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NATO supplied ammunition facility attacked

newtboy says...

Odd how you only post videos that are pro Russia since you claim to not be choosing sides….as if anyone not Russian hasn’t chosen the side of freedom and democracy over attempted expansionist genocide.

Everything you post about the war is pure Russian propaganda, every single thing you post tries to make the case that Russia has a legitimate reason for the war and is winning the war and will crush Ukraine soon….hasn’t changed since day one. It’s never been true, which has been obvious since week 1. Your claims to not be taking sides are as transparent as your claims to not be racist.

Like mentioned before, if you feel like going toe to toe on videos of military action, there’s 4 advanced aircraft filmed shot down over Russia, two oil refineries (one in Crimea, one in Russia), a command depot, and dozens of videos the Russian retreat from Bakhmut in just the last few days.
I could provide new videos daily of Russian tank columns being destroyed, trenches bombed, hideouts shelled, territory recaptured, and lately Russia burning…but why? The only one who doesn’t know what’s happening there is you, and you just ignore any evidence you don’t like.
Edit: My bad, it’s now 5 advanced aircraft over Russia….3 Mi-8 helicopters, 1 su 34 and one su 35. All crew died.

Russia hit an ammo depot, I’m assuming they got lucky with a missile/drone.
Ok. Cheer if you like.

Ukraine has hit so many ammo dumps Russians are out of ammunition on many fronts, Ukraine has more ammo than ever in their ramp up for the counter offensive. More, better weapons and ammo than ever, and more trained troops, while Russia is using WW2 weapons and is losing all their advanced equipment rapidly.

Again, you only post pro Russia videos by choice, there’s more than enough pro Ukraine videos to post, especially since Ukraine is crushing it at rates of 5-1 casualties and retaking territory fast before the awaited counter offensive, how do you convince yourself you aren’t on Russia’s side? You have to try really hard to even find propaganda indicating Russia isn’t failing miserably at every turn.

Looks to me like Tele Truth, where you got this pro Russia propaganda, is nothing but Russian propaganda, every video there is pro Russia propaganda from claimed successful military conflicts to Putin’s speeches in their entirety…couldn’t be more pro Russian. Is that who told you Russia held 85% of Bakhmut and wasn’t going to stop? 😂

BTW, 17 of 21 drones were shot down. The other 4 managed to injure 30, sending 2 to the hospital. No deaths. Edit: A bit odd if that was an active ammo dump don’t you think?

bobknight33 said:

A massive explosion this morning at an alleged ammunition depot in Khmelnytsky, Ukraine.

Ukraine losing 500 troops daily in Bakhmut fight

newtboy says...

How do you never tire of being so idiotically wrong constantly? It’s actually impressive you can continue when literally everything you claim falls apart, often before you can even type it.

Russian front lines in Bakhmut have collapsed.
Russian flanks have retreated.
Russian armor is in retreating out of Bakhmut.
Ukraine is hitting Russian command centers in far East Ukraine with new longer range next gen missiles…they have hundreds of them now in country. These can reach Crimea and Russia proper, maybe even Moscow.
In one day recently two Mi-8 helicopters, one Su-34 and one Su-35 have been confirmed to have been downed near Klintsy, Bryansk, Russia. That’s 4 high value aircraft all covered by multiple levels of electronic missile jamming technology deep inside Russia shot down, indicating clearly Russian air defense cannot protect against the class of weapons just delivered to Ukraine.
The Ukrainian counter offensive hasn’t even begun and Russia is already on the run. I fully support Ukraine taking 100 miles into Russia as a buffer zone, exactly like Russia wanted to use Ukraine. I think it’s a good possibility and I fully support arming and funding Ukrainian expansion as far as they want to go. I’m not alone. Russia may be ending….at best it’s retreating to third world status as an international pariah with few allies and a looming civil war.

One more prognostication made by you quickly turned to shit.
Russia won’t stop….losing.
You know exactly how that feels.

BTW- #walkaway is real this time, but people are walking away from the toxic party of death debauchery dishonesty and destruction...the party of insanity inconsistency immorality and inability…the MAGA right. 😂

bobknight33 said:

Bakhmut is 85% captured by Russia and they won’t stop

surfingyt (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

He forgets…Republicans now say it’s only a lie if it’s under oath in court and is material to the case at hand. Any other lie they tell doesn’t count.
I think bob believes that makes them trustworthy.
This is not new. I think it was 2017 when Republican leadership announced they had no obligation to tell the truth to the media or American people…quickly distracted from and forgotten with Trump’s next inhuman act of evil (stealing Mexican children and deporting their parents to Panama) or his next stupid lie (sharpie drawn weather map to pretend his lie about what states were hit by a hurricane was true) or insane suggestion (inject bleach).

