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Australian Prime Minister Does Donald Trump Impression

Bernie Sanders shows support for aims of Jeremy Corbyn

Jinx says...

Pretty shocked by the result. When the exit polls suggested the Tories were going to fall short of a majority I switched off the TV, put it down to shy Conversatives and went to bed.

Must suck to be a Tory tbh. Most of them didn't want Brexit, they promised a referendum to court the euroskeptic vote... and then they were handed the mandate to kindly fuck themselves raw. Teresa, the last time that happened the Prime Minister stepped aside. Just a thought.

Also can't decide if disappointed or sort of pleasantly surprised that it seems none of the papers went with "Mayday".

Bernie Sanders shows support for aims of Jeremy Corbyn

dannym3141 says...

So this is relevant because of a recent surge in support for "radical left" (i.e. democratic socialist, centre-left) Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn who has had a huge surge in popularity in recent weeks in a general election campaign he was expected to catastrophically lose by all mainstream sources.

Since winning two Labour party leadership elections in 2015, voted in by historic margins by ordinary members having their say for the first time, he has faced hostile criticism from all mainstream media sources and most politicians including his own party.

The grass roots, which helped drive his earlier victories, appears to be doing the same thing for him in this general election campaign. The grass roots involvement has included youth musicians, artists and activists coming together from multiple campaigns (Save The NHS, WASPI, most unions, including teachers, fire, police and transport, and far too many other interest groups to mention, including multiple disability campaigners). As well as individuals, parents, elderly, and Momentum - a group formed in the afterglow of his leadership win.

On the other hand, Theresa May's and the Tory party's campaign has gone from disaster to disaster. After claiming to be the party of economic security, they released an entirely uncosted manifesto (Labour's was fully costed, other party's included some costings). After trying to make it a match of personalities, she has gone from robotic gaffe to robotic gaffe, dodging questions whilst Corbyn's easy charm and honesty has gone quite a way to show those weaknesses up. She has claimed to be stable and strong, and the best hand to negotiate Brexit, but performed u-turn after u-turn and is now avoiding all but mandatory press contact because her and her brand have become toxic, thanks to things like the "Dementia Tax" and a promise to vote again on allowing barbaric fox hunting. She has been caught out, and regardless of the results of the general election, Theresa May is finished as Conservative leader. Potentially, the back of austerity has been broken and exposed. A movement has been started and even if the Tory's win, watch out for a mass people power'd intervention over their heinous plans.

God i could go on, this has been amazing to watch. Obviously i'm biased towards Labour, and whilst a centre-right opponent might describe things differently, the facts are the same.

Significant things are happening in the UK right now, not wholly dissimilar from the rise of Sanders, only this time it's for the actual prime minister position - Corbyn managed to outmaneuver the corruption of his party. If the election was 2 weeks longer i would predict a huge Labour landslide. After being so ridiculed by a hostile media for so long, election bias rules have forced the press into giving Corbyn a fair hearing and the more people see, the more they appear to like. The question is, have people already cast their vote by post? Will people turn up and vote? A big turnout is expected to favour Labour. A strong youth turnout will be hugely beneficial to Labour.

Bill Maher - New Rule - The Danger of False Equivalency

RedSky says...

I think it's not so much not being able to tell them apart but not being willing to investigate them beyond their labels. I spend some time in other online communities with people from the US and the sense I get is Clinton is generally seen as corrupt and criminal and Trump as perhaps sexist / racist but a good businessman. I would argue both labels are to some extent misleading and false.

I don't see much discussion that goes beyond those labels. In both cases from the snippets I've seen of US TV and of some online tabloids, that's about as deep as the discussion goes. To really understand the problem with both candidates you need to read good editorial work from more reputable / long form media (weekly publications, newspapers that aren't tabloids) and frankly I think very few have been willing to do that.

Much of it comes down to politics being treated as entertainment and reading long written articles simply isn't entertaining. Unfortunately it's going the same way here in Australia. Everyone is obsessed about opinion polls. We might have short periods of formal election campaigning (unlike the epic US election process), but because of only 3 years between elections for our Prime Minister (and the fact that he or she can and does get replaced within those 3 years by Parliament, unlike the US President), we have constant personal political battles and recrimination rather than deliberation over policy.

I mean right now, we have a prime minister (Turnbull, re-elected earlier this year), who unseated a previously elected prime minister (Abbott, in the previous term) by a vote of no confidence. Abbott himself (several parliamentary terms before) had successfully unseated Turnbull as minority leader (when another party held the prime minister-ship). Now there are rumors that Abbott wants to challenge Turnbull. And that's just one of our political parties.

eric3579 said:

I only listened to that last 3 minutes because of ^, and because i generaly can't stomach Bill.

