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Lego Universe Carolyn Porco Discusses Saturn Mission

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'jpl, saturn, cassini, carolyn, porco, rosso, probe, space' to 'jpl, saturn, cassini, carolyn, porco, rosso, probe, space, lego' - edited by Trancecoach

Getting To Know The Goldilocks Planet - (NASA)

Jinx says...

Thing is, to get to these planets we'd need to develop ftl travel or wait a really long time, and I'm not sure giving more money to NASA would necessarily accelerate that process much. Still, there is enough exploring to do in our own solar system for the moment. Mars, the moons of Saturn etc. But hey, fund Nasa, get more people doing Science and exploring not just the stars and distant planets, but also our own and maybe one of them will stumble on a way to bend the laws of the universe. Maybe.

Some day I think it would be amazing to not only be able to point at a several planets that could support life, but also to send a interstellar message in a bottle, perhaps even try to seed life on them.

What would earth look like with rings like Saturn

What would earth look like with rings like Saturn

What would earth look like with rings like Saturn

Lego Universe Carolyn Porco Discusses Saturn Mission

The Most Astounding Fact (Neil DeGrasse Tyson)

"Waterworld" planet discovered! (Spacy Talk Post)

jonny says...

Europa has a thick layer of ice, maybe a few or several miles thick, under which is a very deep liquid ocean, but "its bulk density suggests that it is similar in composition to the terrestrial planets, being primarily composed of silicate rock." According to the researchers, "GJ1214b’s radius could be explained by a bulk composition consisting of an ice-rock core surrounded by a H/He/H2O envelope that has a water mass fraction of 50-85%."

GJ1214b is a giant ball of water 2.7 times the Earth's diameter (Uranus is about 4 times, Saturn about 9). The water must be (tens of) thousands of miles deep. There's nothing like it in our system. I can't even begin to imagine what happens to water at that kind of depth and pressure. What bizarre properties it must have. They mention superfluids and hot ice in the article, but I suspect it's even weirder.
>> ^gwiz665:
Isn't Europa actually made almost entirely of ice? Europa the moon around Jupiter, I believe.

Equinox of the Planet Saturn

"I Am Fishead" Are Corporate Leaders Egotistical Psychopaths

Stormsinger says...

>> ^marinara:

No question that the active part of the molecule is the F.

"All SSRIs possess halogen atoms at specific positions, which are key determinants for the drugs’ specificity for SERT"
"The SSRI halogens all bind to exactly the same pocket within LeuT."
That said, Fluoride isn't a drug. Putting fluoride in the water to make people happy is just crazy.

Seriously, just because a chemical has some fluorine atoms, does NOT make it the same as sodium fluoride. Every study (a massive three of them) mentioned on that page is talking about sodium fluoride or aluminum fluoride. There has never been any legitimate evidence that Flouxetine has anything remotely similar to the behavior of either of those. Look for actual peer-reviewed research, not the crap you get from conspiracy sites.

"I Am Fishead" Are Corporate Leaders Egotistical Psychopaths

Giant storm on planet Saturn, many times the size of Earth

Giant storm on planet Saturn, many times the size of Earth

The number one rule for dating a girl: The hot/crazy scale

Apollo 11 launch in slow motion at 500 fps (HD)

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