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Cal-Fire attacking the Bridge Fire near Auburn, California

eric3579 says...

Juan Browne (blancolirio) discusses the video with lots of added interesting info regarding all the firefighting things.

DC3 stall into a spin w/ bonus skydivers

Michigan dam failure caught on video

eric3579 says...

Juan Browne (blancolirio) breaks down the dam failures and situation

In addition from Juan as of 5/20 3pm est.
"According to Midland County officials as of ~3pm (EST) 5/20/2020, the Sanford dam may still be somewhat intact but they can't tell because it's underwater (they're using the term "failed" because it's spilling over, not necessarily because the structure has collapsed). Latest images of the Sanford dam appear to show overflow limited to the emergency spillway area. The current hope is that the dam itself will hold long enough for the upstream flow from the Wixom lake breach to recede. If the Sanford dam fails, areas downstream are looking at 500-year flood levels. Local and state police have already begun staging in a number of downstream areas, presumably to facilitate evacuations if the dam fails."

The real reason Boeing's new plane crashed twice

Jesus fails at Crossfit

John Oliver - Crisis Pregnancy Centers

newtboy says...

So then you DON'T think people trying to stop murder are OK if it means making someone brown your neighbor, only when it means you get to force your quite suspect, legally and scientifically invalid 'values' on someone else with no consequences for yourself.

Many of those countries have taken in more asylum seekers than America, and most have more refugees per capita. Even evil Iran took in more total.....and 4 times as many per capita.

Often America doesn't make the top ten list....

We are incredibly far from the world's asylum when even China takes in more refugees. We won't even save our international neighbors from certain death.
Even if they're police.....

Yet you still believe (with zero attempt to verify) we take in more than any other nation, and far more than our share, enough so that we should deny any more even if death is certain, let someone else save them (or not).
You're listening to too much Alex Jones again and believing the insane raving bullshit without question.

bobknight33 said:

There are 130+ other Countries to go to.

America does not need to be thew worlds asylum .

Trump Attacks the Mayor of San Juan: A Closer Look

newtboy says...


Both infrastructures destroyed, but PRs is much better, yet they got less. PR is American, and begged for help during the storm. Haiti almost had no government after the earthquake, we just showed up to help.
You know SOME damage will happen, so prepare....but that ignores the point, Haiti had no warning and no preparation, but twice the help in 1/8 the time, even though they're also an island, surrounded by water, big water, and even though near 100% of structures were destroyed in Haiti with roads blocked and bridges impassable.
FEMA spent millions preparing in Texas and Florida...what's different?
PR requested FEMA help before landfall, and haven't stopped begging for it since.
Really, federal agencies cannot go where they aren't specifically requested by locals even in emergencies...and you think declaring the island (and San Juan specifically) a disaster zone and requesting FEMA and the military isn't a request....who's a moron again?
Couldn't that be 'Joseph Curl admits he hasn't met with San Juan mayor'? It's his job to provide emergency services and supplies, he's failed completely. Hypothetically, if she were killed, incapacitated, or trapped, San Juan just gets abandoned? Besides, pretending they don't have permission to enter town or knowledge of the need without her in person properly formatted request is just ludicrous and moronic.
They have permission, they need drivers that aren't there. They blame locals for not answering their phones and showing up to drive....but 95% don't have electricity, most cell towers are destroyed, and most roads are impassable because FEMA and the military continue to do little....but sure, it's those lazy Puerto Ricans that are the hold up.

Your ridiculous hyper politically biased opinion article actually discredits your contention. She has met them, is in constant contact, and her subordinates are stationed in the FEMA headquarters...she just hasn't wasted her time visiting that headquarters personally because there's no reason to besides a photo op, and she's busy trying to save lives. I'm sure Trump will play that game though, he likes having his picture taken.

Chaucer said:

Typical liberal trying to twist and combine facts. You are coming off like a pretty big moron. You cant compare Haiti and PR as its a apple/orange situation. Do you know the situation of the infrastructure between the 2? Do you know how the government of each nation reacted? I bet there's a lot of difference between the two.

Also, you dont know how much damage is going to be caused by a hurricane. Why would they ramp up all the services and waste tens of millions of dollars when just a street sign gets blown over? (besides you liberals would then complain about wasting government money for nothing) They knew Katrina and Andrews were coming too but the US government has to wait to see if they are needed.

Also, federal agencies like FEMA have to be requested by the local governments to be there. This is where you guys are such hypocrites. If the military moved into a location and started to take over, you'd be all up in arms about it. Well, FEMA is a federal entity too. They just cant GO into a location if they arent being requested.

As far as the San Juan mayor, here's an article from Oct 1st:

I bet even with this smoking gun in this incompetent Mayor, who is a Democrat, that you are still going to blame Trump. You people are so sad.

Trump Attacks the Mayor of San Juan: A Closer Look

Chaucer says...

Typical liberal trying to twist and combine facts. You are coming off like a pretty big moron. You cant compare Haiti and PR as its a apple/orange situation. Do you know the situation of the infrastructure between the 2? Do you know how the government of each nation reacted? I bet there's a lot of difference between the two.

Also, you dont know how much damage is going to be caused by a hurricane. Why would they ramp up all the services and waste tens of millions of dollars when just a street sign gets blown over? (besides you liberals would then complain about wasting government money for nothing) They knew Katrina and Andrews were coming too but the US government has to wait to see if they are needed.

Also, federal agencies like FEMA have to be requested by the local governments to be there. This is where you guys are such hypocrites. If the military moved into a location and started to take over, you'd be all up in arms about it. Well, FEMA is a federal entity too. They just cant GO into a location if they arent being requested.

