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lucky760 (Member Profile)

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

You don’t have to tell your kids anything because they won’t speak to you….

PS- felons cannot have a liquor license…so no more drinking at the golf course or Mar a Lago. New Jersey is already in the process of pulling the license from 3 courses, more to follow. That’s gonna really hurt, the bar is the cash cow in country clubs. Trust me, I know. 😂

The Maga argument has become ‘Convicted felon Trump is too old to sit in prison, but not too old to perform with strength and energy the most important job in the world.’ 100% sure you agree and don’t see any contradiction.

PPS- Hunter convicted, President Biden has ruled out a pardon…compare with the previous, now disgraced felon president who pardoned dozens of his cabinet for serious felonies against America and insists he should get a pardon for his own crimes…can even you convince yourself he would 1)allow his DOJ to prosecute his own son or 2) refrain from immediately pardoning him? You probably can, you are that gullible.

Michael Cohen to Trump donors: 'It's time to wake up, stupid

newtboy says...

Exactly what I predicted…. “No amount of incontrovertible evidence can penetrate the rectal shield he has encased his head in.”

You absolute brain dead fucktard…you admitted before this reply that he said those things (after I linked you the exact Toth he Tothed), you called them “flexing” (as if that’s some reasonable or acceptable explanation for saying the most anti American things possible to your crowd who cheers for all of it). 😂

Now, just hours later, you are back to denying he said them, now calling yourself a liar (finally got something right!).

You really are so dumb you can’t keep a thought for 1/2 a day without reversing your position twice. 😂

You fucking idiot, go drink some bleach and shove a light bulb up your ass. At least you’ll finally be able to see in there. It’s the only “enlightenment” you are capable of, your mind is in self imposed darkness so deep and total it makes the deepest ocean abyss seem bright by comparison.

bobknight33 said:

All spin pieces.

Not actual Trump with context.

Go to the source not biased news

How Reagan answered the age old question

newtboy says...

Even with all his many, MANY flaws, he only needed one hand to drink water.

Honestly, as absolutely criminal, sneaky, and actually clinically demented as Regan was, I never questioned his love of America, not something you can say for today’s republicans.

A cat, trying to drink water from a kettle

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Clarice Schillinger who ran for lieutenant governor of Pennsylvania on an anti-woke parental rights platform was arrested a second time for holding underage drinking parties at her home, this time she also repeatedly punched some of the 20+ young (15-18) year olds in the face when they tried to leave.

Her slogan- “our kids are counting on us.”…apparently to get them alcohol and beat them up….BECAUSE WON’T SOMEBODY PLEASE THINK ABOUT THE CHILDREN!?

More typical MAGA.

CycberTruck Beats a Porsche 911

cloudballoon says...

Like, "So?" It's a commercial for Tesla, it's not like the driver of the 911 is the Stig.

Besides, Porsche has electric car models too, use those in the same price bracket for a more apple-to-apple comparison.

Some people is drinking too much Musk-Aid to think this is in any way significant.

Is Donald Trump a Fascist? | Robert Reich

luxintenebris says...

am aware of the adage 'can't make it drink' & y'all being one dehydrated horse

but, does anything ever quiver - shake - hum in your cognizance? as if something is trying to get attention?

most folks like to look at themselves in a mirror before they go out in public. check for stains - zippers - or anything that might give others the impression they're careless or slovenly.

y'all are acting like a vampire looking in a mirror.


- don is full-blown mentally ill. he isn't driving. forget everything else...he is balls-to-wall sunk-in insane

- don is lip-syncing Adolph

- IS a Fascist

that 'peace' is torpid acuity.

bobknight33 said:

I walk in peace knowing that there are a very stupid and gullible people like you walking around.

Fastest UFC Knockout Ever

BSR says...

I'd ask for my money back. That was WAY too short for my expectations. A fight should take long enough for me to at least finish my drink and popcorn! Just listen to how upset that crowd is! What's this world coming to anyway?


BSR says...

Well, my brain wasn't that strong then. I used a drinking straw. Then she rejected my offer for date.

newtboy said:

I would have grabbed a sponge or rag and said “no problem, my brain is strong too”.

Madison Beer - Spinnin


newtboy says...

High rent and low wages are two Republican promises they delivered on.

The groceries he claims are $100 worth would cost under $50 in California, where cost of living is on the high end if not the highest…unless there’s a $50 gift card hidden inside the greeting card or those drinks cost over $10 each. What nonsense.

I give Bob verified facts and statistics often with citations, he replies with randos whine/lying on the interweb that eggs cost $20. 😂

Nice try convincing people the economy is failing. That’s the new Republican lie. You need it to be true or your world view falls apart…but it’s simply nonsense bob. “Hide and watch, it’s going to all fall apart tomorrow” is no rebuttal for actual economic numbers and trends. 😂

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

😂 You unbelievable ijit! 😂

I give you verified facts and figures…you scream “NOT!!” And send back randos whining on the interweb about low minimum wage high rent and fake food costs that all got much worse Jan 2017-2021. Typically, you have no facts or statistics to offer because they don’t support your position at all.

