit I tell ye.

Is the youtube not working ? (Worldaffairs Talk Post)

Sagemind says...

Great to see you've got it working. (or did you?)

I don't think I'll EVER install Chrome. I can't stand that Google uses my information on a constant basis. I find it an invasion of privacy. Without going into a rant, by switching to Chrome, you are basically inviting them into your computer and closing your eyes while they install a camera, poke in all the cupboards and rifle through your drawers.

I also understand they do this without me using chrome but Chrome just means I approve - and I don't.

*Steps down off soapbox

schlub (Member Profile)

oritteropo says...

I can't stand to watch the show myself, for exactly that reason, it's just too painful!!!

I could reply that it's sending up the (apparently lower!) middle class copying the upper classes, particularly the same ones sent up by Monty Python in the election special sketch (it's spelled Raymond Luxury Ya-ch-t, but it pronounced Throat Wobbler Mangrove), but I think that's getting a bit far from the original point... so I won't

Anyway you could well argue that, as an Antipodean, what the heck would I know about England? And you'd have a pretty darn good point.
In reply to this comment by schlub:
I think in Hyacinth's case, she's just being an obnoxious twit. I don't think it's just an English thing
>> ^oritteropo:

The main character is named Hyacinth Bucket, but insists it's pronounced "Bouquet".

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