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Michael Cohen to Trump donors: 'It's time to wake up, stupid

newtboy says...

Exactly what I predicted…. “No amount of incontrovertible evidence can penetrate the rectal shield he has encased his head in.”

You absolute brain dead fucktard…you admitted before this reply that he said those things (after I linked you the exact Toth he Tothed), you called them “flexing” (as if that’s some reasonable or acceptable explanation for saying the most anti American things possible to your crowd who cheers for all of it). 😂

Now, just hours later, you are back to denying he said them, now calling yourself a liar (finally got something right!).

You really are so dumb you can’t keep a thought for 1/2 a day without reversing your position twice. 😂

You fucking idiot, go drink some bleach and shove a light bulb up your ass. At least you’ll finally be able to see in there. It’s the only “enlightenment” you are capable of, your mind is in self imposed darkness so deep and total it makes the deepest ocean abyss seem bright by comparison.

bobknight33 said:

All spin pieces.

Not actual Trump with context.

Go to the source not biased news

Michael Cohen to Trump donors: 'It's time to wake up, stupid

newtboy says...

Let’s be clear, bob didn’t lose any credibility, he had absolutely none to lose.

Multiple sources have shown him the facts here, he accepted Don said these things then as usual switched positions and now just denies them and believes convicted con man Don over any proof. He’s deep in the cult, way past reprogramming. It’s ok, he’s a totally lost cause. Don’t be surprised if he kills himself or someone else when Donny loses and goes to prison. He will be totally lost.

No one here believes a letter that dumb ignorant liar has to say. He’s proven himself a consummate ignorant liar time and time and time again. He cannot ever admit any mistakes, and cannot post without lying. No amount of proof can ever convince him, but any ridiculous lie he likes becomes a fact in his empty head.

Bob is not a serious person, he’s a blatant untrustworthy anti American troll. His only usefulness is he points out the newest idiotic lies MAGA is telling itself, offering a chance to debunk their nonsense quickly before it spreads to reasonable but ignorant people. If not for that singular use, he would have been banned long ago.

mram said:

You sir, really have blinders on.

I linked his direct Truth Social posts (one is now deleted).

I linked a ton of substantiating sites referencing exactly those posts, despite one of them now being deleted, to validate they did both exist. Every news org cites them in exactly the same language, as if, you know, to validate that "sky is still blue".

If you want to deny it wasn't actually said, be my guest, but you just lost a ton of credibility in my book (and probably anyone else reading this too).

Michael Cohen to Trump donors: 'It's time to wake up, stupid

newtboy says...

So…you now admit he said these things you denied he said and need an excuse for the inexcusable….you came up with “Flexing” (which I guess you think is a euphemism for lying?)… what if Biden was “flexing” in similar fashion? You would be apoplectic, insisting he’s unfit and you would be right. Anyone who says these anti American things is unfit for any office, lowest to highest.
Trump is telling us he intends to install loyalists in every position so he can do anything he wants, including attempted coups (oh wait, already did that with a complicit party) assassinations, disbanding the judiciary, voiding or suspending the constitution and bill of rights, and becoming a dictator “just for a day” (if you believe that I’ve got a $2 billion private club to sell you).
Any simple minded person knows he almost got away with exactly this on Jan 6 2021 when he tried to illegally seize power. Even a simpleton understands that, had he been successful, he would have dismantled our government to stay in power indefinitely just like his hero and mentor, Putin.

Biden is never feeble minded until you edit him to look that way, unlike dementia diaper don that always looks bat shit insane without editing.

Gullible…yeah. Right, friendo. Trump now thinks Biden beat Obabba. You believe 3 year olds are deciding to change sexes and are getting surgeries to that end.

Still waiting.
Wake up stupid.

bobknight33 said:

So Trump is flexing. and you buy it as gospel. Also he can not void the Constitution. Any simple minded person, except people like you realize this.

Yet when Biden is on stage being feeble minded as shit you just say he has a stuttering issue.

How fucking gullible you are.

Michael Cohen to Trump donors: 'It's time to wake up, stupid

bobknight33 says...

So Trump is flexing. and you buy it as gospel. Also he can not void the Constitution. Any simple minded person, except people like you realize this.

Yet when Biden is on stage being feeble minded as shit you just say he has a stuttering issue.

How fucking gullible you are.

newtboy said:

Any source that won’t tell your lies you declare “not credible” but you still listen to right wing propaganda despite every single source misleading you constantly. You yourself are not credible in the least.

