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Last Christmas I Gave You My Heart

newtboy says...

*doublepromote classic Xmas songs
Last Christmas
I gave you my heart
But the very next day you gave it away
This year
To save me from tears
I'll give it to someone special

Last Christmas
I gave you my heart
But the very next day you gave it away
This year
To save me from tears
I'll give it to someone special

Once bitten and twice shy
I keep my distance
But you still catch my eye
Tell me, baby
Do you recognize me?
Well, it's been a year
It doesn't surprise me

Happy Christmas

I wrapped it up and sent it
With a note saying "I love you"
I meant it
Now I know what a fool I've been
But if you kissed me now
I know you'd fool me again

Last Christmas
I gave you my heart
But the very next day you gave it away
This year
To save me from tears
I'll give it to someone special

Last Christmas
I gave you my heart
But the very next day you gave it away
This year
To save me from tears
I'll give it to someone special

Oh, oh, baby

A crowded room
Friends with tired eyes
I'm hiding from you
And your soul of ice
My god, I thought you were someone to rely on
Me? I guess I was a shoulder to cry on

A face on a lover with a fire in his heart
A man under cover, but you tore me apart
Now I've found a real love. You'll never fool me again

Last Christmas
I gave you my heart
But the very next day you gave it away
This year
To save me from tears
I'll give it to someone special

Last Christmas
I gave you my heart
But the very next day you gave it away
This year
To save me from tears
I'll give it to someone special

A face on a lover with a fire in his heart
I gave you my heart
A man under cover, but you tore him apart
Maybe next year I'll give it to someone—
I'll give it to someone special

I'll give it to someone—
I'll give it to someone special

Who give me something in return
I'll give it to someone—
Hold my heart and watch it burn
I'll give it to someone—

I'll give it to someone—
I'll give it to someone special

I thought you were here to stay
How could you love me for a day
I thought you were someone special

Gave you my heart

I'll give it to someone—
I'll give it to someone—

Last Christmas
I gave you my heart
You gave it away

I'll give it to someone—
I'll give it to someone—

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Remember him?

More MAGA pedophilia at the very top. More child mollestation. This guy was caught using Craig’s list to solicit underage boys for sex, making, and distributing child porn.….he was the campaign chair for Trump. Plead guilty, serving 15 years.

There’s so much MAGA debauchery even mass child rapists and child pornographers slip by in the crowd.

Trump Announcement So Boring, Staff BLOCKED Crowd from Leavi

newtboy says...

Wow…holding the crowd against their will during the announcement!? A more desperate campaign move doesn’t come to mind.
Looks like the room seats around 300…they couldn’t find 300 people who wanted to be there. Ouch.
Must really sting that even Ivanka won’t endorse his candidacy.

Arrest In Break-In At Democrat Hobbs' Campaign Headquarters

newtboy says...

Bob- “Derp….that news outlet isn’t in the Trump cult, so I can’t listen. FAKE NEWS!”

Now what?

You don’t burglarize a campaign headquarters for cash or food, all they have there of value is campaign materials, you only do it for political motivations. Even a sub 75 iq individual like yourself knows that.

Joe wiped the floor with tiny dick energy Insecure Don from that basement without breaking a sweat.
Lake told her crowd to go ask their little kids if Trump has big dick energy (they all said no)….party of debauchery, grooming your own children to be Trump’s next…he doesn’t have Epstien or Maxwell around to get more little girls for him, now he needs Lake.

Now, how about Ashley Babbitt….she sure did ask for it, didn’t she?

bobknight33 said:

"It’s possible, but highly unlikely, that Carrie Lake or her campaign is not involved…it’s not possible that it’s not politically motivated."

Such biased speculation. Oh wait this is a fake news outlet

Hobbs is a failed canidate ,, Like Joe she hides in the basement

Pelosi gets under Trump's skin in the most brutal way

newtboy says...

Clinton did.
Her big brass balls swinging hard. Stood up to the whining accusatory bitches repeatedly. So much more of a “man” than the TDE coward. Of course, she had the unfair advantage of not being guilty.
They couldn’t pin a thing on her in 10 partisan kangaroo hearings, she showed up every time, because she’s no sniveling cowardly criminal like castrated baby eunuch Trump.

Only Americans and Allies to America care. Only proponents of democracy care. To your ilk, that’s no one because you are anti American and anti Democracy and you claim non cultists aren’t real people.
Trump denied the certified election results, his plan from the start because he knew he wouldn’t beat Biden. Republicans are doing the same this cycle before voting started for the same reason, you can’t win fair elections.
Trump himself personally invited armed terrorist groups to his rally on Jan 6 that was “going to be wild”, it sure was. His administration coordinated with the terrorist militias in the planning stage, and the militias say they acted on direct White House orders, and they have the texts to prove it.
Trump invited the armed militants into his crowd that he riled up and sent to the capitol to “stop the (fake) steal” by force, not legal methods.
Trump incited a riot/coup.

