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Alien: Romulus | Final Trailer

newtboy says...

I feel like Romulus, like Vulcan and Klingon, belongs to the Star Trek universe and shouldn’t be used in other sci-fi.
Beyond that, looks chock full of jump scares. I wish we had an IMAX.

Joe Rogan Clarifies His Vaccine Comments

newtboy says...

From the Mayo Clinic-
Tons of side effects including coma and death. I guess more encephalopathy doesn’t scare an encephalitic waterbrain.

When taken above the therapeutic dose (like most of those fighting Covid did), increased concentrations of ivermectin may overwhelm the ability of the P- glycoprotein pumps to keep it out of the CNS by saturating the pump. This can lead to neurotoxic effects such as ataxia, tremors, myoclonus, seizures, encephalopathy, and coma.

IVM pre-treatment demonstrates detrimental effects in cardiac ischemia through exacerbation of cardiac arrhythmia, myocardial dysfunction, and increased cardiac hypertrophy.

Ivermectin hurt thousands, killed some, and helped absolutely no one with covid, a virus that ivermectin doesn’t kill or treat. The FDA has determined that currently available clinical trial data do not demonstrate that ivermectin is effective against COVID 19 in humans or animals…it’s an anti parasitic, not anti viral. Duh.

“People have been using it as an anti viral for years” only shows that people are ignorant morons. Mercury-laced “cures” for melancholy, constipation, influenza, and parasites are still being used all over the world. Remember thalidomide? It’s still being used.

But you keep listening to the infallible Mensa member Joe Rogan, he knows more than thousands of practicing virologists and hospital doctors who dealt with the ivermectin idiots, more than the FDA, CDC, and WHO combined.

You just can’t pass up a chance to prove your gullibility and ignorance.

bobknight33 said:

Rogan and Cuomo spouting nonsense

Scaring CoWorker

ant says...

Last year, I was in an office waiting outside a small restroom in a hallway. The guy finally came and got scared of me. Haha.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Shocker! The infant STILL DOESN’T HAVE THE BALLS TO ADMIT BEING WRONG. Especially sad since you insist on being wrong almost exclusively.
Keep trying to change the subject, I’ll keep bringing it back to your insecurity and infantilism, such a scared baby that admitting a mistake seems like it would end you, wouldn’t it. Don’t worry, you’ll learn to grow up once you get to preschool.

BTW- Trump promises “very powerful crime” in DC if elected. 😂
Also, Karen Greene wasted the courts time by appealing her fines for refusing to wear a mask in congress all the way to the Supreme Court, (shocked they heard it) and today lost her final appeal. She’ll have to pay the $100000 (and probably 3 times that in legal fees) and has wasted the time of 3 courts that had better cases to try. Typical MAGA Karen, all about her non existent rights overriding everyone else’s rights AND safety, and absolutely zero thought to the cost to others.

Still crickets about the ONLY witness (who never produced ANY evidence) in the Biden impeachment sham admitting he is a Russian intelligence agent and the story came directly from Russian counter intelligence.
Worse, this is the SECOND main MAGA witness from the impeachment scam that turned out to be an intelligence agent of our enemies, remember the first one who was a Chinese agent and illicit oil and arms dealer for our enemies that was also indicted for lying about this case….but you said you still had credible witness Smirnoff and all his indisputable proof. 🤦‍♂️

Rep. Ken Buck (R-CO) who was in the room has admitted the Republicans/MAGA were told their witnesses were not credible in any way BEFORE THEY HEARD FROM THEM OR SAW ANY INTERVIEWS. They knew this was all propaganda directly from our enemies from the very start and ran with it anyway. This makes all MAGA a foreign agent that knowingly lied to America in order to weaken us.

This has made all MAGA nothing more than a subsidiary of Pravda, the Kremlin’s propaganda paper. Absolutely everything the MAGA house has done this session is based on hostile foreign agents lying to them and them buying the lies. Working with our enemies to spread lies that are designed to weaken America…sure SOUNDS like treason to me. Treasonous traitors belong in Gitmo until their turn with the firing squad.

"Hunter Biden Spent $872K on Hookers" - Facing 9 Indictment

newtboy says...

