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Fed charges four officers in death of Breonna Taylor

newtboy says...

I think that’s totally wrong….
For instance, stopping the murder of George Floyd was worth another crime of assaulting (or killing) a police officer. Avenging that murder was worth another crime against police….it still is. All 4 deserve to be killed with their offspring. No vendetta for them.

Police staging/preparing to shoot up another house also is worth another crime of deadly defense against the murderous gang members.
There are many crimes cops commit that are worth killing or disabling them…daily. They aren’t worthy of consideration and their lives are worthless so long as they cover for their criminal gang.

Conversely (and I think this is what you were saying), there is no crime a citizen committed in the past that excuses police committing murder…including murder. There’s no crime ever that excuses police shooting innocent bystanders, which they often do. As authorities, they have a much higher duty. As a murderous criminal gang, their lives have much lower value than real humans.

luxintenebris said:

…after reading how a cop carelessly discharged his weapon into the head of a sleeping child - no crime is worth another crime.

Thoughts and Prayers - A Randy Rainbow Song Parody

newtboy says...

Who defunded publicly funded mental health facilities? R
Who put billions into fighting gangs? D
Who fights against making it harder for criminals to get guns, harder to track where guns are, and harder for law enforcement to take them? R

You’re again lying, maybe to yourself. Democrats have fought for these issues since I’ve been alive, and Republicans have fought against solving them in any way. Republicans don’t care, and don’t believe in prayer (and can no longer think). Democrats have actual plans to improve if not solve these issues that Republicans block at every single turn.

bobknight33 said:

No one cares about killings because no group wants to address root causes.

Mental health,
Illegally obtained guns.

Until then Thoughts and Prayers - will continue to fainly come from both sides, as if they even truly care.

Thoughts and Prayers - A Randy Rainbow Song Parody

bobknight33 says...

No one cares about killings because no group wants to address root causes.

Mental health,
Illegally obtained guns.

Until then Thoughts and Prayers - will continue to fainly come from both sides, as if they even truly care.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Charges? Plenty of obstruction charges so far. Well over 850 (874?) Trumpists have been charged with attacking the capitol and police, some charged with treasonous sedition, some admitting to sedition….at Tump’s request and direction.

Perhaps you don’t know, the committee doesn’t charge criminals, it makes criminal referrals to the DOJ. The point is to find out what happened, and who caused it, not to charge anyone (except those who ignore their subpoenas or lie under oath, even then they only make referals). They don’t have that power, they have referral power only. They have made referrals for defendants that were charged, so you’ve been misled.

New charges? That’s up to Garland, who is dragging his feet, but criminal referrals to the DOJ with verified evidence of serious crimes Trump himself and his lackeys committed leading up to, during, and after the Jan 6 Trump led attack on democracy and against America are definitely coming soon. Cheney has said exactly that, there is more than enough direct evidence that Trump personally committed multiple serious crimes in relation to the Trump Treason of Jan 6…but the investigation is ongoing.
After the last hearing tons of new witnesses and evidence has come flooding in from people who finally realized they are on the wrong, and losing side of history here and are no longer hiding or refusing to testify about what they know or have proof of. There’s no statute of limitations on treason, or attempted murder, or actual murder (and everyone involved is guilty of killing a police officer legally just as much as if they murdered him themselves because they acted as a group, a gang, or a private army trying to take over a country.) The criminal referrals will come after testimony and evidence stops flowing in….but there are already multiple referrals in the works based on what they know now, with more coming if more comes to light.

Q: do you have any idea how many denials have become admissions due to the work of the committee? Hundreds. “I never gave tours.” Became “I gave one small family one tour.” Became “I gave 20 or so young militia members tours of security stations, back hallway routes to Democratic offices, and the secret escape route for congress and let them photograph and video all of it, then denied it, but now that the video is public I admit I did that, but it’s perfectly normal and not a bit suspicious.” That’s just ONE failed denial of hundreds the cons have tried.

Sorry, that’s hardly nothing. Maybe to a Russian troll it is, but it’s not nothing to Americans.

