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Inside a Scientology Marriage

Inside a Scientology Marriage

PalmliX says...

Hey it looks like Hinduism might be the way to go! Apparently in Hinduism seeking sensual pleasures is one of the four objectives of human life! Now we're talking!! I always knew they had to be happier wearing all that colourful clothing and everything. Leave it to wikipedia to have whole entry on masturbation and religion:>> ^Fletch:
>> ^PalmliX:
That's because 99% of religions are all about denying things that are natural.>> ^fritzo9602:
Is masturbation OK with Scientology? I'm having a problem finding a religion that's OK with it.

Hear that, @fritzo9602? There's still a 1% chance. Now, chin up! Keep searching (and PM me when you find one).

Inside a Scientology Marriage

Inside a Scientology Marriage

Fletch says...

>> ^messenger:

A good question, what the difference is. Trying to come up with any definition that distinguishes a religion from a cult is very difficult for me. Saying there's no difference because of the similarities is simplistic though.
OED's definitions of the two are basically the same except for this:
cult: 1 ...

  • a relatively small group of people having religious beliefs or practices regarded by others as strange or as imposing excessive control over members.
    So, if there is a difference between the two, it's in your point of view, like the difference between "stubborn" and "determined" is whether you like what they're doing.>> ^A10anis:
    What is the difference between a "cult" and any other "faith?" There is NO difference. They all take advantage of the weak, desperate, and gullible. They all have leaders who exploit these peoples weaknesses for their own ends. They will all end up consigned to the history class when we realize that education is the key. When you are educated you begin asking questions, which is exactly what these cult leaders want to prevent. Stay stupid and a slave, or get educated and be free.

  • I was told once that a religion worships a deity, and a cult worships another person. They're both batshit, imho.

    Inside a Scientology Marriage

    A10anis says...

    >> ^messenger:

    A good question, what the difference is. Trying to come up with any definition that distinguishes a religion from a cult is very difficult for me. Saying there's no difference because of the similarities is simplistic though.
    OED's definitions of the two are basically the same except for this:
    cult: 1 ...

  • a relatively small group of people having religious beliefs or practices regarded by others as strange or as imposing excessive control over members.
    So, if there is a difference between the two, it's in your point of view, like the difference between "stubborn" and "determined" is whether you like what they're doing.>> ^A10anis:
    What is the difference between a "cult" and any other "faith?" There is NO difference. They all take advantage of the weak, desperate, and gullible. They all have leaders who exploit these peoples weaknesses for their own ends. They will all end up consigned to the history class when we realize that education is the key. When you are educated you begin asking questions, which is exactly what these cult leaders want to prevent. Stay stupid and a slave, or get educated and be free.

  • It is not "simplistic" to point out that "faiths" all have the same agenda, their numbers are irrelevant. Actually, your OED definition could be seen as simplistic, as the numbers involved in "cults" are obviously lower, simply because of the shorter time they have existed. And, cults being; "regarded by others as strange, or as imposing excessive control over members," applies to ALL "beliefs," regardless of the number of people involved, because they are all, ultimately, about control.

    Inside a Scientology Marriage

    Xaielao says...

    >> ^A10anis:

    What is the difference between a "cult" and any other "faith?" There is NO difference. They all take advantage of the weak, desperate, and gullible. They all have leaders who exploit these peoples weaknesses for their own ends. They will all end up consigned to the history class when we realize that education is the key. When you are educated you begin asking questions, which is exactly what these cult leaders want to prevent. Stay stupid and a slave, or get educated and be free.

    Why do you think the most conservative and religiously active states, GOP and church leaders actively trying to push critical thinking out of their schools. Texas openly moving away from teaching 'higher order education and critical thinking in favor of outcome-based education that focuses on behavior modification'. As well the bible belt has by far the highest per capita rate of home schooling. Keep your kids uneducated and you keep them religiously indoctrinated and voting republican.

    I've said it before I'll say it again. I blame the puritans!

    Inside a Scientology Marriage

    messenger says...

    A good question, what the difference is. Trying to come up with any definition that distinguishes a religion from a cult is very difficult for me. Saying there's no difference because of the similarities is simplistic though.

    OED's definitions of the two are basically the same except for this:
    cult: 1 ...

  • a relatively small group of people having religious beliefs or practices regarded by others as strange or as imposing excessive control over members.

