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bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Bwaaahahahaaaa! Nazi rapist coward Trump now claims Biden tried to assassinate him in the Mar a Lago document raid. (The raid 2 years ago where they found hundreds of stolen classified files Trump has sworn under oath he did not have, the raid they gave him days advance notice of, and the raid they performed intentionally when Trump was not there to avoid escalation and obstruction by Trump.)
He has lost his mind completely, and is telegraphing his intentions to assassinate any political rivals and will use this lie to excuse it.
Recall, Trump’s lawyers are in the Supreme Court right now arguing that assasinating a political rival would have been legal.
Shocker, Manly Traitor Greene is claiming to be the source for this disinformation.

Do you believe it, sucker? I bet you do. You are that dumb.
Come on. Defend your messiah. Joe tried everything possible to murder him and his family and only the shield of Trump’s bombproof intellect and honesty protected them from the assassins bullets. 😂

Truth is they’re trying to convince you that the standard use of force rules on every search warrant that limit when force may be used is an assasination order…and truth is your ilk are so dumb and gullible they believe it.

More fist fighting at official maga meetings…in Maricopa county this time. You nutjobs can’t get along with yourselves, can’t have a meeting that doesn’t end in screaming and fistfights. How do you convince yourselves you could ever legislate?

Uh-oh. Alito’s excuse for flying insurrection symbols at his house, that his wife did it to spite a neighbor, fell apart when photos of more insurrection paraphernalia was photographed on his beach house. Is anyone surprised that a maga justice lied again?

Edit: Manly Traitor has now called on republicans to retaliate…claiming there’s proof Biden tried to assassinate Trump then asked ”what are republicans going to do about it?”. This is a call for maga nutjobs to assassinate Biden. If that happens, it will be open season on maga, anyone who ever flew a trump flag will be up for execution, and their families. It will be civil war that will end America. I fully expect multiple attempts, good thing you morons are so incompetent the assassins will likely shoot themselves.

NY Senator caught in rape case

visionep says...

It's interesting how this guy mis represents the Trump case.

He repeatedly says there was no evidence and that it's really hard to disprove something that someone just says about you. "He said/she said".

Of course that's not how the case went at all.

Carrol told a couple of friends about the encounter immediately after it, so she corroborating witnesses that confirmed under oath that she had talked to them about the event 30 years ago.

Trump lied and said he would never treat women badly, that he never met Carrol, and that she wasn't his type.

Carrol's team proved that they had met (pictures and people's testimony) and Trump misidentified Carrol as his ex wife in a picture which was used to show that she physically was his type. The Access Hollywood secret audio was used with other evidence to show that Trump had bragged about treating women badly.

Last but not least Carrol offered a stained dress like Monica Lewinski that could be tested if only Trump would offer his DNA. Guess what? Trump would not offer his DNA to attempt a match.

The great part about the case here is that it appears Democrats actually hold each other to the laws instead of just obstructing or using their positions to try and get high profile people off scott free.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Awwwww…are you upset that the maga obstruction failed and Ukraine is getting rearmed against your mother Russia, who is struggling in the war and enjoying massively successful attacks deep into its territory daily now? 😂

The Putin party has disintegrated into infighting and stunts that are turning off even maga.

The false narrative that the economy is failing has failed.

Trump is stuck in court sitting in his full diaper proving he can’t even stay awake at his own trial without drugs or follow simple rules, sleepy Don dozed off in court again today….and he’s your pick to run the free world. 😂 (uh-oh. David Pecker is witness #1…he ran the catch and kill program to buy and hide any news that was bad for the Trump campaign mostly to hide sexual misconduct from the public, you know, like you complain was election interference with the (now thoroughly debunked) Hunter laptop story. He knows about all the bodies and where they’re buried, he buried them, and Trump stiffed him on paying off Karen McDougal, then he was caught and cooperated with the DA.)
PS- Where’s Melania?

Enjoy November!

Government creates inflation

newtboy says...

To my “the fool”-
Again you lie. Point to when I ever said that you fucktard. I have ALWAYS said deficit matters, so does intelligent spending, so does overall debt, so does our national credit rating. All went to shit faster than ever before or since under your dementia riddled crime boss.