Trumpists, like all cultists, have completely handed over all thought processes to their leadership because they aren’t smart enough to create the insane convolutions it takes to make any sense of their actions. Found guilty?….doesn’t count, not everyone on the jury and in the court worships Trump so it’s biased. They are 100% certain of this….it’s the only thing that makes sense besides Trump is a sex abuser and liar.
Odd that doesn’t transfer over 1% when talking about Biden or Clinton…who actually ARE being “investigated” by people that have all repeatedly and vociferously voiced ignorant and hyper biased baseless opinions about them. It’s almost like they never actually thought about it, but are just regurgitating the pablum they’ve been fed.

surfingyt said:

perhaps this sums up people like bewb best...

Ukraine losing 500 troops daily in Bakhmut fight

newtboy says...

I wonder how it’s even possible for Russia to “win” even if they take 100% of Ukraine, which seems impossible itself. It looks far more likely they’re about to lose Crimea.

The stated reasoning was to stop Ukraine from entering the EU (and eventually NATO) to lower tensions along its border and create a buffer zone from the West. Also to stop the terrorist attacks they claimed would come from a free Ukraine.

Now, assuming it survives, Ukraine is guaranteed admission to both, and Sweden, Finland, and more to come. Russia is being hit with attacks daily on the homeland, and their army is decimated and economy destroyed.

I fail to see any way Russia comes out ahead no matter the end results, and the likely outcome will be further degradation of Russia and likely more states becoming independent, shrinking Russia and its influence once again.

surfingyt said:

I love triggering you orc tards…

btw this is a reminder to you that NATO is winning and will continue to advance. umadbro? lololol

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

4 more convicted of seditious conspiracy over Jan 6, more to come.
So much for “it wasn’t sedition”. 100% proven in court that it was.

Another massive “L” for your collection. They just keep coming faster and bigger constantly. Carrol is about to hand out another since Trump isn’t going to defend himself against the rape accusation…his team is putting on no defense at all!! Not one witness! Not even a character witness (smart, any they presented would be eaten alive on the stand and make Trump look worse).

I love it when a plan comes together…Jack Smith is now investigating evidence tampering and obstruction for tampering with the surveillance tapes of the rooms where Trump held the classified documents he stole and lied about keeping….tampered with after they were subpoenaed. Each charge carries up to 20 years in prison. The hits keep coming….far worse hits than parsing what the word “is” means.

Ukraine war current status

newtboy says...

More internet propaganda supporting Russia Bobski?
You search out these unknown internet “news” sources as if some guy in mom’s basement has detailed information that companies with embedded reporters don’t.
Didn’t you say 2 weeks ago Russia was poised to crush Ukraine and had taken Bahkmut…then slunk away when the Russians raising their flag in victory video was debunked? Yes…yes you did.

3-1 R V U. That’s a total gimme for Ukraine. 3 starving Russian prisoners forced to fight with no training vs 1 hard ass veteran fighter from Ukraine. There’s a reason why Ukrainians have lost approximately 13,440 soldiers while the Russians have lost 45,170 soldiers…Russians don’t have much army left and rely on conscripts that don’t want to fight and have no experience. Expect that ratio to get even worse for Russia, they were dying at a 3 - 1 rate when they still had actual military fighting.
So many officers have been killed that there’s no leadership structure and orders seem to come directly from the Kremlin, not officers at the scene. This has been disastrous for Russia who, despite having 10 times the military budget and equipment and double the population is failing miserably in their chosen war of expansion and has destroyed themselves.

Meanwhile, targets inside Russia are being hit with more frequency and much less ability to play them off as accidental fires. This chicken’s coming home to roost and it’s going to shit all over mother Russia.

In fact, Russian military is so inept and/or against the war that recently they bombed a city 25 miles inside Russia.

Russia is losing this war, friendo. International democracy is winning. Biden’s coalition is winning. I know that makes you so sad. I’m sending you a sack of baby dicks to cheer you up, I know they’re your fave.

