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Calvary Trailer

korsair_13 says...

Firstly, I wouldn't presume to know all of the accents in any country I've ever lived in, so I'm shocked you do. And yes, I know the difference between a rural Irish accent and a Dublin accent, although let's face it, if Gillen had put on a true rural Irish accent, most people would have had a hard time understanding it. Also, he is an eccentric doctor who probably puts on airs to seem more mysterious, sounds like a solid character backstory to me.

Secondly, in the trailer and movie, you actually hear a mashup of different actors' voices in the confessional to specifically cloud who might be the culprit. If you re-watch (say, by downloading it) it you might hear one voice at first and then another a few seconds later. While I do agree the identity of culprit may not drive the plot of the entire movie, it isn't irrelevant as every encounter with a new person has you wondering "is this the guy?"

As for watching it in a cinema, let's open up that discussion. Movie theatres are run by cheap dickheads and I am refusing to reward them by not going. Case in point: Popcorn is sold at 12.75x cost, pop at 4-6x cost, other fast food joints within the place are up to 3x more expensive than outside and you couldn't bring your own food if you wanted to because they won't let you. Tickets are more expensive than a cheap motel room. I have to sit in a room with 100 other people (who might have kids with them depending on the movie) who will no doubt find a way to ruin my movie-going experience. The theatre plays up to 30 minutes of commercials and trailers for things I could easily see at home on my own goddamn time. In some countries movies have intermissions like I am watching a five act Shakespearean play and not a dumbass Michael Bay movie, and then they play more commercials before they restart.

Movie theatres are dumb and should be reserved for those movies that deserve them, not just because you save money but also because every penny you don't give to theatre owners is for the betterment of society.

The Burger King Proud Whopper

chingalera says...

'Gay, not gay' is nothing more than a distraction alla Edward Bernays to me, baby-People of all races, creeds, colors are easily and idiocratic-ally sucked-into identity/orientation mumbo-jumbo is my real 'beef' with adverts like these....They're produced by assholes for morons. Enjoy your super-sized slavery, would you like cheese on that??

Can't argue that BK has turned to complete shit as have ALL fast-food chain-driven shit-holes.

ChaosEngine said:

aww ching, don't be like that. I know you care, since you decided to comment.

As for why.... because it's just bad food. It's unhealthy and more importantly, it tastes like crap.

I have nothing against unhealthy food, but if I'm going to eat something unhealthy, it can at least be tasty too.

The Burger King Proud Whopper

VoodooV says...

but yeah, ironic because I won't eat there again...but because fast food = unhealthy food still, good on them. gays can now die early from obesity just like us straights

Solar FREAKIN' Roadways!

Xaielao says...

Lets not forget that currently the nation spends a great deal of money on simple yearly road repair, and that is only short term as most roads need to be entirely re-milled and replaced once or twice a decade.

I think this technology may well begin to seep into more liberal states, as others have said with parking lots (especially electric vehicle recharging stations) or perhaps with big and wealthy businesses like fast food chains. If the tiles can stay relatively undamaged over decades, eventually it would become very cost effective.

Yes melting snow would be improbable until perhaps there were enough roads connected to say the national grid. But everything else is not only probably but plausible.

I really hope this technology is implemented, slowly but surely. But I fear things like this won't become a viable alternative until the world is so tapped for oil and natural gas that there IS no alternative but to go with solar and wind technologies as a primary resource. Sadly America is woefully behind much of Europe. Some nations in Eur-Asia plan to be oil free within 100 years. The US will be mired in wars over the last scraps of the limited resources by then if something doesn't change.

Solar FREAKIN' Roadways!

Sagemind says...

Ok, The reality of replacing roads at this point is near impossible. the Gradual replacement makes sense. Consider starting with parking lots.
Parking lots, then the odd connection between parking lots, and then public spaces, (I like the Time Square idea). but the project has huge merit.

Forget about the small time claims, like melting snow. Think of real time uses, like Stadium parking, Shopping Malls, Playgrounds.... Fast food restaurants, Wall Mart Parking lots...

My cock is between these sizes- When fully erect and hard (User Poll by BoneRemake)

BoneRemake says...

Web definitions

An extraordinarily stupid person, especially one that causes harm

I am just going by the words definitions guy. friend, buddy.

wait, you are not my guy, my friend or my buddy.

But I do think you are a fucktard.

These are not ad hom attacks, these are observation expressed after a person decided to make a personal attack on a clean slated poll, bringing everything focused on himself, like he always loves to do ( you ) so you got what you wanted.

And I killed it so we would not be doing this dance right now.

You go look at the words you call others - Cunt ( I know a guy who got banned for calling someone a cunt, you flout it ) and other such things in respect to politicians, peoples personal alignment with whatever it may be - politics, exercises, fast food,fast food manufacturers,big usiness etc.