😂 Tantrum much!? 😂

I know reading and comprehension are weak points for you, it’s sad and shocking to see how weak.
Another reason to not believe you could earn the lowest of tech degrees…I can’t imagine you passed middle school when you can read my very short clear statement and come up with that. I spelled it out simply and clearly, and you 100% got it 100% wrong and continue to argue against something never said….typical for you because you can never back up your claims so you must pretend the topic is something else.

I never said there’s no tax fraud case, I said your title is a total lie and is debunked in the video itself. That’s a fact. You’re a constant liar. No amount of your intentionally misstating facts or what I said will change that, it reinforces it.

I have said if it wasn’t a politically motivated attack on Joe, Hunter would never be prosecuted for any of the minor crimes he did commit, he would be offered a plea deal with a fine, like he originally was. I stand by that statement. Wanna try again?

Hunter was late paying his taxes…he has paid them at this point unlike Trump who is still over $250 million behind in his NY state taxes and has defrauded the federal government out of at least that much, likely 10 times that amount.
Consider, Trump pays taxes on Maralago as if it was worth $20 million (and he complained and sued because he said that was too HIGH, it was worth LESS for tax purposes). If, as he claims, it’s really worth $1.8 BILLION…he needs to pay property taxes on $1.78 BILLION he evaded for 40 years…according to Trump himself he’s evaded over $700 MILLION in property taxes on Maralago alone. That’s quite a bit worse than Hunter’s late payment, and is only one example out of thousands where Trump defrauded the country out of hundreds of millions. 😂
If Hunter’s crimes are prison worthy, the Trumps’ are execution worthy.

😂 Fake news! 😂
I know you can’t accept the truth, bob. We all know. You deny reality daily, on every front.

HUNTER HUNTER HUNTER…..The Hunter laptop is a long dead horse, just like the election fraud fraud, every attempt to legitimize it only ended up proving how much MAGA had tampered with the data, making it not evidence but propaganda. You’ve been trying to sell this nonsense for 5-6 years now. Nobody’s buying, and nobody’s listening anymore. You can only cry wolf so many times before the villagers stop listening and start hoping a wolf will eat you and shut your lying mouth permanently….you passed that point years and years ago, friendo.

No need to google anything about the laptop, it’s nothing. The FBI proved the data had been forged by Giuliani’s team. Nothing there makes any case for anything besides more MAGA frauds perpetrated on the courts, it’s a well established pattern for MAGA, and it’s a losing strategy, because you keep getting caught! Try again. 😂

Hunter is living rent free in your head, and he’s got a mansion in there with a pool, hot tub, putting green, even a driving range, and there’s still empty space for expansion. He’s not even a politician, so why would anyone care about him? It makes the lying, exageration, and hysterics hilarious self owns by you and yours. Another big “L” for your team…one you just can’t accept but everyone outside the cult has. Reminiscent of the big lie, only cultists believe, and everyone else just sees you losing your shit over your own lies not catching on. 😂

Hilarious how the mantra was “family is off limits” when it came to Trump despite the constant nepotism, but not for his enemies despite their complete lack of involvement in politics. More dishing it out but unable to stand it from your cowardly leader…he was even to scared to testify in his own defense! What a sniveling little fat cowardly baby, cowering because he has something to hide according to his spokesperson Haba.

Nothing you claim about Hunter is true, (fortunately MAGA is so untrustworthy that no one cares what stupidity you lie) and nothing Hunter has done makes one whit of difference about his father. Keep focusing on him, ignoring the same tax crimes comitted by Trump but by a factor of 250 or more…voters notice the hypocrisy and it guarantees your loss next year….meanwhile Joe has rescued the economy in every possible way from the utter disaster and guaranteed recession/depression Trump left,
IN EVERY WAY BOB, INCLUDING INFLATION THATS AT 0% while MAGA eats itself alive and gets absolutely nothing done! 😂

Of course I’m not clicking your link, if ever there was a site I would expect to host malicious viruses, it would be the Russia/MAGA hosted anti Biden pdf site you pointed people to. Why would any rational person expose their computer to attack to download and read your pure faked propaganda? A: they wouldn’t.