Your ridiculous denial is only more proof it’s true, you are so consistently dishonest and oppositional to reality that it’s always a safe bet to just assume reality is 100% diametrically opposed to whatever nonsense you spout daily. I could spend a week just opposing every word you say without a stitch of research without a hint of worry I might be wrong even once, just take Bob’s position, reverse it, and you’ll have reality every time. 🤦‍♂️

bobknight33 said:

Who would show up to an improper 1 sided kangaroo hearing?

No one cares about this BS. Trump did nothing wrong . didn't incite any riot.

Arizona Republicans Attacking People Trying To Vote

newtboy says...

There’s now more video of the anti democracy crowd camped out in ski masks heavily armed wearing body armor and intimidating voters away from voting.

They accuse voters of being a mule, citing a debunked conspiracy theory from 2020, filmed them and their license plates to identify individuals for later doxing or other attacks.

This is a coordinated effort by the RNC through their terrorist sub group “clean elections USA” that is clearly working hard to ensure we do not have clean elections but instead one sided elections full of one sided intimidation and threats against voters to dox them and send maggot nutjobs to threaten and possibly murder them, charge them with felonies for voting, and use them as slanderous political props further ruining innocent peoples lives. It is not just Maricopa county.
If you see these anti American terrorist people in your area, shoot them in the head and erase their videos.

400ft Tall Halloween Light and Drone Show

newtboy says...

Ahhhh…so this is really a *commercial

I think you’re right, that’s (usually) the idea, bringing joy to the neighborhood.
The issue is the assumption that a million watts of flashing lights and thousands of visitors deadlocking the neighborhood for a month each year brings joy, not rage. I think that is a mistaken assumption.

I recall one of the earlier houses like this that went viral early had years of legal battles with the neighbors because they clearly didn’t care that the neighbors hated it and were annoyed to the extreme, and just kept making it bigger despite numerous complaints.

I’m all for this in areas where everyone subjected to it (and the huge crowds it brings) first signs off giving permission….permission they can revoke…with laws/rules requiring it be taken down at the first neighborhood complaint.

eric3579 said:

It's their business which makes the video imo kinda meh. I like to think, those that create things like this, do it for the joy it brings to the neighborhood. Makes me think it's more of an ad, but I'm guessing its also their passion.

Murdering Cops Murder Cyclist For Crossing The Street

newtboy says...

Thanks for being consistent if not sane or rational…consistently inconsistent.
You say that invariably when it’s a non white victim, but consistently defend the citizen if it’s a right wing white person violently attacking the cops like on Jan 6 or the Bundys….consistently inconsistent.

You consistently justify this hyper escalation to murder for any color except white MAGA color. When you guys murder cops, permanently disable cops, and try to overthrow democracy, you think there should be absolutely zero consequences. Not for stabbing them, beating them, pepper spraying them, trampling them, nothing is bad enough to require prosecution of your group, nothing minor enough that deadly force isn’t required for others. Consistently.

Again, we’ve seen hundreds of innocent victims and bystanders shot in the back, some while sleeping in their own homes, but there’s nothing you won’t excuse deadly force for….unless it’s against a Maggot. Recently police fired dozens of shots into a crowd of unsuspecting victims trying to shoot one man who was unaware of their presence and not fighting or being a danger to anyone, and they shot at least 5 innocent victims. Calling 100% bullshit on “ Don't fuck around with cops and you wont get shot.”, many many victims are shot not fucking around….just last week a kid was shot with a full clip for moving when a cop asked for his ID, a white kid in his parent’s car, not a car thief the cop just assumed he was. This is not abnormal, it happens almost daily. The ex-cop is facing attempted murder and a dozen more charges.

Jan 6 was heavily armed, with bombs, Molotov cocktails, tons of guns (from pistols to AKs, verified by secret service before the coup), knives, spears, gas, pepper spray, fire extinguishers, and literally truckloads more guns staged nearby, some of which was intercepted, the rest blocked from deployment by DC police. You really are intentionally ignorant as fuck, bob. This is proven public knowledge admitted to in court by Trump’s racist militias (proud boys etc).
It was poorly planned by MAGA morons who think themselves great tacticians but are really total incompetents…thank Jebus.

Jan 6 was an attack on democracy by the ex president in an effort to take control of America by force. It cannot be overhyped, and has not been.

