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Driver With Stuck Accelerator on The Highway

Driver With Stuck Accelerator on The Highway

AeroMechanical says...

There should definitely be a way to kill the ignition if there isn't, and it should not be connected to a microcontroller or anything, but an actual physical interlock breaking the circuit to the spark plugs. I'd guess that the modern security systems make this difficult though. I'd still want it though.

Driver With Stuck Accelerator on The Highway

PCGuy123 says...

>> ^syncron:

Hello class action suit.
>> ^PCGuy123:
>> ^syncron:
Couldn't she just remove the key to kill the engine?

No, this model of Kia Sorento had a proximity key, so she could start the car by just having the key fob on her person. I guess there is no way to turn off the car while it's in gear.
I'm finding inconsistent news articles on this story: one said the police don't know why the car finally stopped, while another article indicates the driver followed a troopers advice and lifted up the accelerator pedal while pressing on the brake, which made the car stop. But another article claimed the brakes were burned out already. The driver also put the car in neutral but that had no effect.
Kia Motors responded this was an isolated incident. I'm suspicious that Kia could do a thorough test on this in less than a day.

You could be onto something: I wonder if all electric ignition cars need some kind of emergency cut-off switch installed, in case of situations like this one with the Kia Sorento?

I have electric ignition on my 2012 Toyota, need to check to see if there is any kind of override...

EDIT: on my keyless starter I have to press and hold the starter button for 3 seconds, which should cut the engine off. But that feature may not be the same for other keyless starter systems.

Apparently the NHTSA has proposed standardizing keyless ignition systems in an effort to help reduce accidents related to these systems, per this article:

From the article:
"The agency also wants to specify the amount of time necessary to push the control to stop the engine. A driver should be able to stop the car immediately in an emergency without having to wait too long to hold the ignition control in order to do so. Keyless ignition control systems have been linked partly to the sudden unintended acceleration crisis at Toyota. In August 2009, a Lexus being driven by an off-duty California Highway Patrol officer went out of control accelerated to excessive speeds and crashed. All 4 occupants of the car were killed instantly. In the Lexus that was involved in the accident, the driver needed to hold the keyless control for as long as 3 seconds in order to cut the engine. In 2007, there was a similar accident involving a Honda Accord. The driver wanted to switch off the engine in an emergency using the keyless ignition, but could not do so."

Driver With Stuck Accelerator on The Highway

snoozedoctor says...

I live where this took place. The local paper gave her account that the car would not go in to neutral, that because the car was keyless electric ignition, she couldn't turn it off, and she used the brakes to no avail. Doesn't make sense to me. Any motorheads able to enlighten us here?

Driver With Stuck Accelerator on The Highway

AeroMechanical says...

Switching off the ignition would, at least in older cars, cut the spark to the engine and stop it. The last car I had with an automatic transmission could be put into neutral whenever (my girlfriend used to always accidentally bump the lever somehow, you don't even need to push the button for that).

I really would like someone who knows about modern cars to explain to me how this is actually a problem short of just panicky people not doing much thinking. I can see getting in an accident because of a stuck throttle if you crashed before you had time to react, but actually travelling along like you're helpless doesn't make any sense.

Stunning timelapses of Earth from the ISS

noims says...



I've seen a good few of these, and thought I understood the scale, but I got such a serious "I can see my house from here" moment (3:10, mid-to-far left, in case you wonder) that re-re-re-re-ignited my astonishment at humanity's achievements, that I was literally left speechless.

James May said it better: "It's slightly humbling" or, more descriptively, "oh, god, it's... sorry, I'm slightly... woah... it's amazing".

The Ultimate Troll - Son shocks Dad while fixing the car

Reefie says...

Fair play to the dad for keeping his cool. I'd have grabbed a roll of duct tape, secured the kid's hands to the battery and turned the ignition over myself! Both kids, including the one behind the camera!

No key???.......No Problem!!! - (Unusual Russian Car Theft)

KnivesOut says...

That seems really, really stupid.

Sure, you can release the emergency break and take the car out of park. However, without the key in the ignition and at least turned to Accessory, the steering is going to lock up as soon as you try to turn.

Also, the power breaks aren't going to function, so good luck stopping.

Driver has no option but to slam at 70 mph into stopped car!

HaricotVert says...

Almost all modern cars these days have rev limiters, which will minimize the potential damage one can do, assuming one properly stops the car and turns off the ignition as soon as safely possible.

>> ^deathcow:

Yeah but shift into neutral and you risk it overrevving the engine. . ..... ...

Maddow: Obama's Legacy on Gay Rights

kceaton1 says...

And the truth is, is that these Congressmen and Senators will sooner or later find out that the only people they actually agree with are themselves and their co-workers back at their individual Houses of Representation.