It’s going to be so delicious when/if Hunter beats the charges and gets Giuliani and the RNC to pay his legal bills. You morons had a guilty plea in hand and decided to go to court instead with little chance of getting more and a huge risk he might beat all charges, vindicating himself and by extension Joe…talk about snatching defeat from the mouth of victory! 😂 😂 😂

bobknight33 said:


IF you can handle the truth: Which you can't

Hunter Biden Laptop contents, with a PDF down load link

Or if you want to cry about the link Just google
marco polo hunter biden laptop pdf
and select the Link title Report on the Biden Laptop

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

I’m still waiting for you to explain how 75% inflation over 22 years becomes 150% increased prices under Biden as you claimed. Please, I need your expertise in mathematics to make the world make sense.

It’s just delicious that the people Trump never gave a thought to, the peons that serve him, are the same people who testified to Jack Smith about all the top secret documents laying around in publicly accessible, even privately rentable areas of Maralago with absolutely no security for any of them, not locked doors, not even closed doors…at Trump’s direct order…and hidden only during pre-announced searches, again at Trump’s direct orders. They also testified about him showing top secret classified military intelligence to many foreign people he was trying to impress.

The people Trump likes to say he’s working for, the same people he doesn’t even see when they’re in the room, are the people that spilled the beans. Guaranteed he still doesn’t know who they are despite being listed by name and occupation. 😂

Oof….Michigan is looking at new election interference charges. They’re waiting for the Supreme Court to decide if their election interference laws are constitutional in the case of the two MAGA operatives that were convicted in multiple states of robo calling black voters to lie to them that vote by mail would send all their information to multiple government and non-government agencies including mandatory vaccinations, bill collectors, police, even “the man”, and would publish it publicly….all lies designed to make people scared to vote.

If those laws are deemed constitutional, most legal scholars say Trump himself violated them repeatedly, and prosecutors are preparing charges. 😂

Wow, there sure is a lot of news on these cereal boxes. I never knew General Mills was an investigative company, but you insist that’s where all this verifiable information comes from, so they must be. Maybe you should check them out.

Oooh-ooh-ooh….Mr Cotter! Giuliani’s Russian tied source in Ukraine has been charged with treason for feeding the US false intelligence supplied by Russia and undermining US/Ukraine relations under the direction of Russian military intelligence…this from the late special edition cereal box this evening.

BSR (Member Profile)

siftbot says...

Congratulations! Your video, Disturbed stops show to comfort scared girl, has reached the #1 spot in the current Top 15 New Videos listing. This is a very difficult thing to accomplish but you managed to pull it off. For your contribution you have been awarded 2 Power Points.

This achievement has earned you your "Golden One" Level 235 Badge!

BSR (Member Profile)

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy jokingly says...

A reminder…there’s well over 1000….

151 NV Governor Jim Gibbons - accused of assaulting a woman, settled a civil suit

152 PA GOP Congressman Don Sherwood - not for having an affair, but for assaulting and choking the woman he had an affair with

153 Republican Judge Mark Fuller - domestic violence

154 GOP Rep Trent Franks - harassment of his office staff - to serve as a surrogate for him and his wife, this makes me feel sad, actually

155 GOP Congressional aide Matthew Pennell - child molesting plea deal to 2 or 17 charges

156 GOP Presidential candidate Herman Cain - sexual harassment

157 Tennessee GOP state rep Scott DesJarlais - OK, these are consensual affairs, but with PATIENTS!!!!

158 GOP Rep John Schmitz - John Birch Society member had two families (one he did not support) - and obviously there was some sickness going on because one of his daughters is Mary Kay LeTourneau the child-raping teacher.