Democrats want Trump to run in 24, because it would be a lock for Democrats across the board. He’s a loser, bigly, and would be a loser again. He has no independent votes, and no Bernie boy vote, and the Republican Party has shrunk significantly. Also, he’s clearly committed multiple crimes that invalidates him as a candidate, and will likely be in prison and court for the rest of his life….you can’t lead from solitary.

Trump is a bad joke, a feeble old con man that decimated America, destroyed the robust economy, deferred any infrastructure maintenance, is responsible for over 1 million American deaths by negligence, destroyed any faith in law or validity of the courts, and created a rift between Americans so wide that one party now includes dissolving the American Union as part of their official platform (your party). I know you would vote for him in 24….twice….and still lose….again.
Yes, I would absolutely would vote for Dank Brandon again if the choice is him vS Trump or a Trumpster which is any Republican left. I would much prefer Buttigieg given my druthers.

Now, let’s hear you answer @bcglorf, coward. Hypocrite. Liar. I know what you said for months after she was shot in self defense. I expect you will just slink away again and ignore your own blatant hypocrisy, like normal….but get ready to be asked again and again until you admit your racist hypocrisy.

bobknight33 said:

Sadly justified at any color. Don't fuck around with cops and you wont get shot.

If Jan 6 was truly an insurrection it was poorly planned and un armed.

Jan 6 is over hyped just to continue to jump on Trump hoping to not to run in 2024 or at least not have the votes.

Biden is a Joke, feeble old man.

Would you would vote for him in 2024?

Obama wasn't in the Oval Office on 9/11.

cloudballoon says...

I thought the MAGA crowd thought Obama is an Islamic terrorist. Then isn't it a GOOD THING that Obama was not at the White House on 9/11?

MOST logical, MAGA dude.

I guess Dubya was actually the Puppet President installed by Obama BEFORE Obama became President, and not purportedly installed by Dick Cheney.

Queen Elizabeth II Lighter Moments

cloudballoon says...

But isn't it kind of ironic that it's probably Americans (or at least its media) that's MORE enamored of royalty than people of countries that actually do have ceremonial monarchies?

You have your Queen B, GOATs real or imaginary, all the Yas Queens that Americans in general treat BETTER than actual royalty. Yes I know, the difference is talent instead of hereditary. But it's still a sort of human worship. The MAGA crowd elevate Trump to God-like level of royalty in terms of devotion for whatever f**k they believe.

There's not much a difference to me in terms of rationality.

Besides, the British monarch as a net money maker for the government. Bringing over 1 billion BP per "normal" (read: non-Covid lockdowns) year while costing a little over 100 millions supporting the Monarchy per year on average, from merch & tourism dollars the Firm brings into the government's coffer. It's more a Win to keep them than abolish the Firm... still. After Queen Elizabeth II's death... we'll see.

Yogi said:

She seems like a nice lady but in my opinion the idea of Monarchy should die with her. I'm just a stupid American, but I would like to see this concept die completely, even if it's just ceremonial. No more Kings, no more Queens.

Why Geography Makes The US Insanely OP

newtboy says...

Excellent question…and I point out that only Trump spent millions of his own money for a $200k job…and his family made BILLIONS with no exaggeration and no assumptions, guesses, or theories, it’s a proven and under investigation fact. Biden didn’t have tens of millions to spend, his son didn’t either much less billions he’s accused of taking, and his family isn’t directly profiting from being in a nepotistic administration, getting “gifts” from hostile foreign powers in the tens and hundreds of millions, or in Jared’s case, BILLIONS from the Saudis.

Trump exhibits every single tenet of fascism-
WIKI- Fascism - a far-RIGHT, authoritarian, ultranationalist political ideology and movement, characterized by a dictatorial leader, centralized autocracy, militarism, forcible suppression of opposition, belief in a natural social hierarchy, subordination of individual interests for the perceived good of the nation and race, and strong regimentation of society and the economy. Sounds exactly like the Trump right to me….and an impossibility for the left since fascism is a far right ideology.

Utter bullshit nonsense. Jan 6 alone, before investigating or prosecuting or housing the criminal terrorists cost over $500 million with 5 dead, for just one day of many far right riots. How much damage and cost has the election fraud fraud with its never ending “investigations” by politically connected organizations with zero experience, destroying entire county wide election systems and invalidating thousands of voting machines brought? How much of the near $40 billion wasted on the border fence that isn’t slowing a single immigrant was just stolen by politically connected groups with zero construction experience who promised to build a wall? If you want to add up costs and damage by party, you can’t then just ignore all costs and damages done by the extreme right/Trumpist fascists.
Now, how much destruction, death, and damage are the right promising to create if Trump is indicted? Pushing their followers to prepare to riot violently should the law be applied to their side while still chanting “lock her up” over Clinton who was only accused of 1% the crimes Trump was caught red handed committing….and you don’t see any hypocrisy, nothing wrong at all with demanding prison for any infraction by political enemies and total blanket immunity for their leaders.

