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German Shepherd And Baby Playtime

Longswd says...

>> ^A10anis:

>> ^Longswd:
>> ^A10anis:
kids that age should not be allowed near dogs. They pull, poke, prod etc. Then the parents wonder why the dog snaps...

Or the dog could just get up and walk away if it was bothered, which it clearly wasn't.

The video is short, maybe it did walk away. But, chances are, the kid would follow and the owner would allow it to. I have had 2 German shepherds (individually) and currently I have a Tamaskan(mighty wolf). I can assure you that they have, no matter how well trained, their moods. I never allowed my young kids - or any one elses - to pull, prod, torment, or stand on them (especially when the dog was sleeping). My point is simple. It's NOT worth the risk. There are innumerable reports of dogs just snapping and attacking kids and adults. In 99.9% of cases it is the owners, not the dogs fault. Why would anyone, in their right mind, take the chance of having their kid scarred for life(or worse), the dog put to sleep, and having to live the rest of their lives with the guilt. I'm sorry my response is a bit long winded but, sometimes, even the obvious needs pointing out.

The only thing "obvious" is that if you truly believe that is a real possibility, then you should not have those dogs to begin with. If they cannot be trusted, then don't worry about supervision, worry about why you are insistent on keeping them and maintaining a dangerous situation.

I am now done.

German Shepherd And Baby Playtime

A10anis says...

>> ^Longswd:

>> ^A10anis:
kids that age should not be allowed near dogs. They pull, poke, prod etc. Then the parents wonder why the dog snaps...

Or the dog could just get up and walk away if it was bothered, which it clearly wasn't.

The video is short, maybe it did walk away. But, chances are, the kid would follow and the owner would allow it to. I have had 2 German shepherds (individually) and currently I have a Tamaskan(mighty wolf). I can assure you that they have, no matter how well trained, their moods. I never allowed my young kids - or any one elses - to pull, prod, torment, or stand on them (especially when the dog was sleeping). My point is simple. It's NOT worth the risk. There are innumerable reports of dogs just snapping and attacking kids and adults. In 99.9% of cases it is the owners, not the dogs fault. Why would anyone, in their right mind, take the chance of having their kid scarred for life(or worse), the dog put to sleep, and having to live the rest of their lives with the guilt. I'm sorry my response is a bit long winded but, sometimes, even the obvious needs pointing out.

Higgs Boson found? RUH-ROH!!!

Ornthoron says...

The first sci-fi series I watched continuously! It was showing on Norway's second government-run television channel, which had just been introduced and had really bad reception in our area. My parents didn't really approve of me watching such a freaky show, so I watched it in half secrecy in my attic bedroom on a 14-inch "portable" color TV older than myself. I had to constantly twiddle the antenna and the analog reception control to get a picture at all, and even then it would often revert to black and white because of the bad signal. I was completely fascinated, and the brain-eating slugs scarred me for life.

I feel old now.

To Catch a Predator - Hot Teacher

Two Day "Alien/Predator" Movie Marathon.

chingalera says...

Sheeeet-Alien 3 was better than Predators (2010)~
AVP?? Well call me un-hip because I can watch me some Sanaa Lathan fighting with Ian Whyte (Scar) over and over again~

Oh, and AVP2 sucked as hard as Predator 2, these couchprints don't know what they're talking about.

Do I cook Naked ? (User Poll by BoneRemake)

Do I cook Naked ? (User Poll by BoneRemake)

Tattoo Removal - Dr. Tatoff

lucky760 says...

It's not as instant as it seems. The skin responds immediately to the burning, but the ink will still be well visible after the burn has healed.

If the tattoo was done by a professional, it will take fewer sessions and be more complete. Amateur tattooists can penetrate your skin too deep making removal much more difficult or just impossible.

The pain is pretty bad and, yes, worse than the original tattoo. Getting a tattoo feels like someone dragging the tip of an Xacto knife backwards over your skin, whereas the laser feels like drops of boiling oil being repeatedly splashed onto your skin.

The laser if wielded by an experienced practitioner (typically not a doctor) will not leave a scar, however the inexperienced may use too much power which causes a more severe burn and does leave a scar, unfortunately. So if you're going to have it done, make sure the person performing the procedure has had many, many hours of experience.

Tattoo Removal - Dr. Tatoff

Tattoo Removal - Dr. Tatoff

Tattoo Removal - Dr. Tatoff

Inglorious Basterds Epic Bloopers - "Hi Sally!"

Quboid says...

Possibly not, he'd have to get more scars to hide it. When I say "an unrecognisable mess", I mean his swastika, not his whole face. He's not going to win any beauty contests but it's better than what would have happened to him if the Basterds hadn't intervened, getting blown up in a theatre or if he's lucky, spending his life running from Nazi hunters.

(What's up with quotes? Videosift seems to be mucking them up.)