How are those rapidly dropping gas prices working for you? Democrat policies at work! Lol.

bobknight33 said:

And what criminal charges have come forth?

Nothing because its all BS, and you and your ilk are fools drinking it up.

How that $6/gal gas working for you and yours?
Democrat policies at work.

Dolphins playing with vortex bubbles

newtboy says...

Some dolphins are known to blow bubble rings themselves and play with them using their “nose” (rostrum to use the correct term), not just biting or smashing them, but directing the vortex and moving them around.
Dolphins are intelligent, curious, playful creatures.
They are also well known gang rapists…..just saying.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Wait….so you are saying you see no difference between this protest and BLM (besides the skin color of the protesters)….but you are in favor of this and vehemently against BLM?…and you don’t see the blatant racism? LMFAHS!!

Sorry, no.
Only racist tools like you refuse to see both the similarities and differences.

Threatening, fighting, closing businesses, loudly occupying residential neighborhoods (truckers for weeks, also blocking the border crossing with the most commerce for weeks to disrupt both economies,) and definitely some killing by Covid carrying truckers. Sounds similar with truckers causing more damage and disruption to the innocent.

No false flag attacks by the left, (killing, burning, bombing, shooting cops, ) all done dressed as and pretending to be truckers. Many false flag attacks by the right (killing, burning, bombing, killing cops,) all done dressed as and pretending to be BLM activists, caught and admitted to, dumb shit. Sounds pretty different without a misinformation campaign by right wing media and false flag operation by right wingers.

Sounds to me and the rest of the world like the tiny minority of unpopular truckers have done exponentially more economic damage and likely killed more through Covid….and done so because they’re cowardly self centered snowflakes afraid to get a tiny shot in order to gain a privilege, not because people who look like them are being murdered in the streets daily by a government sponsored gang with immunity and have been for the lifespan of our nation.

Only cultists like you refuse to see or admit it, it’s blatant and obvious. You act like a child covered in chocolate trying to lie that you didn’t eat the cake, Bob. You convince no one with your denials, because we see what you say before and after them. You only make yourself a liar, but that’s nothing new.

Self centered babies are gone now, lost their trucks, many lost their Canadian driver’s license maybe for life, some going to prison. Now what are they going to protest now that they can’t drive their trucks across the border ever again? Losers.

Derp. Such a racist tool…consistently and constantly.

bobknight33 said:

Only fools like you and newt can see the difference.

Burning looting and some killing by BLM.

Truckers park, block traffic and blow their horn.

Wake, Rattle, and Roll - Intro from the 1990s

newtboy says...

In Texas in the 70’s we had The Banana Splits, a gang of wacky mascots, that hosted Hanna Barbera cartoons.
Where/when was Wake Rattle and Roll aired?

Let's talk about questions and the Potter case....

newtboy says...

There you go again, insisting that if police can’t kill with impunity and immunity, then anarchy will rule, there will be no police, and crime rates will skyrocket, making the US into Thunderdome in months.

Infantile, ignorant, and asinine, police in almost every other country kill far less than American police who kill around 3 people per day on average. In many countries they don’t carry guns, without a massive jump in crime. Imagine that. Are you saying US police are so incompetent that every other nation can police itself without letting them murder over nothing but contempt of cop, but divided America is totally incapable of that type of policing?

I would remind you, in the racist, sexist fantasy time period Trumpists wish to return to, police murdered non whites routinely and without fear. Wanting to return to that is pure racism…not surprising. Also, the Uber rich payed over 90% in taxes, without going bankrupt or just shutting down. Your “capitalist utopia” doesn’t exist without taxes at 3 times what they are now without loopholes. D’oh!
(For tax years 1944 through 1951, the highest marginal tax rate for individuals was 91%, increasing to 92% for 1952 and 1953, and reverting to 91% 1954 through 1963. For the 1964 tax year, the top marginal tax rate for individuals was lowered to 77%, and then to 70% for tax years 1965 through 1981)

I would also remind you how you screamed and cried over that terrorist bitch that was shot attacking the capitol with hundreds of armed violent cohorts that had already murdered and disabled dozens of police. You absolutely wanted that officer prosecuted if not just lynched….for a good shoot of a violent attacking murderer (part of the violent murdering mob makes you a murderer). Your blatant undeniable racist prejudice and obvious hypocrisy are showing, Bobby.