You watch too much far right propaganda (the kind that replayed riot videos from years ago claiming they were of Portland burning daily for months…you must have thought Portland was made of asbestos to still be there to burn after week one of that lie, truth is the Portland “riots” were mostly peaceful and were only about a 4 city block area, not the entire city, something else OAN and FOX neglected to tell you), the kind of far right propaganda that never reported on the far right actors caught shooting crowds, lighting fires, shooting cops, setting bombs, etc. Most arsons, nearly all deaths, and 100% of cop killing and bombings during the 2020 riots (that Trump couldn’t stop but did exacerbate) were caused by proud and boogaloo boys trying false flag attacks. They were caught and prosecuted (or killed) committing crimes and blaming blm. There weren’t many BLM prosecutions and fewer convictions because there was no evidence the BLM activists committed these crimes, unlike the right wingers that were convicted of them…but you weren’t told that on OAN. They were dumb enough to carry manifestos explaining the false flag plans.

Dangerous? Hardly. The right perpetrated every instance of domestic terrorism this decade and last. Death threats at unbelievable levels even to the FBI and DOJ (because you’re idiots), showing up at school board meetings armed and apoplectic, refusing public health laws and making the pandemic 10+ times worse…the right is insane and armed and angry and self righteous and ready and willing to retry the civil war (too dumb to know it was the worst thing that ever happened to America and much worse for the confederacy)….nothing is more dangerous.
Violent? The right has that on lock too, 10/10 top gun murder states are red states. Red counties also have higher gun deaths.
Anti-free speech!?! 😂 Don’t say gay…not a Democratic governmental censorship. No CRT- again, not Democratic censorship or rational. Book banning and burning, again, not the Democrats or left.

“I just admit this is true”? Is this a typo or a brain fart? I did not, and do not “admit” or agree anything you said here is true.

Sorry, friendo, you have everything backwards as usual…based on your FEELINGS, not any facts. You just can’t admit you’ve been so wrong, so instead you continue to be wrong. Grow up. Being an adult means admitting mistakes, something you haven’t done once in the time I’ve known you.

You just can’t and won’t see facts or truth, and insist despite all evidence that your side is peaceful…peaceful gun toting and shooting, stabbing and smashing, Molotov and bomb carrying, don’t back down, no compromise, angry, vitriolic, uncivil, murderous mobs demanding their loser despotic dictator be installed as president for life and death to any opposition….not just on Jan 6 too. Ever since Nov 4 2020, Jan 6 was just one bad day of your normal behavior at Trump’s direction for his benefit….but it failed because you’re all really just cowardly snowflakes that ran at the first gunfire, not strong brave patriots fighting for freedom but weak, scared seditionists fighting for a non democratic dictator.

PS- sounds like Toth Senchal is done, failed to get the shareholder support needed to get an extension on their merger that would have brought funding, so no merger, no $1.5 billion in funding, not going public, >$1.5 million in debt and preparing to stiff their vendors in true Trump style. Another failed Trump venture costing his investors millions and leaving his vendors unpaid as usual. Suckers…what idiot gives Trump credit? No bank will.

PPS - how are you likening the right wing switch from “Trump did nothing wrong, nothing burger” to “There’s nothing in the constitution barring Trump from running for president from prison”? I’ve heard various senators and representatives say that now…not just morons on the street but morons in congress. So deep in the cult you think a president that does business through collect phone calls that are monitored and recorded is a reasonable sacrifice to have Trump back. 🤦‍♂️

PPPS- we just got video of Trump’s lawyers with their tech guy being escorted into Georgia election offices by one of the fake electors at the exact time voting machines and the tabulation systems were illegally breached in that office on Jan 7 21 (the day after the failed coup). This happened in multiple states, illegal breaching of voting systems by Trump’s team, harming the nation irreparably, all at Trump’s direction. Wrong is wrong….at what point is wrong enough to stop supporting wrong. I would say there is no wrong so wrong you would drop Trump, not if he’s caught mid ejaculation in the 6 year old boy he is in the process of electrocuting to death to enhance his own orgasm…you would blame the dead boy, not Trump.