Your brain is mush. You just make up nonsense constantly, then contradict yourself.
It was you who said for 4 years that deficits don’t matter while your idiot ran up the deficit and debt faster than ever before and I shouted daily that he was bankrupting the nation and not getting anything for it, at least Biden invested his spending in America, didn’t waste it on useless trade wars, tax breaks for the ultra rich (that didn’t trickle down or stimulate the economy) and PPP handout loans to business “owners” (that didn’t have to be repaid and were ripe with fraud because there were no standards, no vetting, because it was in fact designed to be easy to defraud and was the most fraudulent assistance program in history) and other ego driven stupidity that gained nothing, all this at America’s expense with no benifits.

I have never once said anything nearly so stupid. You have often. Let me ask (for you to ignore the question because you hate the answer)…who had the last balanced budget…who last paid down the debt? Hint- it rhymes with Minton. Which party presided over the last 3 major recessions? Hint- they all wear red ties.

You denied spending mattered when it was out of control under maga leadership, you have absolutely not been saying this all along you liar. When I said starting in early 2020 that Trump’s out of control spending spree and crashed economy in 2020 would result in high inflation… you denied it was related, then blamed Biden when the predicted inflation spike hit.

Government needs to spend wisely, not for ego and spite like Trump spent. Biden spent a lot, but it revived the economy much faster than any other Western nation after Covid and improved GDP significantly….after Trump’s Covid response was the worst in any Western nation by far making killing Americans at 5 times the percapita average worldwide and turning our GDP to a negative for the first time in history in peace time.

The Republicans have blocked a balanced budget for decades, but we do have a budget, moron. Their obstruction, trying to shut down the government out of spite has lowered our credit rating costing billions or trillions for absolutely no gains.

Maga would prefer no government at all and is actively working against the government functioning, but these idiots can’t see past their “freedom” (freedom to be horrifically evil, racist, uncivil, and inhumane) to understand that we would become Russia or China in a week, and their little home protection guns and fake “militia” clubs won’t kill a single soldier in the invasion.

Still waiting you ballless wonder. Such a whining little cowardly infant…DJ really turned you into a petty, uneducated, idiotic pansy boy. Must be all that fantasizing about sucking the mushroom tip. It’s hilarious your insecurity forces you to keep displaying your insecurity publicly, incapable of admitting you’ve ever been w-w-w-wrong (despite your never actually being right, especially when it comes to speaking English) because you’re so insecure you are certain that if you admitted you made a mistake no one will love you. 😂

bobknight33 said:

Your the fool that keeps saying deficit does not matter.
Now you want to claim otherwise. Funny.

I've been saying this all along.

Government need a budget not CRs.

This non budget has been going on for nearly 20 years.

President Biden Delivers Remarks

newtboy says...

Yes, that kind of clearance, Mr Know Nothing. He had clearance to have every document in his personal possession when he received them, unlike Trump who illegally and secretly stole them from secured facilities. His mistake was trusting his staff to properly forward them to the archives when they packed his senate, and later VP offices.

No, ex senators and ex presidents both don’t have clearance to KEEP classified documents, correct. Trump did not ever have clearance to remove nuclear secrets and other highly classified material from a SCIF, not as president and not after, and it endangers the nation that he did so. It requires written declassification by the DOE, the president cannot declassify nuclear secrets under any circumstances.

The DOJ report indicated Biden did not know his staff had stored a few (6) unlabeled low level classified documents at his secure locked think tank office and personal handwritten notes at his guarded and locked home library (namely a few daily briefs on Afghanistan and some handwritten notes he had made, nothing at all designated top secret), indicated he himself (or attorneys at his instruction) looked for them and immediately reported finding them to the FBI, and allowed them to search that and other properties without requiring a warrant.
The DOJ report also indicated Trump DID know he was illegally taking and retaining highest sensitivity most stringently classified top secret documents by the truckload, not just a small part of one box, refused to return them when asked by the archives, lied about having any, required a warrant for a search, actively hid them when searched, lied again about having MORE, lied about showing them to multiple other parties including foreign agents but was caught red handed on tape, claimed personal ownership (of nuclear secrets), kept them unsecured in public areas, tried to destroy video evidence, claimed they were planted, obstructed Justice multiple times…
…must I go on for you to see the difference, or comprehend why one faces no charge and the other treason?
I’m certain the answer is yes, you haven’t heard enough to admit the situations are completely different despite the fact that one is staff improperly packing up his office when he left it, the other one individual intentionally stealing hundreds of state secrets for personal gain at the nation’s expense…you can never hear enough evidence to admit that.