If police need to murder unarmed citizens over misdemeanors, they should absolutely stand down as that makes them the murderous criminal gang, not the police.

bobknight33 said:

Crime will go up and police will do less.
Already at record highs but will go even higher.

Cops should just stand down.


newtboy says...

Not with the judge throwing the case like he did, acting as the defense…but is there any doubt he’s going to be under threat of death the rest of his life? He’s going to have to spend his life surrounded by white supremacist guards looking over his shoulder.
People are going to be chasing him with rifles the rest of his life…he better not reach for anything, ever, or they might fear for their lives and shoot him in the head, in self defense of course.
Edit:He is now the public face of racist murderers literally getting away with murder, I’m sure you’re celebrating.
I’d murder that racist cunt if I saw him….his racist parents too. Give it a week before his house burns.
He might expect some federal charges may be coming.

As to doubt, how many times this year have you had no doubt at all….and been dead wrong, and racist in your wrongness. I’ve lost count after 30. We only have to go back to yesterday when you claimed domestic violence was 1-2% of violent crime and rarely involves guns, and that “ inner city gang killing” (which obviously means black thugs in your mind) accounts for over 90%….both dead wrong and hyper racist.

bobknight33 said:

Was there any doubt?

Gun Laws: Jon Stewart Interview w/ Former ATF David Chipman

newtboy says...

15% of all violent crime is domestic violence. It stands to reason then that 15% of killings are direct domestic violence, if not far more.
Nearly 50% of women killed in the us are killed by their intimate partner.
Guns are involved in over 50% of intimate partner homocides.
That’s guns in domestic violence cases accounting for 25% of femicides (women killed).
It’s impossible to give an accurate number for violence tangential from domestic violence (ie shot by police, collateral injuries, suicides, etc) but it’s far from zero.

The National Gang Center under the Department of Justice based on annual surveys of local law enforcement agencies tallied 11,934 "gang-related" homicides in the U.S. from 2007 through 2012. The FBI reported 93,253 total murders during the span. Comparing the numbers, the Center estimated that "gang-related homicides typically accounted for around 13% of all homicides annually."

Researcher John Lott stated that the U.S. has a high homicide rate compared to other developed countries because of “drug gangs.”
According to the National Youth Gang Survey Analysis by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), National Gang Center, and Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, most gun homicides are not related to gangs.
A December 2020 Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report by the CDC of 34 states, four California counties, and Washington, D.C., found that 9.7% of homicides in 2017 were gang-related

So, 25%+- of all women killed (and a similar number for men one assumes) vs 9-13% for gang violence (including tangential)…but you want to focus on “inner city gang killing” (read “black thugs”) as if it’s 90% of homocides and domestic violence death is non existent.

Again, you devolve into making up fake racist statistics to turn any issue into a racist argument. This is where you fail every single time. Fail to say what you really mean. Fail to be honest. Fail to offer true statistics. Fail as a human being….you completely racist liar.

Downvote your comment because as usual you ignore the topic, likely didn’t watch the video, and make up statistics to be a blatantly lying, unapologetic worthless piece of racist excrement.

How can you possibly be so stupid you thought no one would call you out on these easily debunked blatantly racist lies, Bob?

bobknight33 said:

OF all the killings per year how many are domestic violence?


OF those domestic violence what % are from guns, Knifes , other?
Evil White conservative owners are the problem? No bias here.

What about the 90+% gun violence ? inner city gang killing?
This is where you start.

Down vote since it not about any meaningful discussion of root causes.

Gun Laws: Jon Stewart Interview w/ Former ATF David Chipman

bobknight33 says...

OF all the killings per year how many are domestic violence?