Whining about their low wages at entry level jobs, which is a thing conservatives fought hard to keep, never rising rock bottom low wages and ever increasing rent. Now you blame Biden for low minimum wages your party wants even lower and refuses to raise. Under Biden, wages are rising at 4.4%, double inflation and double the rate they increased under Trump, but now mostly at the low end instead of 99% of gains going to the top 1% and nothing (or cuts) to hourly workers under Trump. Profits are record setting too, driving a significant portion of inflation. 😂

Lying about $45 worth of food costing $100 (unless those drink cans are >$10 each not $2, the two old spices are $25, the hidden meat is filet mignon and another >$25 not $10 chicken, you pay $10 for fresh OJ not the $3 I pay, and the card has a gift card inside).

I live in rural Northern California, where everything is expensive…that’s well under $50 in groceries here. 😂 🤦‍♂️


Bidenomics staved off a recession/depression everyone predicted after Trump, cut inflation faster than any other western country, raised wages twice as fast as conservatives targeting the low end, and created more jobs than the last 4 Republican presidents combined in 3 years, all while delivering record corporate profits and a strong market.
Trumpenomics was a disaster that lost 3 million jobs, lost actual earning capacity for most (wages rose slower than inflation), had the first ever negative gdp in our lifetimes, caused massive inflation, and lowered our national credit rating for the first time….failed on every metric used to gauge the economy.
And never forget he tried to end democracy, killed 1 million Americans, and IS A RAPIST.
Sleepy grandpa wiped the floor with him from his basement despite all your MAGA fervor and outrage. 😂

Thanks for the laughs. You liars are always hilarious when trying to make a point you know facts and reality don’t support.

bobknight33 said:

Bidenomics is GREAT! NOT

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Lol…WOKE is dying as a slur. 😂

It’s not helping DeSantis screaming about woke everything every fourth word, and it’s hurting Florida terribly.
Not only has Disney cancelled well over a BILLION dollars of investments in Florida and decided not to create thousands of good paying jobs there (and beaten DeSantis in courts like a step child), tourism is falling, travel safety warnings growing daily, and at least 14 major conventions have cancelled citing a hostile political climate (like the Tom Joiner foundation (sports betting and online gambling), specialty toy retail association, research in vision and ophthalmology, and the national sales network conference…not liberal conferences, business conferences with tens of thousands of well off attendees now getting hotels and expensive meals in another state).

Florida, already over $24 BILLION IN DEBT (officially predicted to be over $30 billion by 2027) is losing three of its cash flow streams thanks to the undefined “war on woke” that has destroyed DeSantis’s campaign dreams. Not even most Republicans care about that stupid culture war “woke” nonsense, and those who do couldn’t tell you what it is if their lives depended on it. 😂

PS- now both kid Rock and Manly Greene have been caught selling or drinking the beer they both started a conservative boycott of, proving again your leaders (both cultural and political) don’t do or believe what they say….ever.

I guess Cheesebro’s attempt to separate his trial by demanding a speedy trial isn’t working as expected. 😂

Oliver Anthony - Rich Men North Of Richmond

newtboy says...

Derp….because they created them. Most I found are professional “conservative blacks” (like Diamond and Silk) hyping the video with fake “reaction videos”. You can find plenty of videos of the same people trashing BLM and defending conservatives and Jan 6….some are people who put out (seemingly nothing but) positive reaction videos.

This is being astroturfed to the extreme, much like “Sound of Freedom” was (it was playing to sold out theaters with absolutely no one watching it)… promoted by conservative influencers and politicians, overhyped to the extreme. It’s what the right does, you create this fake popularism then point to it and say nonsense like “Americans and 100% behind this song” to make yourself feel less alone in your views. How’s that been working for you?

Try to find negative reaction videos to any song, it’s hard no matter how bad the song is, positive reaction videos get views, negative reaction videos get discarded. I looked through all the videos made by those you posted, not one song any of them disliked. I’ve actually never seen a reaction video where the listener didn’t LOVE the song they’re pretending to hear for the first time, and I’ve seen plenty.

Best reaction yet….
“Boss gets a dollar
While I get a dime
Please cut his taxes
And deregulate mines”. Says it all for me.

I’ve not heard a thing about this on media before you posted it, I had to look it up myself…as usual. I don’t get my information from “the media”, I get it from researching multiple conflicting sources, and using my brain.

Really, you think Americans are 100% behind ANYTHING?!? Just more proof how delusional you are. You think Americans are 100% behind Trump too. 😂

Elites. Lol. No, son. Lots of people, including many conservatives dislike the message of this song, they are replying “if you don’t get paid enough, get a better job, there’s plenty of opportunity…stop drinking and whining.”.
Liberals dislike the fat shaming and tax blaming while letting the 1% off the hook for screwing the workers hard and deep.

1%ers….you have no clue what you say, do you? Let’s see…who are the 1%ers bob? Am I one? Are 45% of the country 1%ers? 😂

As a stand alone song, it’s nothing special, not great not terrible, probably would have gotten 5-10000 views in a year and never gone anywhere…but as the new conservative anthem hyped by all conservatives ad nauseam, it’s gawd awful.

bobknight33 said:

Since this song is, as you imply, racist, why are the black reaction videos all liking this song?

You being feed lies and BS from the media you watch. Americans and 100% behind this song.

Only the left elites are against it. You know the 1%ers

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