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Fracking: Things Find A Way

notarobot says...

Be careful how you change your bulbs. The 5 mg of mercury in a single CFL is enough to make as much as 50,000 litres of water undrinkable according to Canadian drinking water standerds. One or two lamps doesn't sound like much, but a million lamps means a lot of pollution.

As far as Fraking goes, the only controversy is how these companies continue to get away with it. Water means life. *Quality PSA.

>> ^Peroxide:

If you cut out all the back and forth rhetoric that inevitably spews between oil(and gas) corporations and communities who want clean air and water and a future, it all comes down to neoclassical economics' false dichotomy.
Corporations (and left and right wing politicians who over romanticize the free market) will tell citizens,
"you can either have:
a) a strong economy, or
b) a clean environment."

In Canada for the last couple elections people have been scare mongered by this false dichotomy.
I tell you, there is a sustainable economy, there is a sustainable future: dare to dream. Let's all grow the f ck up and build the new economy that defies the bullshit neoclassical economic lies that have been entrenched in our culture. They will tell you the choice is between a job or cancer. Fuck. that. shit.
It's time for the next industrial revolution, the green revolution, I'm in. Change your light bulbs, then change your leaders.

Fracking: Things Find A Way

ghark says...

>> ^Peroxide:

If you cut out all the back and forth rhetoric that inevitably spews between oil(and gas) corporations and communities who want clean air and water and a future, it all comes down to neoclassical economics' false dichotomy.
Corporations (and left and right wing politicians who over romanticize the free market) will tell citizens,
"you can either have:
a) a strong economy, or
b) a clean environment."

In Canada for the last couple elections people have been scare mongered by this false dichotomy.
I tell you, there is a sustainable economy, there is a sustainable future: dare to dream. Let's all grow the f ck up and build the new economy that defies the bullshit neoclassical economic lies that have been entrenched in our culture. They will tell you the choice is between a job or cancer. Fuck. that. shit.
It's time for the next industrial revolution, the green revolution, I'm in. Change your light bulbs, then change your leaders.

absolutely, this short term thinking they want us to buy in to is nonsense and is ruining everything for future generations.

Fracking: Things Find A Way

Peroxide says...

If you cut out all the back and forth rhetoric that inevitably spews between oil(and gas) corporations and communities who want clean air and water and a future, it all comes down to neoclassical economics' false dichotomy.

Corporations (and left and right wing politicians who over romanticize the free market) will tell citizens,

"you can either have:
a) a strong economy, or
b) a clean environment."


In Canada for the last couple elections people have been scare mongered by this false dichotomy.

I tell you, there is a sustainable economy, there is a sustainable future: dare to dream. Let's all grow the f*ck up and build the new economy that defies the bullshit neoclassical economic lies that have been entrenched in our culture. They will tell you the choice is between a job or cancer. Fuck. that. shit.

It's time for the next industrial revolution, the green revolution, I'm in. Change your light bulbs, then change your leaders.


peggedbea says...

15 people were arrested for taking part in ddos attacks, which are the virtual equivalent of walking into a store with a 1000 friends and buying nothing. they're facing $500,000 lawsuits and 15 years in prison.

how do you propose we, the people, hold a board of directors accountable for their actions? what steps exactly can we legally take? usually when a group of people disagrees with the actions of a corporate entity, they organize a boycott of the goods/services said entity is providing. your entire last paragraph was not thought out entirely. and a reeked of a typical protofascist cop-out. turn off your corporate medias, son.
>> ^critical_d:

what in particular are you talking about when you say "virtual version of walking into a store and not purchasing anything?"?
The hillbilly analogy was used as an example of punishing an individual (the drunk) versus punishing a faceless company like PayPal. By punishing Paypal (taking down their site) you are punishing the people who work there and the investors who own the company. Do they deserve punishment because of the decisions of a few at that company? Shouldn't we hold the leaders or directors responsible instead?
>> ^peggedbea:
>> ^critical_d:
When will we stop romanticizing the vigilante acts of a group of people who aim a LOIC at a website and press go?
I am in no way defending the targets or their actions that caused them to fall under the crosshairs. But PayPal is not a hillbilly with a who drank too much at the bar, got a blowjob from a hooker, and came home to beat the wife cuz dinner wasn't ready. People who don't deserve to be punished are...and that sucks.

romanticizing? or supporting? ...and hopefully never.
the drunk hillbilly analogy makes very little sense.
who exactly is punished? people who couldn't access their paypal accounts for a few hours?? inconvienced maybe, punished? not quite.
or are you talking about the 20 year old kids who are facing $500,000 law suits and 15 years in prison for what is the virtual version of walking into a store and not purchasing anything? beacuse yeah, that does fucking suck.

when will people stop sounding like protofascist drones and reclaim their innate ability to think critically and be free?
what's happening here is so much bigger than bored teenagers fucking shit up for a day. it's a new current in radical movements. there's always been radical activity under the surface of any dominate power structure, and hopefully their always will be. this is the fist time in history it's been so able to truly be a global force. and that my friend, is fucking huge... a few hundred thousand kids, world wide, understand the technology so much better than any corporate/governmental IT division. they're writing the fucking code. this is the kind of movement that i think really has staying power, and it will be impossible for either political party just absorb some of the ideology into their platform to placate it, like they do with all movements that gain any sort of momentum.


critical_d says...

what in particular are you talking about when you say "virtual version of walking into a store and not purchasing anything?"?

