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Guy has a truly horrible airport experience

StukaFox says...

Newt, you don't know the half of it. The reason they need a bail-out? Two words, my friend: stock buybacks.

Back in '16, good ol' AA was ~$20 BILLION in debt. Yes, their DEBT was larger than the GDP of some nations. Bad situation, right? What to do, what to do -- HEY! I got it! Let's spend NINE FUCKING BILLION on stock buybacks. In doing so, they turned $5b in reserve cash into $550 million. Trump himself couldn't have fucked this up worse if he tried.

It gets worse. Here, I will quote from Forbes:

"The numbers boggle the mind. American Airlines spent nearly three times its current value on stock buybacks over the last six years."

It gets even worse from there.

Over the last ten years, AA spent ~$13b on stock buybacks. You know what their free cash flow was over the same 10-year period?

-$7,935 million.

That's not a typo. Their free cash flow, unique among all major airlines, is NEGATIVE. The number on their -negative- cash flow is greater than the -positive- cash flows of Jet Blue and Alaska combined.

Guess where that money went?

Shareholders? Nope.
Employees? Nope.
Improvements to the business as a whole? Nuh-uh.

If you guessed "The CEO's pocket", you win a $4 Snickers bar. If you also suspect that any bailout will end up in the same place, I'm throwing in a free Baby Ruth or an Abbazabba (your choice).

That's right: your tax-paying American ass is going to bail out these cocksuckers not to save jobs -- no fucking chance in Hell that's going to happen -- but to make Doug fucking Parker, an asshole of utterly legendary proportions who made $11.5 MILLION in 2019 thanks to those buybacks, even fucking richer.

There's not enough Prep-H in the world to compensate for that level of ass-fucking. And you WILL smile when you're getting raped, otherwise it's getting stuffed in your mouth afterwards.

(BTW: when they started this financial cocksuckery, AA was ~$60 a share. On Friday, it closed just below $13. Dough Parker still made money. The funds, including pension funds, who invested in AA @ $60? Not so much.)

newtboy said:

And they think they deserve ANOTHER multi billion dollar handout/bailout from taxpayers, another socialist handout for free, no strings attached at all, but won't commit to upgrading service or even keeping employees employed (considering their competence level, that's reasonable, a monkey on meth would do better).

Buttigieg Shuts Down Loaded Fox Question

newtboy says...

Bwaaahahaha. You are hilarious.

So daughter and little girls and employees and acquaintances and friend's wives forcible raping Donny quit, and mother lover Pence too, handing the job to Biden? Hate to tell you, it's Trump in the Whitehouse, genius.

Do you even know who the president is? Are you now claiming it's been Biden the last 4 years and that's why America has gone to shit? Lol. Nice try, your ilk might believe it.

Your plain stupid nickname isn't catching sad. It's just a reminder of the disgusting woman abuser and daughter rapist Don is, and how bend over backwards ignorant Trumpists are to keep repeating baseless claims of PUBLIC abuse from a proven liar who made it up this year, not 12 years ago when he was elected VP or any time before or since. How much you wanna bet she was paid to make her accusation like so many others?
Keep it up, your like a constantly babbling commercial for Biden.

bobknight33 said:

And his name is Finger Banging Joe Biden.

Guy has a truly horrible airport experience

newtboy says...

And they think they deserve ANOTHER multi billion dollar handout/bailout from taxpayers, another socialist handout for free, no strings attached at all, but won't commit to upgrading service or even keeping employees employed (considering their competence level, that's reasonable, a monkey on meth would do better).

Same story at United. Fly Southwest.

If one of these customer service crews was just found at the ticketing desk torn limb from limb by hand, customer service would improve instantly. A carry on bag full of sodas makes a great weapon, and drawing and quartering sends one hell of a message....just saying.

Just a side note, while airports screech at you to social distance every thirty seconds, airplanes are flying at capacity with zero possibility of any social distancing, instead you're forced to have physical contact with other passengers. Don't fly during pandemics unless it's absolutely necessary.


newtboy says...