. KINNA tiruurd of this po'bouy's incessant " look at me ( being a hypocrite) "

Go find another thread to destroy and sideline.


If Walmart Paid Its Employees a Living Wage

Mashiki says...

Crap video full of crap. And I've worked in the US myself, and lived most of my life in Canada(being Canadian).

Even up here in Canada, Walmart pays more than the min. wage. Hell it pays more than the average local store, or even larger stores, chain stores, or other bigbox retail stores for PT/FT in terms of wages.

Example in Ontario: Walmart starting wage: 13.25/hr(current min wage 10.25/hr), FT/PT, not counting benefits.
Gas station attendant: 10.55-12.08/hr
Large bigbox store sale clerk: 10.85/hr
L-BB Manager: 13.85-15.80/hr
Mom&pop specialized clerk: 10.85-12.10/hr
Fast food: 10.25-12.10/hr
Non-unionized janitors: 10.25-13/hr
Managers fast food: 13-15/hr
Regional Managers Fast food: 14.25-25.30/hr
Managers Walmart: 16.25-25/hr
Regional managers Walmart 18.80-27.80/hr

And...on top if that here, if you need a hand go to the damned food bank. And stop blowing your money on the latest gadets.

Bernie Sanders tears into Walmart for corporate welfare

dannym3141 says...

@bobknight33 it seems your viewpoint rests on the fact that minimum wage should be an "entry level wage where one can better oneself [..] to ask for a higher wage."

At least in my country, a lot of the time the vast majority of jobs vacancies are in places that deal with minimum wage - fast food, supermarkets, that kind of thing - because they usually deal with the "basics" that people can't do without. Hence basic, menial and minimum wage for minimum stress at work.

The people who are in better jobs over here have seen a lot of similarly positioned people get sacked so they know they've got to keep hold of their job. Everyone's been cutting back, there's less jobs, and those jobs are tightly held by people with better experience. And then, when better jobs become available, you have lots and lots of low experienced workers applying alongside a select few who used to work - who's more likely to get the job?

Finer points aside, i'd love everyone in the thread to agree that there are a whole bunch of people spending a whole lot of money at walmart - and every other scary-large company. If that money is not cycling around between people then it's stagnating somewhere and doing nobody any good.

Take soccer here in england for example. Soccer players are paid something like £20 000 per week at every top team. A lot of them are actually between £40 000 and £120 000 per week but let's talk approximate. Now look, we should all be able to see that a person couldn't possibly hope to spend that much money. If you want to go to a match, let's call it £40, 60 000 people are giving £40 to go and watch, so that's £2 400 000 and let's say it all goes on wages. Well what's happening is this entire wad of cash is ending up sitting in a bank account somewhere, because this guy can't physically go out and redistribute this cash, spending his money in the normal way and keeping the economy moving and the money spreading.

It's not just footballers and i'm sure we can agree to some extent that this can be seen in a lot of places - a select few are in positions allowing them to amass huge fortunes they can't possibly use.

"Trickle-down" has not worked, it isn't trickling anywhere, they've got the cracks sealed up. Maybe we should be thinking about "trickle up" - if cost us less to watch a soccer match, metaphorically speaking (as in cheaper bills, higher wages, less stagnation at the top), maybe people might feel less stressed, less scared, more generous, more free, the world might be a better place so that services would be better, people would be more dedicated at their job to improve because they stand to earn more, less stress less violence, more money less crime, etc. Is there something to that perhaps?

The problem is it's hard to interject whilst it's all ongoing and say "you're taking this cut, you're taking this cut, all this money is going here, just trust us the world will be a better place." It's not fair to suddenly tell people what they do is only worth half of what it was yesterday. But between the top and the bottom what you have is a rich billionaire smoking a cigar whilst some child in the poorest neighbourhood is sat in 5th-hand-me-downs on a filthy carpet listening to his mother selling her body? That's a guess, i don't know how to best represent poverty, but take any example you like. If the rich person was stood directly next to the baby he'd probably feel outraged and help, but there's a lot of smoke and mirrors that stand between him helping every baby that is every born in the future, because warlmart suddenly can afford to double their lowest wages by halving some of their highest.

To conclude - i don't think minimum wage is as you suggest.

Bernie Sanders tears into Walmart for corporate welfare

radx says...

If there was no welfare of any sort, people would still have to apply at Walmart. People with stomachs to be filled far outnumber jobs that generate an income. And while the population is increasing, the number of jobs -- in the long run -- is actually decreasing.

