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Highly Biased Child Protective Services Interview

enoch says...

im gonna go out on a limb and guess you never dealt with the courts and CPS.

i have and this mans experience resembles my own.
i realize this is not conclusive proof of evidence would be anecdotal.

i had children with two women,
feel free to judge me,i dont care,the courts and CPS judged me plenty so i am used to it.

my two oldest boys were with a woman who i remained friendly with which translated to a fantastic relationship with my boys.i never experienced the courts nor CPS in any negative fashion.

conversely my two youngest boys were with a sociopath (no hyperbole here)
.we have no fact we are totally enstranged.
tragic in all regards.

she used the courts to punish me.
she used CPS to harrass me.

and the attitudes of CPS were so much like this purple chick.
that somehow THEY knew better and they NEVER questioned the mother.
in fact one CPS "counselor" went as far as trying to force me to relinquish my parental rights.

when you get caught in this system you realize a few things very quickly.
1.fathers are the enemy
2.they know better than you know nothing
4.if the mother makes an allegation then it MUST be true
5.if YOU make an allegation you are just being contrary and bitter

the one CPS counselor was terminated due to falsifying records.
no shock here.

i have sat through interviews almost identical as what this man is experiencing.
the difference is i am a much more adept debater than this poor dad is.

i do not suffer fools lightly and when in regards to my children i am unrelenting.
i also realized fairly early that the CPS workers never had my nor my boys best interests at heart.
they spoke in legalese and authority but it was evident it was all about control.
to control me and dictate how i was as a parent.

ah...i remember those schoolings with fondness.a certain satisfaction in putting an arrogant,self-important knowitall in their place.

but in the end i still didnt get to see my kids.
so who is the loser eh? im depressed......

What is déjà vu? What is déjà vu?

chingalera says...

Déjà vu: An innate survival imprint colliding with a skewed perception. Déjà vu is your driver knowing better than the rider of what to do next, more chemical releases to follow...

Enzoblue said:

My theory: For evolutionary needs, when you've seen something before something happens in your brain to give you the feeling that you've seen it, like a chem release maybe. Deja Vu is when that 'chem release' gets triggered accidentally/independently.

Little Girl and her Carpenter Pet Bee

raverman jokingly says...

So we don't value it's existence because it's too stupid to know better, but we value it's life as a quirky plaything for a child. I bet she doesn't even have a bee licence...

Hawthorne, CA Cop murdered a pet

Issykitty says...

Not because it's cool, but because one would think police would know better how to handle themselves and the "dumb people" without it resulting in this awful tragedy. Whatever.

arekin said:

So much no, this was irresponsible pet owner who was very close to a police raid (as is obviously evident by the number of cars and the assault weapon that is clearly visible around 3:00). The police are detaining him likely until they can ensure that he is not attempting to cause problems. Notice how the guys across the street from the guy being detained were fine continuing to record, were allowed to take the video away (despite showing a cop shooting a dog).

The dog did not deserve to be placed in a situation. But with your argument, if I saw a friend getting arrested I am entitled to charge cops and not get tazed or shot? To hell with that. But you know, its cool to blame cops whenever people do something dumb, illegal, or dangerous. Its cool to give them a hard time when they are trying to do their job and you know, protect someone.

"Just cause you're a chickens@!t motherf*%ker!"

chingalera says...

Cop-baitings' been a sport in Oakland, Detroit, etc. since douche grew legs-These folks in the car should know better than to poke feral rednecks with badges in "what the fuck are we gonna do we're so bored and ineffectual" Nebraska (is that you Mr. Fisk?).

All I see are four, stupid people. That stay-puft marshmallow douche should get his clesterol checked n'maybe take a few anger management blows to the skull.

What Kind Of Asian Are You?

Atheist in the Bible Belt outs herself because she is MORAL

newtboy jokingly says...

Who are you to argue against your god's wish that she not believe in him? It sounds like you think you know better than your god, he must be pretty lame.

shinyblurry said:

That there is a moral choice to make points to a Creator @bareboards..

She made the right choice not to sin..and I think it is Gods way of letting her friends and family know they need to pray for her..along with the thousands of people who watched the broadcast.

SBS Food Safari - Chicken Schnitzel recipe

mrsid says...

For crying out loud, this needs some seasoning!
I'm from Austria, and we know better... A bit of salt and pepper on the meat, or in the egg wash, and it would be so much better. What a fool!

Transgender at 11 yrs. Old

arekin says...

While I do agree that mental health is as often as not an issue, I do think that this is not for me or you to decide. We are not Jazz or her parents. We should not think we know better.

CaptainPlanet said:

i'm glad to see the appropriate level of skepticism here from many of my fellow siftHeads. Lets not be blinded by liberal 'forward-thinking'. Mental health is serious, and any rational person would agree that the jury is OUT when it comes to performing elective genital reassignment surgery on children.

How to Green the World's Deserts and Reverse Climate Change

Sniper007 says...

If I didn't know better, it almost looks like the world is dreadfully underpopulated...

Or rather, the world is overpopulated by SimCity raised "master global planners" and underpopulated by sovereign farming families.

Check out Joel Salatin. He's been doing this stuff for generations. He cycles livestock grazing in much the same way. But not just cattle, he brings in chickens, rabbits, etc on the same land different days of the week.


detheter says...