If party didn't matter, why list it for each accused? Since you did, you made it matter, but I admit Epstein went both ways, at least politically.

1) if I were Epstein, I would have killed myself after my first child rape.
2) if I were Epstein, I would have cameras everywhere except my "massage room" and the sex dungeon....especially after the first prosecution. You don't need homemade porn if you have multiple sex slaves.

I think they are both smarter than that, and that if he made any, she would have destroyed them when he was arrested if the police didn't find them first.

It is a conspiracy theory that would explain his murder, many people believe he had video of Trump, the Prince, and other notables and he was killed to stop him from revealing them. I have serious doubts about that, but it's possible and more likely than keeping videos of himself raping children. Even videos of others raping children at his house makes him complicit, so aren't a good insurance policy.

BTW, did you see Cohen's daughter interviewed about that time when she was 15 and Trump tried to pick her up, intending to have sex with her, not knowing it was his lawyer's daughter? Good stuff. Before you claim disgruntled ex employee, the story was reported before their split, well before he was president.

bobknight33 said:

Yea it was cut and past. Epstein Dem or Rep doesn't matter.

If you were Epstein wouldn't you have cameras. Nothing like an insurance policy. Even if it did not work out for him.

But his side kick Maxwell has or know where it is.

Trump and the GOP Rocked by Bombshell Woodward Tapes

newtboy says...

No, you call b.s. or fake news whenever a true but unflattering fact comes up about Trump, which is all the time thanks to his bottomless pit of corruption belching up proof every day.

Don't you find it odd that EVERY ex employee is "disgruntled" and a never Trumper...His "best people"...and his administration is the most unstaffed ever, most departments headed by "acting heads" because he can't find anyone dumb enough to work for him but competent enough to pass confirmation.

You've rarely said anything truthful, even more rarely intentionally said anything truthful, but on those rare occasions I applauded you. The truth can't be squashed. My calling (nobody pays me) is to squash harmful lies, and Trump and the Trumplings have had me working double time 24/7/365 since before taking office (when Flynn committed subversion to make sweetheart deals with Russia contrary to Obama's official positions and sanctions against them)

bobknight33 said:

I claim BS when BS comes up. With the fake news it every day. So yea I use it alot.

Newt you must be a leftest tool. you allways quick to respond as if this is you only job to squash truth.

Fox News Confirms Trump Called Vets "Suckers" and "Losers"

Drachen_Jager says...

The political system is what it is, and technically it is still a democracy, so yes, he was elected.

The system is broken.

America is broken.

Trump is a symptom and ultimately not the cause of America's problems. Like many symptoms, he is problematic, but to assume he is the disease is a huge mistake.

Corporations and the ultra-wealthy now run the country. Wealth disparity is at an all-time high. Employers weaponize the medical system to force fealty from employees.

The truth is, America has long been an Oligarchy and is rapidly slipping into Fascism. Trump may have accelerated the process, but it was there all along.

What are you going to do about it?

BSR said:

Brave President Bone Spur wins by not getting killed in war.

"We elected the worst of us."

I disagree. His presidency was gifted to him. He is not who the majority voted for. Simple.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

And another way Orange pedophile bad....selling appointments, like Dejoy at USPS. It's been clear from the get go that he's there because he donated millions to Trump through fundraising events and maximum donations. What wasn't clear until now is he violated campaign finance laws by pushing employees to attend his fundraisers and donate t he maximum, which he reimbursed by giving t hem bonuses. Clearly illegal campaign finance violations, and more reason why Trump intentionally keeping the elections commission understaffed his entire tenure so badly they cannot perform their function of prosecuting people like Dejoy.

Talk about selling America out, Trump's never done anything but.

When the next president fills the positions and returns teeth to the fec, everyone with a finger in the Trump administration going to prison.