159 California GOP Rep Ernie Konnyu - sexual harassment

160 Styles Bridges - R-MA - This man was filth. He extorted Dem Sen Hunt of WY that he would reveal his son’s homosexuality unless Hunt resigned so the R’s could get his seat. Hunt refused, but then killed himself. This headline is from a citizen’s jury, not a real one

161 Joe McCarthy, R-WI, started the Lavender Scare, a purge of gays from government. Many other Republicans joined in. Technically not a crime, but surely an immoral act

162 Pastor Roy D. Bolden, Providence RI GOP Chair child molestation and sexual assault

163 Ron P Broussard, Jr of TRUMP UNIVERSITY - sex with 8-year-old

164 Republican state senate candidate Sherman Lee Criner - molesting a 6-year-old girl. Prosecutors used an unusual standard of enough evidence to convict rather than probable cause, possibly because he is a popular lawyer. NOT CLEARED, just not indicted

165 Wenatchee Republican Michael T McCourt molested children for 30 years behind a civic front as a utilities commissioner, political operative and community volunteer, Then asked judge for leniency because of all his community activism

166 Unsuccessful Republican candidate William C Mach - child molestation. Ironically, he ran on a campaign to fight child molestation and was endorsed by related organizations

167 Republican Sheriff Perry Grogan continued to campaign despite indictment for child molestation, probably because of disgraceful coverage like this in the screenshot. He was convicted.

168 Republican campaign consultant and Baptist pastor Kenneth Adkins - child molestation. By the way, he said Pulse victims got what they deserved. So should he.

169 GOP candidate for OH legislature James E. Dutschke = child molestation, also investigated for ricin letters to Obama

170 Brian O'Toole, Republican Sunnyvale mayor convicted of child molestation. See screenshot as the newspaper is on NewsBank, accessible with some library cards, but not for everyone.

171 Last month Indianapolis Republican City Councilman Jeff Miller resigned/plea deal for child molestion

172 While Douglas Marks was a teacher, he was probably able to abuse two generations of children because of his wealthy Republican family. His brother was Speaker of the House.

173 Vermont Republican state senator Norman McAllister who's one of the Legislature's most outspoken conservatives charged with sexual assault, human trafficking, and prohibited acts. Made a plea deal

174 SC Rep Chris Corley - domestic violence

175 Gordon Blake, a CA political activist who twice ran unsuccessfully for the GOP nomination to the state legislature - child molesting, sentenced to 194 years.

BSR (Member Profile)

siftbot says...

Congratulations! Your video, She,Scared,Husband,Snake,, has reached the #1 spot in the current Top 15 New Videos listing. This is a very difficult thing to accomplish but you managed to pull it off. For your contribution you have been awarded 2 Power Points.

This achievement has earned you your "Golden One" Level 230 Badge!

BSR (Member Profile)

Bird hits window (twice)

newtboy says...

I grew up in a 90% glass house in a forest.
This happened daily when birds tried to fly through the invisible walls.
It was a jump scare every time when the wall suddenly gonged like they’d been hit with a mallet, drawing your attention to the often fluttering bird dropping.
I loved that house, but hated it every time that happened. 🙁

Black Man In Florida Stands His Ground Against Two Armed Men

moonsammy says...

This "stand your ground" shit is so fucking stupid. When the only metric for making it ok to kill someone is "I claim I was scared," it becomes incredibly easy to justify what would otherwise have been an easily avoided death. In this case, dude could have just walked away after the car first drove off. Or gone into the store and called police. Etc. I recognize "call the police" isn't always a good option (so many instances of cops showing up and arresting or shooting the person who called - usually dark-skinned people), but that really SHOULD be the right option here, if things weren't so fucked.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

No, bob. It’s not. Trump threatened America with death and destruction from his cult, a terroristic threat he’s followed through on before.
That is absolutely nothing like exaggerating a bit that the economy is slightly better than it actually is.
One is a terrorist threat, the other “puffery”.
Besides, you said you love Trump because he’s not a politician, right? Why does he only speak political BS speak then? Trump is every bad example of a politician rolled into one without any experience or qualifications of one.

That’s fake, and you know it’s fake or it would have existed and been brought out in 2018 (oh, they tried and it fell flat), and would have been his answer every year since (would have if it wasn’t so obviously coerced). By 2018 she had publicly admitted the encounter, and never denied it after that date. I bet you got that from Trump….yep, direct from Trump who even forges documents on camera sometimes. Only a clueless moron would believe something like that….from 2018! You’ve got to be kidding. So gullible. So idiotic. This is the stupidity your cult accepts as “evidence”. She was suing Trump over the near rape and confidentiality agreement in 2018…and you really think SHE wrote this DEFENSE OF TRUMP?!? Even if you convinced yourself of the idiotic, obviously false notion that she wrote it, do you really think he sat on it for 5 years?