The hillbilly analogy was used as an example of punishing an individual (the drunk) versus punishing a faceless company like PayPal. By punishing Paypal (taking down their site) you are punishing the people who work there and the investors who own the company. Do they deserve punishment because of the decisions of a few at that company? Shouldn't we hold the leaders or directors responsible instead?

>> ^peggedbea:

>> ^critical_d:
When will we stop romanticizing the vigilante acts of a group of people who aim a LOIC at a website and press go?
I am in no way defending the targets or their actions that caused them to fall under the crosshairs. But PayPal is not a hillbilly with a who drank too much at the bar, got a blowjob from a hooker, and came home to beat the wife cuz dinner wasn't ready. People who don't deserve to be punished are...and that sucks.

romanticizing? or supporting? ...and hopefully never.
the drunk hillbilly analogy makes very little sense.
who exactly is punished? people who couldn't access their paypal accounts for a few hours?? inconvienced maybe, punished? not quite.
or are you talking about the 20 year old kids who are facing $500,000 law suits and 15 years in prison for what is the virtual version of walking into a store and not purchasing anything? beacuse yeah, that does fucking suck.

when will people stop sounding like protofascist drones and reclaim their innate ability to think critically and be free?
what's happening here is so much bigger than bored teenagers fucking shit up for a day. it's a new current in radical movements. there's always been radical activity under the surface of any dominate power structure, and hopefully their always will be. this is the fist time in history it's been so able to truly be a global force. and that my friend, is fucking huge... a few hundred thousand kids, world wide, understand the technology so much better than any corporate/governmental IT division. they're writing the fucking code. this is the kind of movement that i think really has staying power, and it will be impossible for either political party just absorb some of the ideology into their platform to placate it, like they do with all movements that gain any sort of momentum.


peggedbea says...

>> ^critical_d:

When will we stop romanticizing the vigilante acts of a group of people who aim a LOIC at a website and press go?
I am in no way defending the targets or their actions that caused them to fall under the crosshairs. But PayPal is not a hillbilly with a who drank too much at the bar, got a blowjob from a hooker, and came home to beat the wife cuz dinner wasn't ready. People who don't deserve to be punished are...and that sucks.

romanticizing? or supporting? ...and hopefully never.

the drunk hillbilly analogy makes very little sense.

who exactly is punished? people who couldn't access their paypal accounts for a few hours?? inconvienced maybe, punished? not quite.

or are you talking about the 20 year old kids who are facing $500,000 law suits and 15 years in prison for what is the virtual version of walking into a store and not purchasing anything? beacuse yeah, that does fucking suck.

when will people stop sounding like protofascist drones and reclaim their innate ability to think critically and be free?

what's happening here is so much bigger than bored teenagers fucking shit up for a day. it's a new current in radical movements. there's always been radical activity under the surface of any dominate power structure, and hopefully their always will be. this is the fist time in history it's been so able to truly be a global force. and that my friend, is fucking huge... a few hundred thousand kids, world wide, understand the technology so much better than any corporate/governmental IT division. they're writing the fucking code. this is the kind of movement that i think really has staying power, and it will be impossible for either political party just absorb some of the ideology into their platform to placate it, like they do with all movements that gain any sort of momentum.


critical_d says...

When will we stop romanticizing the vigilante acts of a group of people who aim a LOIC at a website and press go? I am in no way defending the targets or their actions that caused them to fall under the crosshairs. But PayPal is not a hillbilly with a who drank too much at the bar, got a blowjob from a hooker, and came home to beat the wife cuz dinner wasn't ready. People who don't deserve to be punished are...and that sucks.

Tintin movie: full trailer

Transcendent Man (Blog Entry by dag)

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

@chilaxe. On the one-hand, ageing and death does seem to be something that we've come to terms with, accepted and even romanticized. But we've always been seeking immortality. Donald Trump would give all his wealth to be made a 20-year-old again. Just about anybody would.

I, like probably most people (in their heart-of-hearts), find the fact that the super-wealthy die, to be very comforting - natural justice dealt. When youth really is for sell - all hell's going to break loose.

The Bechdel Test for Women in Movies

SWBStX says...