Trump tried to sell out to China, but they want nothing to do with his flailing, inconsistent, bat shit crazy administration that can't be trusted to keep agreements and the talks fell apart. Now we have a bigger trade deficit plus billions in tariffs and China not buying American anymore. Trump simply doesn't understand international trade one bit.

Oh, let's not forget yesterday when he threatened any police department that isn't rabidly pro Trump and giving him public endorsements, "the ones who didn’t, I think we have to look at them — where do they come from." Trump only likes cops that fawn over him first, it's not about liking cops or the law, it's about liking anyone who will say they like him....If they won't, they need to be investigated.

Orange infant, biggest business failure in America two years running by HIS accounting, daughter diddling Don : bad.
Alert Joe : good AND competent.

bobknight33 said:

Biden selling out to China is subverting Americans.

Orange Man GOOD.

Sleepy Joe BAD.

Hurricane Laura Destroys Controversial Confederate Statue

BSR says...



The police jury is the governing authority for each parish that operates under the police jury system provided by the general laws of the state.

The police jury is both a legislative and administrative body. Its legislative and administrative functions include enacting ordinances and resolutions, establishing programs and setting policy. As an administrative body, it prepares the budget, hires personnel, spends money, negotiates contracts and, in general, directs the activities under its supervision.

Police juries carry out their administrative responsibilities in various ways. Some parishes, for example, have made their secretaries responsible for over-all administration. In others, this responsibility has been delegated to the police jury president, who is selected from among the jurors. Some parishes have hired a parish manager as permited by LRS 33:1236.1. The law sets no qualifications for the position other than being a registered voter of the parish. Act 85 of 2006 repealed the provision that allowed a police juror to serve as the parish manager, but did allow for a police juror already serving as a parish manager to continue doing so. In still other parishes, there is no principlal administrative official, and all parish employees report directly to the entire jury or to committees.

newtboy said:

What in the Fuck is a "police jury" and why would they have any input on the decision at all?


newtboy says...

It's not official Goodyear policy, not created by Goodyear, and is actually dead wrong in what it claimed.
That makes it a fake in multiple ways. It's maybe a real picture (maybe not) of a fake policy/slide. A picture of a fake purported to be real is a fake, even though it's a real picture. Duh. If I edit Melania's porn photos to have Don Jr draped over her in the nude and fondling her nude breasts, take a picture of that fake and release it as proof they're having an incestuous affair, is that not fake? It's a real picture. Jesusissodisappointedinyou

First, it gained national attention because Trump claimed they singled out his campaign attire, a total lie, and called for a boycott because he's a petulant infant that can't handle any perceived slight without throwing a tantrum. The claims are absolute pure bullshit. It wasn't until that was absolutely undeniable that you glommed onto the "no blue lives matter" part that's also a lie but less obvious.
Second, it's not corporate policy as it claims, it's one person making up their own policy, a person I'm sure is fired or demoted after the damage their unapproved actions caused.

Bullshit. Managers do not make policy. Stop lying. This is at worst a rogue employee, not a policy, liar. Try making new corporate policy down there at TGIFridays as the manager, see how that works out for you.

Goodyear did address it, instantly releasing a statement denouncing it as never their policy and never approved as soon as they heard. Duh. You right wingers are just incapable of learning anything, aren't you.
If the employee who leaked it had sent it to corporate, they would likely have done the same thing but more internally, which is told their employees this isn't the policy and never was, but without the boycotts and death threats from the insane right that will hurt the business if not destroy it over a lie. Now they have to worry about having a job next year and losing their pensions, and America has to worry about losing another international manufacturer, losing more jobs, and losing more GDP.

When one of Trump's underlings commits a felony for him, do you say he is guilty because his manager did it and should go to prison with them? Like decimating the post office, that's Trump, right? Separating families and caging children, all on Trump's shoulders, no response to Covid for months killing tens of thousands, all Trump, talking to the Russians for help in the election, also Trump. Talking to Ukraine for help with the election, Trump. Asking China for help with the election....that's actually directly Trump.
No, you excuse him as the leader with rogue subordinates that committed crimes....subordinates that deserve pardons for their treasonous felonies.


