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Drone captures tornado ripping through a Kansas town

Moron EXPOSES Chinese Government by Accident

newtboy says...

Downvoting more propaganda the poster didn’t have time to watch. 5 minutes between posts, 13 minute video. Are we to believe Bob watched this at 3x speed and posted in a flash?

Hilarious when they start talking about China using these “useful idiots”….I couldn’t help but think of the Trump family. Remember, until late March 2020, Trump was 100% on board with everything Xi wanted to do, including concentration camps and re-education of minorities. Only after his trade talks failed did he turn on Xi.

The Myth of Cuban Health Care

newtboy says...

Downvoting propaganda I doubt the poster even watched. 3 minutes between posts, 22 minute video. Right, bob. You really watched these. Sure you did. You aren’t just spamming right wing propaganda again, couldn’t be.


Stand By For An Important Announcement

newtboy says...

Yes, Missouri. The unhinged ignorant governor wants to prosecute reporters for viewing source data, but there’s no law about this, no hacking required, just a left click, and despite the governor’s politically motivated attempts to force a case, the prosecutor has declined to file any charges against the reporter who noticed and reported that the government website had publicly posted the social security numbers of every teacher in the state….likely because the only crime was on the government’s part….including the continuing politically motivated retaliatory investigations against the reporter who discovered this inexcusable lapse in security under the governor’s nose.

He (the prosecutor) should file charges against the website administrator for exposing 100000 teachers to identity theft, and the governor for abuse of power for trying to prosecute the whistleblower for reporting the non existent security to the government, he even held off publishing his report to give the school system time to fix the issue before it became public knowledge.

Anyone surprised the governor is a Republican, a moron, is more than willing to abuse his power to try to avoid embarrassment for his administrations incompetence, and has absolutely zero idea of how websites, the internet, meta data, or hacking work, or in many cases what they even are (probably thinks the internet is a bunch of tubes, hackers use hatchets, and that meta data is secret proprietary data)?

Sweet zombie Jesus, these morons get worse daily….I think Trump secretly requires them to eat >1gram of pure lead per day. Stupider by the minute.

noims said:

Worse that this. If you go to a publicly available page with no authentication, and just look at all the data being sent down to your browser (rather than just the data that the browser displays) you can get investigated. IIRC this is what that nutjob governor in Missouri(?) recently went full-on attack dog about.

This man is POTUS

newtboy says...

But those who itemized before lost big money. Now the standard deduction is almost always the best you get, not the case before….bait and switch is all that was, a shell game, not a give back.

Where’s my tax form I can fill out on a postcard in 5 minutes? Where’s the promised simplification so ordinary people don’t have to spend hundreds or thousands to get their taxes done? And when do those higher standard deductions run out, without the return of previously deductible offsets?


bobknight33 said:

its your standard deduction on you Fed tax form.
12K for singles
24K for married.

This Man Votes

newtboy says...

Not everything, just known racists. (Like yourself). You just pretend you aren’t, possibly even convincing yourself (you are gullible enough to believe you) but your consistency tells a different story.
Edit: remember, you recently declared yourself totally not sexist, then 20 minutes later declared your support for MGTOW….a sexist group/movement I had to look up. Your racism is the same thing, you declared yourself a non racist, but your positions belie (contradict, prove false) that claim.

When you compare two similarly bat shit crazy people, chastising one, and the only known difference is their skin color, it sounds racist.
When you ALWAYS take the side of the white guy, even when their insanity and death wish is stronger, even when the white guy has committed terrorism (not this time, but many before like your comparisons of Jan 6 vs BLM) it’s a good indicator you are choosing based on skin color, or in the common parlance, by “race”.

So ignorant and consistently racist. When have you EVER taken the non white side when it wasn’t based on political affiliation? Not once I can recall, and my recall is fairly good as you know.

Dude wasn’t a Democrat, he was an absolute nut job. You’re listening to OAN again who tells you he’s leftist with no evidence of that beyond skin color. He hated both parties…he hated people…you might say he was an ecologist, but that’s absolutely not the same thing. He was a total racist and believed in segregation, that would make him a right winger.
Edit: He also posted many videos criticizing New York’s Democratic mayor, another indication he was more likely a right wing nut.

