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CNN caught reporting fake news on russian hack

enoch says...

jimmy dore is from the young turks.

while you may disagree with his delivery,you cannot deny that historically the intelligence community has been used as a battering ram to perpetrate some fucked up,and sometimes,illegal shit.

multiple intelligence agencies also swore that saddam hussein had WMD's and was collaborating with al qeada.

multiple intelligence agencies swore that the conflict in vietnam needed to be expanded,and use sect of defense robert mcnamara to sell it to president johnson.

mcnamara later recanted and displayed deep regret for the lies he sold not only the president,but the american people.colin powell ended up doing the very same thing,for the EXACT same reasons.

in my opinion,CNN has slowly become a propaganda arm for the it is NO surprise that they reference these "multiple intelligence sources" as a means to increase tensions between US and russia.

and while i am positive that russia,along with the US and pretty much every advanced nation on this planet engages in cyber spying,until i see actual PROOF that putin directed russian intelligence to actively hack our elections in order to put trump in power...i am going to remain skeptical.

because i have seen "multiple intelligence sources' as an excuse to engage in some pretty despicable activities by my government.

i live by a very simple axiom:
governments lie.

Robert McNamara on the Cuban Missile Crisis - Fog of War

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'Robert McNamera, Cuba, USA, USSR, Nukes, Missile Crisis, Cold War, War, Annihilation' to 'Robert McNamara, Cuba, USA, USSR, Nukes, Missile Crisis, Cold War, War, Annihilation' - edited by kulpims

Robert McNamara on the Cuban Missile Crisis - Fog of War

The Fog of War: 11 Lessons From The Life Of Robert McNamara

Post Your Top Ever Vid Here! (Love Talk Post)

mauz15 says...

I never like those 5 videos being my top ones. But anyways, here is a list of top videos from people that are no longer active (or as active as before) and are great videosifters






Enemy is a powerful word; a word used too often (Blog Entry by curiousity)

Farhad2000 says...

I agree that dehumanization is also a psychological defense, by dehumanizing you eliminate the enemy as being inherently human, its easier to kill then because you aren't killing human beings. Its a form of cognitive dissonance, that can be backed up by any number of reasons.

This can be seen in paintings, consider the Shootings of May 3rd by Goya, the killers have their backs to us, they are alien while those being shot at closer to us. We emphasize with those about to get killed through the emotions that play over each one. In other mediums like cinema we see it when an army is being assailed by a faceless nameless enemy, we are drawn to those whose plight we see, their attackers are distant, inhumane, this is done in alot of action films and especially in World War 2 movies. Our responses are being shaped in subtle ways.

Other forms of psychological lockdown also exist for example in Guantanamo Bay, troops there were trained to greet and acknowledge each other by the saying "Honor bound to defend freedom" . This is a psychological device to remind the troops of their mission and why there are there, its coercive because it eliminates internal criticism, the same could be seen in the armed forces post 9/11 where those events created the necessary ethical argument to committing evil acts in themselves. To against that flow was hard. Criticism was seen as lacking patriotism or worse aiding the enemy.

My statement that we must commit great evil to end evil is simply a realistic observation of man's involvement in war. Its the rationale that we create, this was the rational used in the Vietnam war, Gulf war, Serbia and other conflict. As if one nations atrocities are somehow better then anthers, but this is the view that most Americans are programmed to have. That Americans do no evil, that somehow their involvement is clean, just and required for the "survival of civilization as we know it against fundamentalist Islamic terrorism". Pretty words to simply justify a never ending war.

For me the issue is presented simply by the following quote - "Robert McNamara: I think the human race needs to think about killing. How much evil must we do in order to do good."

There is a speech by Chris Hedges talking about War Is A Force That Gives Us Meaning -

I recommend reading Chris Hedges - "War Is A Force That Gives Us Meaning" and "Dispatches" by Micheal Herr.

Okay Everyone, We Need To Have A Chat About Snuff & Iraq (Sift Talk Post)

Farhad2000 says...

I just wanted to raise this point with you Jonny, the war is covered in drastically different ways between American and European media. This was especially prevalent during the start of the war, 'Shock And Awe' on CNN was basically the Al Jazeera feed, they allowed the American people to see US warplanes decimate Baghdad but didn't follow it up with Al Jazeera's coverage of numerous civilians killed as part of 'collateral' damage.

The media as a whole rallied around the Bush administration, even publications such as the Washington Post, New York Times and many others justified the invasion of Iraq initially. Even with world protests, dissent from major European powers like France and Germany.

Embedded reporters were with the US forces offered a slanted view of the war, because the other side was never given a voice, and am not talking about insurgents or anything like that but the civilian population who ultimately bares the brunt of the casualities in the war. Criticism of any sort was avoided at all costs because somehow that would mean undermining the mission or the troops, not even thinking about how such a preception would be taken by the rest of the world.

Was it swelled patriotism, revenge reportage or an inablilty to critique a war seemingly everyone supported - I don't know but it was very clear for me to see just by switching between Fox, CNN, EuroNews, BBC and Al Jazeera.

The US Military believed that it lost the war in Vietnam not in Vietnam but in the way the war was presented to the American people back home. The same situation is being replayed now in Iraq, only this time the media was fully with the US military. Only now the news does not show combat, does not show US troop losses but mentions them in passing, does not show civilian costs of the war and most of all doesn't ever mention the vets coming back from the war injured and or disabled.

Ultimately my arguement is that I believe VS as I stated can be a venue for informed views with regards to current affairs in the world. The most important right now being the war on terror, the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan and many others that take place around the world.

We in less then 2 years have seen the rise of YouTube and citizen journalism as a whole, videos of the political repression in Burma flooded the internet almost as soon as the event occured, would that have happened before? Videosift is one of the few sites that actually has a politics section, a topic that is usually avoided like plague by other video hosts. I believe the userbase in the site as a whole is more then capable of policing itself, especially with long term users.

Likewise I do not believe we should avoid addressing important issues like the war. Everytime I think about this issue I recall this:

"I think the human race needs to think about killing. How much evil must we do in order to do good. "
- Robert McNamara

With regards to rubberneckers and drivebys, there is already a website far more catered to their interests called LiveLeak, I believe that VS as a community would provide the need framing and context not to create sensationalism for the posts that could arise, drive bys here don't last long at all. The reason people keep coming back is because the core userbase is exactly the opposite of the YouTube fanbase.

I do agree though that we shouldn't rush to finalize the issue.

Errol Morris' First Person: Leaving the Earth (documentary)

The Fog of War - Cuban Missle crisis

Farhad2000 says...

While I find it commendable that Robert McNamara did do this film. I can't accept his explanations for the use of Agent Orange as being simply "I don't remember".

I felt that the documentarian gave his subject too much leeway because of a wider message he wanted to put out post the war in Iraq.

Still a monumental film that needs to be watched. What I would to see now is the same treatment of Henry Kissinger.

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