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Awesome USB Nintendo Controller

Obsidianfire says...

This mod is old, but upvotes for bringing it to the sift. There's an adapter you can buy at online stores, and such to do this. I bought an adapter from like a Radioshack or something which let me do that with my Playstation 2 controller. It was like $15, ran on ZSNES really well.

McCain shows geographical ignorance

honkeytonk73 says...

According to trailer park geography.. and 95% of fundamentalist Christian home schoolers...he is 100% correct. Afghanistan DOES border Iraq.

You see.. 'heaven' connects to absolutely everything in the universe via an inter-dimensional border on a quantum scale. As a result, Iraq and Afghanistan border each other directly within the bounds of 'heaven', so thus they do actually border each other.

However, as we and they know. The pearly gate entrances for those regions are near empty. Zero lines. Zero wait. All the more reason to REPENT IN THE NAME OF JEEEEEEEZUS! You'll GUARRRANTEEE!! YERSELF a QUICK and SPEEDY crossing. But only through a limited time offer! Plus.. you can win a free Playstation by signing up to Zealots R Us discount card program. Earn back 10% in credits towards you NEXT trip to the cloudtops. Those with BAD credit (as in evil vs good deeds) receive an automatic 5% bonus to their 'good points' when cashing in their life's points savings.

Donate 50% of your cash to the jerk's ministries, and you are practically guaranteed entrance into heaven.. even if you were a borderline-repentant-child modelesting asshole.

Though.. it is suggested that if you are a child molester. Become a Catholic. It is much easier to poke little Johnny, lube yourself up with a load of astroglide, and SLIDE right into heaven zero questions asked.

Catholic priests are by default promised 27 young boy-virgins upon entering heaven, plus an executive seat in the heavenly NAMBLA chapter. On the corner of dickinson and main streets in the upper pink cloud quarter.

Counter-Strike - You Got Owned By A Five Year Old

Shepppard says...

Alright, this is basically home territory to me because I've had this argument with my step-mother about videogames for YEARS.

I'd like to start off however by saying >> ^tonyandronda:
Jesus christ they're tracking us down from youtube, better start to watch what we say about their videos lol.

Now, This is in no way, shape, or form bad parenting. My dad left when I was 5, so I didn't have someone to go out and do the "Fatherly Stuff" (Catch, swimming, ect.) with, except every other weekend.

My time was spent on videogames. My first game was Tomba on the playstation where you went around and killed cartoon pigs. We'll then move onto games like legend of zelda, where you used a sword/bow/slingshot. Final Fantasy series using weapons. Area 51. GTA.

I'm glad to say that in the 15ish years i've been playing videogames that not once have I shot someone (apart from paintball) i've never weilded a sword. I've never got into a car and run someone down, and yes, I tried using magic. BUT! Who among us hasn't?

The reason i'm explaining all this? again, i'd like to point out that I was no older then this boy was when i started killing pigs in tomba. I'm not a mass-murderer, i'm not twisted, dark, or scarred. I live a normal life, and have no criminal record.

I do, however, have an amazing glove hand and hand-eye co-ordination. Weather or not that's because of videogames really can't be said, but it's true. But no, videogames don't turn kids into murderers, they don't teach people that killing is ok, or funny.

You wan't your proof? Go ahead and look at me. Because i'm it.

Fanboy declares Final Fantasy XIII Is A Traitor!

davidraine says...

I could only watch about a minute of this before losing interest. After all, anyone surprised by Square-Enix's "move" was not paying attention -- It happened before when Square announced Final Fantasy VII was going to be for the Sony Playstation and not a Nintendo system, and *that* move was a much bigger deal.

Fallujah Snipers suppressing US Marines

blankfist says...

Coming to the PS3 this fall! Xbox 360 users will have to wait 'til December. Gamepro said the game is "just like people's lives! It rocks!" Playstation magazine said it was "just as wonderful as killing anyone. So wonderful in fact that you won't ever need to get a life." G4TV gave it four nickreal03s out of five! This game is going to be so awesome! Let's roll!

Metal Gear Solid- Gray fox encounter

Playstation 9 (the future of gaming)

kagenin says...

IIRC This ad didn't run for very long... just something Sony used to sell their commitment to the playstation brand name very early in the PS2's life, with out actually using PS2-generated media.

Hm, I'll be in my 90s when it comes out. That might be fun.

Playstation 9 (the future of gaming)

SIlent Hill Intro

Linger In Shadows: A real-time Playstation 3 Demo by Plastic

ant says...

>> ^netean:
2.5 minute intro bored me rigid... so by the time I got the grpahics I was ready to move on... but persisted, and....
didn't really understand what I was looking at. Didn't seem particularly great to me (perhaps because I didn't understand it) - just didn't see the point.
why is the interesting, different, revolutionary, worth watching?
nearly upvoted as it had a dog in it... but again, didn't really understand why it was there or what it was doing or why it was moving so unrealistically.
move along... seemingly nothing to see here

It's called graphic demo like digital art. There are usually no plots.

Screw Attack - Top 20 SNES Games Part 2 (10-1)

Oatmeal says...

In grade 9, I made the dumbest move ever. I had a SNES with FF2, FF3, secret of mana, chrono trigger (tied with FF3 for best game I have ever played), and secret of evermore. I traded it all away for a playstation with FF7 and FF9 and some other shitty games. It still hurts to think about it.

Screw Attack - Top 20 SNES Games Part 2 (10-1)

budzos says...

SNES was my favourite, and the last system I bought before becoming a dedicated PC gamer. I don't consider myself above console games I just don't have time for them between PC gaming and all my other nerdy hobbies. My personal top 10 on the SNES:

1. Contra 3 - best shooter of all time
2. Street Fighter 2 - the first perfect arcade conversion
3. Castlevania 4
4. Super Mario World
5. Zelda III
6. Starfox
7. Out of This World
8. Super Metroid
9. F-Zero
10. Mario Kart

Man, what a classic system. I made a dumb call and gave my SNES and all my games to my nephews when I was 19 and they were around ten years old. It was 1995, the Playstation had already come out so they were thoroughly unimpressed. Meanwhile I have many hours since then playing with an SNES emulator.

Zero Punctuation Review: Drake's Fortune

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'playstation 3, racism, drake, tomb raider, Yahtzee' to 'playstation 3, racism, drake, tomb raider, Yahtzee, good water effects' - edited by Fjnbk

Zero Punctuation Review: Drake's Fortune

Soul Calibur IV ?! (Blog Entry by Thylan)

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