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UNITED NATIONS attempts to criminalize blashpemous speech

UNITED NATIONS attempts to criminalize blashpemous speech

geo321 says...

As Stormsinger said, and the Lou Dobbs show decided not to say, for a resolution to be binding on a country then that country has to agree on it. The misleading perception this show gave is that it is an international law overriding the laws of a nation state. Bad reporting. And Hitchens went off the subject of the law completely. Anyway. I guess the people on the show got a chance to speak of the agendas they had on their mind at the time.

FOX's Shep Smith: Was that Canadian Health Care Story Fair?

Stormsinger says...

>> ^Psychologic:
^ Lou Dobbs is on CNN (or is he on both?).
I'm glad Fox has Shep, and they should be rewarded for such (preferably with higher ratings on his segment). Fox just follows the ratings. If Glenn Beck gets viewers and advertisers then he stays... if he becomes unprofitable then he goes.
In my imaginary little world people would prefer actual investigations over one-sided attacks, but I know that isn't realistic. =\

Fox does NOT just follow ratings. Fox follows Murdoch's political views, and actively focuses only on the stories that promote those views. Not only do they present a biased selection of stories, they will distort and flat-out lie to support those views. They even go so far as to fire anyone who refuses to report those lies...and have a court decision saying that's legal (another piece of evidence that "legal" doesn't mean "right" or "ethical").

They are in no way a news organization...they're nothing more than a propaganda machine.

FOX's Shep Smith: Was that Canadian Health Care Story Fair?

Psychologic says...

^ Lou Dobbs is on CNN (or is he on both?).

I'm glad Fox has Shep, and they should be rewarded for such (preferably with higher ratings on his segment). Fox just follows the ratings. If Glenn Beck gets viewers and advertisers then he stays... if he becomes unprofitable then he goes.

In my imaginary little world people would prefer actual investigations over one-sided attacks, but I know that isn't realistic. =\

FOX's Shep Smith: Was that Canadian Health Care Story Fair?

Republicans, religion and the triumph of unreson (Religion Talk Post)

RedSky says...

I think Obama's wise not to make a big fuss over the rumours. If he were to take them on he would project the image that he is seriously entertaining the notion of what they propose, and would make them even more the issue than they are now. Like the article points out, the media likes to play one side against the other no matter how marginal or spurious their opinions are, as is the case with global warming and as the case was to some extent with Obama's birth certificate and the likes of Lou Dobbs professing ambiguity. Sidelining the issue by mocking it though is smart. Obviously it's a cheap way to win an argument without actually having to address it in any real depth, but I guess to get anything done you have to be prepared to get your hands dirty.

Another good article on the same topic -,8599,1917525-1,00.html

CNN's Lou Dobbs Problem

TDS - So You Think You Can Douche!

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'glenn beck, sean hannity, lou dobbs' to 'tds, john stewart, glenn beck, sean hannity, lou dobbs, douche, good nights crazy' - edited by MrFisk

TDS: The Born Identity

Lou Dobbs Reports on The DHS 'Domestic Extremism Lexicon'

HadouKen24 says...

A "returning veteran" killed 170 people and injured hundreds more in the Alfred P. Murrah Federal building just 5 miles from where I was living at the time. Not only did I hear hear the blast loud and clear (it shook a window I was standing near) but it busted out windows in the AG's office where my father was working.

So no, it's perfectly reasonable to watch out for extremism in veterans emotionally destabilized by war. Lou Dobbs and his guest can apologize to the people of Oklahoma City or he can fuck right off.

Lou Dobbs Reports on The DHS 'Domestic Extremism Lexicon'

Media has a responsibility not to traffic in fear!

Xaielao says...

The right wing pundits sound more and more crazy by the day. They think 11 weeks into the Obama administration we are nearing a totalitarian state?


Under a rock apparently.

But I'm not worried. The most they head towards actual mental illness, the less people believe their horse-shit and the smaller their base will become. They lost this election because all they did was play to the base. Do they really think that continuing to do so and getting more and more hard-core is going to help them in that respect?

Keep up the good news FAWKS NEWS! Your on the brink of assuring Obama another 4 years.

Edit: And am I the only one who cannot stand Lou Dobbs anymore? He almost shit a brick when Hillary won Navada and he thought Obama might not win. Now every single day he just bitches about the administration he was so hard up for before the election.

cnn - lou dobbs "2nd amendment under attack" (by Obama)

10768 says...

>> ^Almanildo:
Which is why violence is monopololized in the police.

And that is why it is better to have an armed populace. Look at violence in cities where the people have been disarmed (Chicago, D.C.) compared to those with more liberal carry laws (Dallas, Portsmouth). Live free or die, mate!

cnn - lou dobbs "2nd amendment under attack" (by Obama)

10768 says...

>> ^Almanildo:
I am aware of that point of view, and if freedom is the only ideal, it might even make sense. If you also want to see reduced violence, it does not make sense.

It does make enduring sense, for to defend onreelf with pacifism is to be a victim or subject. The savages will always run amock, with guns or without, it is just men with weapons who keep our society civil.

cnn - lou dobbs "2nd amendment under attack" (by Obama)

10768 says...

>> ^Almanildo:
Sounds like good news to me.

Guns in the hands of a free populace are the ultimate guarantor of that freedom. That's not just my opinion.

"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms. The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government"

-- Thomas Jefferson, 1 Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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