It was always clear that automation would greatly reduce the number of jobs in manufacturing and agriculture, first and foremost. Given that the latest burst in technology is represented by Google, Apple, FB and Amazon, I'd say the hope of generating jobs through new areas of technology fell flat on its arse -- those four giants are worth a combined $1T, yet employ only 150k, or half as many as GE.


#people >> #jobs, exacerbated by robots/automation and politically suppressed aggregate demand


As for minimum wage being entry level wage: that's the idea, but given the age structure of fast food workers and the number of them who worked the job for years and years, it is merely theoretical in nature. Many people are stuck in it, others are floating in and out of employment at minimum wage level. Asking for a higher wage becomes a futile exercise as long as there's an army of willing replacements on the market. Some corporations try to minimize turn-over by paying above-average wages (Costco, Aldi), but the vast majority engage in a race to the bottom.

If you ask me, all of us deserve food in our stomachs, a roof over our heads. And health insure, while we're at it. The establishment over here used to call it the "revolution tax", because it allows people to retain some level of dignity and prevents them from chopping everyone's heads off with a guillotine. I prefer a considerably more expansive definition of human dignity, but I'm just one of those dirty socialists, so...

bobknight33 said:

I say that if there was no welfare ( well not as much as there is today) then corporations like Walmart would have to pay more. Otherwise people would not even apply.

For every dollar the government hands out in welfare, the corporations have to give a dollar more to make working for them worthwhile.

Minimum wage is not to be a living wage but an entry level wage where one can better oneself and then one would have standing to ask for a higher wage.

Tiger Shopping

South African Goes For Tacos In Los Angeles

Science teacher got surprising results from McDonald's diet.

RedSky says...


I think Jigga's making the argument on the collective level. Yes, we can all use self control to limit portion sizes.

But collectively, where the multimillion dollar funding of fast food marketing departments is geared towards incentivising larger portions as a method of eking out more profit from their saturated (excuse the pun) market size, it's quite likely that average calorie consumption goes up on the whole.

That doesn't excuse taking responsibility for your actions, and certainly you could tackle it with education campaigns rather than regulation or bans, but there's certainly a relationship here between incentives and national health.

Science teacher got surprising results from McDonald's diet.

Jaer says...

This isn't anything new, several people have went on pure fast food diets and lost weight as long as they kept it within reason (calorie count, etc)

The "documentary" super-size me is a joke also, I remember reading a few stories where a couple of sites and other documentary makers asked for the info and data regarding his calorie counts etc and they either flat out refused or lied.

In the end, it's always about self control and watching the calories and cutting various things out (minimizing carbs for one).

Science teacher got surprising results from McDonald's diet.

RedSky says...

My guess would be he stuck to zero calorie drinks and avoided fries.

Had a quick on their nutritional website, a Big Mac is 520 calories, which is not great but not absurd. The issue is, you add a large fries (500) and coke (280) to that and you've added exactly 150% more calories on top.

All up being 1300 calories or about 2/3rds of your daily intake in one meal. Provided you avoided the sides though, it wouldn't be too hard to stick within the limits.

The issue is that MCD makes the minimum mandated attempt to educate customers. Australia legislates that food energy levels be published in a prominent fashion alongside the rough recommended daily energy intake of 8700kJ. They usually publish most of these on the side in small font. Having been over in France recently they didn't have them, I'm sure that's the case in most countries.

The larger issue with MCD and other fast food is the use of trans-fats and excessive sodium.

Trans-fats act as an insanely effective preservatives that keeps their produce looking like it'd been cryogenically frozen even years on. They're also have a reputation for clogging arteries causing heart attacks, strokes and the like.

Sodium which boosts blood pressure when ingested is a flavour enhancer which is probably why it's used in excessive amounts (e.g. a Big Mac has 40% of recommended daily Sodium). Even if this guy kept within calorie limits he would have easily been breaching recommended Sodium levels and in the long term would be elevating his risk of high blood pressure, stroke or various kidney diseases.

TDS: Minimum wage hike and the Pope denouncing Trickle Down

Jaer says...

I didn't read all the responses, so forgive me if this was mentioned already, but if the federal min wage was raised to 15/hr. Wouldn't that really screw things up?

For instance:
15 becomes the new fed. min wage, everyone from 7.25 up to 15 would be 15, meaning those who made more than minimum wage would now be making the federal minimum wage assuming the employers don't adjust for the pay hike (most wouldn't).

So with that assumed, all pricing on services and products will also raise accordingly, putting everyone at the minimum wage level back where they started, correct? But in this situation, even *more* people would be affected by the inflated costs and we'd be in a far deeper hole than before.

I'm all for having corporations (specially the billion dollar industry that is the fast food services) pay their workers more, but I don't think a hike like this would actually help things overall, unless *everyone* in the country got a raise in pay, and the services/products stayed the same price (very very very unlikely).

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