OF those domestic violence what % are from guns, Knifes , other?
Evil White conservative owners are the problem? No bias here.

What about the 90+% gun violence ? inner city gang killing?
This is where you start.

Down vote since it not about any meaningful discussion of root causes.

Kyle Rittenhouse Trial Week 1 Summary

newtboy says...

Just to be clear, when armed groups of BLM activists come to your town to protect black owned businesses from the bi-yearly neo Nazi / Klan meet up, follows a vitriolic racist they think they stopped from attacking a business by threatening them with death, and along the way threatens them a few more times, if the unarmed assumed klan member turns around and approaches the BLM activists in anger, it's fine to shoot the racist scumbag in the head, and that goes for any and all that try to stop them afterwards. Idiotic, but I'll send the message to the "gonna fuck shit up" wing (the left wing 3%) and get them moving to NC right away....fully armed and looking for trouble they can stop with a bullet. Better keep your mouth shut around town from now on or someone might feel threatened and have to defend themselves.

Funny, I recall last year you screamed that armed gangs of black thugs were coming to towns across America to shoot whomever they pleased....turned out it was white right wing thugs that did exactly that, repeatedly, so now you're fully in favor of it and prepared to defend them with gusto. Hmmmm. No, you aren't racist though.

bobknight33 said:

He was put into harms way the the thugs.

You just upset because he defended himself.

Guess you wanted him to be beaten to a pulp.

Man Who Shot At Police In Self Defense Is Acquitted

newtboy says...

Who are you and what have you done with Bobknight?

I’m incredibly glad you’ve moved away from “don’t want to get beaten to death, should have complied with the officers”. I fear it’s only because the victim was protecting his friend’s business from BLM protesters, and appears white…so it’s only bias that allows you to see this as a violent criminal act by police.

I hope I’m wrong and you’ve come around to the truth, that police have become nothing but a violent criminal gang over the last 25 years and need massive reform, which has been poorly named “defund the police”….time will tell if you’ve really changed your tune or if you still only see this as a crime when the victim agrees with you politically.

Ending qualified immunity is the main thing BLM wants (besides ending racist policing). That would allow victims to sue the officer(s) that committed the crimes and prosecutors to prosecute them. Republicans blocked any efforts to remove it, even though most Republican voters want it removed or at least seriously curtailed. That’s why they get a pass, that’s why taxpayers pay for their criminal acts, that’s why they’re still police.
This means you are now on the side of BLM and against Republican congresspeople and Trump, at least on this issue. Welcome back to Earth.

bobknight33 said:

Well looks like they blue shirts did get away with it but this is still clearly wrong.
They should have been charged with crimes. But they got a pass.

All that is left is a cash settlement for their fuck up. And yes tax payers will pick up the tab. Thats fucked too. Pay out should be taken from the PD budget.

Man Who Shot At Police In Self Defense Is Acquitted

cloudballoon says...

Why can't the victim/PD/city sue the officers individually? "You do the crime, you do the time." Make the punishment just and personally reponsible & I bet these "bad apples" blue gangs occurences would be slashed by a half. Guess these "police union" criminal organizations holds too much power.

Qualified Immunity is such BS, such blanket protection/corruption shouldn't exist in the first place.

bobknight33 said:

Well looks like they blue shirts did get away with it but this is still clearly wrong.
They should have been charged with crimes. But they got a pass.

All that is left is a cash settlement for their fuck up. And yes tax payers will pick up the tab. Thats fucked too. Pay out should be taken from the PD budget.

Man Who Shot At Police In Self Defense Is Acquitted

newtboy says...

*doublepromote *quality exposing the murderous criminal gang of violent thugs that are the police force.
I wouldn’t piss on one who was on fire. No one should. Just add gasoline.

Where are the good cops? These mythological good apples? Never one in the group. Crazy, isn’t it?

Dox these criminals.

Every one of these lying, violent, murderous, thuggish cops should be in gen pop until they’re raped to death…their assets seized, pensions seized, and life in prison without protection is too good for them.

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