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Oppa You're My Style

chingalera says...

Ridiculous or not, it's just as catchy as the Macarena was. Further, I'd challenge any male OR female,to grow weary of watching cute little Asian chicks dancing in unison in children's clothing..HELLO??!! The goofy guys moving like retro pimped-out disco-gangster urchins is an added, fucking bonus!! Great dance, great hook, great phenom.

"We Are Farmers" Rap Is Hilariously NSFW

Sagemind says...

Pretty much bridges the gaps and fills in all the holes left by urban city rap.

That being said - these guys are Dorks with a capital "D"
They throw slang around like they are gangster players but they just leave me shaking my head.

"Flash Robbery" at Wal-Mart

KnivesOut says...

When I was younger, they had a saying: "perpetrate'n", usually meant in the sense that someone was faking something, usually a gangster lifestyle, usually by acting thuggish. More accurately, I think these people are perpetuating.

As in, they are perpetuating a mythology and confirming stereotypes.

Also, I went to high school in Jax, and it was awful. Fuck Florida.

Dirty Laundry - Thomas Jane returns as "The Punisher"

Texas Graffiti Writer Gets 8 Years of Prison Without Parole

gwiz665 says...

What the hell is wrong with you?
>> ^syncron:

Kid? He's 18, that's when you get trialed as an adult... And he isn't even black. Good riddance IMO, graffiti is not art, it is vandalism. The prick should have gone to paint a mural or something. This guy and his sentence should serve as a strong example of legal consequence to all prospective gangsters out there.

Challenges of Getting to Mars

deathcow says...

>> ^dag:

I've been following this for a while - and I'm seriously rooting for this mission, but count me as one of the people who thinks this is crazy, hubristic and over-engineered with too many points of failure.
Mars is a graveyard of failed missions. The most successful method of getting a rover on Mars to date has been the bouncing cushion balls method. Why wouldn't you try and improve on that method instead of going with a completely, untested extremely complicated new method? I suspect personalities and nerd egos are involved.
I understand that the sheer size of this rover (small car) makes it too big for a single bouncing-ball drop, but why not then, do two and let them come together and connect on landing?
If this mission succeeds, I promise to post a Sift Talk post saying sorry for being a dick about this mission and lacking faith in our scientists. promote.

I hope they send two JPL scientists over to kick your ass for this little morale building exercise. They do it too.. I've heard Sagan was actually killed while kicking ass. For planetary science. I'll assume you know that Hawking is a gangster.

Gangsta Twee "Lightbulb" Video

Louis Theroux and Awkward Confidence Building Exercises

Lann (Member Profile)

The Most Racist Rant You've Seen by a Mainstream Journalist

messenger says...

They're racist. If they suggest that a group of people may be dangerous ONLY because they're black, that's racism. If they appear strange or aggressive or they're posturing or dressed like gangsters, then it's wise to avoid them, no matter their colour of skin. I avoid groups of ganster-looking white people as much as black. Every single one of those statements is racist because they indicate that ANY black person is a danger.

There are times when it's good advice, but that's only when you know for sure the blacks are up to no good. One example is in Toronto, we have a midway every year called the Canadian National Exhibition for the three weeks before school starts. When I was in high school, the last Monday of the midway was referred to as "Black Monday" because young blacks would come out that day en masse and stir shit. Mostly they did nothing, many were just full of attitude, but many started fights or stole stuff and vandalized the palce. As I recall, it got worse and worse each year until the police showed up in huge numbers one year and it never happened again. In such a case, yes it would be wise to stay away from them. But it's not because they're black, but because we know they have arrived with the intent of causing trouble (Maybe the whole scenario was urban legend; none of my friends ever went on that day for that reason, so I never saw it).

That's not what this guy is talking about in any of his statements. He just says blacks are dangerous because they're black. Period. That's racist.

If I see a black person and I feel fear only because they're black, that's prejudice. If I treat him as a threat, that's racism.>> ^Payback:

A couple of his statements, the ones you mention, are the ones I believe are predjudiced, not racist per se.

How To Get Honey The Hard Way. Climb A Tree.

Terry Jones on the Need to Respond to War

cosmovitelli says...

>> ^Skeeve:

..With regards to American profiteering, it really isn't debatable; the US was publicly trading with both the Axis and the Allies until Pearl Harbor and then American businesses found more secretive ways of trading with Germany after. If one believes in nationalism above all else, then this is horrid, but if money is what someone worships, then this is the correct course of action. Either way, the justification of the war doesn't really come into it.

This is where the Bush family made their money and therefore dictated Americas future - and future disaster. You guys who want to overlook rapacious greed and murder in the here and now as merely unfortunate should bear in mind that by relinquishing your right to morally judge and control your gangsters in deference to big ideas about markets, then through the inevitability of exponential inheritance, you also relinquish your right to control your future.

This is EXACTLY the sort of shit the authors of the constitution had seen over and over in Europe and were desperate to avoid. Oh well.

West Point Grad Arrested For Defending Woman Abused By Cops

Diogenes says...

after watching this, the main thing that strikes my mind is what if buehler had just been some ordinary joe shmoe and not a west pt grad/army vet/stanford mba...

would he be in more serious trouble? would this have still made the news? if so, to the same degree? and what does that say about our media?

he'll have all charges dropped, i'm sure, if the police dashcam doesn't show him intentionally spitting on the officer... but i doubt he'll have any tortious legal claim

aside from all of that... this whole snafu just highlights for me again how aggressive us police officers can be -- i've spent close to two decades as an american living in asia, thirteen of those years in taiwan... the difference between the police at home and those here is night and day...

patrol cars here actually drive around, very slowly, with their police lights lit at all times - this struck me as odd initially, but i came to realize that it acts as a deterrent to lawlessness - there're also no speed traps, and if you're stopped by the police, they're always very courteous... almost apologetic

there are a few downsides to this though... they're slow to respond to calls for help, and practically do backflips in order avoid any sort of paperwork on their part

i often wonder about what the cause of such differences (i.e. aggressiveness / discourtesy) between the two might be -- part of it is certainly the fact that everyday americans have ready access to firearms, whereas the only armed taiwanese are gangsters -- another aspect i suspect is the level of officer empowerment by the local government (e.g. us officers are given an enormous amount of power to be used and/or abused, while taiwanese police for the most part act as society's shepherds in uniform)

how to reconcile these differences, and perhaps reach a happy medium?

Grimm (Member Profile)

Grimm (Member Profile)

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