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TDS - La Douche Vita

Defector admits to WMD lies that triggered Iraq war

radx says...

>> ^Yogi:

When the real lesson to be learned from this is don't just listen to sketchy sources

Not just sketchy.

"The BND [German intelligence] knew in 2000 that I [Curveball] was lying after they talked to my former boss, Dr Bassil Latif, who told them there were no mobile bioweapons factories. For 18 months after that they left me alone because they knew I was telling lies even though I never admitted it. Believe me, back then, I thought the whole thing was over for me."

Source: Colin Powell demands answers over Curveball's WMD lies

Gasland (full film)

Entropy001 says...

This is the kind of shit that just shows how evil and corrupt Republicans are.

And to all you stupid fucking conservatives, THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU DON'T HAVE REGULATION.

You can take your free market that would destroy the fucking world and human race and SHOVE IT UP YOUR FUCKING ASSES COLLECTIVELY.

And on the subject of promotes, keep it up! I just barely heard of this today, Feb. 16'th.

Defector admits to WMD lies that triggered Iraq war

Thousands in Iran rally in support of Egypt, Tunisia

Stunning solar towers light the way

Top Gear hosts make fun of Mexicans

Top Gear hosts make fun of Mexicans

The reason I hate Top Gear - Stewart Lee

CCTV video of Japan Volcano Eruption

Offsajdh (Member Profile)

bookface says...

He's doing a debate in LA along side Sam Harris in Feb. I'm so impressed that he's keeping up the public regiment. My dad had a malignant brain tumor and it eventually rendered him unable to do most anything. Thank you for continuing to share yourself with others, Hitch, when you're well within your rights to stop.

In reply to this comment by Offsajdh:
I cannot fathom the sheer willpower and mental strength it would take to soldier on through debates and interviews in the same condition, let alone in the same manner as Hitchens does. I gotta stop whining when getting outta bed in the morning and man up to the example Hitchens has set.

Robot Chicken Clip/Skit: Giving Tree

Best Albums of 2010 (Metal Talk Post)

bamdrew says...

p.s. sorry I ignored your 'metal albums' request. not a lot of metal caught my attention in 2010 (unlike 2009... but hey, got Mastodon tickets for Feb in Chicago... maybe 2011 will swing more metal/hardcore again!!!)

Best Albums of 2010 (Metal Talk Post)

bamdrew says...

hey, DillingerEscapePlan! I've seen them a halfdozen times. Jeez, probably ten years ago,... I'm getting soo old soo fast...

Anyhow, my musical taste kept going into weirder directions this year;

Sufjan Steven's made a tremendously interesting and personal album (Age of Adz) that took this consistently well done electronic turn, like it was produced by Reznor or something ('I Walked' is a highlight for me, with a weeeirdly cool, staggered melody that I'd never really heard done successfully before...). His vocals grow on you after a while... really the whole album gets a lot better with repeat listens (good night-driving album).

Yeasayer shared a (free) live album... I saw them twice in 2010, so might be biased, but they are just the right amount of experimental with a dash of pop so that people get down at their shows. 'Madder Red', 'Tight Rope', '2080', a lot of good stuff. Bit of an 80's throwback with the synth drums and such, but I like it as a child of the 80's.

Beach House (Teen Dream)... oooh beach house... listened to their album for all of Jan and Feb of 2010... great driving cd... love minimalism with build-ups, which is basically every song by them, and her distinct smoker's voice is just rad. Very different band doing its own thing. If you're into As I Lay Dying and all that business right now this cd might be a stretch... however I used to be way into The Locust, so, you never know! (ok, I still listen to The Locust from time to time...)

Local Natives cd was good. The ladies dug this shit a lot because of the vocal harmonies and whatnot; as a drummer, I thought it was pretty rocking at times, and had some nice minorkey guitar themes and buildups. Also caught them live, and they were excellent. 'Wide Eyes' is a good one.

Lastly, she didn't put out a cd, but I listened to a lot of Neko Case in 2010. 'Star Witness', 'The Pharaohs', 'Blacklisted','Deep Red Bells', 'Things that Scare Me',... all these darker, noir tracks really work for me, and I don't think anybody else is doing anything like this successfully. Plus Neko has the greatest voice possible.

Thanks for sharing your top 10; I'll check 'em out!

The Duke: Fate of Humanity (Duke Nukem Fan Movie)

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