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The "Aquaduct" : pedal-powered water filtering vehicle

bamdrew says...

This is not an invention looking for buyers, its an invention looking for investors, manufacturers and distributors. I'd also be interested in what sort of replaceable filtration technology they currently employ. Would be ingenious if they could be manufactured and replaced onsite ( ).

I remember an interesting movement kinetics study from a few years ago, analyzing the efficiency of movement for different animals. Humans walking were remarkably inefficient compared to many animals, the most lopsided comparisons being against large birds, like condors. HOWEVER, human's on bikes were exceedingly efficient movers, demonstrating how ingenuity is the 'bread and butter' of our species.

Make your own music driven laser light show

Google Lunar X-PRIZE - Moon 2.0

cybrbeast says...

Yes I do think it would be really expensive, though you could really cut back on cost by using a Russian rocket and a lot of ingenuity in satellite design. However I don't see the commercial opportunities yet. What would a private company do with the ability to send rovers to the moon? They might hire it out to scientists, but I don't see a big market yet, not until we have capabilities to do big work on the moon, like a moon base and manufacturing.

The previous X Prize was interesting commercially because it gave the company the possibility to send paying tourists up, see Virgin Galactic.
Therefor I think it would be better to make a craft that could send people orbital, though that would also be really expensive because you need to think about re-entry.

Though now I think about it, there is already a big prize for going orbital, and that is the $50 million America's Space Prize.'s_Space_Prize

The World's Fastest Indian - Trailer

EMPIRE says...

Loved this movie. Munro's story is great. just great.
I love it when ordinary people with no money or much technology and achieve something like this just by pure ingenuity and will power.

Will It Blend? - iPhone

Via Neatorama: The Russian Tractor That Almost Could

Clayton says...

As hysterical as this and the rowing barge are I have to admire the ingenuity and sheer determination. The guy presumably had transmission problems and was determined to get where he needed to be. Now that's a "can do", "make it happen" attitude.

// golf clap & kudos

Horizon: The Six Billion Dollar Experiment (documentary)

krumzy says...

Great post, its funny how they felt the need to add all the editing to make it appeal to the 20 second attention span, they could have focused more on the theory instead but i guess they would have lost the audience. Instead of focusing on what these giant particle accelerators can do for scientific theory they put alot of focus on the destruction of the earth via black hole scenario. But hey, if we manage to suck all matter on earth into an infinitely small space i say that's a testament to human ingenuity

Interesting way of unloading an excavator

Fastest & Tallest Zip Line In The World

Dancing Sushi - very cute and funny Japanese kids tv

Mah diction ain't that good - Bush admits it

Futuristic Bullet & Explosion Proof Body Suit - The Trojan

Halon50 says...

While it looks woefully inadequate for protection around the neck, I'm sure he can easily modify the design to include a neck shield similar to what the bomb squads use.

The whole point of this guy doing it on his own was to prove that determination and ingenuity can overcome a woefully small budget of around $2000 USD. Hello multi-billion-dollar infantry armor that still isn't in full deployment.

Anyway, I don't deny the guy's crazy for thinking that suit's going to see much beyond what's seen in news clips, but I do applaud him for trying. I'm assuming, of course, that he's filed multiple patents on the materials and design, or he'd be pretty S.O.L. once knock-offs start appearing for this year's Halloween!

Girl in a human sling shot

Guitar pickup + string + sponge = Electronic Snare

New Ghost Rider Movie Trailer

Farhad2000 says...

All these movies are terrible. Am sorry but Spiderman is stupid, first Peter Parker never got written out as a fucking loser, thats not the reason I read those goddamn comic books. I read them because Parker would get beaten retarded but recovers through sheer ingenuity and cunning. Seeing Tobey Maguire fumbled his way through the role with the same "oh shit" face like Keanu just disgusted me, as did the special effects, since when did Spiderman's suit exude a sheen like it's chromed? Why does his entire body look like plastic when even Shrek has a friggin' skeletal and muscular system developed for CGI scenes?

The fanboys lap it up because they don't know better, Superman Returns was exactly the same. While the all the elements where there, the PLOT was a disaster. Am sorry but a large self replicating crystal doesn't really get my heart racing...

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