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1st Season Finale of LAND OF THE LOST

Auger8 says...

This was the only live action show besides the old Batman and Star Trek that I watched when I was a little kid. Well till Next Generation started heh. Used to love this show, never really made sense but now I realize it still doesn't lol.

Farting & Swearing On The Moon

poolcleaner says...

Humanity has ALWAYS been a potty mouthed species. My grams told me it was my generation and her grams told her it was Satan has an affinity for children -- no really, one half southern baptist, one half catholic. Crazy shit goes on in those houses. In reality, we're all just trying to hide our mistakes and save face from the next generation so they can be better than we were.

And all the time not realizing the simple fact: no one of real consequence cares. The only time where people of consequence care, is when someone giving them money cares. Unfortunately people with money are often people of no real consequence.

Well, guess what, a spaceman said it and now I'm buying a motorcycle and never using condoms again.

The Colbert Report - Don McLeroy on Texas Textbooks

kceaton1 says...

The stupid is mindblowing.

As for the little documentary, looks promising to get a slightly larger picture of the inside "mechanics" in the machine, which I think boils down to: ...sketches of plans made in the dirt out back of their meeting building, with a dead tree branch with a sharp point while wearing their "Vestments of the Lord": Cowboy boots and thongs. They will decide what wisdom to impart upon the next generation of children.

Seriously, the guy in the documentary trailer, the board member (and I believe the head or chairman) is ridiculously-stereotypical-Christian-"dumb" that it's amazing. It's like he read a series of books that taught him how to become this type of person, he is so stereotypical that he in fact may be the birthplace for that word! When all you are concerned about is the "other" you are in fact a bigot--in so much you are not only bigoted as you must only see things as 1 or 0, us or them, left or right, white or black, etc... I can almost guarantee that you are homophobic and hate gays or highly disagree with them and also racist. It's the mindset. I'd link the studies, but instead get a modern psychology book looking at that issue specifically--they'll say the same thing. It's a type of mindset, much like being sad or happy.

Crazy. This world is crazy.

Well, maybe just the American Christian scene is. So much hate, vitriol, bigotry, misogyny, sexism, fear, hypocrisy, lying, ignorance, group-delusions, "conservative", pro-"business", greedy, pro-"rich", pro-military, and this amounts to what we call mass-insanity!

I'm nauseous...

George Carlin on Child Worship

kymbos says...

No, I mean how the 'every kid is special' thing is ruining children when they get into the 'real world'. This is a mantra of cranky old men, and has been as long as I've been an adult (15 odd years). The idea is that we are creating these 'delicate flowers' that suffer when they face real rejection, for example in the job market. It was levelled at my generation, and pretty much every one since. Now, us Gen Xers are saying it about Gen Yers, as if we're any different. We're just older.

I just haven't seen any evidence of it actually happening. What I think happens is the same thing that has always happened. Kids grow up into adults, experience the 'real world' and look at the next generation as being a bit softer.

My theory is it's just people getting older and looking at people with less life experience than them, and blaming the school system or parents or whatever.

This has nothing to do with hygiene standards, which I agree are counterproductive. Or over-organising kids, for that matter, which I also think has consequences.

Ship Rams Wharf

Finland's Revolutionary Education System -- TYT

Ryjkyj jokingly says...

>> ^CreamK:

Oh yeah, i have to add, every school is public.. There no private schools, none. Ther are a handful indpendent school, for ex Steiner schools but even they are publicly funded and no one is allowed to charge tuitions... When a school gets no direct benefits for getting kids better grades, they have to concentrate on something completely different... For me, requiring money to teach the next generation is just sick... Maybe US don't want to give the poors a chance.

That sounds dangerously close to thinking my socialist friend...

Finland's Revolutionary Education System -- TYT

CreamK says...

Oh yeah, i have to add, every school is public.. There no private schools, none. Ther are a handful indpendent school, for ex Steiner schools but even they are publicly funded and no one is allowed to charge tuitions... When a school gets no direct benefits for getting kids better grades, they have to concentrate on something completely different... For me, requiring money to teach the next generation is just sick... Maybe US don't want to give the poors a chance.

Christianity's "Good News" Summed Up Perfectly

Doc_M says...

I just don't get atheism. Where's the hope? Even if you lived a long life and passed on your genetic information to the next generation, you're still going to be forgotten eventually. Even if it takes a trillion years, you just don't matter. Unless humanity acquires immortality some time soon, life just doesn't matter for an atheist. I don't think I could live that way. You can say you'll live for the moment, but you won't remember it, so who cares?! What's the advantage? Atheism is depressing.

Teenagers Can't Answer Basic Trivia Questions

Teenagers Can't Answer Basic Trivia Questions

7 Stages of Skyrim Addiction

rychan says...

I'm at about 110 hours. I've made my character a bit OP, though. I didn't use the fortify restoration exploit, just alchemy / enchanting -> smithing. Anyway, it's undoubtedly an awesome game and I quiver to think of the next generation version.

2,000 Boobs!

Yogi says...

>> ^Enzoblue:

Russians have crap, numbers-wise, for their next generation of workers. Birth rates are down and death rates so high that they stand to lose more than 20% of their population by 2050. Putin said of this in 2006, "The most acute problem of contemporary Russia". They're trying to up the sexcapades to get kids pumping out more. They even had a kiss-fest in Moscow and a 'day of conception' in June, offering prizes for babies etc.

It's like Panda's...soon we'll have russians in zoos and people will be shoving them together yelling "SAVE YOUR SPECIES!!!"

2,000 Boobs!

Enzoblue says...

Russians have crap, numbers-wise, for their next generation of workers. Birth rates are down and death rates so high that they stand to lose more than 20% of their population by 2050. Putin said of this in 2006, "The most acute problem of contemporary Russia". They're trying to up the sexcapades to get kids pumping out more. They even had a kiss-fest in Moscow and a 'day of conception' in June, offering prizes for babies etc.

Deck the Halls by Flash Mob, a couple of surprises....

MrConrads says...

Actually there are a lot of people that aren't "white" in Minnesota... well the Twin Cities area at least. If I'm not mistaken it has the largest population of Somali immigrants in the country. There's also a large Hmong and Hispanic community, as well as a large African American population. That said there's a lot of Scandinavians and Germans too.

As for the Carlson School of Mgmt... I can't stand that place. It's a school for taking spoiled little children that haven't worked a day in their lives and trains them to be the next generation of middle management, or worse, executives. Luckily the building is surrounded by the Arts Quarter, so at least they're outnumbered during their brief tenure at the U.

>> ^therealblankman:

Hey here's a question... are there any black people in Minnesota? If there are, apparently none of them go to this school.

Beware of Script Kiddies

RadHazG says...

If this isn't parody, I give up hope on the next generation. tracert to find ip's indeed. Spent the entire time in a facepalm desperately hoping for the other shoe to drop.

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