Is Maddow still on? Sorry Charlie, like I’ve told you a hundred times but you can never recall, I’ve never watched CNN beyond short YouTube clips, not before they went right wing certainly not since. In fact, I think it’s likely that you watch more CNN than I do, you sure like to post and quote them now. If she’s still on and is saying the same things I’m not surprised, she was a smart wonky cookie last I saw.
It’s hilarious when you don’t know my sources, because when you can’t try to impugn the source over nonsense you have no argument at all, just rambling nonsensical insanity spewed from your mouth like explosive diarrhea.

Me thinks you have too little brain in the brain.

😂 Talk about projection! What a confession. 😂

Everything Trump said in that idiotic speech was a lie about Biden and an admission of what he himself did.
I won’t insult your minimal intelligence by pretending you actually believe the delusional ramblings you just posted, they would make a good case for insanity if he believed it, but we all know he doesn’t.
Every word of that insanity was a total fabrication of a delusional mind.

The presidential records act absolutely doesn’t give him the right to take top secret classified documents home when he leaves office, or retain them, or lie under oath about having them, or defy warrants for them, or show them to otherS, NONE OF THAT IS LEGAL UNDER THE PRESIDENTIAL RECORDS ACT.
Trump obstructed Justice at every possible turn, destroying evidence hiding documents, he still has an unsearched secret room in his bedroom not disclosed when the FBI searched, so likely has MORE stolen documents still. Biden cooperated more than fully with the investigation, which even the political hack Trump appointed special prosecutor admitted.
…and Biden had a grand total of 20 documents or notes designated “classified”, none top secret…Trump had over 325 well marked classified FILES containing multiple classified documents each including I think a dozen or more of the highest most secret files the government has, files never supposed to leave a SCIF and not declassifiable by the president under any circumstances.
Not one word he said was true, and you know it, fool.
That speech if not intentional lies is proof Trumpist Alzheimer’s has progressed to the point of total delusion.

PS- Still waiting.

bobknight33 said:

Not that kind of clearance.
Senators don't have clearance to take and keep classified documents, as the DOJ report indicated.

Me thinks you have too much Rachel Maddow on the brain.

God Made A Dictator

newtboy says...

Trump also supports Israel exclusively, and still does. He fully supports Netanyahu grabbing power and fully supports his war. Biden didn’t “do this”, Netanyahu did, but he’s continuing the policy that has been in place since the 50’s of blind support for Israel and turning a blind eye to their atrocities and illegalities while funding and arming them.

The UN, despite America’s obstruction and obfuscation, is finally waking up to the genocidal monster they helped create that is Israel, waking up likely far too late.

I actually agree with the second part, we should stop funding the Israeli/Palestinian war, and stop funding Israel. The blowback for our support costs us 10 times what we gift Israel to commit genocide.

A disproportionate number of the violent expansionist settlers, the main cause of continuing hostilities, are American immigrants, they should all lose their citizenship and be labeled as terrorists.

bobknight33 said:

Biden did this. Stop funding this war!

Failed Assassination Of Pelosi/Husband Attacked In Home

newtboy says...

Convicted on both federal counts. Facing 50 years, then state charges with another 50 year max.
Kidnapping or attempted kidnapping a federal officer to obstruct official duties and grievous injury and/or attack on spouse or family member of an elected official to obstruct their official duties.

Linked to MAGA by every word he’s ever said, every crazed far right MAGA conspiracy theory he screams is one that came directly from Don the Con’s mouth, including “Clinton and Pelosi spied on Trump”, his MAGA Qanon political leanings are public knowledge today….now proven in court.

Another MAGgot terrorist, now convicted. More convicted daily it seems, with the ringleader on the ropes with over 90 felony charges and untold numbers of civil cases against him and more investigations starting every week, this week Nevada started investigating his fake elector scheme in their state. 😂

He’s admitted he went there to kidnap Nancy and force her to make a public statement admitting that she and Hillary were the head of a Democratic crime syndicate that had been intentionally destroying America for their personal gain, and would kill her if she didn’t. Video of him breaking in has now been made public, including breaking the glass you said proved he didn’t break in. Even video of him beating Nancy’s husband has been released.
Every nonsensical insulting denial/lie you came up with has been completely debunked. You made yourself a liar and a completely gullible idiot believing the stupidest most blatant lies….again….and it’s been proven in court….again.
I would bet my life on the fact that you are still 100% incapable of admitting you got even a single detail insultingly wrong, much less admit the intentional insanity of the entirety of your claims, but that’s reality. You might visit some day.