As far as the San Juan mayor, here's an article from Oct 1st:

I bet even with this smoking gun in this incompetent Mayor, who is a Democrat, that you are still going to blame Trump. You people are so sad.

newtboy said:

I don't need to properly debunk that to know it's some neocon bullshit.

I've read reports (and google/wiki confirms) that we had twice the boots on the ground in Haiti in <2 days after their earthquake than we do today in Puerto Rico after 12 days, and Haitians aren't Americans. Please explain how it's so much harder to get aid to Puerto Rico with warning the disaster was coming days ahead of time. I'm not at all sure about your claims about the mayor of San Juan, but even if what you say were true, blaming the mayor, as if FEMA is unaware of the urgent need without her properly filed and formatted request made in person at their headquarters, for the complete failure of FEMA to distribute supplies to citizens on the whole island is ridiculous , imo. For days that headquarters was unreachable....everywhere was, many places still are today. She's certainly made multiple requests both private and public since the storm, as have other mayors that could...many still can't. I guess they're SOL for disaster relief until they get it together, right? *facepalm

simonm (Member Profile)

Trump Attacks the Mayor of San Juan: A Closer Look

newtboy says...

I don't need to properly debunk that to know it's some neocon bullshit.

I've read reports (and google/wiki confirms) that we had twice the boots on the ground in Haiti in <2 days after their earthquake than we do today in Puerto Rico after 12 days, and Haitians aren't Americans. Please explain how it's so much harder to get aid to Puerto Rico with warning the disaster was coming days ahead of time.
I'm not at all sure about your claims about the mayor of San Juan, but even if what you say were true, blaming the mayor, as if FEMA is unaware of the urgent need without her properly filed and formatted request made in person at their headquarters, for the complete failure of FEMA to distribute supplies to citizens on the whole island is ridiculous , imo. For days that headquarters was unreachable....everywhere was, many places still are today. She's certainly made multiple requests both private and public since the storm, as have other mayors that could...many still can't. I guess they're SOL for disaster relief until they get it together, right? *facepalm

Chaucer said:

i dont even need to watch this to know its some liberal bullshit. The Mayor of San Juan is trash. She's never even been into the FEMA HQs which is there in San Juan nor has she attended any FEMA meetings. This is all admitted by her. If she doesnt care enough about her people to properly request help from FEMA, then she deserves the asschewing she's getting from the president.

Trump Attacks the Mayor of San Juan: A Closer Look

Chaucer says...

i dont even need to watch this to know its some liberal bullshit. The Mayor of San Juan is trash. She's never even been into the FEMA HQs which is there in San Juan nor has she attended any FEMA meetings. This is all admitted by her. If she doesnt care enough about her people to properly request help from FEMA, then she deserves the asschewing she's getting from the president.

Your Five Favorite YouTube Accounts (Sift Talk Post)

oritteropo says...

This week it has been:

nanrod (Member Profile)

nanrod says...

Other than Yugoslavia and Czechslovakia there is the split of Sudan, name changes for Benin/Dahomey, Myanmar/Burma. Many are included as countries that are in fact possessions of other countries. (Puerto Rico, Guam, Bermuda, French Guiana). The Caribean is pointed to as a country but the actual countries of the region are left out mostly (Dominica, St. Kitts & Nevis, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Grenada, Antigua & Barbuda etc). Like I said in my comment I'm sure this wasn't intended to be an absolutely accurate listing even for 1995 and things were included to make the song work. Gaum is rhymed with San Juan and neither one is a country. What can I say, I'm a trivia player whose strong suit is Geography. And don't get me started on places like South Ossetia, Nagorno Karabakh, Nakhchivan, Transnistria. People can't even agree on how to spell them let alone whether they qualify as independent countries. And I shouldn't forget Somalia, Somaliland and Puntland.

oritteropo said:

Which non countries? I only noticed a few ex countries, like Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia.... which would be the out-of-dateness that you mentioned too.

Teenage girls trapped in old mens' bodies--and One Direction

Stephen Colbert: Super Reagan

st0nedeye says...

Regimes supported

Juan Vicente Gomez, Venezuela, 1908-1935.
Jorge Ubico, Guatemala, 1931-1944.
Fulgencio Batista, Republic of Cuba 1952-1959.
Syngman Rhee, Republic of Korea (South Korea), 1948-1960.
Rafael Trujillo, Dominican Republic, 1930-1961.[citation needed]
Ngo Dinh Diem, Republic of Vietnam (South Vietnam), 1955-1963.
Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, Iran, 1953-1979.
Anastasio Somoza Garcia, Nicaragua, 1967-1979.
Military Junta in Guatemala, 1954-1982.
Military Junta in Bolivia, 1964-1982.[citation needed]
Military Junta in Argentina, 1976-1983.
Brazilian military government, 1964-1985.
François Duvalier and Jean-Claude Duvalier, Republic of Haiti, 1957-1971; 1971-1986.[citation needed]
Alfredo Stroessner, Paraguay, 1954-1989.[citation needed]
Ferdinand Marcos, Philippines, 1965-1986.[8][9]
General Manuel Noriega, Republic of Panama, 1983-1989.
General Augusto Pinochet, Chile, 1973-1990.
Saddam Hussein, Republic of Iraq, 1982-1990.
General (military), Suharto Republic of Indonesia, 1975-1995.
Mobutu Sese Seko, Zaire/Congo, 1965-1997.
Hosni Mubarak, Egypt, 1981-2011.
Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, Kingdom of Bahrain, 2012.
Saudi royal family, 2012.
Islam Karimov, Uzbekistan, 1991-2012.[10]
Meles Zenawi, Ethiopia, 1995-2012.[11]
Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo, Equatorial Guinea, 2006-2012.[12]

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