If Corporate hadn't found out, yes, perhaps it would have been policy for that shift at that section of that factory and until they did find out those few employees might believe that Blue Lives Matter attire wouldn't be allowed.
Blue Lives Matter isn't a racial justice or equality movement, they're an anti racial justice and equity movement, so shouldn't be allowed but are because Goodyear does so much business with police they made an exception to allow it, not an exception to exclude them as you claimed in your parroting of the ignoramus in chief.

Oh, so now you like cancel culture, more so when based on complete and willful misunderstanding the facts? So you're not just a liar, you're a proud hypocrite.
Open season on right wing businesses now I guess, make up any lie about them then boycott or burn them out of business. Sounds like a great way t o make America great, doesn't it?

You think the president calling for a national boycott of an American institution is the best way to handle an internal company policy issue where one employee tried to implement their own policy?!? Of course the same goes for right wing rogues, right?

My Pillow is run by a pedophile crackhead who runs a secret restaurant in the factory that serves baby to Satanists, a crackhead that allows only Maga attire and no social or political statements that don't support Trump in his factories. Go.

Of course, no lies needed for Trump companies. They clearly have the policy being complained about but Biden attire, no BLM, but Maga and blue lives matter is ok. Certainly you're calling for them to be cancelled too, right?


Jesusismypilot said:

More lies, nice try, the image is not a fake, even Snopes confirms it. A manager at GY Topeka created it, managers are representative of leadership and the company (as every leader in a company knows) that the leader was not in compliance with corporate policy doesn't change the responsibility of of GY to address. If this didn't get national attention the unfortunate employees at Topeka GY (and anywhere else this employee presented) would believe their employer has taken a political stand on a hot button and divisive issue. GY is welcome to do this but they are also welcome to lose/gain business as a result.

As far as I'm concerned the process worked as it should and is a wake-up call that cancel-culture cuts both ways.


Jesusismypilot says...

More lies, nice try, the image is not a fake, even Snopes confirms it. A manager at GY Topeka created it, managers are representative of leadership and the company (as every leader in a company knows) that the leader was not in compliance with corporate policy doesn't change the responsibility of of GY to address. If this didn't get national attention the unfortunate employees at Topeka GY (and anywhere else this employee presented) would believe their employer has taken a political stand on a hot button and divisive issue. GY is welcome to do this but they are also welcome to lose/gain business as a result.

As far as I'm concerned the process worked as it should and is a wake-up call that cancel-culture cuts both ways.


newtboy says...

For those that care (obviously not @Jesusismypilot), this screenshot on is a fake, it was created by a dishonest employee, it is not an official Goodyear slide or policy, something Goodyear made clear in a public statement days ago. Nice lie. Is anyone surprised?

Are you prepared to admit that, at best, you were duped, that their policies have been even handed and evenly applied?

Further, are you prepared to admit that the president, stupid petulant child that he is, was also duped and went off half cocked and called for the destruction of an American company based on some internet conspiracy theories he didn't even attempt to verify?

Somehow I doubt it. I think you may have known it when you posted it. Let's see how you handle this.

Jesusismypilot said:

"Goodyear Tire made the unforgivable mistake of applying it's long term policy of no political statements on clothing allowed at work without making an exception for Maga hats."

Nice lie.

for those that care (obviously not the OP) -


newtboy says...

Agreed, even if the claims were true, Trump abused his power by calling for a boycott of an American company for personal reasons.
It's a fake, not a Goodyear official policy or slide. Jesus is a liar. (See above)

"Trump’s tweet followed a report from WIBW-TV in Topeka, Kansas, based on an anonymous Goodyear employee’s screenshot that listed Black Lives Matter and Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Pride messages as acceptable while politically affiliated slogans and material, including “MAGA Attire” and “Blue Lives Matter,” in support of police, were listed as unacceptable. The screenshot was described in the report as part of the company’s diversity training.
Kramer wrote that the visual was created by an employee at the company’s Topeka factory and “was not approved or distributed by Goodyear corporate or anyone outside of that facility.
Kramer reiterated Thursday that Goodyear has “a longstanding corporate policy that asks associates to refrain from workplace expressions in support of any candidate or political party.”