>> ^GenjiKilpatrick:

>> ^Tymbrwulf:
Majority of the women I know would only watch movies as entertainment occasionally and don't really call themselves "movie buffs." If you think there is an untapped "movie buff" in the female world you would think the movie industry would attempt to tap into it? (Chick flicks?)

Wow.. are you trollin' Tymbie? Or just thick?
Cause if you can't find the faults in that statement. I think you should immediately take some critical thinking classes.
Have you ever wondered why most women you know don't consider themselves "movie buffs"?
Female 1: "Hey the new Comic Book/Action/Eddie Murphy Comedy movie is out."
Female 2: "Fuck yes! I've been dyin' to see gratuitous explosions/shoot-outs/prosthetic fat all year!!"
And then, like some marketing executive from the 60s, you have gall to suggest that female movie enthusiasts truly crave to be spoon fed stereotypical bastardized depictions of themselves in films.
~~ written by @<a rel="nofollow" href="" title="member since July 7th, 2006" class="profilelink">BoneyD - A lot of chick flicks would fail the Bechdel Test as well, btw...
Like real world women all are desperate love-obsessed delicate lilies that: need to reunite with their sisters and babble about romanticism. Or find a rich man so they can stop whoring themselves. Or reunite with their "mature" party slut friends and babble about sex.
I bet female movie goers find those films ultra empowering! =D
And on top of all that - deep breath - "chicks flicks" don't even begin to scratch even the bottom of any list or review of the most popular movies.
So what have we learned?
- Realistically relatable females aren't depicted in mainstream media.
- The niche genre for females depicts them as clueless whiny emo kids hoping some stronger, usually male, character saves them from their shitty situation/themselves.
- You find that's perfectly normal and don't see an reason why younger females shouldn't be raised to expect the same.

I agree in a number of ways with you regarding the way women are depicted in a majority of modern movies. However, the part that I think there are two big factors here that are being overlooked by you and by women who argue for more "realistic and substantive" roles for women in movies. First and foremost in my opinion at least is the fact that making movies is all about making money (again looking to the majority here, indie films are somewhat of an exception to this but then I think you'd agree that they are also largely an exception to this Bechdel Test). Since it's about making money, the unfortunate truth is that the majority of the target market for films these days is men, and what most of them want is the same mindless, formulaic story over and over again. If making films was primarily about telling a good, detailed and deeply thought provoking story, I think things would be very different. This just doesn't sell on a large scale and you'd have one hell of a time convincing the film studios of the world to begin shooting films for the artistic appeal and forget about the financial aspect.

On a bit of a side note to your point below,

"Like real world women all are desperate love-obsessed delicate lilies that: need to reunite with their sisters and babble about romanticism. Or find a rich man so they can stop whoring themselves. Or reunite with their "mature" party slut friends and babble about sex."

I agree that this is a very unrealistic depiction of real women. I would also contend that real men don't drive cars off ramps onto moving boats, or shoot anything that moves, or smoothly sweep any attractive woman off their feet with a few suave words. That is however, the image of men in the movies and I'd wager that it's not only the male population of moviegoers that enjoys seeing men depicted that way. And that's why it continues to sell...

My advice is... stick to indies.

The Bechdel Test for Women in Movies

GenjiKilpatrick says...

>> ^Tymbrwulf:
Majority of the women I know would only watch movies as entertainment occasionally and don't really call themselves "movie buffs." If you think there is an untapped "movie buff" in the female world you would think the movie industry would attempt to tap into it? (Chick flicks?)

Wow.. are you trollin' Tymbie? Or just thick?
Cause if you can't find the faults in that statement. I think you should immediately take some critical thinking classes.

Have you ever wondered why most women you know don't consider themselves "movie buffs"?

Female 1: "Hey the new Comic Book/Action/Eddie Murphy Comedy movie is out."
Female 2: "Fuck yes! I've been dyin' to see gratuitous explosions/shoot-outs/prosthetic fat all year!!"

And then, like some marketing executive from the 60s, you have gall to suggest that female movie enthusiasts truly crave to be spoon fed stereotypical bastardized depictions of themselves in films.

~~ written by @BoneyD - A lot of chick flicks would fail the Bechdel Test as well, btw...

Like real world women all are desperate love-obsessed delicate lilies that: need to reunite with their sisters and babble about romanticism. Or find a rich man so they can stop whoring themselves. Or reunite with their "mature" party slut friends and babble about sex.

I bet female movie goers find those films ultra empowering! =D

And on top of all that - deep breath - "chicks flicks" don't even begin to scratch even the bottom of any list or review of the most popular movies.

So what have we learned?

- Realistically relatable females aren't depicted in mainstream media.

- The niche genre for females depicts them as clueless whiny emo kids hoping some stronger, usually male, character saves them from their shitty situation/themselves.

- You find that's perfectly normal and don't see an reason why younger females shouldn't be raised to expect the same.