It wasn’t a tweet, it was mostly repeated statements from the campaign stage. Look it up yourself then discredit your own sources…

…but here’s the Toth about rescinding the constitution….
About ending 3 part government with checks and balances….

I’ve told you when, repeatedly, because you are incapable of even attempting to learn for yourself (or even learning with the help you constantly demand). You cannot be enlightened. You insist on remaining in the dark.

Michael Cohen to Trump donors: 'It's time to wake up, stupid

mram says...

Denial, not just a river in Egypt.
You didn't even read the article. I'm also not going to create a Rumor Social account to go get them references. His exact "Rumors" were referenced there.

He deleted the original post, but it's obviously been heard, recorded, preserved. And the news caught it. And he even references it in his own reply.

So you don't like Snopes? Here are just a few of the other news articles citing the exact quote:

And my favorite:

So, all fake news, right? He didn't say that at all? All of these sources are entirely wrong? Or you want to cover this with even more denialism?

He only cares about things that benefit him, and if the constitution of the USA is in his way, he'd burn it. "Preserve, protect, and defend" indeed.


bobknight33 said:

Snopes is hardly a credible source.

Show the trump Tweet .. Not some rag -- For the sake of clarity and truthfulness, show the actual text in context.

Like I said.
When did Trump say any of these falsehoods?

Enlighten me?

Michael Cohen to Trump donors: 'It's time to wake up, stupid

bobknight33 says...

Like I said.
When did Trump say any of these falsehoods?

Enlighten me?

newtboy said:

On the campaign trail. Repeatedly. I’ve seen him say all but the seal team 6 bit, and absolutely wouldn’t put it past him.

You are intentionally in the dark and refuse to be enlightened. When you’re presented with facts that should make you think, you instead slink away in silence looking for your next chance to contradict reality.

Michael Cohen to Trump donors: 'It's time to wake up, stupid

Michael Cohen to Trump donors: 'It's time to wake up, stupid

bobknight33 says...

Snopes is hardly a credible source.

Show the trump Tweet .. Not some rag -- For the sake of clarity and truthfulness, show the actual text in context.

Like I said.
When did Trump say any of these falsehoods?

Enlighten me?

mram said:

It's exhausting chasing down this rabbit hole for you.

I'm going to focus on just one part of this -- does he want to rewrite the constitution?

Just understand that a lot of his rants, his diatribes, his verbal diarrhea, is like the fruit of the poisoned tree -- it's all flash paper and if you even examine it slightly, it has no foundation in reality whatsoever. There was no rigged election, therefore everything even derived from that premise is WRONG. Full stop. No exception.

He has contempt for any process of procedure that goes against his will and has spoken up against it.

Any president who claims to "preserve, protect, and defend" the constitution then wants to gut even pieces of it at a whim based upon his own fabricated, misleading, false, repeatedly disproven agenda is unfit. Consider yourself enlightened.

And that's just the first point.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Still waiting.

So, according to dementia Don Joe Biden beat Barack Hussein Obabba in an election.
Even his VP says don’t vote for Delusional Don, just like anybody that’s worked for him in the past.
He might want to stop advertising so heavily on pro Hitler and pro-Nazi videos online like his campaign was caught doing. That doesn’t attract non cultists or non racists.

More MAGA child rape debauchery, A former Republican precinct chairman from the state of Texas named Beau Dresner has been sentenced to FOUR CENTURIES in prison after he was convicted of, among other things, four counts of sexually assaulting/raping young children and 61 counts of producing child pornography. He had a one way ticket to Armenia when he was caught. Republicans love to say that they are the party protecting our children from "groomers," but all the reports of child abuse and assault seem to be coming from within their own party, usually from their leadership.

Odd, there’s never been a true story of a drag queen sexually assaulting a child or a trans person attacking a child in a bathroom, not one, but almost daily there’s a new high profile MAGGOT actually caught having forced sex with children. Not surprising when your cult leader was best friends with the most prolific child sex abuser in our history for decades, even long after he was caught and admitted to child prostitution. You are in the party of child abuse, theft, and lies.

Michael Cohen to Trump donors: 'It's time to wake up, stupid

newtboy says...

On the campaign trail. Repeatedly. I’ve seen him say all but the seal team 6 bit, and absolutely wouldn’t put it past him.

You are intentionally in the dark and refuse to be enlightened. When you’re presented with facts that should make you think, you instead slink away in silence looking for your next chance to contradict reality.

bobknight33 said:

When did Trump say any of these falsehoods?

Enlighten me?