It’s hilarious you outed the entire MEGA movement as fecalphiliacs.

bobknight33 said:

@newtboy Posing fake news.

Tell me about this "intruder" and how he is linked to MEGA or such.

Sure the report is slanted and indicated so but where is the proof?

When does an intruder brake glass "out" onto the outside?

Looks more like a lover spat gone horrible wrong.

No MEGA going on here.
Unless you are using MEGA as:
M Men
E Eating
G Gay

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

😂 Way to drop your latest racist defense attempt for murderous cops like a molten steel potato after I poked it so full of holes there was nothing left. 😂

What are you talking about?
That’s the deal she offered under the first time offender program…cooperate, fulfill your lengthy probation and community service sentence and fines, and the charge is expunged. Until then it’s deferred. Fail to fulfill all the requirements or fail to fully cooperate with the prosecutors, you’re a felon and your probation gets revoked and trial starts, likely with you remanded. That’s how it works.
What do you think this means, bob?
Clearly you think it’s some loss somehow. Please explain yourself….by yourself, not with some internet troll video.
It’s a guilty plea that (legally, not in the court of public opinion or memory) goes away if conditions are met…like the others got. Did you not know or something? 😂
I would agree, they all should serve prison time so in that sense I feel it’s a small loss for justice, but also a bigger win.

They had been offered immunity deals with no fines, no probation, no community service, no guilty plea to felonies that stick if they don’t fulfill every requirement and no referral to the bar and instead went this route with all those repercussions and still are cooperating now. Sure sounds to me like they all lost big for no good reason.

The point is she now admits under oath that there was never any of the evidence she claimed, never a stolen election, and they knew it. She’s going to cooperate prosecuting the big fish, and will likely be disbarred for her lies.
How is that a loss, Bob? What?!? 🤦‍♂️

Not so hollow after all…in fact it’s atomic.

Edit: oh sweet zombie Jeebus…Trumps lawyers just filed in federal court in his Jan 6 trial claiming that he had not been charged with any crime in the case!

He’s charged with 4. 1 count of conspiracy to defraud the United States, 1 count of conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding, 1 count of obstruction of and attempt to obstruct an official proceeding, and 1 count of conspiracy against rights.

This is his best defense…pretend he’s on trial for nothing because they have no defense to the charges. It’s not going to work.

How do you put on a defense against no charges? You don’t. 😂

bobknight33 said:

Fani LOSES Again! Jenna Ellis Charges DEFERRED with NO Judgment of GUILT
<iframe width="560" heig

A hollow wedgie at best

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Dominoes are falling.

Ken Cheseboro just plead guilty to felonies and agreed to testify against Trump. He’s the third.
This days after Kraken Powell did the same. She’s probably the reason he turned, and they are why the other 16 co-conspirators now thinking about taking a deal…they know those two have all the information needed to convict. D’OH!!!

All the co-defendants are admitting they tried to steal the fair and legitimate election that they knew Trump LOST! Not a good look in a RICO case.

What you gonna do now? Still believe Trump? Probably. 🤦‍♂️

Bonus- Wieselberg is caught red handed not turning over emails (and lying on the stand about his knowledge) that are part of his plea deal, which now triggers a forensic investigation of his and the Trump organization emails, and if omissions are found that’s more obstruction AND a violation of Wieselberg’s plea agreement. Too bad Forbes kept and supplied those emails…maybe Trump shouldn’t have gone off on them when he fell off the Forbes richest Americans list? 😂

newtboy (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

For @bobknight33-
Oof….Trump is actually arguing in court he can’t be barred from office because he didn’t take an oath to support the constitution, and wasn’t an officer of the United States (not sure what he thinks holding the office of president of the United States/Commander in Chief is then) so his coup attempt and fomenting then supporting an insurrection was legal!

Again, Trump is arguing in court that the president has no obligation to follow, preserve, protect, or defend the constitution despite taking the oath “will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”

The judge disagreed. Trial starts Oct 30. This one you can say is just about stopping Trump from running again, but you can’t blame Democrats because it’s Republicans that filed against him in Colorado. D’oh!