PPPPS- Trump just admitted he’s a serious drug addict, addicted to cocaine, meth, crack, heroin, even fentenal. He did this by accusing Fetterman of all those addictions with zero evidence, which means it’s projection 100% of the time. This you guy, a deranged dope fiend and incestuous pedophile who steals top secret documents and spreads them around his property that’s open to the public. 😂

bobknight33 said:

Like I said all governments are corrupt, even ours. Democrats and Republicans are corrupt. Why would anyone spend millions just to get a 200K $ /yr job?

Trump is not Fascist, just has a large following.
Jan 6 was 1 day of that went sideways.

During Trump years the left burned looted killed many more. The Left are the dangerous side, inciting violence, anti free speech.

You just admit that this is true.

Why it's hard to be Republican w/a mind and heart

newtboy says...

Even better, they’re so delusional they don’t see it.

They think Trump getting caught with stolen nuclear secrets somehow helps them. It energizes some of the cult (not most of them based on protest crowds of like 7 Trumpists), but not old school Republicans (turned off by the Republican plans to end social security and Medicaid), and definitely not independents. 😂

I think the left can adopt the right’s 2020 stance, but legitimately….if the right makes any gains, that means they definitely cheated the election and their election should be contested and thoroughly investigated before they can take office….even if that takes 4 years.

surfingyt said:

republicans are in serious trouble. i love it.

Lock Him Up Yesterday! - A Randy Rainbow Song Parody

bcglorf says...

I hate to say it, but I'm sure you are right.

If I have to prophesy on the future, the MAGA crowd will someday need to morph and abandon Trump for all his flaws and failings. And come that day, Trump will either by martyr, or equally likely listed off as just another part of the system. The Clintons at his wedding will be moved from a red herring into a central piece of evidence in their narrative.

And we should be worrying more about who that equally morally vile but less incompetent future figurehead could be.

newtboy said:

You miss his point….he’s saying the law is just for show.

He’s saying absolutely nothing should keep Trump from running in 24, not stealing and selling nuclear secrets, not killing 1 million Americans, not trying to end democracy in America, not a dozen separate vote frauds, not even his sex/pee tapes with Ivanka from when he fathered Barron with her….in fact his sex tapes with Barron won’t even do it, there’s absolutely nothing possible that should stop Trump from running….nothing. No matter who tells bob about crimes, it doesn’t matter. Trump is above the law (to cultists) and should just be dictator for life until he hands the nation to cokehead Jr.

You know that’s what he really means.

Fox admitting Trump committed treason only means Fox is now leftist and not to be trusted….fake news. Finally they got one right.

Imagine If Conservatives Cared About Insurrection Emails

newtboy says...

Sweet Zombie Jesus….the secret service emails were recovered and published yesterday, and they prove the secret service was well aware of credible death threats to Pelosi and Pence at the capitol on January 6 by Jan 4 at the latest (posted Dec 31)…and did not share that information with capitol police, Pelosi, or Pence until 5 hours into the coup….after trying to force Pence into Trump’s limo with only Trump’s SS security.

Yes, it’s now undeniable that the SS was absolutely part of the coup, hid their knowledge of the upcoming attack, hid their involvement by erasing all communications, and absolutely didn’t do their job….in fact it seems a hit squad of SS tried to kidnap Pence (and hand him to the crowd for lynching) but he knew Trump’s SS wasn’t going to protect him and he fled from them.

Every bit of information we get makes things so much worse. Now, the entire SS needs to be fired, for cause with no benefits no pension and a ban from working as law enforcement, and an entire new force Hired. Talk about deep state.

Remember, republicans have started to claim the “deep state is going to assassinate Trump”….and every accusation is a confession. The “red deep state”, which is undeniably real unlike the blue “deep state”, just might try another coup, starting with assassinations at the top.

Fed charges four officers in death of Breonna Taylor

newtboy says...

Yes, shot 5 bystanders as I recall, then they had a press conference where they minimized by saying “some bystanders were injured during the arrest”, never mentioning it was only police who shot….and they shot directly into a crowd of bystanders.
This is why I despise police. They’re often much worse than the “criminals”, do more damage, and walk away without so much as a “sorry” for shooting 5 people, much less accountability….in fact I recall the same chief, after hiding the details failed, blaming the victims for being on the public sidewalk after dark (in a nightclub/bar area) when police opened fire without warning.

I’ve still NEVER seen this mythological “good apple”.
It’s maddening.

luxintenebris said:'s the situation where a person doesn't burn down the house to get to the cockroaches...unless the house is condemned...and there are fire folks at the ready...and the vegetation isn't too dry...damn it...just want some sense when lives are in the balance.

where it'd be like shooting into a crowd to get a perp. akin to the recent event - where cops shot into a crowd to get a perp!

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