Michael Cohen to Trump donors: 'It's time to wake up, stupid

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

That event tomorrow where crack head Mike Pillow was going to blow the election case open by hand delivering his explosive evidence directly to the Supreme Court tomorrow…cancelled. He says his evidence is too dangerous. I bet you agree.

The RNC is done. 100% a MAGA org now, which means actual Republicans are out. Hint- there aren’t enough MAGA to win elections without Republicans and independents, both of which have been threatened and excluded from the party.
The purge has happened, the new Trump loyalist staff is incredibly incompetent and has one job, get Trump elected even if it means losing every other election nationwide. They won’t do it.
Republicans are simply leaving the party, and leaving their elected positions early to avoid being complicit with you morons. Fundraising has dried up. Don has killed the right! He couldn’t have done so good a job at destroying the Republican Party if he was trying.

MAGA stooge and Jan 6 architect Navarro goes to prison early next week. Another MAGA administration felon going to prison for treasonous activities related to the big lie (the attempted coups).

Meanwhile, the good economy is finally sinking in to the masses, and Biden’s approval ratings are skyrocketing while Don’s plummeted as it became clear his only defense to 85 treasonous felonies is to delay them until after the election, win the election, become a dictator for life and pardon himself from even the state charges (when you’re a dictator, you can do anything and they just let you. Grab America by the pussy and just start fisting.)

How Those Air Drops Of Food In Gaza Are Going

newtboy says...

Authorities say 5 were killed and many more injured.
The IDF denies any failures saying “we've confirmed that all of our aid bundles landed safely on the ground," which is obviously another blatant lie we can see with our own eyes.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Once again, Sleepy Joe ran circles around the idiot right and utterly destroyed the stupid talking point that he’s unwell, demented, and catatonic (an accusation that’s really a description of Trump who sundowns daily at or before 3:30.)

He slyly tricked them into abandoning more tax cuts for the rich and their own plans for border security publicly, and easily showed their disastrous record on the economy.
Just like last year and the year before.
Reality just doesn’t enter that empty space between your ears.

The rebuttal was just nuts, smiling vapidly while predicting doom and gloom, and sounding like any second she would say “for just 52 cents a day you could save a MAGGOT. Your donation will supply them with flags, hats, and when needed, bail.” Not the best idea to use a senator who personally wrote the immigration bill then voted against it because Don said to not fix the issue under Biden. Not a great sign to women they put her barefoot in a kitchen, where you undeniably believe women belong. If the point was to appeal to women, it failed.

After completely failing to “live fact check” like he promised he would, Trump reacted like a 4 year old with clips of Biden using idiotic tic tok filters. A 5 year old would be embarrassed…not Trump or MAGA. Your bar is well below that of kindergartners.

Polling immediately before the speech gave Biden policies 45% approval, after it was above 62%.

Habba and Robert are both going to be disbarred for suborning perjury with Wiesselberg, who has now pleaded guilty to perjury in Trump’s business fraud case. I only hope they can be fined the extra $100 million Trump should have been fined for MORE CRIMINAL BUSINESS PRACTICES that were hidden and lied about during the trial….or that NY takes him back to court over them and more. He’s given them every reason to…and now he has no council (right before his litany of criminal trials start) and no lawyer worth a dime wants anything to do with him…why would they? They don’t get paid and as often as hot lose their law license and even see prison.
He paid the $91.6 million to Carroll today, but doesn’t have the $460 due in weeks, and the value of “his” properties is SEVERELY depressed compared to other similar non Trump properties….>30%….and never forget he doesn’t own most properties with his name on them, like Trump tower he only owns his apartment, the lobby, and the public restrooms, not the building. When you count his debts in full and only HIS assets, he’s almost certainly underwater. That’s why MarALago needs to be worth $1.8 billion instead of the $18 million he claimed on his taxes. He overvalues all his properties like that. There’s never been any PROOF that he’s a billionaire, only his flapping gums.
That’s probably why he replaced them as lead council for his appeal.
He really couldn’t have planned this worse. 😂

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

The Willis hearing falls apart when the Trump lawyers admit what they are claiming is a prosecutor who makes $220k a year set up a fraudulent public prosecution of an ex president putting that high paid job and career and her personal safety at risk and her only known benefit was a single 2 day cruise worth under $3300.00 that she repaid shortly after the weekend.

Hilariously they want to say Willis and Wade decided to prosecute Trump to make money, forgetting he was indicted by a grand jury, not prosecutors, and ignoring the minuscule amounts they are accusing them of “sharing” (like a $15 Uber ride).


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