I guess that means Joe is free to declare himself president for life with rights of succession in perpetuity! Thanks Trump! 😂

Ruh-roe…Trump’s business fraud case just exposed Ivanka for a $13 million tax fraud because they valued her penthouse at $21 million for loans and net worth but she only paid taxes on it at an $8 million valuation. That’s called tax fraud, WAY more than Hunter is being investigated over. Get ready, round two will be his children in court/prison. Couldn’t happen to a more deserving family. 😂

PS- I was right about Scalise. I seriously doubt rapist cohort (177 kids raped under his watch) Gym Jordan can do better with less support. Even republicans can’t work with republicans.

Bonus- Santos now says after he’s tossed out of congress he’s going to spill the beans on Republicans who he has mountains of dirt on. This is going to be fun. 😂

Second Bonus- Allen Weisselberg’s testimony yesterday may have unraveled a massive criminal conspiracy, including a $2 million severance on the condition he doesn’t cooperate with the prosecution…in writing! That’s the definition of obstruction, and idiot that he is Weisselberg perjured himself badly on the stand yesterday to the point where the DA paused his examination to decide how to prosecute him. May be a 5th criminal indictment for obstruction and witness tampering soon, and another stay in Rikers for Mr lifelong Trump CFO that has absolutely zero accounting knowledge…hide and watch! 😂

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

I’ve been slacking….

176 Darrell Gilyard, Jerry Falwell protege, must really be some preacher, convicted of child molestation, on parole and back in the pulpit. So they ban children from the church

177 Conservative Baptist minister Matt Baker murdered his wife

178 Richmond County Republican Party official Brett Bennie Langham was indicted for child molestation.

179 FOX News Latino VP, Francisco Cortes - sexual harassment

180 Eric Bolling, formerly FOX News - sexual harassment

181 Kimberley Guilfoyle - FOX NEws - sexual harassment

182 David Garland, President of rightwing Baptist Baylor University, covered up rapes, said women willingly became victims.

183 Political hack and professional hypocrite Ken Starr covered up rapes while Chancellor at Baylor

184 Stephen Dalton Baril just got not jail time even though he took a plea for rape, perhaps because his grandfather was John Dalton, a former governor, and his father Steve Baril ran for Attorney General.

185 Greenville County Sheriff Will Lewis, Republican, indicted for rape, stalking, obstruction

186 While Oklahoma Republican representative George Faught did not commit rape and incest (as far as I know) he said it’s all part of God's will, so he joins the list of rape enablers.

187 Connecticut Republican politician Christopher von Keyserling was arrested and charged with sexual assault. Trump’s his role model. He said it, not me.

187 Bob Jones University Blamed Victims, not Abusers

189 Rhode Island state Sen. Nicholas Kettle, a 27-year-old Coventry Republican, of twice coercing a Senate student page to have sex with him

190 Milo Yiannopolous defended pedophilia, saying older men can show younger men who they are

191 Caleb Bailey, Trump delegate - child pornography

192 Paul Travis Williams, former Lumpkin Co GOP Chair, child pornography

193 Bishop Raymond Burke of Missouri said John Kerry should not get communion, excommunicated all sorts of people, but not pedophile priests

194 CJ Maheney covered up sexual abuse in his churches

195 Megachurch pastor Bob Coy raped and molested a girl from age 4 until she was 14 and his Republican pals helped cover it up, sealing his divorce file, not investigating the complaint

196 Baptist Megachurch Pastor Matt Chandler punished a woman for divorcing her pedophile husband. Did not punish the husband.

197 AZ GOP State Sen. Scott Bundegaard - domestic violence, not arrested at the time because cops believed him when he said he had immunity while House was in session

198 WA GOP state Rep. Matt Manweller is accused of sexual misconduct with students and legislative aides.

199 TX GOP state Sen. Charles Schwertner accused of sending sexting grad student, sending dick pic

200 Indiana Republican Attorney General Curtis Hill - groping

Party of debauchery. Waiting for you to post the list of Democrat politicians with similar convictions…it’s going to be short and a one time only thing…I’ve got at least 38 more pages to go listing high power conservative sex abusers just from this one list, and it’s not all inclusive. Who could be surprised? Your leader is a repeated publicly known pedophilic RAPIST and incestous creep.

Bonus’s E Jene Carrol already won her second defamation case against Trump the rapist…it’s going straight to the damages phase just like Giuliani and the poll workers. Wow your team sucks slimy donkey dicks in court, losing completely before you even start defending yourselves repeatedly!