Actually, I have read the details in the case, Canada is NOT a free for all where you can do whatever you want because you think you know better than everyone else. CANADA IS NOT AMERICA. You should properly store your firearms. There should be a trial regarding these charges, and if the situation (gun instructor, imminent threat to life) warrant that the charges be DROPPED in this case, I would find that to be fair. However, regulations such as these stop assholes from keeping their heat ready just in case they need to rapidly without thinking end a human life. You right wing Americans make me sick how you see everything in black and white, you've swallowed every lie told to you by the gun manufacturers and your right wing politicians you don't know how to see past your own blurring ignorance. But of course.... *I* must be wrong, and not the right wing wannabes at the SUN. LOL. Which is why the top search results for the story are all right wing papers beating the drums of war.

Puppy Determined To Get On Treadmill

Asmo says...

So let's sum up your post quickly...

-The ASPCA is wrong because you know better.
-I'm a bad parent because I won't wrap my son in bubble wrap and hide him from a world that is inherently risky.
-By saying "force the dog to give up the bone" you assume that I'm mistreating it (using force) rather than teaching the dog to leave something (like a chew toy) then migrating that lesson to something it really doesn't want to give up like a meaty bone. Similarly, transfer of higher standing in the pack is not hard and does not require cruelty.
-You won't provide any supporting information apart from citing numerous anecdotal testimonies, which you also won't provide.
-Ban them because everyone else does (because humans never make knee jerk decisions based on headlines rather than science)

Your post is littered with ignorant and arrogant assumption and presumption. You're not interested in backing up your claims with any actual evidence and seem more interested in snide little ad hominem attacks. As I said, it's ironic that the person arguing against dangerous breeds is less well behaved then a member of the breed in question...

Your belief that the breed should be banned might have the slightest bit of credibility if you were able to muster up the civility to act with common courtesy.

A10anis said:

There are many organisations which have conflicting views, (my Tamaskan is 5 years old, male, un-neutered, and non violent) you happen to support the one that supports your extremely slim argument. I support the testimonies of people who deal, on a daily basis, with the terrible effects these breeds can have. Why do you think so many countries ban fighting dogs? Don't you think they have studied all the literature? Your 3 year old is very advanced for his age knowing how to control a fighting breed, how did you get the dog to respect a 3 year olds authority? I suspect, as you did for yourself, with force. You are certainly not a responsible person taking such a risk with your child in allowing the child to take a bone off such an animal. You cannot be 100% sure it will not react, yet you are incomprehensibly willing to take that risk. Regardless of the breed, no one in their right mind would risk their child in such a cavalier fashion. I could point you in the direction of myriad reports and videos on the dangers of fighting breeds but, obviously, it would be a waste of time. I wish you good luck with your child, and sincerely hope you do not live to regret your words.

Bill Nye: Creationism Is Just Wrong!

shinyblurry says...

Based on other comments in this thread, are you claiming to know better than all the geologists in the world who claim there's sufficient evidence of an old Earth, people who have spent their entire professional lives working in the field?

If you reversed the premises and asked me this same question 130 years ago, all of the geologists would have been wrong according to you. As I said, it's conventional wisdom now and no one ever seriously questions it. Any evidence that appears to the contrary is consider anomalous and discarded.

The common factors in all those conversations are you and science. Do you think it's more likely that non-Bible-literalist people are mostly (all?) incapable of intelligent scientific conversation (including nearly all professional scientists), or that you, a single non-scientist, have the wrong idea about how to talk about science?

I meant here on videosift, on the subject of radiometric dating. I have had productive discussions on these topics with atheists. I'll give credit to those who engaged me on the actual science of this particular topic, though.

messenger said:

Based on other comments in this thread, are you claiming to know better than all the geologists in the world who claim there's sufficient evidence of an old Earth, people who have spent their entire professional lives working in the field?

I haven't found that anyone is willing to have an intelligent conversation on it.

The common factors in all those conversations are you and science. Do you think it's more likely that non-Bible-literalist people are mostly (all?) incapable of intelligent scientific conversation (including nearly all professional scientists), or that you, a single non-scientist, have the wrong idea about how to talk about science?

Bill Nye: Creationism Is Just Wrong!

messenger says...

Based on other comments in this thread, are you claiming to know better than all the geologists in the world who claim there's sufficient evidence of an old Earth, people who have spent their entire professional lives working in the field?

I haven't found that anyone is willing to have an intelligent conversation on it.

The common factors in all those conversations are you and science. Do you think it's more likely that non-Bible-literalist people are mostly (all?) incapable of intelligent scientific conversation (including nearly all professional scientists), or that you, a single non-scientist, have the wrong idea about how to talk about science?

shinyblurry said:

You can't pick which evidence to consider.

Why not?

Radiometric dating tells us when the Earth was created. That's convincing evidence. Address it.

I've addressed it in the past but these debates don't go anywhere. I haven't found that anyone is willing to have an intelligent conversation on it.

Also, do you think scientists have a specific "Earth age = 4.5 billion years" agenda that they're trying to prove? Or do you just think scientists are simply wrong in their conclusions again and again, and it's a coincidence that they keep arriving at roughly the same number across all the different disciplines?

I think they're wrong in their assumptions, and that they interpret the evidence through the conclusion, rather than arriving at the conclusion because of the evidence. The empirical evidence that actually proves any of these theories is actually very weak or non-existent.

Introvert or Extrovert - Often Misunderstood - What are you?

zor says...

"There are basically two types of people in the world: those that think there are two types of people in the world and those that know better." -somebody

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