So, the real problem here is: Who in the hell keeps voting these apparent superficial and moreover possibly sociopathic to psychopathic sounding boards of disgrace, fringe notions, biased and prejudiced, myopic, centrifuges of idiocy, spoiled brats? They almost all have the same calling card, it's so abundantly true, we all know it. It's ridiculous, but somehow the denizens of the deep who are still registered "non-brain" using voters, that vote for the same thing every time, whether that be a R. or a D. or perhaps just a name--but, we all know were the majority of concern is coming from, it's the Republicans. Every concern in this piece came from them or their Tea Party: Republicans, since they can't run as the Tea Party because no one would drink their kool-aid, but they must run so they hide behind the almighty R. for the Republicans... I should know they do it here in Utah as well and they all think it's a grand sport; meanwhile, once in power they put stakes through the hearts of old-fashioned republicans and take full-power of the party in name as well.

There seems to be a large outbreak of near sociopathic (or anything matching its psychological destructiveness) mentality amongst many politicians; I don't know where they are learning it, but don't try to tell me it doesn't seem that way. They constantly lie, take money, vote whichever way they want--not which way their constituents would want, they are literally acting out of their minds... And for some reason that I cannot fathom it seems to me like very few people care, or even notice the behavior. Now, that it's landing on each individual's states doorstep as well--maybe that will ignite a fire from the bottom up. Even in Utah this year they tried passing laws that pissed off Utahans?!? To me that says you've gone way too far.

Ridiculous. When can we vote "no confidence" again? Basically, the reset button.
As to the rest and Obama. I'm more proud of Obama in many ways more than of many presidents in our modern times. I TRULY do believe he wants to help our country at every turn, even when we don't quite succeed. This is exactly what I mean by that, he took it upon himself to change the rights and privileges of those that did not once have them. In contrast to the men I speak about above, Obama isn't even in the same building as them, in fact those above will NEVER know what it means to think the way Obama truly does as I think he does indeed have only good intentions for us. His actions speak volumes and his words back them up. Most of the reasons we haven't been helped although Obama has tried to help us has been at the hands of the people I talk about above. That is also why I will not vote for a Republican right now; I literally think it's too dangerous.

/a little corny, but it's true...

Latest navy railgun test video

Asmo says...

>> ^rychan:

>> ^juliovega914:
I am guessing that the project is using a hybrid system, a powder propellant and an accelerating coil. Gets the acceleration of both systems.

Really? That seems unlikely to me.
Although I was wondering what the explosion was, but I figured it had some exotic explanation related to the vaporized metal.

The friction of the payload ignites the air as it fires.

Basketball player passes to himself and DUNKS IT

kceaton1 says...

@dannym3141 I agree with everything you said. I want to see FAR more plays like that. Plays like that are what make sports fun to watch in the first place. But, the reason you don't see those moves very often are for the exact reasons I stated. Unless you are a Michael Jordan and get the "go ahead" to play like this or moreover you have such talent (as in Jordan's case) that these type of plays will happen just due to the nature of his play-style. Like you said it depends on the player and their talent and I completely agree with you.

At the same time coaches will try to reign in three point shooting, alley-oops, high risk plays, etc... But, they tend to allow the plays to be "on the floor" when certain players enter the game and thus shift the dynamics. Thus, like you said, it's the players--ultimately it truly does come down to the player on the court and "the moment" (which if you've played Basketball, or really any sport you know what I mean by that--the moment when things happen to line up, perfectly, and naturally you react with a play you already know OR something that "feels" natural).

If the player can pull off the move performed in the video just as well as a regular dunk or layup, have at it, as it creates great momentum and ignites (or deflates) the crowd which are intangibles that are VERY important in a game and don't appear on a scoring sheet, but I'll be the first to tell you it (they) should be a statistic measuring something as they can win games.

Chevy Impala Oil Change Fail - (Wait for it.......)

BoneRemake says...

Yea until I red the entire description I was figuring thats not oil. Gasoline goes KABOOM, oil makes smoke before it ignites like that.

Lucky he wasnt holding his head over the engine when it started like I might have...


Amazing truck rescue!

Payback says...

Ya, that vehicle is designed with that in mind. It's intake snorkel is so tall the driver would drown before it does.

Zor, actually diesels are just the easiest to run underwater. Gas engines can do it, especially with coil-on-plug ignition. Stupid expensive to do.

Sister Irene O'Connor: Fire of Gods Love

oohlalasassoon says...

YT Description: Among the sea of sound-a-like private-pressed Catholic lps that came out in
the 1960's and 1970's, Sister Irene O'Connor's 1976 album stands out with
its primitive drum machine and spooky, echo-laden vocals. Released in 1976
on the 'Alba House' label, the dual-titled Fire of God's Love/Songs to
Ignite The Spirit lp features several haunting and remarkable songs,
including the three below. In particular, the title track "Fire of God's
Love" strikes me as so otherwordly and uniquely eerie that I wonder how far
Sister Irene's O'Connor's seeming solipsism extended beyond music.

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