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Nick Cage does a Nicholas Cage impersonation on Letterman

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'Rob Magnotti, nicholas cage, impression, late show, DUCK' to 'Rob Magnotti, nicholas, nicolas, nic, cage, impression, late show, DUCK' - edited by calvados

Billy Bob Thornton pulls a Joaquin Phoenix on CBC's Q

Krupo says...

Hmm, was going to argue against 1sttube because this was originally on radio rather than TV, but then, it aired everywhere like on CNN after, so *news too.

>> ^EDD:
This is strange, because I've seen a couple of interviews with him on the Late Late Show, in which he had no problem talking about both his musical and cinematic careers.
Must have been his mood. And by 'mood' I mean 'liquor'.

Agreed, I call *drugs.

I love the fact his tour got canceled because of this fiasco - epic.

Billy Bob Thornton pulls a Joaquin Phoenix on CBC's Q

EDD says...

This is strange, because I've seen a couple of interviews with him on the Late Late Show, in which he had no problem talking about both his musical and cinematic careers.

Must have been his mood. And by 'mood' I mean 'liquor'.

Nick Cage does a Nicholas Cage impersonation on Letterman

Robert De Niro STAR WARS audition

schmawy (Member Profile)

Gratefulmom says...

Thank you for the promote and the lyric. It's much appreciated.

In reply to this comment by schmawy:
there was a decorated general with
a heart of gold, that likened him to
all the stories he told
of past battles, won and lost, and
legends of old a seasoned veteran in
his own time

on the battlefield, he gained
respectful fame with many medals
of bravery and stripes to his name
he grew a beard as soon as he could
to cover the scars on his face
and always urged his men on

but on the eve of a great battle
with the infantry in dream
the old general tossed in his sleep
and wrestled with its meaning
he awoke from the night
just to tell what he had seen
and walked slowly out of his tent

all the men held tall with their
chests in the air, with courage in
their blood and a fire in their stare
it was a grey morning and they all
wondered how they would fare
till the old general told them to go home

I have seen the others
and I have discovered
that this fight is not worth fighting
I have seen their mothers
and I will no other
to follow me where I'm going

Take a shower, shine your shoes
you got no time to lose
you are young men you must be living
go now you are forgiven

but the men stood fast with their
guns on their shoulders not knowing
what to do with the contradicting orders
the general said he would do his own
duty bout would not extend it not further
the men could go as they pleased

but not a man moved, their eyes gazed straight ahead
till one by one
they stepped back and not a word was said
and the old general was left with his
own words echoing in his head
he then prepared to fight


go now you are forgiven


Jon Stewart's Debut On The Daily Show

14087 says...

Don't hate on Killborn! He was a little dry, but I liked his style on this show. Especially when he danced. I remember the days before he had a live audience, you'd just here the producer/camera guy laugh.

The funny thing is Killborn got the Show that SHOULD have gone to Stewart. Jon had been guest hosting the Late Late Show on CBS at least one day a week for a while. When the host retired I was REALLY looking froward to Job getting his own show (the first since MTV), I never imaged CBS would pull the chair out for Killborn instead!

Honestly, I'd still like Killborn to host a show. Maybe he should start a YouTube channel.

I really didn't expect Steward to hang around as long as he has (though I am greatful). I was sure he would leave in 2001 when his contract was up, he was doing more movies. I was really suprised when he resigned for another five year stretch. After that he seemed to give up Hollywood entirely (how long ago was Big Daddy?)

Craig Ferguson gets Married!

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'craig ferguson, marriage, late late show, monologue' to 'craig ferguson, marriage, late late show, monologue, scottish conan guy' - edited by calvados

David Letterman And Steve Martin Go On A Gay Vacation

Craig Ferguson - McCain Mistaken For Santa

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'the late show, john, mccain, halloween, dont forget to turn your cock' to 'the late late show, john, mccain, halloween, dont forget to turn your cock' - edited by thinker247

Letterman feels like McCain`s ugly date

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'letterman, late show, crater, couric, date, economy, crisis, show, cancelled' to 'letterman, mccain, crater, couric, date, economy, crisis, show, cancelled' - edited by kronosposeidon

Issykitty (Member Profile)

spoco2 says...

It's always slightly sickening to see intelligence and so much beauty wrapped up in a single package Ahh, The Cars, what a fine 80s band they were (and yes I know they still make music, but I prefer to ignore that... it's weird)

In reply to this comment by Issykitty:
She is wonderful, isn't she? I believe she is married to Rick Ocasik (sp?), the lead singer of The Cars. She was the very famous face of Estee Lauder in the '80s. She's such a natural beauty. Oh, and that joke made me laugh so hard! Hee hee!

In reply to this comment by spoco2:
"No, No, he wears men's clothes"

My god I love Ferguson...

And I know not of her, but she seems funny, intelligent and well read... bravo for a model with brains!

spoco2 (Member Profile)

Issykitty says...

She is wonderful, isn't she? I believe she is married to Rick Ocasik (sp?), the lead singer of The Cars. She was the very famous face of Estee Lauder in the '80s. She's such a natural beauty. Oh, and that joke made me laugh so hard! Hee hee!

In reply to this comment by spoco2:
"No, No, he wears men's clothes"

My god I love Ferguson...

And I know not of her, but she seems funny, intelligent and well read... bravo for a model with brains!

HaricotVert (Member Profile)

legacy0100 (Member Profile)

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