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GE's wickedly smart interactive site-as demoed by Ogilvy PR

Darkhand says...

You can also see this technique in the Playstation 3 with the "Eye of Judgement" set.

Also Sony has a new Virtual Pet coming around as well that you'll interact with using the camera.

Whitest Kids U Know - Call of Duty

xxovercastxx says...

>> ^Hive13:
>> ^mxxcon:
and this is why console games are inferior to PC games.
in PC games you can kick somebody from the server. with consoles you have to tolerate this bullshit.

You can kick people from many console games. This isn't 2002. This PC vs. console shit is beyond old.

In fact, if you've ever had the displeasure of playing something on Playstation Online, you'd know that you'll probably be kicked from every game within a few minutes, especially if you do well with any consistency.

Final Fantasy VII Remake Coming To PS3 (Videogames Talk Post)

davidraine says...

Let's put this rumor to rest once and for all. As soon as the FF7 fanboys and girls saw those 30 seconds of remade FF7 footage as a PS3 tech demo, they were all beside themselves looking for news on a release date, other footage, news exclusives, any sort of scoop to let them know that their beloved game would be re-released in a far more awesome form. However, it's simply not going to happen. At least, it won't happen for PS3.

Squaresoft as a rule didn't re-release any of their games. Once a game was done, it was done. Squaresoft moved onto the next title, and in the rare event that a game actually got a direct sequel (I'm looking at you, Chrono Cross) the sequel was a radical re-imagining of the setting, and it departed completely from the gameplay in the first title. There were a couple of exceptions in that a few Final Fantasy titles were re-released for the Playstation, but on the whole they were not retouched, and if I remember correctly there were various problems with the releases, leading them to be largely panned.

Once Squaresoft merged with Enix to become Square-Enix, things changed a bit, but not in a way that supports the PS3 release hypothesis. The only games to get re-released were much older titles, which were re-released on handheld consoles to target a new market. Most of these are old Nintendo titles rereleased for the GBA, and more recently, the DS and PSP. Most of these were straight up copies of the original game with a little bit added on or minor graphics revisions: These could be done on the cheap and grab a whole bunch of new cash. Only the DS versions were vastly retouched, and I haven't seen the sales numbers on those, so I can't say whether there will be more of them.

There are a couple of exceptions. A couple of games were re-released with added content. Kindom Hearts II: Final Mix and Final Fantasy XII International both got this treatment, but they were rereleased for the same system (PS2) and were Japan-only. The most notable exception was Final Fantasy Tactics, which saw a re-release on the PSP along with a (much needed) new translation and a couple of added jobs. FFT: War of the Lions was I think the most recent of Square-Enix's rereleases, and seems to be the most likely path for an FF7 re-release.

So the most likely chance of seeing an FF7 re-release is on the PSP with no graphical improvement, and maybe a touch of added features. Even that seems unlikely to me, and seeing it on the PS3 is nothing more than a dream, since the cost of porting it and reworking all of the graphics as well as rewriting the code to run on PS3's hardware doesn't justify the expense: Square-Enix would rather make a new game.

Conclusion: Until I see a press release from Square-Enix with a release date for an FF7 re-release, it isn't happening.

[Edit: Fixed an issue with my awful, awful grammar.]

Norwegian kid banned from PS3 - drama ensues

thinker247 says...

I would be a good parent, if only because I'm passive aggressive.

I'd take away his Playstation, and if he continued to whine about it, I'd take everything out of his room when he was at school. When he came home, he'd see nothing in his room but four walls and a floor.

Coleco Vision - The Only Gaming System You'll Ever Need

Golden Axe playthrough

ant says...

>> ^NicoleBee:
Oh man, did Sega ever have crappy MIDI

I actually like the music, especially from Playstation.

Does anyone have the full playthrough of the DUEL gameplay in the home ports? I could only get to those two big knights or something. It's hard especially when you can't regain health in Duel.

Crazy-Ass Ad Hosted by a Crazy-Ass Man

Crazy-Ass Ad Hosted by a Crazy-Ass Man

Dungeons and Dragons Skit - Dead Alewives (Summoner)

Little Big Planet - Little Big Computer

Afraid of Flying.. any help - seriously! (Wings Talk Post)

swampgirl says...

Pot Doogle? Really...getting nabbed by a pot sniffing beagle would end her worries of the flight, but the goal is to actually make it to Finland

The Xanax advice was best, added with the ipod. Take a little playstation or nintendo ds too.

If you can't get the Xanax, then get there early for a couple of straight shots of Crown or Bourbon in the lounge before the flight. Have another on the plane too. (don't mix the xanax w/ the liquor will get sick)

Take something like alka seltzer or antacid to settle your stomach if needed.

Study show Parents More Concerned About Violent Video Games (Videogames Talk Post)

choggie says...

Two cents worth considering-The time wasted by children, teens, and fucking adults, sitting in front of a television (other people's programming) is dwarfed only by the time wasted in front of a Telescreen attached to a fucking X Box, Playstation, or a goddamn computer mmorpg....socialization is the issue for me, and modern society's creating some Fuuuuucked up personality disorders and functionally bereft addditions.....cloistered in small huddles in dingy fucking living rooms, dysfunctional children from dysfunctional parents, feed their minds this craptacular, ocular and aural shit, in unhealthy amounts.....notwithstanding, the subject of the hours of meditation on images of carnage or of planting seeds in fairy-land fer crissakes, is a mind-numbing, and counter-productive romp for a mind already running at a limited capacity, unexercized and inna modus of atrophy and abandonment......So yeah, fucking video games, are fucking toxic, in the amounts most of the fans, proponents, and defenders of the things tend to absorb....fer crissakes, get creative ya cretins.....

If you think my assessment s wrong, yer a fucking idiot, and your pathetic arguments fall like a limp dick onna geriatric.....

College Debate Becomes Very Un-Dude...

Zero Punctuation Review: Soul Caliber IV

spoco2 says...

>> ^phelixian:
I usually agree with Yahtzee, but I whole heartedly disagree this time. Fighting games are the consoles bread and butter going way back to SF2. I bought the playstation for Tekken and Battle Arena Toshinden. PS2 for Tekken 2. And while my PS3 purchase had more to do with it's media streaming, racing and MGS4, I still love mashing buttons against faceless online opponents on Tekken. Perhaps if he had been driven to the mall by his grandma with a roll of quarters for Virtua Fighter when he was a lad like I had he'd understand it a bit more. I guarantee he couldn't beat me with the throw button, and everyone know that the AI isn't the point of fighting games, but playing against your friends IS.

You're falling into the trap of taking any of what he says personally.

HE doesn't much like these games, but YOU can like them if you want. If you feel you need to defend them so much perhaps you are uncertain of your love of them. If you love them, and are happy with loving them, then let it lie... there's sure as hell enough people who agree with you.

I used to quite like a round or two of Mortal Kombat, but noawadays I find that I have better things to do than commit to memory insane lists of button combos just so I can do the moves required.

Zero Punctuation Review: Soul Caliber IV

phelixian says...

I usually agree with Yahtzee, but I whole heartedly disagree this time. Fighting games are the consoles bread and butter going way back to SF2. I bought the playstation for Tekken and Battle Arena Toshinden. PS2 for Tekken 2. And while my PS3 purchase had more to do with it's media streaming, racing and MGS4, I still love mashing buttons against faceless online opponents on Tekken. Perhaps if he had been driven to the mall by his grandma with a roll of quarters for Virtua Fighter when he was a lad like I had he'd understand it a bit more. I guarantee he couldn't beat me with the throw button, and everyone know that the AI isn't the point of fighting games, but playing against your friends IS.

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