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Famous Failures, and why you should never give up.

spoco2 says...

>> ^Biminim:
Well, yeah, but . . .
There are plenty of folks who fail, fail again, fail some more, fail even more, fail again, and again, and again, and then die. There are also many people who do nothing but succeed. Let's not get too simplistic. I mean, a guy who likes a girl who doesn't like him could get the totally wrong message from this.
I'm just sayin'.

Yeah, you can't just take this message as a simplistic 'If you fail, just keep at it and you'll become great'. What it's trying to say (or at least SHOULD be) is that you will rarely, if ever, get it right the first time, if you fail at something the first go, don't just give up, LEARN from the failure and do better next time. The key word is LEARN, you can't fail and then do exactly the same thing again and expect for success (unless it's just a dumb luck thing), you have to adapt and improve.

Just don't take any and all people's denouement of you as fact, you must listen to what people say, and take it on if you feel it's constructive, but don't necessarily just give up because you're told by someone who may not be qualified to tell you anything that you're a failure.

John Bolton: We Must Bomb Iran Now

phelixian says...

Why is Bolton such an ass clown?
He should just give up his punditry and go play poker for the rest of his life with Rumsfeld, Tenet, and Jim Baker. At least there their lies and bluffs won't hurt anyone.

Parallel Universes DO Exist. I kid you not.

sineral says...

Sigh, I had typed up a half a page worth of comment and realized I needed another half page more so decided to just give up. Now I see SDGundamX's comment and wish I had posted mine.

So here's the short version. This video is misleading; in at least one spot it is misleading to the point of spouting hogwash. It mixes together separate phenomena from cosmology, quantum mechanics, and plain probability without clearly labeling them or distinguishing between them. Their "parallel universe theory" is not a theory, but an interpretation, of which there are multiple, of quantum mechanics; it's not even the most widely accepted interpretation. If you're interested in the phenomena they fumble over in this video then google, or just wikipeida, these terms: Copenhagen interpretation, many-worlds intepretation, quantum entanglement, wave-particle duality.

Tom Cruise On Stage Addressing Throngs of Scientologists

therealblankman says...

A note to anonymous: good luck with that.

History has shown that religions when subjected to persecution pretty much always just give up and go home. Witness Christianity, it has failed completely due to the attacks it received in the first and second centuries in the Roman Empire.

westy (Member Profile)

Goofball_Jones says...

Westy, as many people have asked, do you misspell everything in your posts on purpose or are you that stupid? I find it hard to believe that you're that stupid so I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt and say that you're doing it on purpose. But why? It makes whatever you're trying to say irrelevant as people just give up trying to read it. Why waste your time?

It's not funny, it never was. No one reads what you have to say, they all just fixate on your spelling. So why do it anymore?

Dragon Skin - The body armor soldiers SHOULD have

Goofball_Jones says...

Westy, do you misspell everything in your posts on purpose or are you that stupid? I find it hard to believe that you're that stupid so I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt and say that you're doing it on purpose. But why? It makes whatever you're trying to say irrelevant as people just give up trying to read it. Why waste your time?

Self-link ban policy (Sift Talk Post)

raven says...

And bringing themselves to appear on the thread calling for their bannation and publicly admitting they were wrong is not 'manning up'?

I think that shows a lot more character than just giving up, or signing back up as a different user.

Tancredo to boycott Univision debate (Election Talk Post)

MarineGunrock says...

Ah, you are absolutely right on the issue of the debates meaning a lot to those outside our country, I hadn't thought of that.
Also, he might as well just give up. He won't win, and I'm sure he knows that. I just hope that Paul ('cause I'm voting for him) will take strong actions against illegals (from any race) and make sure our country doesn't support them with funding or any other support. Immigration is the only reason our country is as great as it is today. I welcome anyone to live here. Just do it legally, please.

Crow Raises Runt Kitten

deedub81 says...

Naw, George Bush is basically an idiot.

..and is that all you got on Romney? ...'cause I would put that right up there with throwing your dog in the back of your pickup. Do you think the dog minded? Highly doubtful. It's just a cheap shot at a good man.

Romney doesn't believe God will help us if we just give up. We have to do all we can do. We can't just throw our arms up and hope for the best. We don't get to decide who we help and who we ignore, regardless of what we think the outcome will be.

...I forgot how we got on this subject...oh, yeah: A crow and a cat.

Generation Chickenhawk: Will College Republicans go to Iraq?

bighead says...

the people gota stand up now and know when they have lost. we have lost in iraq. we got our ass kicked in vetnam. why because we dont have the heart. 911 and the other bombings got people going but not enough to beat the people of iraq in city warfar. no way we better just give up now cuz who can says vetnam was a good idea come on our the guys over there they can kill rape tortoure or follow every rule in the book but there still being used as pawns. while bush and the rest of the upperclass try to brain wash the people to buy into buying life.

Paris Hilton gets burned by Sarah Silverman

Final Jeopardy - An Elite Wager

Henry Rollins - "This Is How I Protest The War"

obscenesimian says...

Right Budzos, Lets just give up, seek comfort in food, luxury, political pablem and religion. (never sex!) That is the natural order, not to struggle against the evil that would manipulate us into doing its will. Resistance is futile, peace is an unnatural state, and it is easier to follow than lead.

(edit)Oh......don't forget entertainment, and the joy of feeling superior.

VideoSift HTML Banner Designs (Sift Talk Post)

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