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World War 3 starting this week (Worldaffairs Talk Post)

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

Saying it's World War 3 might be a bit of hyperbole - or at least jumping the gun.

I remember in 7th grade, my geography teacher - Mr. Reekie, (who was also the JV football coach) told us all that World War 3 was about to start in Poland because of Lech Wałęsa's solidarity movement. It scared the shit out of me, and stuck with me as a small scar - even as a 42 year old man.

So let's not pre-escalate the situation if we can help it. Think of the children.

TYT - American Economic Inequality on par with Uganda

Ron Paul: Don't Blame All Muslims, Tea Party: BOOOOO!

TheGenk says...

>> ^MarineGunrock:

This whole "they hate us because of our freedom!" thing is fucking retarded. If they attacked us because of that, why hasn't Germany, Canada, Switzerland, Poland, Iceland, Greenland et. al. been attacked like we have? Oh, it's because they're not sticking their collective noses in other nation's business? ...... okay.

*ehem* well, I guess because every single country you named grants their citizens equal or more freedom than the US of A.
That aside, I agree with you, if this stupid soundbite was true than at least North Korea would be the one constantly attacking the US.

Ron Paul: Don't Blame All Muslims, Tea Party: BOOOOO!

MarineGunrock says...

This whole "they hate us because of our freedom!" thing is fucking retarded. If they attacked us because of that, why hasn't Germany, Canada, Switzerland, Poland, Iceland, Greenland et. al. been attacked like we have? Oh, it's because they're not sticking their collective noses in other nation's business? ...... okay.

Hitler Hears of the New Star Wars Blu Ray Release Changes

Chomsky explains Cold War in 5 minutes

thumpa28 says...

Yeah i suspect something was lost in the cutting. As it is it all comes across a bit ranty. Didnt explain anything about extensions of power through supporting insurrection? Countries only support those countries willing to trade with them? Yeah duh. One ideology vs another? Brilliant. Not an external threat? Poland, east germany, malaysia, vietnam, cuba? New way of thinking about the cold war? Hardly. Probably a lot better when hearing opposing views.

Europe needs a Revolution

DerHasisttot says...

Uargh... nooooo...... Germany doesn't want the Euro because of some guilt or whatever. As far as I can tell we want the Euro because we've got the second biggest export-economy in the world and are surrounded by our biggest buyers. It is in germany's best economic interest to keep the single currency going. Also, we really like all you guyz in se Europe. Buy our stuff.

Having listened ten seconds more: Dude is full of shit. "Supranational political dictatorship"? "Harmonise out of existence national identities"? "soviet socialist republics"?

And for typical britishness: Mentioning Germany invading Poland and that the British king against whom the Americas rebelled as being German. Which has nothing to do with anything.

Revving it! And Revving And Revving And Revving AND

Revving it! And Revving And Revving And Revving AND

GOP Pres Candidates Reject Trivial Tax Increases

westy jokingly says...

>> ^heropsycho:

A. He's a moderate. He believes in the free market most of the time, and seeks gov't intervention when the market fails. That's truly what the US has been since the 1920s. And no, his answer to everything isn't higher taxes.
B. You mean pure gov't control of all economic resources tends to fail?! EUREKA! Hey, you know what other economic system tends to fail due to human nature? CAPITALISM! Eventually, everyone does what's in their own best interests regardless of others, which destroys the common good, which hurts everyone. You know, like businesses polluting the environment because it's cheaper for them, but hurts everyone. Or ratings agencies, paid by the banks, to rate their crappy derivates as AAA. Or businesses having working conditions so poor that it threatens people's lives because it's cheaper. Or businesses producing crappy goods because it's cheaper to do it that way, to the point they threaten lives. Or...
Guess what that means?
GASP Neither ideology is right 100% of the time! Which is EXACTLY why I've slammed you and other ideologues repeatedly.
C. That's not what it ends up being. Most of Western Europe has been fairly socialist for decades. They've never come close to Communism in all that time. It's plain historical fact.
The reality is no major communist country has ever come about gradually. Russia, China, Vietnam, North Korea, East Germany, Poland, other eastern countries, not a single one was a gradual move from
Socialism to Communism. Not a single one. You're full of crap.
D. It's not semantics. There's a distinction between Socialism and Communism. Period. The two mean different things. And no, just because the state makes decisions about medical care, they don't "own" you. Why medical care? Why is that the determination between communism and capitalism? Ridiculous. And even with the Health Care Reform Bill, the gov't doesn't even have even a majority of the control for what medical care you receive.
E. Russia was also not a truly communist state. It was a communist dictatorship, with a corrupt gov't, which had nothing to do with the fact they were communist. Plenty of "capitalist" gov'ts failed too because of corruption.
I will agree that Communism doesn't tend to work either, but we also learned after 1929 neither does almost complete capitalism. Most Americans did anyway, save a select few like you. And this still isn't an argument against a mixed economy anyway.
F. Oh, hell no. You're not gonna change the subject to Social Security. You keep making Obama wanting to raise taxes a few percent on the rich as if it's a move to pure socialism, and of course, as you so hilariously put it, that might as well be Communism. That doesn't make the US socialist, communist, or any of the sort. Saying that crap is ridiculous. That's my point. You're not gonna dodge this by bringing up Social Security.
I have no faith in my answers because a cursory look at history proves every single one of them. I have facts instead. I don't vehemently argue and insist someone is dead wrong unless what they're saying is utterly absurd.