I have a hard time buying into the idea that people can't tell them apart. You don't have to do much/any study to see that they are incredibly different. Just because you don't like either of them doesn't in any way say that you think they are equal. I hate them both for completely different reasons. And although i dislike them both I would rather one of them be president over the other. My vote however will not reflect who that is.

eric3579 (Member Profile)

radx says...

Finally, some hope:

In a sign of increasing frustration on the Canadian side, the normally cheery Prime Minister Justin Trudeau warned Thursday that not signing CETA would issue a “deplorable” message that Europe is heading towards an “unproductive path” post-Brexit.

Deplorable, you say?
The fact that power over trade — one of the EU’s core negotiating competences — has shifted to Europe’s 38 national and regional parliaments is a major embarrassment for Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker. In July, he was pushed by French and German Socialists into designating CETA as a “mixed agreement” requiring ratification in national and regional assemblies.
The decision was highly controversial, because Juncker and his chief lawyers believed this wasn’t necessary from a legal point of view, but was a gesture of political goodwill.

A gesture of political goodwill. Or as we call it: a Hail-Mary attempt at keeping it alive, because both the French and the German government are facing serious domestic pressure on this issue. If they hadn't acknowledged parliament's vote on this, CETA might have been taken out back and shot in the head already, like it fucking should be.

Mario ... hamster?

Fox News vs Harvard On ISIS Turns Into Ignorance Fest

00Scud00 says...

I love Cenk and TYT but that was a little cringe worthy. Let's watch the Fox News presenter mock perfectly good arguments with silly voices and acting. And then mock Fox News with our own silly voices and acting. (Picard facepalm)
And they are quite right about American foreign policy being a big reason behind the rise of Islamic fundamentalism. I wonder what Iran would look like today if we hadn't ousted the Iranian Prime Minister back in '53, simply to keep Iran from nationalizing their oil supply.

QI - Why Would You Swallow A Poisonous Metalloid?

wraith says...

You shoiuld have read the Wikipedia article:

"Muhammad bin Nayef bin Abdulaziz Al Saud (Arabic: محمد بن نايف بن عبد العزيز آل سعود‎‎; born 30 August 1959) is the Crown Prince, First Deputy Prime Minister and the Minister of Interior of Saudi Arabia."

Islamophobia...Now there's a pill for that!

oritteropo says...

I'm impressed Unlike @newtboy, I don't automatically assume you're lying and feel compelled to do a bit more reading myself before discussing it further.

It's been a long time since I studied it at Uni, and even then we never studied the entire Koran (a one semester course would not have been sufficient for that).

There is, of course, some disagreement about what the hadiths say. The one that immediately springs to mind is "Seek knowledge even as far as China", and I'll quote the former prime minister of Malaysia here:{quote}A hadith says: “Seek knowledge even as far as China.” It was pointed out by detractors that this was just a saying of the Prophet and it was not a command from God. When they disagreed with a particular hadith, they were quick to discredit it and refused to acknowledge it as a source of Islamic teaching. But if they subscribed to it, then they would not cease to highlight it repeatedly, even if it’s authenticity is doubted. Surely seeking knowledge in China does not mean Islamic knowledge. During the Prophet’s period, China was also known to have deep knowledge in such fields as medicine, literature and paper, explosives and many others.{quote}

Certainly the early muslims were very keen on acquiring knowledge, and did indeed travel as far as China to do so (and brought the art of paper making back with them).

coolhund said:

Yes I did, it was very tedious because of the writing style. Its pure indoctrination, intended to. Even I felt like I have to think like that after a while.
I read every translation, there are nice sites that provide each translation side by side. But in essence they all say the same thing, and the translations only prove how Taqiyya is even used in some translations. For example, everyone knows what "hit them on their necks" means.

notarobot (Member Profile)

5 Reasons To Love Iceland

Apple is the Patriot

dannym3141 jokingly says...

Sure that's a great idea.

I tell you what, why i don't i become EVERYTHING and solve ALL of the world's problems at once? I can solve international tax law by becoming a politician, then i can solve world hunger by becoming head of monsanto, then i can cure cancer by becoming head of McMillan.

That's how problems are solved right? I mean, looking back through history some of our greatest achievements in quality of life were introduced just that same way right? RIGHT? Like when MLK became president to stop racism?

I guess when unions formed and brought about sick pay, working hours, holiday, contracts, safety at work, minimum wage and EVERYTHING else, it was really because one individual person became Prime Minister over here and changed it all. Nothing to do with people gathering together to make the change they want to see.