    So, if there is a difference between the two, it's in your point of view, like the difference between "stubborn" and "determined" is whether you like what they're doing.>> ^A10anis:

    What is the difference between a "cult" and any other "faith?" There is NO difference. They all take advantage of the weak, desperate, and gullible. They all have leaders who exploit these peoples weaknesses for their own ends. They will all end up consigned to the history class when we realize that education is the key. When you are educated you begin asking questions, which is exactly what these cult leaders want to prevent. Stay stupid and a slave, or get educated and be free.

  • Inside a Scientology Marriage

    Inside a Scientology Marriage

    Bryan Fischer: Tax Athiests That Don't Attend Church

    Reefie says...

    Does it have to be a Christian church? Maybe atheists need to establish The Church of No God and attend regularly, possibly attending by way of webcast or Skype conference call.

    What about churches such as those attended by members of the cult of Scientology? Does attending the church of a religion based upon a blatantly false premise exclude an individual from having to pay this proposed tax? Maybe this is an opportunity for religions to prove they are genuine, any religion that is unable to prove that it is based on genuine deities doesn't count and therefore its congregation must pay the tax.

    There's potential in this idea if it gets thought out properly in such a way that causes problems for organised religion instead of benefits. Or maybe my mind is just too twisted and I should accept that it's a crazy idea that will never make it into any legislation

    Inside a Scientology Marriage

    Quboid says...

    >> ^A10anis:

    What is the difference between a "cult" and any other "faith?" There is NO difference. They all take advantage of the weak, desperate, and gullible. They all have leaders who exploit these peoples weaknesses for their own ends. They will all end up consigned to the history class when we realize that education is the key. When you are educated you begin asking questions, which is exactly what these cult leaders want to prevent. Stay stupid and a slave, or get educated and be free.

    My definition is that with a religion, the leaders believe the stuff they're peddling, whereas with a cult, the leaders don't. So whether or not Catholicism is a religion comes down to the age old question: is the pope a catholic? I suspect so, therefore in my view, Catholicism is a religion. Do the leaders of Scientology believe in Xenu and Thetans and such like? I suspect that these bunch of bast<<Removed following legal advice>>n't.

    Boise_Lib (Member Profile)

    Inside a Scientology Marriage

    RFlagg says...

    I went to a meeting once... did the test, some book work of something, I don't recall what really, but at the end they turned to the picture of L. Ron Hubbard, and I shit you not, they started clapping and saying "thanks to the tech maker", almost like a praise & worship session...

    >> ^MrFisk:

    The leader is good, the leader is great.

    Bart Simpson Promoting Scientology

    vaire2ube says...

    woops QM you forgot to login to bobknight account. anyhoo,


    Cartwright joined the Church of Scientology in the late 1980s. She has said that before becoming involved with the church she was depressed that she did not have a "committed relationship," and wanted to get married and have children. She "thought that maybe [she] could find a relationship by going to a church." Cartwright attended a barbecue at a friend's house and noticed that all of the attendees were Scientologists with "thriving careers." Cartwright was awarded Scientology's Patron Laureate Award after she donated $10 million, almost twice her annual salary, to the Church in 2007.

    LOL they all had thriving careers because money is a prerequisite to this stupid shit... good analysis Cartwright

    Rupert Murdoch: Scientology "A Cult" -- TYT

    dannym3141 says...

    >> ^chingalera:

    These editorials from TYT...Still reek of the worst form of journalistic tripe. C & A use the same basic formula that keeps Murdoch's crap-riddled "media" empire afloat;
    Sensationalism, inane editorial on current events, and smug gibbering about celebrities and volatile subject matter. That they are so popular here on Videosift is not surprising-Neither is Rupert's net worth considering the herd-mentality that keeps it afloat.
    Question: If we are supposed to "sift" through the video offerings on the internet and embed the best here, why are ALL of the segments ever cranked-out by these wanna-be hacks embedded on this site??

    But who are you chastising? The people who vote democratically for it or against it (and they seem to vote for it), or the people who post it for it to be voted on?

    I can't watch cenk, i think he has a great mind for doing this kind of thing, but until he can siphon out the 30000 miles per hour hyperactivity and fluff and deliver it in a good way, i can't watch. But videosift will continue to sift up whatever is popular and sift down whatever is not!

    I get sick when i see the 3 billionth pomplamoose video being posted on the strength of having a very plain/oddly pretty girl with her face 3 inches from a webcam, but that's just what people like. I think this has a lot more content than that at least; there's a lot worse things you could get annoyed about first.

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