The other “nuke us” nut IS a Trumpist, not even an odd one. He’s your brand, not an outlier. Angry, violent, insane, and with the mindset “my way or the highway to hell”. That is what your party, and the right wing stand for….and nothing else, just hatred of the “others”.

Always ready to show off your partisan dishonesty and ignorance Bob. Anything to try to insult those you’re talking to. Such a little troll you are.

bobknight33 said:

Why is it that leftest see everything as racist?

So narrow minded.

When you see a white man walking a black dog you see it as racist.

Nothing racist in yesterdays NY subway shooting. Just a radical leftest drinking the fake news Kool Aid.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Not true, you used to praise them…especially Yertle….but your memory has never been your strong suit.
Not Cheney? Or did you just forget who to hate?
Sad for you the (anti) freedom caucus that I know you love is likely going to be ineligible to hold office…Cawthorn only escaped by redistricting the plaintiffs out of his district and technically invalidating their lawsuit….another is probably in the pipeline. MTG’s was given the green light in court yesterday….bye Felicia.

You might be shocked to hear….Pelosi….and any others over 70. That should be forced retirement time, for judges and presidents too….no control over a society when you won’t have to see it deal with the consequences of your actions, says I.

Senima and Manchin too… neither of which have ever been Democrats, they’re secret Q nut jobs and on the take big time.
Edit: literally minutes after writing that I found Senima’s latest poll numbers in her district….17% approval, 75% disapproval! It looks like I’ll get that wish at least.

Also, Al Frankenstein needs to be replaced…re-placed back in office. He should never have left. He wasn’t just funny, he’s smart as fuck and knowledgeable too.

bobknight33 said:

Never cared for him. Rino like Lindsey Graham, Mit Romney, Susan Collens, and about 4 others. All needed to be replaced.

His only good deed is pushing supreme Court nominees.

What Democrats in your opinion needs replacing?


BSR says...

Stop the video just before it goes into the next one. Turn off any lights in the room. Make the video full screen. Focus on the center of the picture for over 1 minute and it should POP right out at you. Use the same procedure for each successive one. Hope this helps.

ant said:

Ha, but where is the boob?

Squid are wonderfully creepy

noims says...

Yes, I had the same reaction. It made me really uncomfortable and during that part I decided not to post it, but the whole thing in retrospect changed my mind. OK, so it got away in the end, and fish are caught and subsequently killed like this every minute of the day, but it's not something I liked watching.

I suppose it does help us think about how bad we really are though.

eoe said:

I don't know about you, but since squids are about as smart as dogs, the end of this video is pretty horrendous. How would you like watching a video of torturing dogs and watching them in death throes?

Jesus. Humans are the worst.

Poimo is an inflatable electric scooter that

cloudballoon says...

Waiting for the spec that says it akes 10 minutes to inflate, battery life last 10 mins and 10 more mins to deflate and pack up. All for going 5 miles per hour - maybe.

Might be better to just run for 30 mins and arrive faster to the destination, and not be saddled with a useless backpack.

I'll wait for ver 3.0 before I'm on board.

Plane crashes in China with 132 people on board | USA TODAY

Anwar Jibawi sees an incoming attractive woman...

newtboy says...

Do you see your post minutes earlier was you denying being a sexist?!?
Less than 20 minutes from denying being at all sexist to publicly and un-ironicly announcing your support of a supremely sexist movement.
OMFG I’ve never imagined someone so clueless, Bob.
You are a living parody.
Thanks for the laughs.
Congratulations, you got your liberal tears….I’m crying from laughing so hard.

bobknight33 said:


Thank you 81 million, thank you!

Stop Kowtowing to China | Real Time with Bill Maher

eric3579 says...

I say fix your own countries shit, or at least have it be the focus of your whining before you start bitching about some other countries shortcomings. Nothing i hate more than people who righteously point fingers but refuse to look in the mirror.

(edit) Although maybe i'm not focusing on the actually issue in the video as i couldn't listen to more than a minute of Maher blathering, and just read the comments.

This Video Is A HIPAA Violation!

newtboy says...

Everything he said could have been summarized in one sentence.

Hipaa stops medical professionals who have your private health information already from sharing it without your consent (except in specific situations).

Why is that so hard? I think this kind of explanatory video does more harm than good by taking a ten second explanation and making it into a >15 minute video.

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