There's no room for debate.
The article linked showed that Goodyear clarified that Blue Lives Matter clothing was specifically allowed so there would be no confusion, they didn't change their policy, yet here we are with people claiming they were not allowed beforehand, but there's zero evidence any Blue Lives Matter clothing was ever considered a violation besides the fake screenshot/policy.

messenger said:

I think there's room for debate about whether the policy was unevenly applied, but either way, it's an abuse of power. Goodyear should even be able to openly advocate for Biden without fearing the President would start a boycott.

The room for debate part:
Obviously MAGA hats are campaigning, and so is By/Bye Don 2020 clothing, and both should be disallowed according to the Goodyear policy.

The Black Lives Matter organization has policies for the defunding of police and other things that aren't directly opposing racism. So, however political Blue Lives Matter is, it's as political as Black Lives Matter in that regard, and either both should be allowed or both disallowed. Yet the image that jesus linked to above shows Blue Lives Matter as "Unacceptable".



newtboy says...

Nice lie. Jesuswouldbeproudofyou.

Ok, I slightly miswrote, it's not a pure "no political statements" policy, it's a long term "no political campaigning" policy, so no political CAMPAIGN statements or slogans or advocacy of one candidate over another. I'll fix it since it confused you so, it was not meant to deceive so wasn't a lie....can't say the same for, they're clearly trying g to deceive if they claim it was unfair or uneven enforcement of long term company rules.

The point is it's not being unfairly applied like the petulant child claims and you dishonestly stand behind, it's totally even handed. No ByeDon 2020, no maga, not even JoJo2020. Yes BLM, whether that's a black or blue "B". Maybe you don't understand that BLM isn't running for office, isn't a candidate, and isn't a political party....yet.

Social issues, even those that have been politicized, are allowed..
like blm or support for police garb. You can wear a shirt that says "VOTE", you can't wear one that says "VOTE BYE-DON".

• Trump tweeted in response to a photo of a slide leaked by a Goodyear employee that purportedly shows that “Black Lives Matter”-branded clothes are acceptable to wear at work but “MAGA attire” is not.

• In a public statement, Goodyear said that it asks its employees to refrain from political campaigning for any political party but allows advocacy for racial justice and equity issues.

Jesusismypilot said:

"Goodyear Tire made the unforgivable mistake of applying it's long term policy of no political statements on clothing allowed at work without making an exception for Maga hats."

Nice lie.

for those that care (obviously not the OP) -

Vote Out Racism

newtboy says...

Nice try Bobski. Good luck convincing anyone that Trump isn't a racist despite all evidence but Biden is racist because he made a joke with a black person he was being interviewed by. It's like the insanity of pretending Trump is more healthy and fit even though he can't walk down a wheelchair ramp and Biden goes bicycling regularly.

Besides, that's not even what he actually said. He joked "If you have a problem figuring out whether you're for me or Trump, then you ain't black."
Now, let's see Trump's words and actions....his real, not joking, racist history....

Not to mention the racist fake birther movement, which Trump championed, his racist attempt to delegitimize Obama's presidency by claiming he wasn't American, culminating with his fake press conference finally exposing the astonishing information his investigators found about Obama's birth certificate (nothing) that turned out to be bait and switch topics for a cheesy commercial for his shit hole hotels.

Shit hole countries, shit hole people.

Nazis and white supremacists rioting and murdering innocent people are good people.

Blacks demanding equality under the law are thugs and criminals.

And according to almost every ex employee.....
"Fucking Ni**ers."
~Donald J Trump (blatant long term actual fucking racist)


TangledThorns said:

If you don't vote for me then you ain't black!

~Joe Biden (f'ing racist!)

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