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BANNED TED Talks Graham Hancock on Consciousness Emergence

BicycleRepairMan says...

Ugh.. "Quantum Physics", theres that buzzword used where it has no place again. you could just as well have said "this is Advanced plumbing come to life", as you clearly have no idea what quantum mechanics is.

Look, its not like scientists just ignore consciousness or the brain, we actually know quite a bit about it in general. We know, for instance that our brains are built with the same carbon, hydrogen, phosphorous,oxygen and other elements that make up the other parts of our bodies, and every other living thing on earth. And we know that these elements adhere to the laws of physics, an there is no reason to expect them to be able to break those laws of physics just because they are put together to form a brain.

This hippie pothead stuff about forgotten magical realms that can be reached through shamanism, if you believe that shit, well, go ahead. But it IS pseudoscience, and nonsense to most people who have an actual interest in actual science. Putting people like that on the same stage as actual scientists and thereby lending them the credibility of a platform that is known for presenting actual science, is not a good idea for that platform if they want to keep their status as promoters of science.

I have no problems with you believing this stuff shagen454, and you are clearly passionate about it. more power to you for it. However, you cannot demand I buy into this or "SHUT MY FUCKING MOUTH", Besides everything else, my only point in my first comment was to correct the idea that TED was "banning" this thing, and I only tried to explain that TED considered it unscientific, and why. Theres no need to get all worked up at me for it. Well, atleast you could have waited til after this comment, where I actually spoke my mind more directly.

shagen454 said:

Also, notice that I did not tag this as science. Even though doing this is the most scientific and experimental possibility a person could never have imagined. This is quantum physics come to life with your eyes closed. It simply is not studied in depth and it should be, why are more people not studying it? Because it scares them, if all people had this experience it would change the world as we know it for the better.

The only people who are nay sayers are those who do not know, at all. Whom should not be speaking about it.

Butter vs Margarine

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'butter, margarine, fat, saturated fat, unsaturated, hydrogenation, cholesterol' to 'fat, saturated fat, unsaturated, hydrogenation, cholesterol, ASAPScience' - edited by messenger

Japan Presents the Incredible Shrinking Building

charliem says...

Throwing anything into the sun that isnt hydrogen or helium is a bad idea, it would reduce its lifespan, hastening its eventual morph into a red giant, and swallowing earth whole!!

Gorgeous video of the DA14 asteroid flying by

BicycleRepairMan says...

Just FYI, each of the 10-20 thousand dots are lumps of mass, so massive in size that they each fuse millions of tons of hydrogen into helium every second, releasing, every second, each of the 10-20 thousand of them, more energy than has, or probably ever will be, used by every human being, combined. Thats MILLIONS of Hiroshima-sized nuclear bombs going off, every second, right in front of your eyes. In the foreground, Manmade objects are in constant freefall towards earth, missing only because they are brilliantly engineered and built to travel at extreme speeds. While all thats happening, a rock the size of an office building sails by. If it had hit us, it could easily have wiped out a medium sized country and collapsed the global economy. So yeah.. white dots.

Phreezdryd said:

I see it!
I see the white dot moving across the field of other white dots.

Bubble bursting at 18,000fps - The Slow Mo Guys

oritteropo says...

It does prove that bubbles pop really quickly I thought it was interesting to compare the soap bubbles to bursting balloons from *related=

With some effort you could calculate whether the collapse would still be faster than a bullet fired from a gun, my thought is that it probably wouldn't be since the slowly falling one made it almost half way down before the collapse was complete.

Sagemind said:

Does this video prove that water tension is faster than a bullet (or at least a thrown bullet?)

Bubble bursting at 18,000fps - The Slow Mo Guys

Melting Silver Using Hydrogen

NASA: We Found Water On Mercury and How it was Found

GeeSussFreeK says...

O by the by, neutrons decay in free-space, in other words, free neutrons are radioactive. With a decay time of less than 15 mins, it means 2 things: slow neutrons will be less detectable at distance because they decay, you still need to be relatively close to the source of neutrons to detect them regardless of speed. Neutrons are also the only form of radiation that will make things radioactive, meaning if you get to close and the bombardment is to intense , you can cause damage to your equipment via internal radiation of beta and gamma rays.

This is also why they use water in nuclear reactors, hydrogen, and in particular deuterium (hydrogen with a neutron) slow neutrons better than anything. Water is mostly hydrogen by mole, so it is a very good moderator, both light water (regular water) and heavy water (deuterium water).

What is happening in this particular case is known as nuclear spallation. When a high energy proton hits something like carbon or nitrogen, it will at times knock a proton or neutron loose. Those neutrons are moving at relativistic speeds in most cases, so on the flip side, when those neutrons bounce their way out back to space, if there is water in the way they get slowed way down...enough that they decay before they reach the detector.

This is the same exact effect that allows for carbon dating, sometimes, the high energy neutrons that come out via spallation will in turn knock out a proton from a nitrogen atom, it then becomes mildly radioactive carbon. This happens at a relatively predictable rate, and since the decay of carbon 14 is also predictable, dating is possible.

Science rant over

TYT: Obama's Record on Climate Change

GeeSussFreeK says...

>> ^VoodooV:

It's less dirty coal, but it's still dirty, yet they get to call it CLEAN for some reason.
cold fusion, solar, hydrogen fuel cells or GTFO

Name 3 things that won't work in time for it to matter!