Ahh yes, looked it up, old news. She was pressured by Trumps lawyer Cohen to sign this statement he wrote under threat he would “make her life miserable” with the full power of the president behind him, pretty certain he’s admitted as much years ago. At the time she said “This is the statement Cohen wrote,” she tweeted, referring to Michael Cohen, Trump’s former attorney, whom Trump previously acknowledged reimbursing for making the 2016 payment to Daniels. The signature doesn’t look like hers because she signed under threat so changed her signature to indicate duress. “It is old news from early 2018 before I came forward. I think it’s HYSTERICAL that tiny is trying to spin this as some kind of new information,” she wrote, with “tiny” being a derogatory reference to Trump.
Also note the letter denies a payoff, which we know for a fact happened. Proven fake letter.
Also, not under oath….remember, if it’s not under oath, absolutely nothing you say matters. Your rule….live with it.
Why even bring it up? Because you’re scared, that’s why…and can’t remember what happened yesterday much less 2018, so try to use discredited “evidence”…just like Trump lawyers. They lose every case.

If he wants to prove he wasn’t naked with her, show us the toadstool. If it doesn’t match her description (but older and smaller) we’ll see that. Tiny dick Don would definitely do that if it wouldn’t prove her right.

BUT ITS ALSO PURE RED HERRING- I suppose you don’t understand the case against Trump isn’t about the sex, it’s about HIDING the payoff. There’s no questions there, he’s admitted it and there’s a paper trail of the money, so he’s feeding you red herrings because he has no defense and will almost certainly be convicted of felonies he’s previously admitted to….hiding the payoffs by falsifying business records and not reporting the campaign contributions. What Cohen was already convicted of despite this “letter”.

Kinda hilarious that you extrapolate from Biden touching a woman’s shoulder in public to claiming he’s a repeat public rapist but despite 36 women claiming they were sexually assaulted, some raped, and multiple payoffs for sex, and Trump himself bragging about constantly sexually assaulting women, moving on his friend’s wives like a bitch, doing whatever he wants to women without asking, you believe the nonsense that he’s not a cheater. Melania doesn’t.

Every day you prove what an idiotic gullible cultist you are, making up or spreading lies for Trump. Your family has gone, haven’t they. I can’t imagine a rational person living with you.

Edit: Trump is planning a rally at Waco on the anniversary of Koresh….because he doesn’t want to be associated with terroristic anti government violent cults.

bobknight33 said:

Its the same as Biden claiming that the economy is doing great firing on all cylinders. Political BS speak.

Did you see the signed letter from Stormy Danielsl from 2018..

he letter read:

“Over the past few weeks I have been asked countless times to comment on reports of an alleged sexual relationship I had with Donald Trump many, many, many years ago,” Daniels said.

“The fact of the matter is that each party to this alleged affair denied its existence on 2006, 2011, 2016, 2017 and now again in 2018. I am not denying this affair because I was paid ‘hush money’ as has been reported in overseas owned tabloids. I am denying this affair because it never happened,” she said.

“I will have no further comment on this matter,” she said.

Yet another failed attempt form bought elected officials to stop an none bought elected official.

Santos & Romney have words during State of the Union Address

newtboy says...

Afterwards in the hall Romney called Santos a “sick puppy”….reminding us all of his fraudulent charity that stole donations from a homeless veteran’s sick dog who then died because he couldn’t afford the treatment the donations were raised for.
Inadvertently reminded us of what a sick puppy Romney is himself because he took a family vacation 600 miles to frigid Canada with the family dog strapped to the roof, and when the terrified dog had diarrhea that blew everywhere he simply hosed off the traumatized sick puppy and put the poor wet scared hypothermic dog back on the roof for the rest of the freezing 12 hour freeway drive.

He’s their best, most moral and ethical representative today, a horrific animal abuser with magic underwear.

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