BLM Leaders PAID Millions to Family Friends from donations

newtboy says...

Absolutely true.

Unlike the Trump crime family, Biden and BLM are not traitors that tried a violent coup to illegally seize power, aren’t guilty of espionage and obstruction for stealing and hiding top secret military information, and their family didn’t take well over $2 BILLION dollars from hostile foreign powers for selling them top secret information or for favors during trade talks, and unlike Trump none of them are RAPISTS.

bobknight33 said:

BLM leaders are more like the Biden family, not [the] Trumps.

5 Crises Republicans Made up to Distract You

newtboy says...

I don’t watch or read MSNBC…if it’s truly 100% about calling out manufactured crises and whining about them, that is awful. I do find it hard to believe that it is, though.

(Edit: I looked, 11 top headlines for “today’s news”, 3 about Trump…of the 21 latest headlines (bottom of page) only one about Trump, none about Hunter or Giuliani.)
I think you’re confusing supplemental articles covered under one topic as “headlines”…I count 7 top of page headlines, 2 about Trump’s legal cases, 1 about Trump’s lawyers talking shit about him, 1 about the failing Hunter investigation. Too much Trump, yes, but plenty of real news too. Their format is gawd awful….tabloid at the top, news at the bottom.

Granted, Trump’s constantly expanding legal issues are the lead story everywhere. That’s hardly a pure distraction when he’s 1) an ex president facing hundreds of felonies for actions he took while in office and 2) he’s the Republican front runner facing hundreds of felonies including sedition and espionage. Giuliani is a part of that same story. I don’t see that as a manufactured story/crisis. (But it does get too much attention by far).
EDIT: That said, the disgraced ex president and rapist was indicted minutes ago on four felony counts: conspiracy to defraud the United States "by using dishonesty, fraud and deceit to obstruct the nation’s process of collecting, counting, and certifying the results of the presidential election"; conspiracy to impede the Jan. 6 congressional proceeding; a conspiracy against the right to vote and to have that vote counted; and obstruction of, and attempt to obstruct and impede, the certification of the electoral vote. That’s insanely big news.

It’s also not a pure distraction to mention Hunter when the entire house is doing nothing more than “investigating” him, and his long touted public legal case just went to court for a failed plea agreement. That’s newsworthy because one party makes it so, but barely.

It is a terrible state if that’s ALL they mention, agreed. There’s lots more going on to address.

bcglorf said:

I think you're missing my point.

My point is, I just hopped over to MSNBC, and reading from the top of the page, 18 of the 21 top headlines were about either Trump, Guiliani or Hunter Biden. They are obsessing and distracting their 'blue' base with all the same garbage as Fox, but they are better because they are pointing out the wrongs.

Maybe a better analogy, MSNBC is like Dr. Phil bringing on the worst examples of humanity and letting the audience rage bait and feel superior to the horrible humans on display. Trump has been the perfect recurring guest for a never ending MSNBC parade of horrible behaviour.

I'm not against calling out that behaviour, I'm in favour of it. I'm just calling it rather dishonest to have 99% of your airtime and coverage all focused on nothing else, and then spend the last 1% complaining about the other side obsessing...

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

More MAGA child abuse insanity, Republican Congressman Derrick Van Orden from Wisconsin is in hot water after he screamed profanities at a group of young exhausted senate pages that were resting in the Capitol Rotunda after working all night serving the senate for free, like they’ve done for decades.
Not the first time, he also threatened a young underage female library page/volunteer in Wisconsin for setting up the library’s gay pride month display and verbally abused her so badly she never returned to her job.

Screaming obscenities at young children for doing their job (when they aren’t having sex with them)…THAT’S today’s MAGA.