Go gen4 reactors, lots of them, and now! I recommend David MacKay's book "Sustainable Energy - without the hot air" as to why I believe this. Available for free at

Video reference here:

But ya, coal needs to go, but you have to remember, 2 billion people live in abject poverty. They try to bridge the gap using as cheap a source of energy they coal. Until you make energy cheaper than coal, your never going to displace the use of dino fuels around the world. The physics on fusion, solar, and hydrogen can't answer that call for quite awhile (we have been trying to make fusion work for decades, same with solar, and fuel cells are just terrible right now and only work for transportation fuels not baseload power generation). I do think we can answer a large number of these problems with new generations of nuclear power, with passive safety and no emissions, gen4 reactors have a lot of great points if people give them a chance!

In relation to the direct content of the video, your NEVER going to get China and India on board with giving up cheap energy...they are BOTH x3 the population of the US, they have to care about cheap energy WAAAAY more than us, for population and standard of living issues. The only way to win this isn't through regulation, it is through technological innovation...and China has been buying up our AP1000 Gen3 for all the reasons I just mentioned.

To say that dino fuels are "Destroying us" is a little bit of a misnomer, you don't get food without hydrocarbons, you don't have refrigeration without hydrocarbons, you don't get heating and cooling without hydrocarbons. Energy isn't the enemy, any attempts to price out energy will only hurt the most reliant on its low price...if you doubled the price of gas via taxation, you aren't helping the little man. Cheap energy prices, even if they are oil based, aren't the devil, any attempts to make them so is a misunderstanding of the energy crisis. More oil drilling isn't even going to lower costs, at best, it will keep them the same, but peak oil in the US has already come, more drilling in more exotic places is just going to tow the line...and it isn't even going to do that.

Talking about clean coal is just so "we" can talk about how much we need cheap energy without talking about the health effects. Coal does kill, without a doubt, but so does electricity so costly you can't afford heating or cooling. You can't call for an elimination of coal without talking about what is going to replace it, and at what cost. This is even MORE relevant with the recent spout of weather, imagine if that area was packed full of solar and most likely be completely destroyed, and those are already very cost heavy forms of energy.

Anyway, I will end the rant. I really recommend the book above if you wish to delve down the rabbit hole of energy solutions. It isn't as easy as you think, it is why we are still using dino fuels. Any path you choose is challenging, and VERY capital and R&D intensive. Were are talking multiple trillion dollars to role out replacements on a national scale. Now, oil does a trillion a year, so this isn't outside the realm of possibility, but it is going to take a technical answer to solve, not a political one.

TYT: Obama's Record on Climate Change

How McDonalds Makes their Fries

quantumushroom says...

Bone, I served with Jonny G. Fuxalot. I knew Jonny G. Fuxalot. Jonny G. Fuxalot was a friend of mine.

Bone, you're no Jonny G. Fuxalot!

>> ^BoneRemake:

>> ^dag:
I have to admit these McDonalds videos are doing it right from a communication standpoint. The language they use is very deliberate and parsed though. "We also add an ingredient to prevent the graying of the product". No mention of what it is. Possibly Disodium Dihydrogen Pyrophosphate - which doesn't sound so rosey in a promotional video.

You honestly think jonny G. fuxalot from the trailer park is going to care or know what that is ? these are for clarity and sales. If advertisements use b|g words stupid people get scared. OMFG I need some more Di-Hydrogen-monooxide. My throatal vent is drying out from all this breathing.

How McDonalds Makes their Fries

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

I don't think the Fuxalots are the target for this video. They are trying to entice people who generally don't eat at McDonald's - or reassure those who do but who feel bad about it.>> ^BoneRemake:

>> ^dag:
I have to admit these McDonalds videos are doing it right from a communication standpoint. The language they use is very deliberate and parsed though. "We also add an ingredient to prevent the graying of the product". No mention of what it is. Possibly Disodium Dihydrogen Pyrophosphate - which doesn't sound so rosey in a promotional video.

You honestly think jonny G. fuxalot from the trailer park is going to care or know what that is ? these are for clarity and sales. If advertisements use b|g words stupid people get scared. OMFG I need some more Di-Hydrogen-monooxide. My throatal vent is drying out from all this breathing.

How McDonalds Makes their Fries

BoneRemake says...

>> ^dag:

I have to admit these McDonalds videos are doing it right from a communication standpoint. The language they use is very deliberate and parsed though. "We also add an ingredient to prevent the graying of the product". No mention of what it is. Possibly Disodium Dihydrogen Pyrophosphate - which doesn't sound so rosey in a promotional video.

You honestly think jonny G. fuxalot from the trailer park is going to care or know what that is ? these are for clarity and sales. If advertisements use b|g words stupid people get scared. OMFG I need some more Di-Hydrogen-monooxide. My throatal vent is drying out from all this breathing.

Animaniacs - The Universe Song

GeeSussFreeK says...

>> ^Fantomas:

Warner Bros. secretly promoting Atheism to children through cartoon!
More details tonight on FOX!

Of note, they changed the last few lines for public consumption:

Edited version:

Though we don't know how it got here
We're an important part here
It's a big universe and it's ours!


You might think that you're essential
Try inconsequential
It's a small world after all!

Stuff other than hydrogen and helium is only 2% of the universe, and yet, most of the interesting chemistry happens in that 2%, and biological systems are even more complex than just raw chemistry, so we are both trivially small percent, but a very complex and interesting percent!


gorillaman says...

No 'Hydrogenateds' - good; in civilised countries poisoning food is illegal.
No Corn Syrup - good.
No 'Artificials' - this is meaningless.
No Preservatives, GMOs - this is fucking anti-science hippie luddite shit.

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