CHP Officer not happy when you go 90 mph

CHP Officer not happy when you go 90 mph

eric3579 says...

The fastest I've ever traveled in a car was when I rode in my friend's '68 Firebird on the straightaway near Scotts Valley on Highway 17, where we hit just shy of 140mph. The car felt like it was going to shake itself apart. Never felt the need or want to go anywhere close to that speed again.

What year was your Z-28? Got pics? I absolutely LOVED me some late 60s Firebirds and Camaros when i was younger.

StukaFox said:

Luckily, there was no cop around when I hit 140 on highway 237 outside Mountain View a week later. I miss the hell out of my Z-28!

CHP Officer not happy when you go 90 mph

StukaFox says...

I got pulled over by the CHP for doing 110 outside King City in California.

The cop didn't even ask how fast I was going. He just said "110" and then he said "I'm going to write you up for 80 and save your license."

"Thank you, Officer." -- and I was sincere as fuck when I said it, too.

That was the last speeding ticket I got and it was over 20 years ago. Luckily, there was no cop around when I hit 140 on highway 237 outside Mountain View a week later. I miss the hell out of my Z-28!

Williams X Jet

noims says...

Yes, you've just hit on Noims' first two Laws of Aeronautics:
1) If you see a video of something flying and there's no audio, the thing is extremely loud.

2) If it's small, self-contained, and not super-light, it has an extremely short flight time.

visionep said:

Nice dramatic music.

The thing was way too loud for recreational use. [...]

The 45 minute running time is very optimistic. [...]

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

The hits keep coming….
In the Maralago stolen classified documents case the interaction between Trump and his lead attorney M. Evan Corcoran triggered the crime-fraud exception to pierce the attorney client privilege. He will have to testify, and has been referred to the DOJ for prosecution by the judge.

How America destroyed the Nord Stream pipelines

newtboy says...

Stop re-posting thoroughly *debunked *Russia anti-American propaganda you already know for certain is bullshit, bobski.

What happened to yesterday’s “Quit looking stupid and just wait for reality to catch up to the fake news --- IE post when news is real.”? Can’t follow your own advice for one minute, snowflake. You instantly post more Russian propaganda with zero facts involved.

Every detail of his fictional “story” has been proven not just false, but many completely impossible. Many of the assets he claims were used are mothballed without engines, the rest tracked in real time by publicly available data elsewhere…the theory that Ukraine hit it makes more sense, but is also likely impossible...but bobski doesn’t care, it’s a pro Russia anti American story he can repeat, so he will, truth and facts be damned. Been there, done that.
Edit: did he say 9/11 was a bombing by al qaeda, not suicide hijackings!?! 🤦‍♂️

Baltimore City Police Fatal Crash 2-8-23 Footage

newtboy says...

Holy crap. He got triple killed! The gods definitely wanted him dead and were taking no chances. Looked to me like he was hit by both cars and a building.

BSR said:

It was a pedestrian. If you go frame by frame you will see him just before the crash

Blacks Beach San Diego Bluffs Collapse (1:29pm Jan 20 2023)

moonsammy says...

I'm curious about the dark pile that started inflating quickly around 3:15. It didn't seem to be caused directly by the falling rocks, it was thrust up or forward from some other source.

Wild footage in general though! Would've loved to have been able to hear it properly, but the wind hitting the mic seemed to kill most of the sound.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

You mean the Durham report report. (At this point, the investigations into investigations needs to go one more round. )
You mean the report on the corruption from Trump and his DOJ that used their influence to shield him from prosecution or the active international investigation into his alleged ties to Italian organized crime?

You love to say that right before I’m proven 100% correct by multiple reputable sources.

CNN hit lowest ratings after trying to cater to the right in the stupidest marketing move ever, or an intentional tanking of a political enemy by one major investor. Either way, so what? If free markets decide CNN dies…bye Felicia. You think I have some CNN love because your irrationality demands I do, because to you they’re some wholly untrustworthy propaganda machine.
Trump needed CNN. They gave him hundreds of millions in free advertising.

bobknight33 said:

Damn you are gullible.
No on know what the Durham report will say.
But you bought into the NY Times hit piece.

I know you like jerking off to these lies but seriously just wait till it comes out.

Also CNN hit 9 year low in ratings. No one is buying their lies, except you.

CNN needs Trump.

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