D’oh! Tried to erase the server AFTER getting the subpoena! Pretty sure his obstruction and destruction of evidence attempt was also recorded…recorded on the server that was recovered. Also recovered, the war plans for attacking Iran that Trump showed known Chinese agents, also recorded, that Trump now claims didn’t happen. 😂
And Georgia is ready to indict, get ready.
Then likely Jan 6 charges.
Than possibly AZ charges.
Give it time. 😂

Bonus- Another “smoking gun” fails today with Devon Archer, Hunter Biden’s business partner who testified that on some occasions during dinner, even some business dinners, Hunter would put Joe on speaker phone to say hello, but never, not one time in 10 years did he ever discuss any business when his father was on the line. They talked about Bo, who had cancer, and the family, and some pleasantries. He also testified to having no knowledge whatsoever about any bribes to Hunter or Joe. Republicans had hyped this witness as the smoking gun connecting Hunter’s business dealings with Joe, and said he had personal knowledge of bribes…turned out to be the exact opposite of what Republicans claimed, as usual.
(Edit) Er mer gerd…just heard the insanity they’ve been feeding you all weekend about him…claiming the DOJ was trying to put Archer in prison Sunday night to stop him from testifying because he recently lost his appeal on fraud charges (completely unrelated to Hunter) and as is the normal process the DOJ sent the letter to the judge that starts the incarceration process that weeks or months later ends with him actually in prison serving the sentence he’s already received….and when no such obstruction or imprisonment happened they declared victory against the weaponized DOJ that they say caved to their strength and now allowed him to testify….to and about absolutely nothing criminal! You fools! This is the important work your reps are doing on your behalf….idiotic nonsense hearings with no purpose no evidence and no power to do anything about anything. I bet you’re lapping it up. 😂

newtboy (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Awwww…poor little snowflake, @bobknight33. You don’t like your daily reminder that you are part of a hypocritical dishonest terrorist organization? Poor little boy, here, since you misplaced it, I’ll provide it again.

You don’t like it pointed out that your fellow seditious terrorists now actually admit their hypocritical plans, like suspending the constitution or just line item vetoing it by the president? I suppose Biden should remove the second amendment before Trump goes after the 14th by presidential decree.

You don’t seem to like being reminded of the unChristian anti family actions of your Christian family values sweethearts Boebert and Manly Traitor Greene, both getting divorced, both cheaters, both child abusers, both consistently putting their temporary happiness above their families to the point of dissolution of their families, and both still act like they know what’s good for YOUR family.

You don’t like being reminded of how MAGA politics has destroyed Texas politics, with infighting destroying all trust in government there, raising crime rates, taxes, and prices but gaining nothing but fewer services, less reliable utilities, and a total lack of an education system.

You don’t like when I point out they admit their “investigations” are all frauds with no evidence whatsoever and only disgraced paid political actors as “witnesses” and even they don’t show up to testify?

You don’t like knowing the MAGA paid actor that Trump used to accuse Biden of raping her in the open public halls of congress in 93, Tara Reade, has defected to Russia under the wing of a Russian spy convicted of spying on MAGA and trying (nearly succeeding) in sleeping her way into the whitehouse by sleeping with multiple MAGA politicians. (Pretty funny for it to be the top rated new comment AND erased)

You don’t like being reminded that Trump admitted on camera that he stole and retained (unsecured) highly classified documents that he admitted were still highly classified in Summer ‘21, long after he had any power to declassify anything…and I don’t mean the ridiculous claim that he can declassify state nuclear secrets by secretly thinking about it.

Every time you erase your daily reminder of your party’s daily crimes you let me know it’s getting to you…that you know it’s correct (or you would just claim it wasn’t like you have for years). Eventually it might even register in your brain that everything you learned from MAGA is pure fantasy, every accusation from MAGA an admission, every denial an admission, and the only loyalty is to their wallets.
I guess I’ll just have to post them here for you…so they don’t get “lost”. 😂

PS- Trump’s idiot lawyers shit the bed again. Last year they got together at a restaurant to discuss their problems with one of their own, Boris Epstein, who they discussed publicly as someone who was a filter between them and Trump, and that he was a liar who lied to them and Trump and obstructed them from complying with court orders….and at the next table was a reporter from the Guardian who has now published an article about this meeting. This doesn’t help Trump’s legal team work together….something they’ve been incapable of so far, and something Trump needs desperately! 😂

PPS- Roger Stone recordings came out today explaining how easy it is to manipulate Trump, just tell him he did something he never actually did/said, tell him people loved it when he did/said that, and he’ll just go out and do/say it “again”, even if he never did/said it before. He said he’s been doing that for 30 years, and it never fails. Putin/Xi/Un knows that too. 🤦‍♂️

newtboy said:

For posterity when bob erases it again…

Trump- “I was allowed to steal all those classified documents and I can show them to whoever I want.”
Parlitore- “I quit. Jack Smith should look at Trump’s lawyer Epstein because he obstructed our search at Bedminster for more classified documents.”

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