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Presentation Fight - IPad vs Surface

shuac says...

Very true. And while all technology products are derivative of earlier products to some degree, I think Microsoft does more bandwagon-jumping than most. Let's look at the evidence.

* Java, made by Sun. "Reimagined" by Microsoft.
* Console gaming, made by Atari, Nintendo, Sega, Sony, et al. Microsoft gives us Xbox.
* Online Music, pioneered by Napster, made legitimate by Apple. Microsoft gives us MSN Music.
* MP3 player, pioneered by Rio, made super popular by Apple. Microsoft gives us Zune.
* Internet search, pioneered by Archie in 1990, made insanely profitable by Google. Microsoft gives us MSN. And Live Search. And Bing.

Far as tablet computing goes, Microsoft actually has a much bigger history than Apple. I remember MS peddling tablets back in 2001 with XP. Trouble is, XP was never designed as a touch interface. Even as recent as 2008, Microsoft tried this strategy with the Origami.

The innovation Apple made is to take its smartphone OS (whose design is based on touch) and pull it up to the tablet rather than take a full-blown desktop OS and push it down. This is the idea Microsoft is copying with Surface and Windows 8.

Other than Kinect, which is an innovative product since it is more than merely a response to the Wii, I'm not sure Microsoft invented anything. Even its flagship Office suite is based on earlier software (WordStar, WordPerfect, dBase, Lotus 1-2-3). In fact, when Microsoft first licensed MS-DOS to IBM for a huge profit back in 1981, it was essentially QDOS, which they purchased outright from some guy for $50,000. Deal of the century.

You may say, "Well Apple didn't invent the MP3 player. Why aren't they guilty of copying too?"

They are. But Microsoft's history is rife with this sort of "me-too" thing in a way no other company's is. Let me distil my point into one sentence: How many companies are copying Microsoft's products?

To sum up: Microsoft is slim on innovation, fat on looking over the shoulders of the smart kids in class...>> ^Sarzy:

>> ^mtadd:
Microsoft never fails to innovate their name on someone else's product.

Yes, because the iPad was, of course, the first tablet ever.

Google Maps 8-bit for NES

Man Flies Like a Bird Flapping His Own Wings

Ryjkyj says...

That's the thing that really gets me @lucky760. I'm really skeptical, even about the act of being skeptical, but the thing that truly convinces me it's ahoax is not any problem with video or physics, it's the fact that when people point out that Nintendo, GoPro and Android get a lot of exposure for this, it just makes so much sense that I really have no argument.

Man Flies Like a Bird Flapping His Own Wings

therealblankman says...

April Fool isn't for 2 more weeks. I call real. Also, if you read the article it's clear that flapping does not equal un-powered. His motions are translated through gyro sensors and amplified through heavy-duty servo motors. Interestingly it seems the gyro sensors are from Nintendo Wii controllers and the processing power is from an Android phone.

I say to thee Icarus; don't fly too close to the sun.

SimCity(2013) Announce Trailer

Complete Mario Portal mashup game: Mari0

xxovercastxx says...

>> ^ant:

So, Valve and Nintendo are OK with this project?

There's really nothing here that Valve could rightfully complain about and it would be really fucked up of them to even try considering they got the idea from a freeware game to begin with.

Nintendo, on the other hand... I'm surprised they haven't sent a cease and desist order.

Peach and Zelda Catch Up

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'mario, link, nintendo, sketch, gannondorf, bowser, shyguy' to 'mario, link, nintendo, sketch, gannondorf, bowser, shyguy, college humor' - edited by Boise_Lib

Complete Mario Portal mashup game: Mari0

iPhone outsourced factory (Foxconn) struggles with suicides

notarobot says...

If you're going to out one company for being in business with Foxconn, why not out them all? Own a game console? Your Xbox, PS3, and Wii were all made here. Like to read? This is where your Kindle came from.

Foxconn isn't just producing ithings and iphones, they assemble 40% of the world's electronics. Here's a list of SOME of Foxconn's clients (from wikipedia):

Acer Inc. (Taiwan) (United States)
Apple Inc. (United States)
ASRock (Taiwan)
Asus (Taiwan)
Barnes & Noble (United States)
Cisco (United States)
Dell (United States)
EVGA Corporation (United States)
Hewlett-Packard (United States)
Intel (United States)
IBM (United States)
Lenovo (China)
Logitech (Switzerland)
Microsoft (United States)
MSI (Taiwan)
Motorola (United States)
Netgear (United States)
Nintendo (Japan)
Nokia (Finland)
Panasonic (Japan)
Philips (Netherlands)
Sharp (Japan)
Sony Ericsson (Japan/Sweden)
Toshiba (Japan)
Vizio (United States)

Zero Punctuation: Super Mario 3D Land & Rayman Origins

Nintendo Y'all -- Wii gets a little southern charm.

old video games (Videogames Talk Post)

old video games (Videogames Talk Post)

Kung Pow: Enter the Fist predicted Nintendo's new console

Angry Video Game Nerd (AVGN): Nintendo World Championships

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