>> ^alien_concept:

Were skin grafts that great back in the 40s? If he had to scar his whole face up, that'd still be terrible for a character like him

>> ^Quboid:
>> ^alien_concept:
>> ^Quboid:
>> ^kymbos:
I watched this film again recently, having absolutely loved it the first time, and found myself enjoying it less than I expected. Mainly because of the excessive use of the 'person is dead / no they're not not they're really just pretending' trick, which I thought was a bit cheap. It happens at least twice at key points in the film (the woman in the bar fight scene, and then the German war hero in the cinema scene).
Don't get me wrong - Tarantino is a God, and the suspense he creates in scenes is brilliant, and the Jew Hunter was pure awesome - but there were a few bits that I found a bit cheap on second viewing. I don't think it hangs together as a film as well as Pulp Fiction or Reservoir Dogs.
So there.

This bugged me but what really annoyed me is this: what did the Basterds actually achieve? The only difference they made to the big ending is that they helped the main baddie! Landa (Christoph Waltz, in a superb performance) to survived, and got a nice life in the U.S. because of them screwing up the assassination attempt, at the cost of some plastic surgery. They were counter productive!

Survive with a fat swastika on his head

That could be fixed with plastic surgery, or if that wasn't available, he could get more slices in his face to change it into an unrecognisable mess. Claim he was hit by shrapnel while saving children from Nazis.

Inglorious Basterds Epic Bloopers - "Hi Sally!"

alien_concept says...

>> ^Quboid:

>> ^alien_concept:
>> ^Quboid:
>> ^kymbos:
I watched this film again recently, having absolutely loved it the first time, and found myself enjoying it less than I expected. Mainly because of the excessive use of the 'person is dead / no they're not not they're really just pretending' trick, which I thought was a bit cheap. It happens at least twice at key points in the film (the woman in the bar fight scene, and then the German war hero in the cinema scene).
Don't get me wrong - Tarantino is a God, and the suspense he creates in scenes is brilliant, and the Jew Hunter was pure awesome - but there were a few bits that I found a bit cheap on second viewing. I don't think it hangs together as a film as well as Pulp Fiction or Reservoir Dogs.
So there.

This bugged me but what really annoyed me is this: what did the Basterds actually achieve? The only difference they made to the big ending is that they helped the main baddie! Landa (Christoph Waltz, in a superb performance) to survived, and got a nice life in the U.S. because of them screwing up the assassination attempt, at the cost of some plastic surgery. They were counter productive!

Survive with a fat swastika on his head

That could be fixed with plastic surgery, or if that wasn't available, he could get more slices in his face to change it into an unrecognisable mess. Claim he was hit by shrapnel while saving children from Nazis.

Were skin grafts that great back in the 40s? If he had to scar his whole face up, that'd still be terrible for a character like him.

George Takei Talks About His Internment During WW2.

Yogi says...

"It's obviously left a scar on his soul as he remembers it all quite vividly despite having been only 4 years of age when war broke out."

Or he filled in the blanks over the years with other stories and/or lies. Not saying it wasn't horrible and trauma inducing, just pointing out he's human.

"Bully" Documentary Trailer Might Break Your Heart

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

Nice links. I like this particular section very much:

As for accountability of teachers and administrators, Sahlberg shrugs. "There's no word for accountability in Finnish," he later told an audience at the Teachers College of Columbia University. "Accountability is something that is left when responsibility has been subtracted."

For Sahlberg what matters is that in Finland all teachers and administrators are given prestige, decent pay, and a lot of responsibility. A master's degree is required to enter the profession, and teacher training programs are among the most selective professional schools in the country. If a teacher is bad, it is the principal's responsibility to notice and deal with it.

FTR I went to massive American public high school - and it was just awful. Something to survive, not integrate into. Most of my friends dropped out. I stuck it out, but left pretty scarred. I don't want that experience for my kids. They've been home schooled some and are now attending a Steiner/Waldorf school.

>> ^SDGundamX:

Yeah, I think the way you worded your first post led me to believe you were advocating just doing things the way they've always been done until now and that you didn't consider it that big of a problem. I think though that bullying is much more complex than just the parental/family issues you mentioned. Certainly I'm sure you going to find something there, but I think @dag has pointed out that institutional learning as it is currently carried out in most Western countries carries part of the blame as well. My question is, do things have to be this way? Do we have to be complacent with the current level of bullying? Is it beyond our control (i.e. we can't change what is happening in the homes after kids get out of school). I don't believe so, and I think Finland's school system is pointing the way for how we'll get there.
You and @dag might want to take a look at Finland's educational system, in particular their anti-bullying measures, which have been shown to a statistically significant degree to reduce self and peer-reported bullying. For an overview, check out this website: I googled some of the articles cited and found them online if you want more specific information about their program and how they defined and measured bullying.
Of course, Finland's education system has introduced some other radical changes which no doubt are also contributing to the decline in bullying. See this article for more informations: http://www.theatlantic.c
My point is this--I agree with you that we can't eliminate bullying (within schools) entirely. But I think we reduce the frequency of its occurrence and deal with it in much better ways than we currently do when it does happen. Like you said, we need to address the causes--psychological, social, institutional, etc.--rather than put out fires after they've already been started.

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