Personal Video of the Rifleman at Presidential Rally

blankfist says...

>> ^NetRunner:
Would said person call our system of democratically elected representatives a democracy?
Did he own slaves?
Did he favor corporal punishment?
Was he a man with limits on his reason or knowledge, who allowed for the possibility of change to all principles? Or someone who felt that his word shall be law for all generations henceforth like a combination of monarch and messiah?
Do you want to water the tree of liberty, blankfist?

Jefferson was a man of many complicated contradictions and the occasional duplicitous nature which I've mentioned numerous times, most recently here. He did own slaves, and petition through Congress his entire life for the emancipation of slaves, which he really did believe would be freed by the generation following his own. He was wrong, but he was very much known for his romanticized vision of people's good nature.

As for the "democratically elected representatives" he was very much for strong Republicanism with a democracy. Voting for their Congress representation was something he believed in for the people. I've never read whether or not he believed people should vote for their president or not. I know it wasn't an option for the people until 1828 when Jackson, the first Democrat, created the first populist presidential electoral process.

I don't know how he felt about corporal punishment. Weird question.

I know he proposed the idea of generational sovereignty, which I also talk about at the link above. That proves he believed people should not be held to the chains of their ancestor's government and specifically their debt. And, I don't disagree with that. It also doesn't mean I'm going to lay down and let authoritarian tyrants pass anti-liberty legislation, either. Because the one thing he believed in before all else was liberty.

I do want to water the tree of liberty. Thanks for asking. I don't want to do it violently, but I'd certainly like to see more liberty in my lifetime.

14 yr old girl Tasered in the Head by Police Chief

poolcleaner says...

>> ^Shepppard:
>> ^Yogi:
"She's running away from a police officer, that's illegal."
Well so fucking what? Where is she going to go? She's not a fugitive on the run, she's not armed and dangerous, she's not gonna go far, let her fucking run for a bit until she gets tired. I don't get this idea that you have to subdue everyone, even people you're just talking to. If they don't want to talk to you that's fine, you proceed in another direction, you don't immediately go to forcing them down so they can't run away, especially if they've done nothing wrong.

Assault, child pornography, fleeing the scene, and resisting arrest are no longer crimes? News to me.
Unfortunately, it doesn't work that certain people get special treatment, you're not allowed to wander into the police station and talk to them when you feel like it when you've done something wrong.
As for where she's going to go? Who knows. If she's been sending nude pics of herself to older guys, who knows if she'll go to one of them. And if she does, which one, where are they located, how is she going to get there, has she even met them before, could this lead to an even WORSE situation?
It's not unheard of for kids to run away from home, especially after they've gotten themselves into a world of trouble, so just letting her walk away? That's kind of out of the question.

What horseshit excuses. It's not unheard of for children to run away from home, yes; but the answer to that is not to damage the kid further. So what if he didn't mean to hit her in the head. If a taser can do that kind of damage, why the fuck is he using it on an underage kid?? Really, the proper use of a taser should be reexamined.

Also, in your previous comment -- perp with 14 inch hunting knife equals 6 year old girl? Sounds to me like someone is head over heels in a romanticized vision of their pappy.

Think! Take Longer To Look For Bikes

CptMonkeyPants says...

It's that kind of passive indifference that makes the roads so annoyingly scary... drivers just pass it off on us bikers... Oh I see you guys riding like retards so you deserve what you get. That kind of backwards logic doesn't work with you car-tards... I see people driving their cars like they are friggin' RETARDED and I don't assume its all car drivers are like that. I have never ridden past an auto accident and think... well he was probably speeding... that's what you get. I ride my bike because it saves me gas and is easier to use in the city I live in. Not because I have some romanticized idea of being a bad boy. I wear full ballistics and armor... I have taken multiple classes about evasive riding and how to act in a major crash.

This advert is merely asking you guys to just keep a better look out for bikers because we are harder to see... is that so frikkin hard for you to understand??? Seriously? I wear a bright yellow suit on my bright yellow bike... I make sure not to ride in blind spots... I don't weave in and out of traffic yet almost once a week I have some unconscious assclown almost run me off the road because he was too dratting lazy to glance in his sideview mirror for more than a millisecond.

I can't count how many times I have had someone pull out in front of me because they are looking the other way... You guys to should take the MSF course or maybe ride with a friend if you can. Get a little perspective before calling this advert out for being a "scare tactic".

The real roads are far scarier than this.

Ann Coulter is a Miserable Harpie

phelixian says...

As the product of a single mother I loathe Ann Coulter even more after seeing this.

The problem is that compassion and family values have gone out the window. It is not because of the Single Mother. They have a harder time succeeding at parenting, because they have half the workforce to get there.

Supporting single mothers and acknowledging that it is hard is not glorifying or romanticizing their long lonely road. Ann Coulter seems like she didn't get enough love from her nuclear family.

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