well I am ignoring everything you said you dirty socialist scum bag

GOP Pres Candidates Reject Trivial Tax Increases

heropsycho says...

A. He's a moderate. He believes in the free market most of the time, and seeks gov't intervention when the market fails. That's truly what the US has been since the 1920s. And no, his answer to everything isn't higher taxes.

B. You mean pure gov't control of all economic resources tends to fail?! EUREKA! Hey, you know what other economic system tends to fail due to human nature? CAPITALISM! Eventually, everyone does what's in their own best interests regardless of others, which destroys the common good, which hurts everyone. You know, like businesses polluting the environment because it's cheaper for them, but hurts everyone. Or ratings agencies, paid by the banks, to rate their crappy derivates as AAA. Or businesses having working conditions so poor that it threatens people's lives because it's cheaper. Or businesses producing crappy goods because it's cheaper to do it that way, to the point they threaten lives. Or...

Guess what that means?

*GASP* Neither ideology is right 100% of the time! Which is EXACTLY why I've slammed you and other ideologues repeatedly.

C. That's not what it ends up being. Most of Western Europe has been fairly socialist for decades. They've never come close to Communism in all that time. It's plain historical fact.

The reality is no major communist country has ever come about gradually. Russia, China, Vietnam, North Korea, East Germany, Poland, other eastern countries, not a single one was a gradual move from
Socialism to Communism. Not a single one. You're full of crap.

D. It's not semantics. There's a distinction between Socialism and Communism. Period. The two mean different things. And no, just because the state makes decisions about medical care, they don't "own" you. Why medical care? Why is that the determination between communism and capitalism? Ridiculous. And even with the Health Care Reform Bill, the gov't doesn't even have even a majority of the control for what medical care you receive.

E. Russia was also not a truly communist state. It was a communist dictatorship, with a corrupt gov't, which had nothing to do with the fact they were communist. Plenty of "capitalist" gov'ts failed too because of corruption.

I will agree that Communism doesn't tend to work either, but we also learned after 1929 neither does almost complete capitalism. Most Americans did anyway, save a select few like you. And this still isn't an argument against a mixed economy anyway.

F. Oh, hell no. You're not gonna change the subject to Social Security. You keep making Obama wanting to raise taxes a few percent on the rich as if it's a move to pure socialism, and of course, as you so hilariously put it, that might as well be Communism. That doesn't make the US socialist, communist, or any of the sort. Saying that crap is ridiculous. That's my point. You're not gonna dodge this by bringing up Social Security.

I have no faith in my answers because a cursory look at history proves every single one of them. I have facts instead. I don't vehemently argue and insist someone is dead wrong unless what they're saying is utterly absurd.

Respect The Railroad Crossing and .. Oh, Screw it!

Dear @WhitonDCIA, are you retarded? Sincerely, Norway.

entr0py says...

1:01 "A problem in a lot of European countries is they think by being neutral in the war on terror ... that they won't face the threats that we face"

Of course, Norway isn't neutral, they have contributed troops to the war in Afghanistan. Along with Germany, France, Italy, Spain, the UK, Poland, Bulgaria, Turkey, and Azerbaijan. That's exactly why people suspected al-Qaeda at first. Not because al-Qaeda hates their freedom, but because Norway stepped into a war with them.

How to REALLY interrupt a basketball match!

Bernie Sanders slaps down Rand Paul: Health care as slavery

dystopianfuturetoday says...

^That is all theoretical bullshit that never plays out in real life. In real life, privatization and deregulation lead to unemployment, inflation, massive income inequity and civil rights abuse. Check out Chile or Argentina or Poland or Russia or Brazil or Iraq or America or New Orleans or......

Spit out that Kool Aide, brother! You are a cool dude, and I don't want to see you get diabetes!

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