Oh wait, it turns out you're completely and totally wrong. That would probably be embarrassing for you if you had a shred of self awareness.

Perhaps you'd like to engage your brain before addressing the keyboard? You might also then realise that you have no idea how much i'll pay in tax in my lifetime, nor my contributions to society through other means that money can't buy.

But i tell you what, next time that person working at the supermarket mans the Samaritans hotline and talks someone down from suicide, or a junior doctor saves 3 lives, or a researcher investigates something that leads to a cancer cure, or a cop stops a tragedy...... or a school teacher stands up for a kid being abused at home, or inspires someone to become a doctor, or a local baker gives away food to homeless people every night........ you can go and tell them that they're losers and they will never contribute as much to society as a bunch of rich men who pay people to make phones for them and who pay less ACTUAL (not percentage) tax than many of their own working class employees.

I'll take the loser cheapshot in good faith, you were so off the mark with everything else in your comment that it's actually an endorsement coming from someone like you.

Trancecoach said:

Haha! First of all, they are tax avoiders, not tax dodgers. Secondly, if you don't like it, why don't you work your way up at Apple and change the company from the inside? Or become a legislator and change the law. See if you can get them to pay whatever version of "fair share" you think they "should." (We all know you won't because, if you did, you wouldn't be using a platform or a device created by companies that don't care about what you think their "fair share" of taxes should be.) But, hey, go ahead and "boycott" Apple and other companies to "protest" their failure to adopt your ideas and definitions of "fair shares." See how far that gets you. I'll continue to buy their products and support them.

And meanwhile, the vilified "millionaires and billionaires" will continue to pay far more in taxes than you ever will (currently 44% of federal taxes while the bottom 45% don't pay anything at all) -- just so we're clear on who contributes little to nothing at all and is merely a consumer/loser.

CANADA for President 2016

Fausticle says...

As a Canadian I would just like to say this is a bunch of bullshit. We have a lot of fucked up laws up here that they don't have down in the states. You can be sued for defamation and slander for mocking public figures here.

One of our Crown prosecutors tried to prosecute a man for disagreeing with some feminists on Twitter and northern Alberta has been turned into a toxic waste dump.

Our new Prime Minister is a sock puppets with a SJW's hand up his ass.

So if you see one of my smug countrymen telling you how much better it is up here you have my permission to kick him in the balls.

notarobot (Member Profile)

The Daily Show - Wack Flag

Lawdeedaw says...

Of course most Japanese are taught that. Who the fuck said otherwise? Oh, by hiding their history you thought I meant they didn't learn about it at all? Well that's a stupid assumption. You know back in the 1960s Americans "learned" about slavery and our part in it, yet it was often prefaced by "those Negros are inferior so it was great times" or "it was really about federal expansion and not those Negros who should know their place." "Misrepresentation" is a hell of a concept.

And I wasn't even speaking about WW2, so where you got that from I have no utter clue? I didn't even hint at it. That rape and mutilation has been going on for centuries but was significant in the Second Sino-Japanese War, a distinct war in and of itself.

I guess what really pisses me off is that Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, elected by Japan (not just one side, but everyone, from the Emperor to the Diet, who themselves are elected by THE PEOPLE) is a revisionist who is allowed to say his shit by the people of Japan. This isn't a position that is allowed in the civilized world anymore. Fuck, even Iran's Ahmadinejad denied the Holocaust and had to laugh it off as misspeaking. Abe is so flaunting he even visited Yasukuni Shrine, a place that holds more than 1 thousand war criminals in it.

Imagine a German leader going to a memorial for 1 thousand Nazi heroes, perhaps including Hitler himself? Oh, and the fact that those criminals were accepted after their punishments, is terrifying.

Notice something else. I never said that China has the right to slaughter everyone--which gives plenty of pre-acknowledgement to your point that this hateful revisionism is put out by right-wingers (And condoned by all the cowards on the left.) This is because, much as Germans on the left allowed the slaughter of the Jews, most cannot be held directly responsible for a force greater than them. In this case, there is no force greater, but that is beside the point.

SDGundamX said:

Actually, Japanese kids learn about Unit 731, the rape of Nanking, and the issue of "comfort women" (though they are still not called by their proper term "sex slaves"). See here for more info.

What is controversial is that the right-wingers managed to get a textbook approved by the Ministry of Education that whitewashes Japan's military past--a textbook, by the way, that was shunned by almost every Board of Education in Japan (it was used by only 0.039% of the schools in Japan).

The notion that Japanese people are unaware of the crimes committed by the Japanese military during WWII is utterly false. As I mentioned, there are revisionist right-wingers out there who are actively working to change that but so far they have been unsuccessful.

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